Author Topic: rtpope intro  (Read 11174 times)

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #71 on: April 16, 2014, 09:25:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: rtpope
It has been a while since I had time to post an update. In's been a while since I've had time to spend reading up on all the goings on of my KTC brothers or properly welcome our new comers.

My last post was on day 49, I'm now on day 68. Around day 63 or 64 I hit a funk that was just awful. I was in a bad mood, was extremely irritable and very emotional. I did a little reading and ironically it was the mysterious James Gordon's post that helped me remember "the 60's funk." This funk only lasted a couple of days and didn't leave me feeling as completely dazed as the first week like some have suggested...

It is hard for me to think that in a couple of days I'll be at day 70, 10 weeks!! Dipping was more than just something I did, it was part of my identity; it was part of my character. To think that it has been almost 10 weeks since I've had a dip is amazing. I'm thankful to have this site to keep me accountable as well as my texting group. I wanted to quit for a long time, but never thought I was strong enough to do it. I'm still not strong enough, but with the help of my KTC brothers, I can quit for a day.
Great attitude. It's going to get better and better the farther you go. NAFAR.
You are doing great rtpope! I hope you sail painlessly into the Hall. I had a really really bad time for 4 straight days around day 80. It fucking sucked ass. But I came out of it stronger and I feel I finally reached and closed that door. Keep your quit close and your tools sharp and you will be fine. Like LOOT says, "forewarned is foreskinned" Quitting definitely gets easier with each daily promise. By now we have the knowledge and the tools . There is no reason or excuse for failure. Proud to be your brother!
Way to own your quit pope! Congrats on the 70 mark! Glad to accomplish it with you, bro.
Quit on!
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #70 on: April 15, 2014, 11:35:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: rtpope
It has been a while since I had time to post an update. In's been a while since I've had time to spend reading up on all the goings on of my KTC brothers or properly welcome our new comers.

My last post was on day 49, I'm now on day 68. Around day 63 or 64 I hit a funk that was just awful. I was in a bad mood, was extremely irritable and very emotional. I did a little reading and ironically it was the mysterious James Gordon's post that helped me remember "the 60's funk." This funk only lasted a couple of days and didn't leave me feeling as completely dazed as the first week like some have suggested...

It is hard for me to think that in a couple of days I'll be at day 70, 10 weeks!! Dipping was more than just something I did, it was part of my identity; it was part of my character. To think that it has been almost 10 weeks since I've had a dip is amazing. I'm thankful to have this site to keep me accountable as well as my texting group. I wanted to quit for a long time, but never thought I was strong enough to do it. I'm still not strong enough, but with the help of my KTC brothers, I can quit for a day.
Great attitude. It's going to get better and better the farther you go. NAFAR.
You are doing great rtpope! I hope you sail painlessly into the Hall. I had a really really bad time for 4 straight days around day 80. It fucking sucked ass. But I came out of it stronger and I feel I finally reached and closed that door. Keep your quit close and your tools sharp and you will be fine. Like LOOT says, "forewarned is foreskinned" Quitting definitely gets easier with each daily promise. By now we have the knowledge and the tools . There is no reason or excuse for failure. Proud to be your brother!

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #69 on: April 15, 2014, 10:21:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
It has been a while since I had time to post an update. In's been a while since I've had time to spend reading up on all the goings on of my KTC brothers or properly welcome our new comers.

My last post was on day 49, I'm now on day 68. Around day 63 or 64 I hit a funk that was just awful. I was in a bad mood, was extremely irritable and very emotional. I did a little reading and ironically it was the mysterious James Gordon's post that helped me remember "the 60's funk." This funk only lasted a couple of days and didn't leave me feeling as completely dazed as the first week like some have suggested...

It is hard for me to think that in a couple of days I'll be at day 70, 10 weeks!! Dipping was more than just something I did, it was part of my identity; it was part of my character. To think that it has been almost 10 weeks since I've had a dip is amazing. I'm thankful to have this site to keep me accountable as well as my texting group. I wanted to quit for a long time, but never thought I was strong enough to do it. I'm still not strong enough, but with the help of my KTC brothers, I can quit for a day.
Great attitude. It's going to get better and better the farther you go. NAFAR.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #68 on: April 15, 2014, 10:16:00 PM »
It has been a while since I had time to post an update. In's been a while since I've had time to spend reading up on all the goings on of my KTC brothers or properly welcome our new comers.

My last post was on day 49, I'm now on day 68. Around day 63 or 64 I hit a funk that was just awful. I was in a bad mood, was extremely irritable and very emotional. I did a little reading and ironically it was the mysterious James Gordon's post that helped me remember "the 60's funk." This funk only lasted a couple of days and didn't leave me feeling as completely dazed as the first week like some have suggested...

It is hard for me to think that in a couple of days I'll be at day 70, 10 weeks!! Dipping was more than just something I did, it was part of my identity; it was part of my character. To think that it has been almost 10 weeks since I've had a dip is amazing. I'm thankful to have this site to keep me accountable as well as my texting group. I wanted to quit for a long time, but never thought I was strong enough to do it. I'm still not strong enough, but with the help of my KTC brothers, I can quit for a day.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #67 on: March 28, 2014, 11:18:00 AM »
Quote from: SAM83
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope
Way to go Pope.
Glad to have a 50 center to share with. Great post.
Quit with you.
Good post, Dude. Congrats on 50 days.
Nice pope. NAFAR.
THAT is how we quit. Very nice
Awesome Post!!!
Good for you, RT.
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #66 on: March 28, 2014, 06:26:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope
Way to go Pope.
Glad to have a 50 center to share with. Great post.
Quit with you.
Good post, Dude. Congrats on 50 days.
Nice pope. NAFAR.
THAT is how we quit. Very nice
Awesome Post!!!

Offline Mogul

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #65 on: March 28, 2014, 05:57:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope
Way to go Pope.
Glad to have a 50 center to share with. Great post.
Quit with you.
Good post, Dude. Congrats on 50 days.
Nice pope. NAFAR.
THAT is how we quit. Very nice

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #64 on: March 28, 2014, 05:45:00 AM »
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope
Way to go Pope.
Glad to have a 50 center to share with. Great post.
Quit with you.
Good post, Dude. Congrats on 50 days.
Nice pope. NAFAR.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline slinger

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2014, 03:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope
Way to go Pope.
Glad to have a 50 center to share with. Great post.
Quit with you.
Good post, Dude. Congrats on 50 days.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #62 on: March 27, 2014, 09:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope
Way to go Pope.
Glad to have a 50 center to share with. Great post.
Quit with you.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #61 on: March 27, 2014, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!! 50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit. I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious. I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day. I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day. On day 2, I did the same. Same goes for day 3, 4, etc. Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago. I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time.

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire. I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips. As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was. When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued. I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him. I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC. He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping." I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him. 50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!! I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it. ODAAT.
Bad ass post Pope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #60 on: March 27, 2014, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!!  50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit.  I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious.  I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day.  I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day.  On day 2, I did the same.  Same goes for day 3, 4, etc.  Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago.  I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time. 

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire.  I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips.  As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was.  When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued.  I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him.  I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC.  He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping."  I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him.  50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!!  I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it.  ODAAT.
What a huge difference in life just 7 clean weeks can make. Congrats! Keep going!
I hope you ump some SF Giants games this year. I'm not liking our starting staff so far _ I think they're gonna need a little help.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2014, 08:47:00 PM »
Day 49 - 7 weeks of quit!!! 50 days ago, I decided that my great idea of gradually reducing my dipping to a point where it would be easy to quit was bullshit. I had dealt with an annoying headache all week long and was very anxious. I realized that I was going through the shittiest part of withdrawal, only to redo it with every dip.

When I posted day 1, I fully expected to stay quit that day. I was not sure how long I would be quit, but I knew that I could do it for one day. On day 2, I did the same. Same goes for day 3, 4, etc. Here I am at 49 and the thought of staying quit forever is way too big for me fathom, but it doesn't scare me like it did 49 days ago. I guess I've learned to embrace that no matter how big a number I want to throw out, it comes one day at a time.

I've mentioned before that I'm a baseball umpire. I worked a game last night with another young guy who dips. As I was changing he saw my can of Smokey Mtn and asked what kind of dip it was. When I told him it was my "fake dip" he was intrigued. I told him I was 48 days quit and I could see hope well up in him. I gave him a dip of Smokey and told him about KTC. He said "I've slowed down since my Uncle was diagnosed with stomach cancer from dipping." I now know it is the addiction that makes that statement seem okay to him. 50 days ago, I would hear something like that either panic for a couple of days or try like hell to forget it as fast as possible.

I've learned a lot about myself over the last 7 weeks and look forward to the next 7 weeks!! I'm almost halfway to the hall...I'm going to make it. ODAAT.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #58 on: March 21, 2014, 09:25:00 PM »
Quote from: mich
Hey man, I don't know if things have changed that much in the lat 600 days or what. In October 12 (my group) when I posted roll I gave my word to my brothers and sisters that I was going to post roll with them through 100 days. I knew they had my back and I had theirs. Not everyone in the group had that mindset but if you can get yourself there you improve your odds. I came to KTC to quit, not to give it a try. Don't get me wrong I still quit every day and there were times when it was hour to hour - hell even second to second sometimes. That doesn't mean you can't commit yourself supporting your group (which is really just making your own quit stronger). This is tough enough with all the tools available, use them, make yourself more accountable than you already are. Even at 42 days (which kicks ass) I'd bet there are a few tools you haven't utilized all the way. How many of the guys who post in your intro do you pm, you have digits for all you fellow quitters, supporters? Don't worry about getting an A+ just keep that nicotine out of your piehole - that equals a 100% victory!

There is always room to improve - keep up the good work and congrats on 42 days!
Hey man, I don't know if things have changed that much in the lat 600 days or what. In October 12 (my group) when I posted roll I gave my word to my brothers and sisters that I was going to post roll with them through 100 days. I knew they had my back and I had theirs. Not everyone in the group had that mindset but if you can get yourself there you improve your odds. I came to KTC to quit, not to give it a try.

^^^^^Allow me to clarify a piece of my intro. I'm committed to posting roll every day. What I mean by "thinking about the commitment I'm about to make" is that I consciously think about what I'm about to do as opposed to meaninglessly cutting and pasting. I hope nobody gets the wrong idea of thinking that not posting roll is ever acceptable. I do hope you think about the daily commitment you are making as you post roll and do not become so complacent that it becomes a meaningless task; just another to do before heading out the door...

Another way to think about it; posting roll is a kind of sacred. Approach sacred things with reverence. That doesn't mean you can't have fun with it, but don't become so nonchalant that the meaning goes away.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2014, 12:09:00 PM »
Hey man, I don't know if things have changed that much in the lat 600 days or what. In October 12 (my group) when I posted roll I gave my word to my brothers and sisters that I was going to post roll with them through 100 days. I knew they had my back and I had theirs. Not everyone in the group had that mindset but if you can get yourself there you improve your odds. I came to KTC to quit, not to give it a try. Don't get me wrong I still quit every day and there were times when it was hour to hour - hell even second to second sometimes. That doesn't mean you can't commit yourself supporting your group (which is really just making your own quit stronger). This is tough enough with all the tools available, use them, make yourself more accountable than you already are. Even at 42 days (which kicks ass) I'd bet there are a few tools you haven't utilized all the way. How many of the guys who post in your intro do you pm, you have digits for all you fellow quitters, supporters? Don't worry about getting an A+ just keep that nicotine out of your piehole - that equals a 100% victory!

There is always room to improve - keep up the good work and congrats on 42 days!
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15