Author Topic: Looking forward to August  (Read 1228 times)

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Offline cubs204

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2009, 02:32:00 PM »
Quote from: redtrain14
Quote from: reynolds243,May
....i have to keep it in the front only when i bow hunt so my kisser will line up right!!
I USED to keep it in the front only when I bow hunted so my kisser WOULD line up right!!! You dont do that shit anymore.

I have gotten up into my stand on ly to realize I forgot my tin. I always walked to the stand with one in, ya know, cuz it helped me wake up :rolleyes:. Whenever I did this i used to "think" I could make it the morning without it. Well, inevitably, I would see a deer, dip in the left side because of my anchor piont. Deer leaves area, take dip out because I think shits bout to break loose and there will be deer everywhere. No deer show up, no dip= getting down early which in turn = bumping a giant buck when I come back to my stand in the evening. Shit used to PISS me off, but it was never the dips fault :rolleyes:

"Nicotine is not a crutch, it's a limp. Accountability is a crutch. Use it to get stronger." - ninereasons March 2, 2011

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2009, 02:08:00 PM »
And for killing some time...check these threads out too.



Offline redtrain14

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2009, 02:05:00 PM »
Quote from: reynolds243
Dude i am RIGHT there on the bow points you made....i have to keep it in the front only when i bow hunt so my kisser will line up right!!

i too have walked ALL the way back to the truck to get my can...hell i have sat in the tree with NO release but had my can so i just say fuck it, i will just see what i see

for the past 20 years to me dipping = i am looking forward to not having to worry about that shit anymore

funny thing though....dipping on the way to the stand ALWAYS made me have to take a dump at about 7-8am which is never a good time!! if i didnt dip while in the stand i could make it much longer......SHIT this year i may actually kill something other then my arms and legs scooting down a tree mock 3 before i shit on myself!
I forgot about doing all that while hunting, you guys will too, I promise.

10 bonus points to the quitter that can identify the problem with the following comment:
....i have to keep it in the front only when i bow hunt so my kisser will line up right!!

Offline reynolds243

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2009, 01:53:00 PM »
Dude i am RIGHT there on the bow points you made....i have to keep it in the front only when i bow hunt so my kisser will line up right!!

i too have walked ALL the way back to the truck to get my can...hell i have sat in the tree with NO release but had my can so i just say fuck it, i will just see what i see

for the past 20 years to me dipping = i am looking forward to not having to worry about that shit anymore

funny thing though....dipping on the way to the stand ALWAYS made me have to take a dump at about 7-8am which is never a good time!! if i didnt dip while in the stand i could make it much longer......SHIT this year i may actually kill something other then my arms and legs scooting down a tree mock 3 before i shit on myself!

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2009, 01:47:00 PM »
Quote from: reynolds243
Quote from: Stretch
So here is the question of the day......was yesterday established as some sort of national holiday entitled, "Everyone put a big fatty in so I can see them" day? 

I paid a visit to one of my former customers with one of my sales guys (he's 9 days quit by the way) yeaterday afternoon.  I guess when I was "one of them" I never really noticed the number of people that threw the shit in their lips.  Every office, cubicle, hell even on the warehouse floor, they all had a fatty in their lip.  Spitting in bottles, garbage cans, the floor just flat out spitting every where I turned.  I thought I might lose it!  Here I am 23, now 24 days into my quit walking around with a guy who is 9 days quit and that little nic bitch is just throwing everything she had at us.

When we got back to the car and sat down we looked at each other as it to say, "are you fucking kidding me?"  We purposely took a longer route back to the office to avoid gas stations along the way. 

Then to make matters worse, I am headed out to another meeting, solo this time, and I look over at a traffic light to see this fat ass sitting in his beat up conversion van that should have been set on fire in the name of public safety years ago.  He looks over at me about the same time he is spitting, I mean a fucking giant sized wad of spit, into a cup that looks like it had been a favorite spitter since the day he picked up the van from the junk yard.  I swear he smiled as he did it!  I think I might have chewed at least 20 tooth picks on the way home last night. 

Anyone know the stock symbol for any Tooth pick manufacturers?  Might want to purchase some stock...heard their sales might be headed North.

This was by far the greatest temptation I have had in my 24 days of quit....she didn't get me though she tried liked hell to suck me back in to her little world of bull shit!

That was fucking bull shit..... 'B.S.'
hahahah man that made my day.....thanks!!

yeah hunting season is going to be tough but I will cross that bridge when i get there....heading out to the lake tomorrow so that will be my first REAL test!!
I was just at lunch with the same sales guy and we were talking about hunting season....we had just visited Bass Pro prior to our lunch. The conversation quickly turned to chewing in the stand. I even had it down that I only put a fatty in on the left side because of my anchor point with my bow. How fucking pathetic is it that I knew that I had to keep shit packed in my lip on the left only in order to shoot my bow?

The conversation then turned to, I got all the way up my tree with my climber and realized I forgot my tin only to shimmy back down walk back to the truck and get it so I could have a chew all morning.

Stupid shit I tell you!

Have a good weekend at the lake.....tooth picks and seeds will do wonders!
Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009

Offline reynolds243

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2009, 01:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Stretch
So here is the question of the day......was yesterday established as some sort of national holiday entitled, "Everyone put a big fatty in so I can see them" day?

I paid a visit to one of my former customers with one of my sales guys (he's 9 days quit by the way) yeaterday afternoon. I guess when I was "one of them" I never really noticed the number of people that threw the shit in their lips. Every office, cubicle, hell even on the warehouse floor, they all had a fatty in their lip. Spitting in bottles, garbage cans, the floor just flat out spitting every where I turned. I thought I might lose it! Here I am 23, now 24 days into my quit walking around with a guy who is 9 days quit and that little nic bitch is just throwing everything she had at us.

When we got back to the car and sat down we looked at each other as it to say, "are you fucking kidding me?" We purposely took a longer route back to the office to avoid gas stations along the way.

Then to make matters worse, I am headed out to another meeting, solo this time, and I look over at a traffic light to see this fat ass sitting in his beat up conversion van that should have been set on fire in the name of public safety years ago. He looks over at me about the same time he is spitting, I mean a fucking giant sized wad of spit, into a cup that looks like it had been a favorite spitter since the day he picked up the van from the junk yard. I swear he smiled as he did it! I think I might have chewed at least 20 tooth picks on the way home last night.

Anyone know the stock symbol for any Tooth pick manufacturers? Might want to purchase some stock...heard their sales might be headed North.

This was by far the greatest temptation I have had in my 24 days of quit....she didn't get me though she tried liked hell to suck me back in to her little world of bull shit!

That was fucking bull shit..... 'B.S.'
hahahah man that made my day.....thanks!!

yeah hunting season is going to be tough but I will cross that bridge when i get there....heading out to the lake tomorrow so that will be my first REAL test!!

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2009, 08:49:00 AM »
Hey Stretch
Enjoyed your post about the National Holiday. Cracked me up. I am only day 7 and for the most part doing pretty good. Ah, but those damn triggers just know how to put a person in a depressed state in a heartbeat and sometimes just make you want to take a tire tool out of the truck. Thanks for the laughs, I know we are going to kick the nic bitch to the curb.

Quit Day May 15, 2009

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 10:18:00 AM »
Quote from: Stretch
So here is the question of the day......was yesterday established as some sort of national holiday entitled, "Everyone put a big fatty in so I can see them" day? 

I paid a visit to one of my former customers with one of my sales guys (he's 9 days quit by the way) yeaterday afternoon.  I guess when I was "one of them" I never really noticed the number of people that threw the shit in their lips.  Every office, cubicle, hell even on the warehouse floor, they all had a fatty in their lip.  Spitting in bottles, garbage cans, the floor just flat out spitting every where I turned.  I thought I might lose it!  Here I am 23, now 24 days into my quit walking around with a guy who is 9 days quit and that little nic bitch is just throwing everything she had at us.

When we got back to the car and sat down we looked at each other as it to say, "are you fucking kidding me?"  We purposely took a longer route back to the office to avoid gas stations along the way. 

Then to make matters worse, I am headed out to another meeting, solo this time, and I look over at a traffic light to see this fat ass sitting in his beat up conversion van that should have been set on fire in the name of public safety years ago.  He looks over at me about the same time he is spitting, I mean a fucking giant sized wad of spit, into a cup that looks like it had been a favorite spitter since the day he picked up the van from the junk yard.  I swear he smiled as he did it!  I think I might have chewed at least 20 tooth picks on the way home last night. 

Anyone know the stock symbol for any Tooth pick manufacturers?  Might want to purchase some stock...heard their sales might be headed North.

This was by far the greatest temptation I have had in my 24 days of quit....she didn't get me though she tried liked hell to suck me back in to her little world of bull shit!

That was fucking bull shit..... 'B.S.'
As I said Stretch, there will be a time when you will look at those people and instead of saying, "wtf, why is God testing me" or "wtf, why can those guys do it if i can't", etc, you will look at all of them and say, "ha ha, suckers". It won't even bother you.

Trust me dude, it sounds righteous, I know.

I remember a bunch of years ago, I was in one of my short lived quits. Was watching Monday Night Football. Warren Sapp was hurt on the sidelines, with a big fat dip in his mouth. I said fuck it, drove right to the store and bought a tin.

They probably happened 10-20 other times in all my failed attempted quits. Everytime I saw someone doing it, I felt sorry myself and went right back to it.

You get fucking mad. You drive to avoid gas stations. You yell at people, etc.

But I am telling you, it WILL ALL CHANGE.

Trust me. I was a fucking fiend. 2 tins a day. If i can be in this state of mind you can to.

Now I just laugh at people. and I am only 30 or so days ahead of you, so it's not like you have to wait years.

Keep goingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline Stretch

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 09:44:00 AM »
So here is the question of the day......was yesterday established as some sort of national holiday entitled, "Everyone put a big fatty in so I can see them" day?

I paid a visit to one of my former customers with one of my sales guys (he's 9 days quit by the way) yeaterday afternoon. I guess when I was "one of them" I never really noticed the number of people that threw the shit in their lips. Every office, cubicle, hell even on the warehouse floor, they all had a fatty in their lip. Spitting in bottles, garbage cans, the floor just flat out spitting every where I turned. I thought I might lose it! Here I am 23, now 24 days into my quit walking around with a guy who is 9 days quit and that little nic bitch is just throwing everything she had at us.

When we got back to the car and sat down we looked at each other as it to say, "are you fucking kidding me?" We purposely took a longer route back to the office to avoid gas stations along the way.

Then to make matters worse, I am headed out to another meeting, solo this time, and I look over at a traffic light to see this fat ass sitting in his beat up conversion van that should have been set on fire in the name of public safety years ago. He looks over at me about the same time he is spitting, I mean a fucking giant sized wad of spit, into a cup that looks like it had been a favorite spitter since the day he picked up the van from the junk yard. I swear he smiled as he did it! I think I might have chewed at least 20 tooth picks on the way home last night.

Anyone know the stock symbol for any Tooth pick manufacturers? Might want to purchase some stock...heard their sales might be headed North.

This was by far the greatest temptation I have had in my 24 days of quit....she didn't get me though she tried liked hell to suck me back in to her little world of bull shit!

That was fucking bull shit..... 'B.S.'
Quit: April 27, 2009
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Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2009, 04:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Stretch
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Stretch

Stretch here.....I'm new to this posting stuff so cut me some slack for a bit.

I have dipped off and on since my sophomore year in high school.  It started with the Kodie Bear and evolved through the land of Cope, Rooster, Timber Wolf and Skoal.  After 16 years of hiding it, denying it and worrying about it, I have made the decision to get rid of it.  My wife and two kids deserve to have me around for as long as possible.  I don't need to participate in something that could cut that time is too short. 

I started this journey on April 27th after my son's second birthday.  The road has been rough to say the least but I have resisted and ultimately stayed the course to this day at a time.

Your help is needed and appreciated.....I look forward to it!

Welcome to the site Stretch. Lots of ninja dippers here. Myself included. You can do this One day at a time. I am 253 days quit after abusing this shit and other forms of tobacco as well for over 30 years. Get involved with your quit group and also use chat. Good luck!! (but with this site you won't need it).
Thanks for the encouragement. It has been a great week knowing that I am not alone. I have come here often to read about what others are going through in order to help me deal with the little temptation demons that flare up from time to time. It is hard to believe that I haven't thrown a pinch of dog shit in my lip in 22 days. They say if you do something for 30 days in a row it becomes far so good. The drving has been killing me. I drive around my "region" from one branch to another. Dipping was an old friend to come along for the ride. The weekly trip to Indy just isn't the same without it but I have managed to chew a forest of toothpicks along the way. It has gotten easier as I go longer without. My true test will be during hunting season when I am used to climbing into my treestand and sitting there for a few hours with a big fatty in my mouth.....hell, maybe I'll kill something this year?!!

I appreciate the support....I look forward to the days to come totally QUIT.
Stretch never in a million, zillion years did I think i could ever drive or take a shit, along with about 10-20 other things, without a dip in my mouth. I was resigned to the fact that I was too much of a pussy to ever quit.

Low and behold, here I am 50 days into my quit, and it's funny, for one, I don't even think about it driving anymore.

It will pass.

Stay close to the site, you're doing great.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2009, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Stretch

Stretch here.....I'm new to this posting stuff so cut me some slack for a bit.

I have dipped off and on since my sophomore year in high school.  It started with the Kodie Bear and evolved through the land of Cope, Rooster, Timber Wolf and Skoal.  After 16 years of hiding it, denying it and worrying about it, I have made the decision to get rid of it.  My wife and two kids deserve to have me around for as long as possible.  I don't need to participate in something that could cut that time is too short. 

I started this journey on April 27th after my son's second birthday.  The road has been rough to say the least but I have resisted and ultimately stayed the course to this day at a time.

Your help is needed and appreciated.....I look forward to it!

Welcome to the site Stretch. Lots of ninja dippers here. Myself included. You can do this One day at a time. I am 253 days quit after abusing this shit and other forms of tobacco as well for over 30 years. Get involved with your quit group and also use chat. Good luck!! (but with this site you won't need it).
Thanks for the encouragement. It has been a great week knowing that I am not alone. I have come here often to read about what others are going through in order to help me deal with the little temptation demons that flare up from time to time. It is hard to believe that I haven't thrown a pinch of dog shit in my lip in 22 days. They say if you do something for 30 days in a row it becomes far so good. The drving has been killing me. I drive around my "region" from one branch to another. Dipping was an old friend to come along for the ride. The weekly trip to Indy just isn't the same without it but I have managed to chew a forest of toothpicks along the way. It has gotten easier as I go longer without. My true test will be during hunting season when I am used to climbing into my treestand and sitting there for a few hours with a big fatty in my mouth.....hell, maybe I'll kill something this year?!!

I appreciate the support....I look forward to the days to come totally QUIT.
Quit: April 27, 2009
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Re: Looking forward to August
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Stretch

Stretch here.....I'm new to this posting stuff so cut me some slack for a bit.

I have dipped off and on since my sophomore year in high school. It started with the Kodie Bear and evolved through the land of Cope, Rooster, Timber Wolf and Skoal. After 16 years of hiding it, denying it and worrying about it, I have made the decision to get rid of it. My wife and two kids deserve to have me around for as long as possible. I don't need to participate in something that could cut that time is too short.

I started this journey on April 27th after my son's second birthday. The road has been rough to say the least but I have resisted and ultimately stayed the course to this day at a time.

Your help is needed and appreciated.....I look forward to it!

Welcome to the site Stretch. Lots of ninja dippers here. Myself included. You can do this One day at a time. I am 253 days quit after abusing this shit and other forms of tobacco as well for over 30 years. Get involved with your quit group and also use chat. Good luck!! (but with this site you won't need it).

Offline Stretch

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Looking forward to August
« on: May 13, 2009, 11:09:00 AM »

Stretch here.....I'm new to this posting stuff so cut me some slack for a bit.

I have dipped off and on since my sophomore year in high school. It started with the Kodie Bear and evolved through the land of Cope, Rooster, Timber Wolf and Skoal. After 16 years of hiding it, denying it and worrying about it, I have made the decision to get rid of it. My wife and two kids deserve to have me around for as long as possible. I don't need to participate in something that could cut that time is too short.

I started this journey on April 27th after my son's second birthday. The road has been rough to say the least but I have resisted and ultimately stayed the course to this day at a time.

Your help is needed and appreciated.....I look forward to it!

Quit: April 27, 2009
HOF: August 4, 2009