Author Topic: rtpope intro  (Read 11171 times)

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2014, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Zillah
Quote from: mogul
And now the fog settles in..  An outer body experience.  You will sleep for 6 hours only to look at the clock and realize it has only been 30 minutes.  Go buy toilet paper because you will be on the shitter a lot.  Your legs will twitch, your gums will be sore.  It's the process of healing.  You're winning, it gets better. I promise.    We know what you're going thru. QLF ODAAT.
..and the chest pains. Anyone else have chest pains early in their quit? Day 4~5 I thought I was having a damn heart attack. Shortness of breath, etc. And I'm no Mr. Universe, but in pretty decent shape for 52. Must have been my body revolting from no nic and saying "Give me my poison you motherf***er!" But those pains went away after 48 hours. Scared the bejeezus out of me though! So, these vets are pointing out....get ready for all manner of wacky physical symptoms. The cool thing is they will subside and then it's just a question of managing the mind games! ;-) Take care and quit on!
Yup. I had the chest pains also. Working out helped that for me.
Quit 12/31/2013

Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2014, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
And now the fog settles in.. An outer body experience. You will sleep for 6 hours only to look at the clock and realize it has only been 30 minutes. Go buy toilet paper because you will be on the shitter a lot. Your legs will twitch, your gums will be sore. It's the process of healing. You're winning, it gets better. I promise. We know what you're going thru. QLF ODAAT.
..and the chest pains. Anyone else have chest pains early in their quit? Day 4~5 I thought I was having a damn heart attack. Shortness of breath, etc. And I'm no Mr. Universe, but in pretty decent shape for 52. Must have been my body revolting from no nic and saying "Give me my poison you motherf***er!" But those pains went away after 48 hours. Scared the bejeezus out of me though! So, these vets are pointing out....get ready for all manner of wacky physical symptoms. The cool thing is they will subside and then it's just a question of managing the mind games! ;-) Take care and quit on!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2014, 06:58:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
And now the fog settles in.. An outer body experience. You will sleep for 6 hours only to look at the clock and realize it has only been 30 minutes. Go buy toilet paper because you will be on the shitter a lot. Your legs will twitch, your gums will be sore. It's the process of healing. You're winning, it gets better. I promise. We know what you're going thru. QLF ODAAT.
Got some cranberry juice form the health food store not that sugary crap at walmart.

Drink it and lots of water. It will help flush out the toxins and make you feel better. Though there is no quick fix. The suffering just let's you know your still alive and reminds you of what those shitty toxins have been doing to you all of these years.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2014, 06:45:00 PM »
And now the fog settles in.. An outer body experience. You will sleep for 6 hours only to look at the clock and realize it has only been 30 minutes. Go buy toilet paper because you will be on the shitter a lot. Your legs will twitch, your gums will be sore. It's the process of healing. You're winning, it gets better. I promise. We know what you're going thru. QLF ODAAT.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2014, 06:40:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Finally finished all the shit on my to do list today. My head is fucking , I'm fucking dizzy and I'm ill as a dam snake. BUT I'M QLF!

Day 2 is gradually getting worse....I assume tomorrow is more of the same?
I know it's rough man. Suck it in, embrace it. Remember this day. Day 2 tells me you can damn sure make it 3. It's so worth it my friend. I recommend you read got 2 happen intro today. Really good read. He was really efficient in documenting his efforts every step of the way. Look at where he started and where he's at today. This is only one of many. Read intros of individuals that have been here for 100's or even 1000's of days. You'll See that all this is worth it.

I also recommend reading all the information on this site. Start here ... r-stories/

I also recommend hof speeches. Start with mine. It may help you. It's right in my signature line.

Learn your enemy it knows you. Knowledge is power. You want your life back it's going to cost you. You want your freedom your going to have to take it. There is no doubt in my mind you can do this. If I did it you can damn sure do it. Your story is no different then mine. Your no different then 1000's that have come here and taken their lives back. Look to your inbox and you'll find my digits my friend.
One day at a time and you can have back a lot of what the poison has stolen. Never again for any reason and you can keep it. What better way to spend a Saturday evening. Glad to be quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2014, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Finally finished all the shit on my to do list today. My head is fucking , I'm fucking dizzy and I'm ill as a dam snake. BUT I'M QLF!

Day 2 is gradually getting worse....I assume tomorrow is more of the same?
rtpope, the nic will be out of your system tomorrow. Then your brain can begin the healing process. You have done your brain and body a huge fovor by making it two days. Make it another tomorrow. Keep stacking up one day at a time and the worm will turn. Be patient. Don't worry about the future. Concentrate on the now. You can do this. If I am, you can too! ;Ironman:

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2014, 06:11:00 PM »
Finally finished all the shit on my to do list today. My head is fucking , I'm fucking dizzy and I'm ill as a dam snake. BUT I'M QLF!

Day 2 is gradually getting worse....I assume tomorrow is more of the same?

Offline jbradley

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2014, 09:27:00 PM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: rtpope
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen.  My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!
What is your plan to stay quit his weekend? If you dot have one I suggest getting one
First of all....lemme just say congrats to me! I've not had nic of any kind for 21 hours....that is almost a day. And I'm still in control and doing well.

My head is hurting and I'm still fidgety, but I'm nervous bc the overall suckitude so far isn't the near death experience I was expecting.

My plan for this weekend: I'm an umpire and have workouts with my other dipping umpires. I plan on eating the shit out of seeds and dipping the shit out of this smokey mountain Wintergreen.

After this, I have my grandfather's bday party....just seeing my family will be great. Sunday is my bday and will be with my wife and family all day. Again, burn up the chewing gum, seeds, and smokey mtn.

Alright guys....I've kicked the nic bitch in the teeth so far today. I'm proud to have quit with you guys today.
you just remember, we are here. If things get too edgy jump on here and read, read, read. Jump into the live chat and yell at us, curse us out.

you can do this.
Part of that weekend plan better include coming here and posting roll. It is the only thing some days that kept me clean. Posting roll is done EDD! - That includes weekends.

Do you have any phone #'s? Sending a text can be the lifeline you need at an inopportune time. If you need one, pm me and it is yours.

BTW, Congrats on quitting and seeing it through today!

Offline SirDerek

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2014, 08:09:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: rtpope
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen.  My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!
What is your plan to stay quit his weekend? If you dot have one I suggest getting one
First of all....lemme just say congrats to me! I've not had nic of any kind for 21 hours....that is almost a day. And I'm still in control and doing well.

My head is hurting and I'm still fidgety, but I'm nervous bc the overall suckitude so far isn't the near death experience I was expecting.

My plan for this weekend: I'm an umpire and have workouts with my other dipping umpires. I plan on eating the shit out of seeds and dipping the shit out of this smokey mountain Wintergreen.

After this, I have my grandfather's bday party....just seeing my family will be great. Sunday is my bday and will be with my wife and family all day. Again, burn up the chewing gum, seeds, and smokey mtn.

Alright guys....I've kicked the nic bitch in the teeth so far today. I'm proud to have quit with you guys today.
you just remember, we are here. If things get too edgy jump on here and read, read, read. Jump into the live chat and yell at us, curse us out.

you can do this.

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2014, 08:02:00 PM »
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: rtpope
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen.  My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!
What is your plan to stay quit his weekend? If you dot have one I suggest getting one
First of all....lemme just say congrats to me! I've not had nic of any kind for 21 hours....that is almost a day. And I'm still in control and doing well.

My head is hurting and I'm still fidgety, but I'm nervous bc the overall suckitude so far isn't the near death experience I was expecting.

My plan for this weekend: I'm an umpire and have workouts with my other dipping umpires. I plan on eating the shit out of seeds and dipping the shit out of this smokey mountain Wintergreen.

After this, I have my grandfather's bday party....just seeing my family will be great. Sunday is my bday and will be with my wife and family all day. Again, burn up the chewing gum, seeds, and smokey mtn.

Alright guys....I've kicked the nic bitch in the teeth so far today. I'm proud to have quit with you guys today.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2014, 01:25:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: rtpope
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen.  My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!
You can punch this bitch in the gunt today. Just today. The crap is leaving your system You're winning. Quitting like a man! Embrace the suck, come towards the light. You got this, proud of you!
Keep pushing. One problem + nicotine = Two problems. You can do it!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2014, 01:23:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen. My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!
You can punch this bitch in the gunt today. Just today. The crap is leaving your system You're winning. Quitting like a man! Embrace the suck, come towards the light. You got this, proud of you!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline pbrain04

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2014, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen. My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!
What is your plan to stay quit his weekend? If you dot have one I suggest getting one

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2014, 12:59:00 PM »
Holy cow!! Half a day! I'm super anxious, very fidgety, having trouble focusing, seem to have slightly blurred vision and have moments where I can actually taste Copenhagen. My goal is to make it to 5:00 without snapping so that I can go home and run, yell, scream, do what ever to get over the hump.

Thank you everyone for the support and comments. We're going to beat this bitch!!!

Offline pbrain04

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2014, 12:12:00 PM »
Nice job posting roll. That's your promise to not use nicotine today. Live up to it.

Its going to suck. No way around it. It gets better. Every day. will be free. You will be a new and better man. I promise.