Author Topic: Slave no more..  (Read 4615 times)

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #88 on: September 02, 2014, 12:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Bronc
This whole thread is a great testimony as to why once you start your quit, you don't ever cave....ever. All the tools are in place to keep you quit, but it's up to you to use them. This guy never did. If you go into this quit with the mindset like he had, you are toast from the beginning. This is someone without honor, without pride, without any sense of dignity. This is not the place for a guy like this. This method requires that you have come to your senses enough to know that you were a liar and now you are not going to be one anymore. You give your promise each day and each day you keep that promise. You build friendships with your brothers and help them stay quit and reach out to them to help you stay quit.

This guy pissed me off right from the beginning because his word didn't mean a thing. His please for "one more chance" didn't mean a thing. And the thing that really got me, was he decided to try and be the "great evangelist" and bring Christ/God into it. And now he's a slave to the nic bitch again and it's somehow God's fault now because God didn't even come through for him.

The only thing God did was to give him all the tools, all the brotherhood and support a guy could need to beat this beast. If he didn't take it, it's not on God. I hope you get the help you need Otter. This place isn't for you.
This is one of the most pathetic intros on ktc.

The Fucking guy said a lot of the right things, brought his wife, kids, and even Jesus Christ into his attempts... but he still failed multiple times.

It's a damn shame.
Quit 06/04/12
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #87 on: September 01, 2014, 03:45:00 PM »
This whole thread is a great testimony as to why once you start your quit, you don't ever cave....ever. All the tools are in place to keep you quit, but it's up to you to use them. This guy never did. If you go into this quit with the mindset like he had, you are toast from the beginning. This is someone without honor, without pride, without any sense of dignity. This is not the place for a guy like this. This method requires that you have come to your senses enough to know that you were a liar and now you are not going to be one anymore. You give your promise each day and each day you keep that promise. You build friendships with your brothers and help them stay quit and reach out to them to help you stay quit.

This guy pissed me off right from the beginning because his word didn't mean a thing. His please for "one more chance" didn't mean a thing. And the thing that really got me, was he decided to try and be the "great evangelist" and bring Christ/God into it. And now he's a slave to the nic bitch again and it's somehow God's fault now because God didn't even come through for him.

The only thing God did was to give him all the tools, all the brotherhood and support a guy could need to beat this beast. If he didn't take it, it's not on God. I hope you get the help you need Otter. This place isn't for you.

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #86 on: August 16, 2014, 05:15:00 AM »
Mr. Otter, I sent u my contact info but only wish I could of for yours in return. I've been where your at to cave and then come back and getting pounded by BAQ's; there here to give U the reality Tough love u won't get from your lovely wife and kids,because they'll never know what your going through as KTC brother will. We're fighting for our lives evry second of evry day united as one because we know each other better then our own blood in this fight for survival. Don't for a second think you can do it alone; don't for a second think this KTC formula doesn't work for you. We as men all have some degree of pride in being a man, husband, father and work ethic if we could do it by our selves with the rest of society who has no idea of what we're going through, we'd all be doing it or done it. It's not about pride it's simply common sense, ex: we all watch the news and see the horrific things man and women do evry day murder,rape, etc... But we make a CHOICE to not do or be that person. So why not make a CHOICE to be the man god, wife and kids know and love evry second of evry day; grab your quit own it, breathe it, live it evry second.

Otter, don't let your past be your undoing, but let your past be the strength and courage to get on KTC POST roll, reach out and stay involved. God knows your still breathing for a reason and one of the many reasons is to redeem yourself and get your life of freedom back. I'm only a few days ahead of you in your quit but we are equal, let's not let tomorrow come and be a would of should of kind of guy, let's own our quit and be quit today, so if and when tomorrow comes we already proven we can post roll and own our quit. KTC IS all the tools we need now let's put me to work day by day but most importantly just today just this second.

Iam QAF with u today!!

Offline mattyf118

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #85 on: August 16, 2014, 12:09:00 AM »
Everyone, everyone. Attention please. Lets all applaud Smotter in his latest try. He came back for his record fifth attempt at a quit. He even managed to post roll on consecutive days this time. This truly is a feat that shant go unnoticed. His wife would like us to know that she wanted to be here tonight, but can't show her face in public due to shame. It is possible that otter remains quit, and just couldn't make it to a computer or phone today ( you all know how hard they are to come by these days), but likely he is finger banging and face fucking a can right now. His time here was full of accomplishment, there was even one day where he made multiple posts. Sadly for him, there will come a time when Plotter shall break his chains of nicotine dependency, for you see, in the end everyone quits.

Seriously. Otter if you ever read this, don't respond, don't make an excuse, don't give a justification, don't get mad, don't be upset, just log off and find another site that will coddle whatever it is you have under that skirt of yours. It is obvious that by either our fault, or yours (venture a guess here) this relationship is no longer amicable. So I say to you good luck Squatter. As for us, we don't need luck, we've got KTC.

Go fuck yourself. Have a nice life
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Caving is not an option

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #84 on: August 15, 2014, 09:34:00 PM »
Great post - the one about it is a choice and you hold the power to choose

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #83 on: August 15, 2014, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: jimthins
Quote from: Heisenberg
We are never free of this shit. Only free to make that choice every damn day to not fuck up and not only disappoint ourselves, but the people who love us and the 1,000 brothers and sisters trying to help us.
Damn bro. That right there ^^^

That's the biggest challenge. We are never free from the nic.

The freedom we have is to choose quit. Each and every day, one day at a time.

Quit on brother!
The best news Heisenberg? Your intro never has to look like this one. Quit is a decision, Cave is a decision. Otter has chosen failure. He has chosen defeat. He has chosen to sacrifice his integrity on the altar of the nic bitch. Again.

Otter, I got nothing for you except this: If this is another "try" that you are "hoping" that it will stick this time, please go fail somewhere else. We quit here - no excuses tendered nor accepted. You have been here enough time(s) to know that.

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #82 on: August 15, 2014, 07:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Heisenberg
We are never free of this shit. Only free to make that choice every damn day to not fuck up and not only disappoint ourselves, but the people who love us and the 1,000 brothers and sisters trying to help us.
Damn bro. That right there ^^^

That's the biggest challenge. We are never free from the nic.

The freedom we have is to choose quit. Each and every day, one day at a time.

Quit on brother!

Offline Heisenberg

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #81 on: August 15, 2014, 07:24:00 PM »
Reading this introduction from beginning to end has been a real eye opener for a newbie like myself in only day 2 of the battle. Although it looks like he may already be on his fourth official cave, I have to say this particular introduction will help those of us, just starting a journey, to really prepare for what's to come in the future. We are never free of this shit. Only free to make that choice every damn day to not fuck up and not only disappoint ourselves, but the people who love us and the 1,000 brothers and sisters trying to help us.

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #80 on: August 15, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
And here I am again, checking up on Otter. Noticed he hasn't posted roll today. Starting to feel like a waste of my time trying to pry you from the clutches of the nic bitch. It is starting to seem like you embrace her touch. Not good Otter, not good.

What's the excuse going to be this time Otter?

Remember when you came back to us after you caved? Remember how I mentioned you let your brothers down? Remember how I mentioned all the support they poured into your quit meant nothing? Remember how difficult it was going to be for you to gain support again?

You are not helping yourself here. And you're making it difficult for KTC members to continue to support you.

You promised change. Not seeing it Otter.

Offline Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #79 on: August 15, 2014, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: enav
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Otter
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Hubie337
After reading all this a couple of things struck me.

1. Are people really quitting this stuff because the don't want to get cancer? Its a serious question. I have 4 kids and that justification never even crossed my mind.

2. Do kids and spouses really help you quit? I quit before and only told my father who had just quit smoking after 50 years. Honest question.

To be honest the reason I am quitting is I hate the fact that I let some dirt bag tobacco company get me addicted to a product that does NOTHING for me. The only reason I was buying it the last 5 years was to prevent withdrawal.

I finally had enough of throwing away money on a product I HATED and am wiling to go thru hell so eventually I can waive my middle finger at US Tobacco Inc. Being a slave to nicotine finally just pissed me off.

The fear of cancer can be a powerful motivator but it's not enough to stay quit.
The fear of disappointing your kids or spouse is a powerful motivator but it's not enough.
Hating nicotine is a powerful quit method but it's not enough.
The expense of dip leads some to stop but it's not enough.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are a lot of powerful motivating factors that can lead someone to 'stop' using nicotine. I use the word 'stop' because on KTC that means a temporary time away from abusing nicotine.

Thoughts of cancer or disappointing a spouse or kids can help someone get through a crave but there is only one thing that will ultimately lead you to QUIT:

Realizing it's a choice. Choose or choose not. Do or do not.

As mattyf118 points out in his post it was easy for him. Why was it easy? Because he realized it's a choice and he chose not.

Everyday when you wake up choose not to use nicotine that day. Make that promise to yourself, to your group and then follow through on that choice.

There's nothing wrong with having some motivation to help you make the right choice, like hating big tobacco or fear of cancer, but in the end it's just a choice.

Otter can't seem to understand that Jesus, his wife, his kids, fear of cancer, hate of big tobacco etc. isn't going to keep him QUIT. He's the only one that can do that because it's his choice.
Powerful stuff there and you are right. In the past it was always about doing it for someone else, my wife, my daughter, etc. This time around, I know I have put a great deal of emphasis on God. The truth is, I do get it now, it is my choice, my responsibility and I am the only one who can make this happen or screw up and fail. I cannot and will not fail, in fact, it is funny that in all my other attempts or stops, I would get angry or mad, but it was at the fact that I couldn't have the nicotine. This time around, is different because on the way home from work I found myself yelling that I hated the stuff and it wasn't going to have control over me anymore. I told my wife last night that I had decided to quit for good and bless her heart, she said, "are you sure this is the right time?" I said, yes it is the right time. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO NEVER PUT THAT POISON IN MY BODY AGAIN! I think she is starting to believe me this time around.

It has only been one day and I am craving like nobodies business, but I will not and cannot give in. There is no going back there ever again. Nicotine has controlled me for 22 years and I have had enough. Thank you to everyone for your posts. I couldn't do it without all of you here. Tried that, didn't work, back to KTC again for good.
Are you kidding me bro? It's F***ING 12:48 PM on the East Coast and you have not been on the site since 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. You have been involved with this site several times and know the drill. Roll out of bed, piss, give your promise and post roll and repeat the next day! That's the minimum. I can't be accountable for you.

You said "This time around, is different..." I don't see it... Post the F*** up!

I have gone so far as to fucking call you this morning. You did not answer, I left you a message. You better have a really good explanation when you get back.

Brothers anyone who has a minute Call Otter his number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. He says he can't get texts so you have got to call
It's pretty sad. This what what drives me to stay quit. The nonsense that we pull as addicts. We have all been this guy and controlled by the can. Selling his wife some nonsense begging God for help. Well bro God is looking at you and saying help yourself. If your the Christian you say you are you understand free will. He paid for our sins long ago. But when you decide to use you are choosing to put those shackles on your hands... For another day. You gotta make up your mind to break the cycle and walk past the shackles and not put them on.

Sack up and post roll or let these guys know you caved like a homer. Cause you are screwing with BAQ's quit and that just isn't cool. We rely on each other every day. So man get wit it, or get to gone!
Yeah what Vadge said!
:deadhorse: Outta here!

E&C's Dad

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #78 on: August 15, 2014, 01:32:00 PM »
Quote from: enav
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Otter
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Hubie337
After reading all this a couple of things struck me.

1. Are people really quitting this stuff because the don't want to get cancer? Its a serious question. I have 4 kids and that justification never even crossed my mind.

2. Do kids and spouses really help you quit? I quit before and only told my father who had just quit smoking after 50 years. Honest question.

To be honest the reason I am quitting is I hate the fact that I let some dirt bag tobacco company get me addicted to a product that does NOTHING for me. The only reason I was buying it the last 5 years was to prevent withdrawal.

I finally had enough of throwing away money on a product I HATED and am wiling to go thru hell so eventually I can waive my middle finger at US Tobacco Inc. Being a slave to nicotine finally just pissed me off.

The fear of cancer can be a powerful motivator but it's not enough to stay quit.
The fear of disappointing your kids or spouse is a powerful motivator but it's not enough.
Hating nicotine is a powerful quit method but it's not enough.
The expense of dip leads some to stop but it's not enough.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are a lot of powerful motivating factors that can lead someone to 'stop' using nicotine. I use the word 'stop' because on KTC that means a temporary time away from abusing nicotine.

Thoughts of cancer or disappointing a spouse or kids can help someone get through a crave but there is only one thing that will ultimately lead you to QUIT:

Realizing it's a choice. Choose or choose not. Do or do not.

As mattyf118 points out in his post it was easy for him. Why was it easy? Because he realized it's a choice and he chose not.

Everyday when you wake up choose not to use nicotine that day. Make that promise to yourself, to your group and then follow through on that choice.

There's nothing wrong with having some motivation to help you make the right choice, like hating big tobacco or fear of cancer, but in the end it's just a choice.

Otter can't seem to understand that Jesus, his wife, his kids, fear of cancer, hate of big tobacco etc. isn't going to keep him QUIT. He's the only one that can do that because it's his choice.
Powerful stuff there and you are right. In the past it was always about doing it for someone else, my wife, my daughter, etc. This time around, I know I have put a great deal of emphasis on God. The truth is, I do get it now, it is my choice, my responsibility and I am the only one who can make this happen or screw up and fail. I cannot and will not fail, in fact, it is funny that in all my other attempts or stops, I would get angry or mad, but it was at the fact that I couldn't have the nicotine. This time around, is different because on the way home from work I found myself yelling that I hated the stuff and it wasn't going to have control over me anymore. I told my wife last night that I had decided to quit for good and bless her heart, she said, "are you sure this is the right time?" I said, yes it is the right time. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO NEVER PUT THAT POISON IN MY BODY AGAIN! I think she is starting to believe me this time around.

It has only been one day and I am craving like nobodies business, but I will not and cannot give in. There is no going back there ever again. Nicotine has controlled me for 22 years and I have had enough. Thank you to everyone for your posts. I couldn't do it without all of you here. Tried that, didn't work, back to KTC again for good.
Are you kidding me bro? It's F***ING 12:48 PM on the East Coast and you have not been on the site since 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. You have been involved with this site several times and know the drill. Roll out of bed, piss, give your promise and post roll and repeat the next day! That's the minimum. I can't be accountable for you.

You said "This time around, is different..." I don't see it... Post the F*** up!

I have gone so far as to fucking call you this morning. You did not answer, I left you a message. You better have a really good explanation when you get back.

Brothers anyone who has a minute Call Otter his number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. He says he can't get texts so you have got to call
It's pretty sad. This what what drives me to stay quit. The nonsense that we pull as addicts. We have all been this guy and controlled by the can. Selling his wife some nonsense begging God for help. Well bro God is looking at you and saying help yourself. If your the Christian you say you are you understand free will. He paid for our sins long ago. But when you decide to use you are choosing to put those shackles on your hands... For another day. You gotta make up your mind to break the cycle and walk past the shackles and not put them on.

Sack up and post roll or let these guys know you caved like a homer. Cause you are screwing with BAQ's quit and that just isn't cool. We rely on each other every day. So man get wit it, or get to gone!
Yeah what Vadge said!

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #77 on: August 15, 2014, 01:30:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Otter
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Hubie337
After reading all this a couple of things struck me.

1. Are people really quitting this stuff because the don't want to get cancer? Its a serious question. I have 4 kids and that justification never even crossed my mind.

2. Do kids and spouses really help you quit? I quit before and only told my father who had just quit smoking after 50 years. Honest question.

To be honest the reason I am quitting is I hate the fact that I let some dirt bag tobacco company get me addicted to a product that does NOTHING for me. The only reason I was buying it the last 5 years was to prevent withdrawal.

I finally had enough of throwing away money on a product I HATED and am wiling to go thru hell so eventually I can waive my middle finger at US Tobacco Inc. Being a slave to nicotine finally just pissed me off.

The fear of cancer can be a powerful motivator but it's not enough to stay quit.
The fear of disappointing your kids or spouse is a powerful motivator but it's not enough.
Hating nicotine is a powerful quit method but it's not enough.
The expense of dip leads some to stop but it's not enough.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are a lot of powerful motivating factors that can lead someone to 'stop' using nicotine. I use the word 'stop' because on KTC that means a temporary time away from abusing nicotine.

Thoughts of cancer or disappointing a spouse or kids can help someone get through a crave but there is only one thing that will ultimately lead you to QUIT:

Realizing it's a choice. Choose or choose not. Do or do not.

As mattyf118 points out in his post it was easy for him. Why was it easy? Because he realized it's a choice and he chose not.

Everyday when you wake up choose not to use nicotine that day. Make that promise to yourself, to your group and then follow through on that choice.

There's nothing wrong with having some motivation to help you make the right choice, like hating big tobacco or fear of cancer, but in the end it's just a choice.

Otter can't seem to understand that Jesus, his wife, his kids, fear of cancer, hate of big tobacco etc. isn't going to keep him QUIT. He's the only one that can do that because it's his choice.
Powerful stuff there and you are right. In the past it was always about doing it for someone else, my wife, my daughter, etc. This time around, I know I have put a great deal of emphasis on God. The truth is, I do get it now, it is my choice, my responsibility and I am the only one who can make this happen or screw up and fail. I cannot and will not fail, in fact, it is funny that in all my other attempts or stops, I would get angry or mad, but it was at the fact that I couldn't have the nicotine. This time around, is different because on the way home from work I found myself yelling that I hated the stuff and it wasn't going to have control over me anymore. I told my wife last night that I had decided to quit for good and bless her heart, she said, "are you sure this is the right time?" I said, yes it is the right time. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO NEVER PUT THAT POISON IN MY BODY AGAIN! I think she is starting to believe me this time around.

It has only been one day and I am craving like nobodies business, but I will not and cannot give in. There is no going back there ever again. Nicotine has controlled me for 22 years and I have had enough. Thank you to everyone for your posts. I couldn't do it without all of you here. Tried that, didn't work, back to KTC again for good.
Are you kidding me bro? It's F***ING 12:48 PM on the East Coast and you have not been on the site since 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. You have been involved with this site several times and know the drill. Roll out of bed, piss, give your promise and post roll and repeat the next day! That's the minimum. I can't be accountable for you.

You said "This time around, is different..." I don't see it... Post the F*** up!

I have gone so far as to fucking call you this morning. You did not answer, I left you a message. You better have a really good explanation when you get back.

Brothers anyone who has a minute Call Otter his number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. He says he can't get texts so you have got to call
It's pretty sad. This what what drives me to stay quit. The nonsense that we pull as addicts. We have all been this guy and controlled by the can. Selling his wife some nonsense begging God for help. Well bro God is looking at you and saying help yourself. If your the Christian you say you are you understand free will. He paid for our sins long ago. But when you decide to use you are choosing to put those shackles on your hands... For another day. You gotta make up your mind to break the cycle and walk past the shackles and not put them on.

Sack up and post roll or let these guys know you caved like a homer. Cause you are screwing with BAQ's quit and that just isn't cool. We rely on each other every day. So man get wit it, or get to gone!
"Never forget the pain and struggle to experience freedom from nicotine!"
Quit Date: 7-18-2014 / dumped stash
HOF: 10-28-2014
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E&C's Dad

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #76 on: August 15, 2014, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Otter
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Hubie337
After reading all this a couple of things struck me.

1. Are people really quitting this stuff because the don't want to get cancer? Its a serious question. I have 4 kids and that justification never even crossed my mind.

2. Do kids and spouses really help you quit? I quit before and only told my father who had just quit smoking after 50 years. Honest question.

To be honest the reason I am quitting is I hate the fact that I let some dirt bag tobacco company get me addicted to a product that does NOTHING for me. The only reason I was buying it the last 5 years was to prevent withdrawal.

I finally had enough of throwing away money on a product I HATED and am wiling to go thru hell so eventually I can waive my middle finger at US Tobacco Inc. Being a slave to nicotine finally just pissed me off.

The fear of cancer can be a powerful motivator but it's not enough to stay quit.
The fear of disappointing your kids or spouse is a powerful motivator but it's not enough.
Hating nicotine is a powerful quit method but it's not enough.
The expense of dip leads some to stop but it's not enough.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are a lot of powerful motivating factors that can lead someone to 'stop' using nicotine. I use the word 'stop' because on KTC that means a temporary time away from abusing nicotine.

Thoughts of cancer or disappointing a spouse or kids can help someone get through a crave but there is only one thing that will ultimately lead you to QUIT:

Realizing it's a choice. Choose or choose not. Do or do not.

As mattyf118 points out in his post it was easy for him. Why was it easy? Because he realized it's a choice and he chose not.

Everyday when you wake up choose not to use nicotine that day. Make that promise to yourself, to your group and then follow through on that choice.

There's nothing wrong with having some motivation to help you make the right choice, like hating big tobacco or fear of cancer, but in the end it's just a choice.

Otter can't seem to understand that Jesus, his wife, his kids, fear of cancer, hate of big tobacco etc. isn't going to keep him QUIT. He's the only one that can do that because it's his choice.
Powerful stuff there and you are right. In the past it was always about doing it for someone else, my wife, my daughter, etc. This time around, I know I have put a great deal of emphasis on God. The truth is, I do get it now, it is my choice, my responsibility and I am the only one who can make this happen or screw up and fail. I cannot and will not fail, in fact, it is funny that in all my other attempts or stops, I would get angry or mad, but it was at the fact that I couldn't have the nicotine. This time around, is different because on the way home from work I found myself yelling that I hated the stuff and it wasn't going to have control over me anymore. I told my wife last night that I had decided to quit for good and bless her heart, she said, "are you sure this is the right time?" I said, yes it is the right time. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO NEVER PUT THAT POISON IN MY BODY AGAIN! I think she is starting to believe me this time around.

It has only been one day and I am craving like nobodies business, but I will not and cannot give in. There is no going back there ever again. Nicotine has controlled me for 22 years and I have had enough. Thank you to everyone for your posts. I couldn't do it without all of you here. Tried that, didn't work, back to KTC again for good.
Are you kidding me bro? It's F***ING 12:48 PM on the East Coast and you have not been on the site since 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. You have been involved with this site several times and know the drill. Roll out of bed, piss, give your promise and post roll and repeat the next day! That's the minimum. I can't be accountable for you.

You said "This time around, is different..." I don't see it... Post the F*** up!

I have gone so far as to fucking call you this morning. You did not answer, I left you a message. You better have a really good explanation when you get back.

Brothers anyone who has a minute Call Otter his number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. He says he can't get texts so you have got to call

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #75 on: August 15, 2014, 01:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: Otter
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Hubie337
After reading all this a couple of things struck me.

1. Are people really quitting this stuff because the don't want to get cancer? Its a serious question. I have 4 kids and that justification never even crossed my mind.

2. Do kids and spouses really help you quit? I quit before and only told my father who had just quit smoking after 50 years. Honest question.

To be honest the reason I am quitting is I hate the fact that I let some dirt bag tobacco company get me addicted to a product that does NOTHING for me. The only reason I was buying it the last 5 years was to prevent withdrawal.

I finally had enough of throwing away money on a product I HATED and am wiling to go thru hell so eventually I can waive my middle finger at US Tobacco Inc. Being a slave to nicotine finally just pissed me off.

The fear of cancer can be a powerful motivator but it's not enough to stay quit.
The fear of disappointing your kids or spouse is a powerful motivator but it's not enough.
Hating nicotine is a powerful quit method but it's not enough.
The expense of dip leads some to stop but it's not enough.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are a lot of powerful motivating factors that can lead someone to 'stop' using nicotine. I use the word 'stop' because on KTC that means a temporary time away from abusing nicotine.

Thoughts of cancer or disappointing a spouse or kids can help someone get through a crave but there is only one thing that will ultimately lead you to QUIT:

Realizing it's a choice. Choose or choose not. Do or do not.

As mattyf118 points out in his post it was easy for him. Why was it easy? Because he realized it's a choice and he chose not.

Everyday when you wake up choose not to use nicotine that day. Make that promise to yourself, to your group and then follow through on that choice.

There's nothing wrong with having some motivation to help you make the right choice, like hating big tobacco or fear of cancer, but in the end it's just a choice.

Otter can't seem to understand that Jesus, his wife, his kids, fear of cancer, hate of big tobacco etc. isn't going to keep him QUIT. He's the only one that can do that because it's his choice.
Powerful stuff there and you are right. In the past it was always about doing it for someone else, my wife, my daughter, etc. This time around, I know I have put a great deal of emphasis on God. The truth is, I do get it now, it is my choice, my responsibility and I am the only one who can make this happen or screw up and fail. I cannot and will not fail, in fact, it is funny that in all my other attempts or stops, I would get angry or mad, but it was at the fact that I couldn't have the nicotine. This time around, is different because on the way home from work I found myself yelling that I hated the stuff and it wasn't going to have control over me anymore. I told my wife last night that I had decided to quit for good and bless her heart, she said, "are you sure this is the right time?" I said, yes it is the right time. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO NEVER PUT THAT POISON IN MY BODY AGAIN! I think she is starting to believe me this time around.

It has only been one day and I am craving like nobodies business, but I will not and cannot give in. There is no going back there ever again. Nicotine has controlled me for 22 years and I have had enough. Thank you to everyone for your posts. I couldn't do it without all of you here. Tried that, didn't work, back to KTC again for good.
Are you kidding me bro? It's F***ING 12:48 PM on the East Coast and you have not been on the site since 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. You have been involved with this site several times and know the drill. Roll out of bed, piss, give your promise and post roll and repeat the next day! That's the minimum. I can't be accountable for you.

You said "This time around, is different..." I don't see it... Post the F*** up!

I was going to add to the "wives and quit" comments, but SFGE's post made me decide that my time may be better spent elsewhere. Prove me wrong.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat

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Re: Slave no more..
« Reply #74 on: August 15, 2014, 12:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Otter
Quote from: FMBM707
Quote from: Hubie337
After reading all this a couple of things struck me.

1. Are people really quitting this stuff because the don't want to get cancer? Its a serious question. I have 4 kids and that justification never even crossed my mind.

2. Do kids and spouses really help you quit? I quit before and only told my father who had just quit smoking after 50 years. Honest question.

To be honest the reason I am quitting is I hate the fact that I let some dirt bag tobacco company get me addicted to a product that does NOTHING for me. The only reason I was buying it the last 5 years was to prevent withdrawal.

I finally had enough of throwing away money on a product I HATED and am wiling to go thru hell so eventually I can waive my middle finger at US Tobacco Inc. Being a slave to nicotine finally just pissed me off.

The fear of cancer can be a powerful motivator but it's not enough to stay quit.
The fear of disappointing your kids or spouse is a powerful motivator but it's not enough.
Hating nicotine is a powerful quit method but it's not enough.
The expense of dip leads some to stop but it's not enough.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

There are a lot of powerful motivating factors that can lead someone to 'stop' using nicotine. I use the word 'stop' because on KTC that means a temporary time away from abusing nicotine.

Thoughts of cancer or disappointing a spouse or kids can help someone get through a crave but there is only one thing that will ultimately lead you to QUIT:

Realizing it's a choice. Choose or choose not. Do or do not.

As mattyf118 points out in his post it was easy for him. Why was it easy? Because he realized it's a choice and he chose not.

Everyday when you wake up choose not to use nicotine that day. Make that promise to yourself, to your group and then follow through on that choice.

There's nothing wrong with having some motivation to help you make the right choice, like hating big tobacco or fear of cancer, but in the end it's just a choice.

Otter can't seem to understand that Jesus, his wife, his kids, fear of cancer, hate of big tobacco etc. isn't going to keep him QUIT. He's the only one that can do that because it's his choice.
Powerful stuff there and you are right. In the past it was always about doing it for someone else, my wife, my daughter, etc. This time around, I know I have put a great deal of emphasis on God. The truth is, I do get it now, it is my choice, my responsibility and I am the only one who can make this happen or screw up and fail. I cannot and will not fail, in fact, it is funny that in all my other attempts or stops, I would get angry or mad, but it was at the fact that I couldn't have the nicotine. This time around, is different because on the way home from work I found myself yelling that I hated the stuff and it wasn't going to have control over me anymore. I told my wife last night that I had decided to quit for good and bless her heart, she said, "are you sure this is the right time?" I said, yes it is the right time. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME TO NEVER PUT THAT POISON IN MY BODY AGAIN! I think she is starting to believe me this time around.

It has only been one day and I am craving like nobodies business, but I will not and cannot give in. There is no going back there ever again. Nicotine has controlled me for 22 years and I have had enough. Thank you to everyone for your posts. I couldn't do it without all of you here. Tried that, didn't work, back to KTC again for good.
Are you kidding me bro? It's F***ING 12:48 PM on the East Coast and you have not been on the site since 3:00 PM yesterday afternoon. You have been involved with this site several times and know the drill. Roll out of bed, piss, give your promise and post roll and repeat the next day! That's the minimum. I can't be accountable for you.

You said "This time around, is different..." I don't see it... Post the F*** up!
