Author Topic: Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD  (Read 1001 times)

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Re: Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2010, 04:47:00 PM »
Quote from: TampaCJ
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Cathunter
I started in the May group and caved on my 12th day. I thought I could take just one dip. I learned that one dip is a total paradigm shift. So I chewed up until now, trying to quit a bunch more times but never even making it through the first day. I wasn't on the site and obviously not posting roll. I thought I would ditch the site because I kind of hate getting on everyday when it's making me think about chewing even more. But fuck it, if posting roll is what it's going to take I will do it. So this is my last quit. I've been chewing for about 14 months daily. I need to get my whole life on track and this is just the first thing I need to do. My reasons are:
1. Watching my gums shrink away everyday, fear of losing a tooth
2. Feeling like shit when I wake up everyday
3. Not getting a proper diet because I'm not hungry
4. Being a slave
5. Hiding throughout the day to chew
6. All the sick physical effects of nicotine alone on my body
7. Not being able to smell or taste
8. Having weird buzzes that I really don't even enjoy

Money and cancer just don't seem to scare me, but the reasons above really hit home with me. I'll be posting roll tomorrow, March 1st. I know I can do this, my last quit attempt was not that hard but the psychological addiction is the real bitch.
uh, whats wrong with posting roll right the fuck now. Or is that dip in your lip just too damn good to throw away.

For fucks sake man. Quit the fucking shit already.

Post roll, Give your word and keep that mother fucker.
What I am wondering is, if you were on this site, how the fuck could you think that you could just have 1 dip. Did you not read anything these long time vets have taught us. And if you have been chewing daily for 14 months, how could you post roll 11 times in the May group. Were you lieing to them?

And Ready is right, post roll right now. I know you have a big marathon dipping session planned tonight, well cancel it and get your name back on roll call right now. Spend the rest of the evening reading everything on this site so you have no excuse for being a "fucking retard"
What is with all the people lately posting in here that they will be quitting in "x" number of days from now? I certainly hope that while you are waiting for that day and cramming your mouth with extra dip that you didn't give cancer the opportunity to sneak into your mouth.

Quit now. Not tomorrow!
LOOTs fucking head is going to explode

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2010, 04:37:00 PM »
You just quit ___ days, hours, minutes ago. Man the urge is bad, you can barely stand it. Is feels like your skin is crawling. You are comming apart from the inside out. You feel like you can spin yourself in a circle like the Tasmanian devil. It sucks something fierce. I know, we all know. We have not only been in your shoes we are in your shoes. You would repel naked from the statue of liberty for a dip if someone would just let you. Well, that is something you must ask permission for. Yes, you must ask a quit brother for permission to give in, to loose, to FAIL. I don't think anyone would let you fail. But you must ask. If you didn't, you lost your accountability and you are weak! What are you? Who are you? What are you made of? You certainly were badass enough to start dipping are your MAN enough to QUIT? There are plenty of tools here to quit and stay quit. You must be smart enough to use them. When you realize you are not alone you will suceed.

You see that one dip you give into could possibly be the one that turns on the cancer gene in one cell. One that rapidly multiplies. One that the dotor says, man this is bad, it doesn't look good. The one that ends your life. THE ONE THAT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED. If only you stood up, acted like a man and honored your word.

If that seems so difficult, I suggest you spend some time reading this repeatedly:
over and over till the finality of self inflicted death sinks in, and the simple fact that you can prevent it hits home. God rest his soul, but may it be a learning experience for you.

Are you smart enough to figure it out, and are you man enough to do anything about it? You found the tools, will you use them properly? Let's hope so, your life depends on it!
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline SeattleCJ

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Re: Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2010, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Cathunter
I started in the May group and caved on my 12th day. I thought I could take just one dip. I learned that one dip is a total paradigm shift. So I chewed up until now, trying to quit a bunch more times but never even making it through the first day. I wasn't on the site and obviously not posting roll. I thought I would ditch the site because I kind of hate getting on everyday when it's making me think about chewing even more. But fuck it, if posting roll is what it's going to take I will do it. So this is my last quit. I've been chewing for about 14 months daily. I need to get my whole life on track and this is just the first thing I need to do. My reasons are:
1. Watching my gums shrink away everyday, fear of losing a tooth
2. Feeling like shit when I wake up everyday
3. Not getting a proper diet because I'm not hungry
4. Being a slave
5. Hiding throughout the day to chew
6. All the sick physical effects of nicotine alone on my body
7. Not being able to smell or taste
8. Having weird buzzes that I really don't even enjoy

Money and cancer just don't seem to scare me, but the reasons above really hit home with me. I'll be posting roll tomorrow, March 1st. I know I can do this, my last quit attempt was not that hard but the psychological addiction is the real bitch.
uh, whats wrong with posting roll right the fuck now. Or is that dip in your lip just too damn good to throw away.

For fucks sake man. Quit the fucking shit already.

Post roll, Give your word and keep that mother fucker.
What I am wondering is, if you were on this site, how the fuck could you think that you could just have 1 dip. Did you not read anything these long time vets have taught us. And if you have been chewing daily for 14 months, how could you post roll 11 times in the May group. Were you lieing to them?

And Ready is right, post roll right now. I know you have a big marathon dipping session planned tonight, well cancel it and get your name back on roll call right now. Spend the rest of the evening reading everything on this site so you have no excuse for being a "fucking retard"
What is with all the people lately posting in here that they will be quitting in "x" number of days from now? I certainly hope that while you are waiting for that day and cramming your mouth with extra dip that you didn't give cancer the opportunity to sneak into your mouth.

Quit now. Not tomorrow!
Quit: 8/28/09
HOF: 12/05/09

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Re: Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2010, 05:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Cathunter
I started in the May group and caved on my 12th day. I thought I could take just one dip. I learned that one dip is a total paradigm shift. So I chewed up until now, trying to quit a bunch more times but never even making it through the first day. I wasn't on the site and obviously not posting roll. I thought I would ditch the site because I kind of hate getting on everyday when it's making me think about chewing even more. But fuck it, if posting roll is what it's going to take I will do it. So this is my last quit. I've been chewing for about 14 months daily. I need to get my whole life on track and this is just the first thing I need to do. My reasons are:
1. Watching my gums shrink away everyday, fear of losing a tooth
2. Feeling like shit when I wake up everyday
3. Not getting a proper diet because I'm not hungry
4. Being a slave
5. Hiding throughout the day to chew
6. All the sick physical effects of nicotine alone on my body
7. Not being able to smell or taste
8. Having weird buzzes that I really don't even enjoy

Money and cancer just don't seem to scare me, but the reasons above really hit home with me. I'll be posting roll tomorrow, March 1st. I know I can do this, my last quit attempt was not that hard but the psychological addiction is the real bitch.
uh, whats wrong with posting roll right the fuck now. Or is that dip in your lip just too damn good to throw away.

For fucks sake man. Quit the fucking shit already.

Post roll, Give your word and keep that mother fucker.
What I am wondering is, if you were on this site, how the fuck could you think that you could just have 1 dip. Did you not read anything these long time vets have taught us. And if you have been chewing daily for 14 months, how could you post roll 11 times in the May group. Were you lieing to them?

And Ready is right, post roll right now. I know you have a big marathon dipping session planned tonight, well cancel it and get your name back on roll call right now. Spend the rest of the evening reading everything on this site so you have no excuse for being a "fucking retard"

Offline Ready

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Re: Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2010, 05:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Cathunter
I started in the May group and caved on my 12th day. I thought I could take just one dip. I learned that one dip is a total paradigm shift. So I chewed up until now, trying to quit a bunch more times but never even making it through the first day. I wasn't on the site and obviously not posting roll. I thought I would ditch the site because I kind of hate getting on everyday when it's making me think about chewing even more. But fuck it, if posting roll is what it's going to take I will do it. So this is my last quit. I've been chewing for about 14 months daily. I need to get my whole life on track and this is just the first thing I need to do. My reasons are:
1. Watching my gums shrink away everyday, fear of losing a tooth
2. Feeling like shit when I wake up everyday
3. Not getting a proper diet because I'm not hungry
4. Being a slave
5. Hiding throughout the day to chew
6. All the sick physical effects of nicotine alone on my body
7. Not being able to smell or taste
8. Having weird buzzes that I really don't even enjoy

Money and cancer just don't seem to scare me, but the reasons above really hit home with me. I'll be posting roll tomorrow, March 1st. I know I can do this, my last quit attempt was not that hard but the psychological addiction is the real bitch.
uh, whats wrong with posting roll right the fuck now. Or is that dip in your lip just too damn good to throw away.

For fucks sake man. Quit the fucking shit already.

Post roll, Give your word and keep that mother fucker.

Offline Cathunter

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Time to stop being a FUCKING RETARD
« on: February 28, 2010, 05:16:00 PM »
I took my first dip about 20 months ago. Got a little buzz, didn't think anything of it. Then 2 months later started chewing more frequently, still didn't think anything of it. Then started buying it. Didn't get addicted. Went for like a month without it. Then started doing it everyday for whatever reason and entered full blown addiction. My biggest trigger is doing paperwork and shit at my desk.

I started in the May group and caved on my 12th day. I thought I could take just one dip. I learned that one dip is a total paradigm shift. So I chewed up until now, trying to quit a bunch more times but never even making it through the first day. I wasn't on the site and obviously not posting roll. I thought I would ditch the site because I kind of hate getting on everyday when it's making me think about chewing even more. But fuck it, if posting roll is what it's going to take I will do it. So this is my last quit. I've been chewing for about 14 months daily. I need to get my whole life on track and this is just the first thing I need to do. My reasons are:
1. Watching my gums shrink away everyday, fear of losing a tooth
2. Feeling like shit when I wake up everyday
3. Not getting a proper diet because I'm not hungry
4. Being a slave
5. Hiding throughout the day to chew
6. All the sick physical effects of nicotine alone on my body
7. Not being able to smell or taste
8. Having weird buzzes that I really don't even enjoy

Money and cancer just don't seem to scare me, but the reasons above really hit home with me. I'll be posting roll tomorrow, March 1st. I know I can do this, my last quit attempt was not that hard but the psychological addiction is the real bitch.