Author Topic: Stuff I'm right about  (Read 7506 times)

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Offline zam

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Stuff I'm right about
« on: January 27, 2012, 09:24:00 AM »
I don't really have any criticisms of KTC, I just thought I'd deflect some of the heat off of 2score. I also realized that I guess protocol indicates I should post something of an intro in this section. I'll keep it short, because (like a certain other intro thread), I would surely offend somebody. Hell, In my current state (day 4.25 of the quit) I know I am not overly pleasant or tactful. Nor do I give a rat's anus. It's likely I'll go out of my way to piss people off just so I have an excuse to repeatedly yell the stuff like "WHAT THE FUCK, OVER!?" and YGBSM! and " I am NOT over-fucking-reacting!!" and "toilet paper is supposed to unroll off the top, you f'n moron!! How many mother-$@'€ times...".

Deep breath. No, a nice pinch wouldn't be just the thing to help compose an introduction.


Username : Zam
Started smoking in early 80's,
Switched to cope in the mid80's
Figured out 25 years later how much of my life has become nothing but support system for my habit.
I have survived the last few days nic-free by putting the nic-bitch in physical form. Literally. Instead of a having an "invisible friend, " I have an invisible evil devil of an enemy. I'm not crazy. Ok, I'm crazy.

Edit: I'm only leaving this post intact as an example of the horribly bad decision making that any "day 1" will give. I do not want another day one. Also, it has already been quoted, and I can't do shit about that. If the first sentence doesnmt make sense, heres the context: One of the first threads I read in the introductions section was one where some dude named 2score was getting an ass chewing, and there were like 4 bazillion replies to his intro - every one flaming hot.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.