Author Topic: New Quitter  (Read 3432 times)

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2014, 01:57:00 PM »
Quote from: JACK
I was at a wedding this weekend in which my best friend got married. I had the honor of being his best man, and I realized something during the celebration weekend.

I was able to get through the entire weekend without having a lip turd in my mouth, and it didn't hit me until late Sunday night, meaning I am making huge strides in my quit. The last couple of weekends it's been on my mind a lot, but it didn't even phase me this weekend.

Just wanted to share that - Keeping the mindset of one day at a time is truly the best thing, and if I can do this, anyone can.

Stay strong Brothers!
Atta boy Jack ... another nice win brother!
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2014, 09:46:00 AM »
Quote from: JACK
Thanks for the support guys - I have talked to some of the guys in my November group and gotten some digits. I've been doing pretty good so far - I was definitely feeling the physical withdrawal yesterday and last night but that has subsided greatly today. I appreciate all the support!
Drink a lot of water the next few days- flush that poison out of your system and hydrate. It will help with the fog. Exercise and get a sweat on. Read, read, and read some more on here. Good job on getting numbers- use them.

Put time into your quit everyday and build a solid quit foundation. It's going to suck for awhile- write about it here in your intro so you can go back and read about it.

Make that promise early and everyday that you aren't going to use nicotine for any reason that day.

I quit with you today.

Quit on.


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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2014, 09:25:00 AM »
I was at a wedding this weekend in which my best friend got married. I had the honor of being his best man, and I realized something during the celebration weekend.

I was able to get through the entire weekend without having a lip turd in my mouth, and it didn't hit me until late Sunday night, meaning I am making huge strides in my quit. The last couple of weekends it's been on my mind a lot, but it didn't even phase me this weekend.

Just wanted to share that - Keeping the mindset of one day at a time is truly the best thing, and if I can do this, anyone can.

Stay strong Brothers!

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2014, 10:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: JACK
Saw Curt Schilling on ESPN this morning. He did an interview with Karl Ravech talking about his mouth cancer.

He was a chewer for 30+ years and mentioned that he felt "untouchable" while playing baseball. He said he thought nothing could hurt him because he had all this money and expendable resources.

He mentioned "I don't want to go through the treatments and radiation I went through again. I was in pain 24 hours a day, all because I was stubborn."

I'm glad his cancer is in remission, and it's just another subtle reminder to stay quit and stay strong for myself, and for my family.

21 Days in and I feel myself getting stronger everyday.
Nice, Jack! Three weeks is a HUGE step! Keep those daily reminders brother.

You are doing this.
Great post Frog, proud to be quit with you today.
Agree with Thumble and Nolaq. Great post...simple yet riveting. A great reminder of why being quit is the best thing you can do for yourself every day.
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2014, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: JACK
Saw Curt Schilling on ESPN this morning. He did an interview with Karl Ravech talking about his mouth cancer.

He was a chewer for 30+ years and mentioned that he felt "untouchable" while playing baseball. He said he thought nothing could hurt him because he had all this money and expendable resources.

He mentioned "I don't want to go through the treatments and radiation I went through again. I was in pain 24 hours a day, all because I was stubborn."

I'm glad his cancer is in remission, and it's just another subtle reminder to stay quit and stay strong for myself, and for my family.

21 Days in and I feel myself getting stronger everyday.
Nice, Jack! Three weeks is a HUGE step! Keep those daily reminders brother.

You are doing this.
Great post Frog, proud to be quit with you today.
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2014, 08:20:00 AM »
Quote from: JACK
Saw Curt Schilling on ESPN this morning. He did an interview with Karl Ravech talking about his mouth cancer.

He was a chewer for 30+ years and mentioned that he felt "untouchable" while playing baseball. He said he thought nothing could hurt him because he had all this money and expendable resources.

He mentioned "I don't want to go through the treatments and radiation I went through again. I was in pain 24 hours a day, all because I was stubborn."

I'm glad his cancer is in remission, and it's just another subtle reminder to stay quit and stay strong for myself, and for my family.

21 Days in and I feel myself getting stronger everyday.
Nice, Jack! Three weeks is a HUGE step! Keep those daily reminders brother.

You are doing this.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!


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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2014, 08:11:00 AM »
Saw Curt Schilling on ESPN this morning. He did an interview with Karl Ravech talking about his mouth cancer.

He was a chewer for 30+ years and mentioned that he felt "untouchable" while playing baseball. He said he thought nothing could hurt him because he had all this money and expendable resources.

He mentioned "I don't want to go through the treatments and radiation I went through again. I was in pain 24 hours a day, all because I was stubborn."

I'm glad his cancer is in remission, and it's just another subtle reminder to stay quit and stay strong for myself, and for my family.

21 Days in and I feel myself getting stronger everyday.


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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2014, 06:03:00 PM »
Today's quote of the day:

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Darwin



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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2014, 07:24:00 PM »
Love the video and love the advice rdad- I mentioned AC/DC in my introduction, and I love that song and video that Air Force posted. Because of that, I've updated my avatar. Fitting!

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2014, 07:16:00 PM »
Quote from: JACK
I've read some stuff on here that talks about the "waves" that come and go throughout this process. I think that's what I'm starting to feel, but honestly no bullshit here - I feel myself getting stronger each day that passes.
You should be feeling better and getting stronger all the time all the time. Embrace your freedom. If things didn't get better Nobody would stay quit. There are a lot of rewards for finally quitting. Keep going Brother!

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2014, 07:10:00 PM »
IÂ’m gonna ride on, ride on
standing on the edge of the road
thumb in the air
one of these days IÂ’m gonna, change my evil ways
'til then IÂ’ll just keep
riding on


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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2014, 06:58:00 PM »
I've read some stuff on here that talks about the "waves" that come and go throughout this process. I think that's what I'm starting to feel, but honestly no bullshit here - I feel myself getting stronger each day that passes.

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #30 on: August 26, 2014, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Roy
Quote from: JACK
Embracing "The Suck" of the first 10 days big time today. I've had a headache all day and my body I can tell is reacting. Hanging in there and WILL NOT cave!
Hang in there! I'm at Day 16 myself and each day has gotten a little better. Definitely better than the first week.

Hit me up with a PM if you need another set of digits!
Way to work Jack and Roy. With every nicotine free hour that passes you are winning. It will get better. One of our favorite mottos, "it will suck until it doesn't suck any more."
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2014, 01:19:00 PM »
Quote from: JACK
Embracing "The Suck" of the first 10 days big time today. I've had a headache all day and my body I can tell is reacting. Hanging in there and WILL NOT cave!
Hang in there! I'm at Day 16 myself and each day has gotten a little better. Definitely better than the first week.

Hit me up with a PM if you need another set of digits!
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Re: New Quitter
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2014, 01:16:00 PM »
Quote from: JACK
Embracing "The Suck" of the first 10 days big time today. I've had a headache all day and my body I can tell is reacting. Hanging in there and WILL NOT cave!
Way to grit it out. I can guarantee you on Day 20 you will feel way better than you feel now. You basically have dealt with the 10 worst days of quitting. Never go back here again. Congrats Jack.