Author Topic: rtpope intro  (Read 11177 times)

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #101 on: May 21, 2014, 01:54:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Mr.Lunar
Keep going buddy!
There is nothing better than looking back on day 1 from the the morning of day 2 and saying "yesterday, I kicked your ass!" and it gets sweeter each morning you accomplish this!

Im on day day 17!

You can do this! we all can do this!!!!

Lunar, dude, great enthusiasm but are you lost?
Not sure that made any sense to post here for pope.
Oh well. Quit like fuck with you.
Day 7 = fog still...

But yes, keep kicking ass and QLF mr. Luny-bin :-)

Edit: day 17, not 7....I'm just scratching my head. Kicking day 103s ass is even better
I'm still trying to get the hang of this.

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #100 on: May 21, 2014, 12:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Mr.Lunar
Keep going buddy!
There is nothing better than looking back on day 1 from the the morning of day 2 and saying "yesterday, I kicked your ass!" and it gets sweeter each morning you accomplish this!

Im on day day 17!

You can do this! we all can do this!!!!

Lunar, dude, great enthusiasm but are you lost?
Not sure that made any sense to post here for pope.
Oh well. Quit like fuck with you.
Day 7 = fog still...

But yes, keep kicking ass and QLF mr. Luny-bin :-)

Edit: day 17, not 7....I'm just scratching my head. Kicking day 103s ass is even better

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #99 on: May 21, 2014, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Mr.Lunar
Keep going buddy!
There is nothing better than looking back on day 1 from the the morning of day 2 and saying "yesterday, I kicked your ass!" and it gets sweeter each morning you accomplish this!

Im on day day 17!

You can do this! we all can do this!!!!

Lunar, dude, great enthusiasm but are you lost?
Not sure that made any sense to post here for pope.
Oh well. Quit like fuck with you.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2014, 12:36:00 PM »
Keep going buddy!
There is nothing better than looking back on day 1 from the the morning of day 2 and saying "yesterday, I kicked your ass!" and it gets sweeter each morning you accomplish this!

Im on day day 17!

You can do this! we all can do this!!!!

MR. Lunar

"If there were no desire to heal, A damaged and broken man along, This tedious path I've chosen here, I certainly would've walked away by now" -Tool- "The Patient"

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Doc
Damn pope. I can't believe your supporting aggie today on roll. You sir are a true brother. I hope he has explained more to you than he has to the rest of us. Either way, you are gentleman and I am proud to quit with you.
He has explained a little more to me than everyone else, but my support of him is solid. I will support him until he misses 1 day of posting-100% is the price of admission. He knows how much his cave hurt me and everyone in May. However, He is an addict after all and if he's willing to nut up and go balls deep in this quit, I'll stand right beside him.

Besides, how big a set do you need to post a day 3 after the shit storm of day 2?

The reason Aggie is on everybody's shit list is bc it hurts to see a brother fail. We've seen the beating he took for it. Now it is time to circle the wagons, get his answers this evening and QLF.

Aug better watch the duck out, I've got a vested interest and reason to be in their group every day checking them out...

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #96 on: May 21, 2014, 10:42:00 AM »
Damn pope. I can't believe your supporting aggie today on roll. You sir are a true brother. I hope he has explained more to you than he has to the rest of us. Either way, you are gentleman and I am proud to quit with you.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline rothstein57

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #95 on: May 21, 2014, 04:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Krusty
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: rtpope
I haven't posted anything meaningful here in a while and I have a few minutes while my umpiring clothes dry and I have to hang them up, so....

Aggieheismanziel is part of a text group that I was added to probably 14 days into my quit. The other members of this group are Slug.go (known badass), Krusty (saved my ass already), myself (not as badass, but a 100% poster and admitted addict) and Grizzlyhasclaws (Absolute badass that just reached the 2nd floor). Aggie sent us a text today and confessed that he had caved. When I read it, it felt like I had been punched in the gut. I knew that he hadn't been participating in the group texts lately, but he had just moved and work was keeping him, I didn't worry about it

I considered caving often early in my quit. The days were so damn hard. Not having my fix was so damn hard. Not having a lip full of shit was hard. Not spitting was hard. Every time I thought of caving, I thought about having to send that text message to these guys (before they had become even more bad ass) and tell them I failed. The thought of doing that just crushed me. I couldn't imagine facing these guys after letting them down.

Aggie's reason was that he was drunk by a pool and was offered a cigarette. I went on a bachelor party 2 weekends ago with all of my dipping buddies. I knew I would be tanked the entire weekend and would have ample opportunities to cave. I made a quit plan, told my text group about it and then was held accountable by Krusty while I was shit hammered. The cab driver took my room key to figure out where I was staying kind of drunk.

Long story short - build a fucking network and invest in your immediate peers. Don't let a guy go long without checking in. Don't think that your quit only matters to you. Others are depending on you. Don't be a selfish asshole, give a damn about somebody else and their quit.

Aggie apologized to our group and I do appreciate that he was man enough to come back and admit he screwed up. I wish he would have come to us before he caved, maybe I would still be behind his day count.....
Nice, pope. I feel your pain.
After the (deserved) drama in May the past 24 hours, it's refreshing to read your perspective and see you doubling down on your resolve, Pope. You get it, and you demonstrate it every damn day. Good on ya', and I got your back all day, any day. Proud to quit alongside you.
You hit the nail on the head, pope. It sucks that this whole ordeal has had to happen, but I am sure there will be more from May, and we'll have to deal with that as well. Stay strong, because we all quit with you.

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #94 on: May 20, 2014, 06:38:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
I haven't posted anything meaningful here in a while and I have a few minutes while my umpiring clothes dry and I have to hang them up, so....

Aggieheismanziel is part of a text group that I was added to probably 14 days into my quit. The other members of this group are Slug.go (known badass), Krusty (saved my ass already), myself (not as badass, but a 100% poster and admitted addict) and Grizzlyhasclaws (Absolute badass that just reached the 2nd floor). Aggie sent us a text today and confessed that he had caved. When I read it, it felt like I had been punched in the gut. I knew that he hadn't been participating in the group texts lately, but he had just moved and work was keeping him, I didn't worry about it

I considered caving often early in my quit. The days were so damn hard. Not having my fix was so damn hard. Not having a lip full of shit was hard. Not spitting was hard. Every time I thought of caving, I thought about having to send that text message to these guys (before they had become even more bad ass) and tell them I failed. The thought of doing that just crushed me. I couldn't imagine facing these guys after letting them down.

Aggie's reason was that he was drunk by a pool and was offered a cigarette. I went on a bachelor party 2 weekends ago with all of my dipping buddies. I knew I would be tanked the entire weekend and would have ample opportunities to cave. I made a quit plan, told my text group about it and then was held accountable by Krusty while I was shit hammered. The cab driver took my room key to figure out where I was staying kind of drunk.

Long story short - build a fucking network and invest in your immediate peers. Don't let a guy go long without checking in. Don't think that your quit only matters to you. Others are depending on you. Don't be a selfish asshole, give a damn about somebody else and their quit.

Aggie apologized to our group and I do appreciate that he was man enough to come back and admit he screwed up. I wish he would have come to us before he caved, maybe I would still be behind his day count.....
That's a damed good post Blue! You totally get it. The fallen ones hurt us all but those of us that remain trudging along have to keep leaning on each other. You are my brother. We are quit together. (That's a badass little text group you got there!) This quitting is quite the crucible where only the strong and serious remain. You are one of them.

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #93 on: May 20, 2014, 06:18:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
myself (not as badass, but a 100% poster and admitted addict)

Every time I thought of caving, I thought about having to send that text message to these guys (before they had become even more bad ass) and tell them I failed. The thought of doing that just crushed me. I couldn't imagine facing these guys after letting them down.

I knew I would be tanked the entire weekend and would have ample opportunities to cave. I made a quit plan, told my text group about it and then was held accountable by Krusty while I was shit hammered.

Long story short - build a fucking network and invest in your immediate peers. Don't let a guy go long without checking in. Don't think that your quit only matters to you. Others are depending on you. Don't be a selfish asshole, give a damn about somebody else and their quit.
rtpope, Look at the first thing in the quote I pulled out where it says, "not as badass." You follow this with 100% poster and all those other things I extracted from the post. Listen dude, if that shit isn't badass then I don't know what is. From my point-of-view, that's about as badass as it gets.

Basically, you just gave a sermon. You mention:
- the crushing thought of going against your word
- fear of breaking trust
- building a quit plan
- being accountable and holding your quit brothers accountable.

This is how you quit. Right there. Newbies read this thread and read what the pope just preached. He is a badass muthaF'n quitter (forgive me Pope for my foul tongue).
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline Krusty

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #92 on: May 20, 2014, 01:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: rtpope
I haven't posted anything meaningful here in a while and I have a few minutes while my umpiring clothes dry and I have to hang them up, so....

Aggieheismanziel is part of a text group that I was added to probably 14 days into my quit. The other members of this group are Slug.go (known badass), Krusty (saved my ass already), myself (not as badass, but a 100% poster and admitted addict) and Grizzlyhasclaws (Absolute badass that just reached the 2nd floor). Aggie sent us a text today and confessed that he had caved. When I read it, it felt like I had been punched in the gut. I knew that he hadn't been participating in the group texts lately, but he had just moved and work was keeping him, I didn't worry about it

I considered caving often early in my quit. The days were so damn hard. Not having my fix was so damn hard. Not having a lip full of shit was hard. Not spitting was hard. Every time I thought of caving, I thought about having to send that text message to these guys (before they had become even more bad ass) and tell them I failed. The thought of doing that just crushed me. I couldn't imagine facing these guys after letting them down.

Aggie's reason was that he was drunk by a pool and was offered a cigarette. I went on a bachelor party 2 weekends ago with all of my dipping buddies. I knew I would be tanked the entire weekend and would have ample opportunities to cave. I made a quit plan, told my text group about it and then was held accountable by Krusty while I was shit hammered. The cab driver took my room key to figure out where I was staying kind of drunk.

Long story short - build a fucking network and invest in your immediate peers. Don't let a guy go long without checking in. Don't think that your quit only matters to you. Others are depending on you. Don't be a selfish asshole, give a damn about somebody else and their quit.

Aggie apologized to our group and I do appreciate that he was man enough to come back and admit he screwed up. I wish he would have come to us before he caved, maybe I would still be behind his day count.....
Nice, pope. I feel your pain.
After the (deserved) drama in May the past 24 hours, it's refreshing to read your perspective and see you doubling down on your resolve, Pope. You get it, and you demonstrate it every damn day. Good on ya', and I got your back all day, any day. Proud to quit alongside you.

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #91 on: May 19, 2014, 09:55:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
I haven't posted anything meaningful here in a while and I have a few minutes while my umpiring clothes dry and I have to hang them up, so....

Aggieheismanziel is part of a text group that I was added to probably 14 days into my quit. The other members of this group are Slug.go (known badass), Krusty (saved my ass already), myself (not as badass, but a 100% poster and admitted addict) and Grizzlyhasclaws (Absolute badass that just reached the 2nd floor). Aggie sent us a text today and confessed that he had caved. When I read it, it felt like I had been punched in the gut. I knew that he hadn't been participating in the group texts lately, but he had just moved and work was keeping him, I didn't worry about it

I considered caving often early in my quit. The days were so damn hard. Not having my fix was so damn hard. Not having a lip full of shit was hard. Not spitting was hard. Every time I thought of caving, I thought about having to send that text message to these guys (before they had become even more bad ass) and tell them I failed. The thought of doing that just crushed me. I couldn't imagine facing these guys after letting them down.

Aggie's reason was that he was drunk by a pool and was offered a cigarette. I went on a bachelor party 2 weekends ago with all of my dipping buddies. I knew I would be tanked the entire weekend and would have ample opportunities to cave. I made a quit plan, told my text group about it and then was held accountable by Krusty while I was shit hammered. The cab driver took my room key to figure out where I was staying kind of drunk.

Long story short - build a fucking network and invest in your immediate peers. Don't let a guy go long without checking in. Don't think that your quit only matters to you. Others are depending on you. Don't be a selfish asshole, give a damn about somebody else and their quit.

Aggie apologized to our group and I do appreciate that he was man enough to come back and admit he screwed up. I wish he would have come to us before he caved, maybe I would still be behind his day count.....
Nice, pope. I feel your pain.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #90 on: May 19, 2014, 09:52:00 PM »
I haven't posted anything meaningful here in a while and I have a few minutes while my umpiring clothes dry and I have to hang them up, so....

Aggieheismanziel is part of a text group that I was added to probably 14 days into my quit. The other members of this group are Slug.go (known badass), Krusty (saved my ass already), myself (not as badass, but a 100% poster and admitted addict) and Grizzlyhasclaws (Absolute badass that just reached the 2nd floor). Aggie sent us a text today and confessed that he had caved. When I read it, it felt like I had been punched in the gut. I knew that he hadn't been participating in the group texts lately, but he had just moved and work was keeping him, I didn't worry about it

I considered caving often early in my quit. The days were so damn hard. Not having my fix was so damn hard. Not having a lip full of shit was hard. Not spitting was hard. Every time I thought of caving, I thought about having to send that text message to these guys (before they had become even more bad ass) and tell them I failed. The thought of doing that just crushed me. I couldn't imagine facing these guys after letting them down.

Aggie's reason was that he was drunk by a pool and was offered a cigarette. I went on a bachelor party 2 weekends ago with all of my dipping buddies. I knew I would be tanked the entire weekend and would have ample opportunities to cave. I made a quit plan, told my text group about it and then was held accountable by Krusty while I was shit hammered. The cab driver took my room key to figure out where I was staying kind of drunk.

Long story short - build a fucking network and invest in your immediate peers. Don't let a guy go long without checking in. Don't think that your quit only matters to you. Others are depending on you. Don't be a selfish asshole, give a damn about somebody else and their quit.

Aggie apologized to our group and I do appreciate that he was man enough to come back and admit he screwed up. I wish he would have come to us before he caved, maybe I would still be behind his day count.....

Offline brettlees

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #89 on: May 17, 2014, 08:31:00 PM »
Quote from: rtpope
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: slug.go
100!!! Outfuckingstanding!! Do it agin!!!
Way to go pope! Good quit! see you at +1
Great job Pope. Proud to quit with you.
Great job brother! welcome to the HOF! Keep it going today! I'm proud to be quit with you all day long!
100 days....feels good boys...I'll see you all in roll in the am!!!!!
Hey nice job! +1 tomorrow is a great idea too!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline rtpope

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #88 on: May 17, 2014, 07:19:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: slug.go
100!!! Outfuckingstanding!! Do it agin!!!
Way to go pope! Good quit! see you at +1
Great job Pope. Proud to quit with you.
Great job brother! welcome to the HOF! Keep it going today! I'm proud to be quit with you all day long!
100 days....feels good boys...I'll see you all in roll in the am!!!!!

Offline Derk40

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Re: rtpope intro
« Reply #87 on: May 17, 2014, 01:45:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: slug.go
100!!! Outfuckingstanding!! Do it agin!!!
Way to go pope! Good quit! see you at +1
Great job Pope. Proud to quit with you.
Great job brother! welcome to the HOF! Keep it going today! I'm proud to be quit with you all day long!
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