Hey all, Kyle here
I finally said enough is enough on October 9th 2016. I was actually sick with some kind of stomach bug and couldn't take a dip for the life of me but after that had come and gone I was just determined to let go of my addiction. I have an 8 month old at home who is one of my biggest driving forces to stay off the stuff, along with a hottie of a wife who never bitched about it, although she hated it. She has given me lots of support and encouragement throughout the beginning of this journey. I fish and hunt a lot so I knew that was going to be the hardest part for me as it was the time I enjoyed a dip the most, I took the boat out and although it was hard, I focused on fishing and enjoying the outdoors with out it.
I honestly got to the point where I wasn't even enjoying it anymore and realistically doing it to supply my craving as it would manage my day by when and where and how long I got to keep it in. From 15-20 years of age I would do it from time to time along with cigs, then the doc told me I would be hauling around an oxygen tank if I didn't lose the cigs, so I picked up dipping full time at the age of 20 till now, I'm 31, that's roughly $15,000 that I spit into a cup, bottle, on the ground, in the toilet, etc..
All this to say I plan on sticking with it and this forum will help to hold me accountable and read others struggles along the way.
Good luck to all that fight the good fight, and stay strong.