Author Topic: Just one more dip  (Read 1665 times)

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Offline kb81

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2010, 03:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Daylight
Klark, Why am i here?  I have a question... why are you here.  If i wanted to be nagged or commanded i would talk to my girl, in fact you two seem to be in concert with each other.

Like i tell her "you can't help, just shut up and look pretty"

I am here looking for advice...  I think that this is the right place.

Klark is giving you great advice...matter of fact, everybody here is giving you great advice. I hope you seriously don't tell your girlfriend to "just shut up and look pretty." How fucking rude is this? I'm sure you're just the average "internet bully" and wouldn't say that to her. And, if i'm wrong and you do say that to her, I'm sure you wouldn't have the balls to pop off to some dude you fucking coward.

EDIT: almost roll daily and i'm quit at 141 days with you.
( . )( . )

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2010, 09:43:00 PM »
Someone tell me. how do you ride a horse, play poker, shoot feral hogs, drink whiskey, drink a beer around the fire without a dip.

Post roll giving your word of honor that you will not use nicotine in any way shape or form for today. Keep your word. Post roll tomorrow. It can be done. I am proof.

Ready - 950.

Offline minuteofangle

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2010, 08:26:00 PM »
First everyone that has replied has taken time out of their lives to try to help you, a total stranger, quit.

Second, Everyone that has replied to your post IS ALSO AN ADDICT and has been where you are now. That is why they feel qualified to respond.

Third, Because we have all been where you are now we know how you feel. Defensive about your addiction. Why? Because as addicts we too were defensive. People tring to get us to quit were an annoyance and we became good at defending our addictive behavior.

Fourth, Do not mistake our assistance for judgement. We are not judging you. Even the most devout quitter is only 1 bad decision away from being where you are now.

Finally, the advice you have been given is great advice. If you want to quit. I mean actually , truly want to quit. Admit you are an addict. Educate yourself about your addiction. Create a PLAN to quit. Get rid of all forms of tobacco around you. Then just fucking quit. Arent you tired of excuses? Sack up and join us. I'll bet you will never say "I wished I hadn't joined KTC."

MOA - nicotene free for 100 days TODAY after a 24 year habit

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2010, 04:24:00 PM »
I don't see any bad advice in here daylight. All of those things can be done without a dip. Your story is no different and no more special than anyone else here.

YOU have to make the decision to quit. We can't help you until you do.

If you hang around here long enough, you will learn that we will never say, "its okay buddy, you just come back around when you feel like giving this a shot."

One more piece of advice, get over yourself....get to quitting.

Offline davenc

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2010, 04:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
Klark, Why am i here? I have a question... why are you here. If i wanted to be nagged or commanded i would talk to my girl, in fact you two seem to be in concert with each other.

Like i tell her "you can't help, just shut up and look pretty"

I am here looking for advice... I think that this is the right place.

Dude the only way you're gonna quit is if you quit cold turkey right now. If you have any doubts about quitting or are on the fence you better just come back when you're ready to commit. This is a no nic site. There are no trying, no patches, no nic gum, etc., just full blown quit. We want you to quit with us and we are willing to help and support you but it all starts with you. You've got to make that decision to want to quit and take control of your life back. This is a place to ask for advice AFTER you've quit. We're not going to hold your hand and say yeah you can dip until such and such date and you'll be fine. That is fucking bullshit and you know it! Now get off your fucking ass and throw your shit away and post roll call up in December and stay quit!

And I like a woman that is in charge. I'll be more than happy to give your girl a ride on Space Mountain...
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2010, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
Klark, Why am i here? I have a question... why are you here. If i wanted to be nagged or commanded i would talk to my girl, in fact you two seem to be in concert with each other.

Like i tell her "you can't help, just shut up and look pretty"

I am here looking for advice... I think that this is the right place.

I have advice, Daylight. I think, because you are here, you really mean to quit. I don't think it's possible to come here without wanting to quit. With that in mind, why are you defying your own will by putting another dip in your mouth? Here's the real truth, man: from this day forward, because you came here, every dip you take is one you don't really want. You can think it's your choice all you want but the truth will be that you are flat out fucking owned by a substance YOU DON'T WANT. I know you don't want it because you came here.

Now, here's the advice: stop putting dip in your mouth. Pretty simple. Every time you think you want it, you're being fooled. You aren't a fool, right? Right. So quit acting like one and own your life again. That's my advice, coming from someone who has struggled with this for years but luckily had the same moment of clarity you are having today. Acknowledge your own wishes and make today the last day you chew.

Offline Daylight

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2010, 03:45:00 PM »
Klark, Why am i here? I have a question... why are you here. If i wanted to be nagged or commanded i would talk to my girl, in fact you two seem to be in concert with each other.

Like i tell her "you can't help, just shut up and look pretty"

I am here looking for advice... I think that this is the right place.



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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2010, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
It seems that most of you have quit.  I will get there but i don't even feel close right now.  I am going to dive in again and throw the can away...

Excuses, yes i have a few.  My truck blew a high pressure fuel line, then the Flywheel went out???  How does a flywheel break?   When it is fixed i will have to clean about 10gal of Diesel off the entire truck.

It will only cost me 1700 to fix.  The cope only cost 5

And to the one guy...  I have never done a chick with a dip in...
If you are serious and genuinely want motivation, read, read... read about those who didn't quit and paid, read about those who are paying for others who didn't quit. Read about those who read AND SAID NO MORE EXCUSES...I QUIT.

Just was shown this yesterday and emailed to everyone I know who hasn't quit.

I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life - it's worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn't start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my familyÂ’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.

I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction - I do so with a smile on face.

Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________

It won't ever not hurt or not suck....until you quit....12 days out it sucks less than it ever has. It still hurts at times but there is something sweet about the fog of victory.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

Quit Contract

If you have kids read this.

Offline klark

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2010, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
It seems that most of you have quit. I will get there but i don't even feel close right now. I am going to dive in again and throw the can away...

Excuses, yes i have a few. My truck blew a high pressure fuel line, then the Flywheel went out??? How does a flywheel break? When it is fixed i will have to clean about 10gal of Diesel off the entire truck.

It will only cost me 1700 to fix. The cope only cost 5

And to the one guy... I have never done a chick with a dip in...
Dude, why did you come here then? Did you want us to tell you it's ok, go ahead and keep dipping? We don't make excuses here, we quit and that's it. There is never a reason to put a dip in, it does not change a thing.

When you are ready to man up and take your life back, we will be here. Until then, you need to decide you want to quit. Otherwise, I have no idea why you would even be here.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.

Offline Daylight

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2010, 03:22:00 PM »
It seems that most of you have quit. I will get there but i don't even feel close right now. I am going to dive in again and throw the can away...

Excuses, yes i have a few. My truck blew a high pressure fuel line, then the Flywheel went out??? How does a flywheel break? When it is fixed i will have to clean about 10gal of Diesel off the entire truck.

It will only cost me 1700 to fix. The cope only cost 5

And to the one guy... I have never done a chick with a dip in...

Offline kb81

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2010, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: RagingJew
Quote from: Daylight
Someone tell me.  how do you ride a horse, play poker, shoot feral hogs, drink whiskey, drink a beer around the fire without a dip.

Simple: Just don't dip. It will feel odd at first, you may even have a tiny panic attack, but it will pass. How?

Just remind yourself that for a good chunk of the last century, you were lied to, poisoned, robbed, and forgotten about by one of the most incidious industries in history. They've murdered more than The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany combined. They've sold you a product that is known to be more addictive than heroin or cocaine. They sold you a product that carries the carcinogens and poisons found in common insecticides. The price for their products go up every year, while politicians rake in huge sums of your money to fund pet projects and to buy votes.

Don't fucking feel anxious, broseph! "Oh Jew, what am I going to do?!?!"
MAN THE FUCK UP! Get obscenely pissed off every time you feel that urge, every time you hear that bitch whisper in your ears. You remember these things about our common enemy. Bow up and scream at the top of you lungs "BITCH, FUCK OFF! I DON'T NEED YOU ANY MORE THAN I NEED MY COCK CLAWED OFF WITH A FORK!! LEAVE ME BE!!"

Ofcourse, if you yell that in public, you might be asked to leave where ever that may be.

Just sayin.
This is one of the best posts I have read on this site. It is very true what the man is saying.
( . )( . )

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2010, 01:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
Someone tell me. how do you ride a horse, play poker, shoot feral hogs, drink whiskey, drink a beer around the fire without a dip.

Simple: Just don't dip. It will feel odd at first, you may even have a tiny panic attack, but it will pass. How?

Just remind yourself that for a good chunk of the last century, you were lied to, poisoned, robbed, and forgotten about by one of the most incidious industries in history. They've murdered more than The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany combined. They've sold you a product that is known to be more addictive than heroin or cocaine. They sold you a product that carries the carcinogens and poisons found in common insecticides. The price for their products go up every year, while politicians rake in huge sums of your money to fund pet projects and to buy votes.

Don't fucking feel anxious, broseph! "Oh Jew, what am I going to do?!?!"
MAN THE FUCK UP! Get obscenely pissed off every time you feel that urge, every time you hear that bitch whisper in your ears. You remember these things about our common enemy. Bow up and scream at the top of you lungs "BITCH, FUCK OFF! I DON'T NEED YOU ANY MORE THAN I NEED MY COCK CLAWED OFF WITH A FORK!! LEAVE ME BE!!"

Ofcourse, if you yell that in public, you might be asked to leave where ever that may be.

Just sayin.

Offline davenc

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2010, 01:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
Started when I was 10, i am now 51. How many cans a week... doesn't matter. Never tried to quit before...Ever...

Stopped for 3 days then found an old can with a little dried up left. Put some Jack in it and caved.

Didn't dip yesterday but bought a can this morning after a fight with my girl... I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, just myself. I don't think it will work any other way.

I don't have cancer, i don't have sores, it's just time.

Someone tell me. how do you ride a horse, play poker, shoot feral hogs, drink whiskey, drink a beer around the fire without a dip.

You need to read the Tom Kern story on this site. It is a true story. If you can still want a dip after reading that then you have much deeper problems than a nicotine addiction. And down the road when a craving hits go read that story.

You can do this. If the rest of us can then you can. Stay quit!
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2010, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
Someone tell me.  how do you ride a horse, play poker, shoot feral hogs, drink whiskey, drink a beer around the fire without a dip.
The same way you don't when you are taking a shit, driving a car, driving a truck, riding in a plane, mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage, cleaning the pool, trimming trees, raking leaves, watching a movie, watching a football game, tailgating in the parking lot, playing pool, throwing darts, standing on line for a roller coaster, coaching sports, playing baseball, playing softball, fighting, walking, jogging, riding a bike, riding a motorcycle, fishing, hunting, eating pussy, getting your dick sucked, nailing a chick, sleeping, showering, painting, sanding, staining, sawing, hammering, paving, shoveling snow, cleaning your gun, sharpening your knife, sitting in church, temple, watching a wedding, at a club, a show, at a seminar, sitting on the beach, hiking, climbing a mountain, walking the beach, walking your dog, cleaning your litter box, tiling a bathroom, cleaning a bathroom, cleaning a toilet, marching, shooting, flying
football rules, soccer drools

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Re: Just one more dip
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2010, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Daylight
Started when I was 10, i am now 51. How many cans a week... doesn't matter. Never tried to quit before...Ever...

Stopped for 3 days then found an old can with a little dried up left. Put some Jack in it and caved.

Didn't dip yesterday but bought a can this morning after a fight with my girl... I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, just myself. I don't think it will work any other way.

I don't have cancer, i don't have sores, it's just time.

Someone tell me. how do you ride a horse, play poker, shoot feral hogs, drink whiskey, drink a beer around the fire without a dip.

First, you pull up your big girl panties and stop making excuses.

You signed up, good first step. Now go to December and post roll everyday with your brothers. Read as much as you can on the site, and we will help you get through this.

Quitting is not easy but you will be glad you did it. Time to take your life back.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.