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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2012, 11:02:00 AM »
For years, the tobacco industry has known of the health consequences of
tobacco and its addictive component, nicotine. In 1954, tobacco researchers commented,
“It’s fortunate for us that tobacco is a habit consumers can’t break.”

In 1964,an internal British American Tobacco document discussed the issue of nicotine and
addiction, “There seems no doubt that the ‘kick’ of tobacco is due to the concentration
of nicotine in the bloodstream which it achieves, and this is a product
of the quantity of nicotine in the tobacco and the speed of transfer of that nicotine
into the bloodstream.”

In 1969, a Philip Morris researcher bluntly stated, “We have, then, as our first premise, that the primary motivation for tobacco use is to obtain the pharmacological effect of nicotine.” Philip Morris researchers
also concluded: “The cigarette should be conceived not as a product but as a package. The
product is nicotine. The cigarette is but one of many package layers. There
is the carton, which contains the pack, which contains the cigarette, which
contains the smoke. The smoker must strip off all these package layers to get
to that which he seeks Â… Think of a cigarette pack as a storage container for
a dayÂ’s supply of nicotine Â… Think of a cigarette as a dispenser for a dose
unit of nicotine … Think of a puff of smoke as the vehicle of nicotine …”

For Big Tobacco, failure to win the debate over regulating nicotine in tobacco
threatened its existence as an industry. In a 1972 internal memorandum the director
of research for R.J. Reynolds wrote, “If, as proposed above, nicotine is the sine qua non of tobacco use, and if we meekly accept the allegations of our critics and move toward reduction or
elimination of nicotine from our products, then we shall eventually liquidate
our business. If we intend to remain in business and our business is
the manufacture and sale of dosage forms of nicotine, then at some point
we must make a stand.”

For Big Tobacco researchers, the evidence of the addictiveness of nicotine kept
piling up. In a 1983 internal Brown  Williamson memorandum, the message was
clear “Nicotine is the addicting agent in tobacco.”

On April 14, 1994, the CEOs of the seven leading tobacco companies testified
under oath in a hearing held by the U.S. Congress House of Representatives
Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and the
Environment. Despite extensive internal research on the issue of nicotine and addiction,
Big TobaccoÂ’s executives testified that they believed that nicotine was not
addictive. Below is the transcript of the relevant exchange on that issue:

Rep. Ron Wyden (D-OR): Thank you, Mr. Chairman Â… Let me begin my questioning
on the matter of whether or not nicotine is addictive. Let me ask you first,
and IÂ’d like to just go down the row, whether each of you believes that nicotine is
not addictive. I heard virtually all of you touch on it. Just yes or no. Do you believe
nicotine is not addictive?

Mr. Campbell (President and CEO, Philip Morris, USA): I believe nicotine is not
addictive, yes.

Rep. Wyden: Mr. Johnston?

Mr. Johnston (Chairman and CEO, RJR Tobacco Co.): Congressman, cigarettes
and nicotine clearly do not meet the classic definitions of addiction. There is no

Rep. Wyden: We’ll take that as a no and, again, time is short. If you can just — I
think each of you believe nicotine is not addictive. We just would like to have this
for the record.

Mr. Taddeo (President, US Tobacco Co.): I donÂ’t believe that nicotine or our products
are addictive.

Mr. Horrigan (Chairman and CEO, Liggett Group): I believe nicotine is not

Mr. Tisch (Chairman and CEO, Lorillard Tobacco Co.): I believe that nicotine is
not addictive.

Mr. Sandefur (Chairman and CEO, Brown  Williamson Tobacco Corp.): I
believe that nicotine is not addictive.

Mr. Donald Johnston (President and CEO, American Tobacco Co.): And I, too,
believe that nicotine is not addictive.

As pressure in the U.S. has increased to curb its marketing to children, Big
Tobacco has focused more of its advertising in developing nations. A World Health
Organization (WHO)-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study
found that 11 percent of children in Latin America and the Caribbean were offered
tobacco by company representatives in 1999 and 2000. In Russia, nearly 17
percent said they were given free tobacco products. In Jordan, it was a whopping 25 percent!

These efforts are found all over the world. According to Vera da Costa e Silva,
director of the WHOÂ’s tobacco program, Big Tobacco is making a big move to hook
children outside of the United States:

“This is the right time for the tobacco industry to seduce children overseas.
They are looking to increase the number of users in developing countries
and elsewhere abroad because in the United States they are losing their market shares.

Tobacco kills an estimated four million people around the globe each year.
Because of growing international sales, experts believe that by the year 2020, one in
three adult deaths in the world will be caused by smoking and other tobacco use.
And these experts believe that by the year 2030, over ten million deaths worldwide
will be caused each year by tobacco use. Tobacco is expected to be the leading cause
of death worldwide in less than thirty years; 70 percent of these deaths will occur in
developing countries.

Other global practices by Big Tobacco have come under fire:

• 520,000 children work on tobacco farms in Brazil, and a third of them
are under the age of 14 years old.

• Children in southern Brazil are removed from classes before the end of
the school year to help with the harvest the tobacco crop.

• The average monthly income for a tobacco-growing family in Brazil is
334 Reals, the equivalent of $137.

Understand that to Big tobacco you are nothing more than “a percentage of market share” the pain and suffering of you and your lost family members means nothing to these death dealers. They have knowingly marketed and produced a product that when used as directed will result in early death for the people who use it. If you ever think you miss this shit, read some of the tactics they have used over the years and it should help keep you quit. As I have said before, I will set my money on fire before I ever give these people one cent of it.


Offline Greg5280

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2012, 11:01:00 AM »
Your husband is addicted to Nicotine, he has to admit that. Nothing you can do or say will make any difference.

He has to WANT to stop.
He has to be willing to FIGHT to stop.
He has to want to QUIT more than anything else!!

When those statements are true, he will quit. Until then all you can do is talk to him and let him know how you feel. Not saying that will make any difference but it may giet him thinking again. I will put some information in here about our little drug of choice. Maybe it will help you understand his thought process a little.


Offline babyk77

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2012, 09:45:00 AM »
Hi All,

If you look from my last posts you know my husband quit chewing Nov 2010 and than started again July 2011 (I think). I have been doing very good after my last post from all of you saying just don't be on him about it.

He tells me I'm not trying to or going to hide from you but then he will deny the fact that he is doing it when he is here at home but I'm not stupid I can smell it on him and also I know he is hiding it when we take his truck. But the reason for me wanting some advice is I know he isn't ready to even think of quiting. So how do I deal with the fact that one I do my best every day to take care of him (prepare healthy meals for him at home and for him to take to work) and than I have to wrestle with the fact that he turns right around and harms himself on a daily basis, which could shorten his time with me. And second I hate seeing it on him when he comes home daily it is in his nice teeth and on his lips and I just don't even want to be near him. I can be so happy to see him and then I see it on him and it just wrecks it, and he will be like what's wrong and I just continually say nothing and try get over but it has changed things for me. I guess I just hold some resentment toward him with this because he lied to me of why he was orginally quitting he said he wanted to be better for us and be around for me, and than this summer when I found out he was doing it again he told me the real reason for him quitting back then was only because his mouth was hurting him to bad, it had nothing to do with us or me, so I was deeply hurt and am so ticked off instantly every time I see it. I was so proud of him for making that decision on his own and than he went and took that away and now every time we get together with our families be it mine or his it becomes a big joke because each side has to offer or through the comment about it like to poke fun or make a jab because they know it will get to me and hurt me, I'll appreciate any of your thoughts.

Thanks in advance!!

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #31 on: November 24, 2011, 11:55:00 AM »
So I want to chime in here for a second. Up until recently I wanted to quit but I didn't think I could deal with wife would always say "When are you going to quit?" "Don't you care about me?" and that isn't the situation. We know that what we are doing is bad for us and for our loved ones but the addiction rules our life. My wife and I began to discuss having another baby, we have two daughters currently, 3 and 1 and I am against having another one. The reason I am against it is my wife has had two tough pregnancies, our first daughter was born 10 weeks premature and I nearly lost both my daughter and my wife. The second pregnancy was a little easier but my wife was still on bed rest at the 30 week point and although she went full term it was stressful. I consider myself very lucky for having two completely healthy girls with zero health issues considering the way they came into the world and I am not willing to chance it again. I told my wife this and she said that is how she feels about me and tobacco, she didn't nag or say anything else, she just said it as a fact and it freaked me out. She directly related it to something I feared and that made it real and made me realize I have to quit immediately. So that is what I did, and it has never been easier, i am on day 10 and I wouldn't even think of going back to it again. It isn't easy but I don't want to let my family down, in my house or here on this board. Try and make him understand and relate to his fear or at least direct him here so we can try. Good Luck!

meares78 - day 10 of finally being free
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Offline babyk77

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #30 on: November 24, 2011, 11:06:00 AM »
Thanks everybody I really appreciate all the advice it has been so helpful. I am just going to let it ride and see what happens, it isn't always easy but I know he has to do this himself. This site is so great and you guys are such a big help. Like I mentioned he is a very good man and I will support him and be there for him just like I am for anything else. Thanks again everybody!!

Offline Notdeadyet

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2011, 10:48:00 AM »
Quote from: kmm125
Hi Baby,

I can sympathize with you. Totally. I am the fiancee of Pokerleader. When I met him a year and a half ago, he was a dipper of 29 years. For some strange reason, I accepted him even though he chewed. I hated it. I hated the smell. I hated the taste when I kissed him. I hated it in his teeth. I hated that he was killing himself. However, I still started dating him, knowing he was a dipper. He always said "Someday I will quit". I never believed it, but I also never asked him to quit or begged him, or nagged him. I was like you, I thought he would quit just because I wanted him too. I thought if I talked sweet to him (or whatever) that he would quit because he loved me so much. So I searched on the internet for ways to quit chewing so I could make him stop! I stumbled upon this website on Tuesday, Sept. 27. I read tons, then texted him and told him about this site. He read the Tom Kerns story, looked at the pictures, and then he threw out his chew at 12:30pm that day. He is on his 59th day quit today. BUT, not because I wanted him to be. HE decided that September 27th was the day. I do take credit for finding the site, but the rest is all him. The only thing you can do is support him. He has to decide. Unfortunately. Point him to this site. If after reading everything here and looking at the pics, and if he still decides to dip, there is nothing you can do. He is an addict. I grew up with a father who was addicted to alcohol. My mom almost left him several times, but learned through Al-Anon that my dad was sick. He had an addiction. She wouldnt leave him if he had cancer, so she couldnt leave him if he was addicted to alcohol. Today he is 21 years sober.

All to say Baby, he has to choose. The only thing you can do is encourage him to be the best man he can be. He knows the risks. He knows about your mom. He knows all that. He is an addict. Love him. Encourage him. Lead him to this site. The rest is on him. My name is Kelly, PM me is you ever want to chat :)
Well done again Cheerleader!

Hey Mods, could you please capture this in Words of Wisdom for future referral? Thanks!
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Offline kmm125

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2011, 09:09:00 AM »
Hi Baby,

I can sympathize with you. Totally. I am the fiancee of Pokerleader. When I met him a year and a half ago, he was a dipper of 29 years. For some strange reason, I accepted him even though he chewed. I hated it. I hated the smell. I hated the taste when I kissed him. I hated it in his teeth. I hated that he was killing himself. However, I still started dating him, knowing he was a dipper. He always said "Someday I will quit". I never believed it, but I also never asked him to quit or begged him, or nagged him. I was like you, I thought he would quit just because I wanted him too. I thought if I talked sweet to him (or whatever) that he would quit because he loved me so much. So I searched on the internet for ways to quit chewing so I could make him stop! I stumbled upon this website on Tuesday, Sept. 27. I read tons, then texted him and told him about this site. He read the Tom Kerns story, looked at the pictures, and then he threw out his chew at 12:30pm that day. He is on his 59th day quit today. BUT, not because I wanted him to be. HE decided that September 27th was the day. I do take credit for finding the site, but the rest is all him. The only thing you can do is support him. He has to decide. Unfortunately. Point him to this site. If after reading everything here and looking at the pics, and if he still decides to dip, there is nothing you can do. He is an addict. I grew up with a father who was addicted to alcohol. My mom almost left him several times, but learned through Al-Anon that my dad was sick. He had an addiction. She wouldnt leave him if he had cancer, so she couldnt leave him if he was addicted to alcohol. Today he is 21 years sober.

All to say Baby, he has to choose. The only thing you can do is encourage him to be the best man he can be. He knows the risks. He knows about your mom. He knows all that. He is an addict. Love him. Encourage him. Lead him to this site. The rest is on him. My name is Kelly, PM me is you ever want to chat :)
KTC professional cheerleader and encourager and fiancee of pokerleader :)

My Words of Wisdom :)

Offline dippshit

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2011, 07:47:00 AM »

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2011, 07:45:00 AM »
Quote from: babyk77
thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I understand he has to be the one to decide to quite. I just don't know how to make it any more clear to him that I don't want to have to see it. When we first met he decided he wouldn't do it when he was around me. Than he quit well when he started doing it again I made it very clear to him I DON"T want to see it, well at first he did very well, but when he comes home it is always in his teeth and it just bothers me. The last time it was brought up he told me he isn't trying to hide it from me, well I don't care I still don't want it thrown in my face. He may not have a can visbly at the house or in his truck which we never take anymore because he probaly has it hid in there. How do I handle the in the teeth situation, it is so gross and I just have a hard time even looking at him, it just so wrecks his pretty smile and teeth, thoughts??
these guys are rite. you cant make a adict quit.

but you also say you dont wanna see it. neether did my wife. if she ever saw a can you no what she did? she flushed it. and never told me bout it til after i quit. you wanna screw with a dipper thats what you do. so he nos you dont wanna see it? i think that gives you evry rite to flush any you do see. how hard you go lookin for it is up to you.

as for the teeth. well just dont be kissin him when hes all gross and stuff.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2011, 11:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Get his ass on the board. Tell him we have "super porn thursdays" or something to get him on here. Let us work our magic.
I love super porn Thursdays...almost as much as taco Wednesdays.

babyk, you can't make him quit. If you do he will fail. Has to be all him wanting to do it. When that time comes it will work and we will still be here ready to help.
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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2011, 07:39:00 PM »
Get his ass on the board. Tell him we have "super porn thursdays" or something to get him on here. Let us work our magic.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #23 on: November 22, 2011, 04:32:00 PM »
To be blunt, he is an addict that is putting his addiction before anything else in his life.

You can't do anything to change him but I can promise that pushing him to quit will likely only make him hide it better.

I honestly suggest not pressuring him to quit and taking the attitude that doesn't scorn him about it as the addict brain will tell him to go dip every time he is stressed.

Ultimately you have no say over the matter. When I finally quit my wife was begging me not too because she remembers all the times I tried to quit before... but those times I tried to quit for her and not for me. Which made me extremely terrible to deal with because I blamed her for me having to go through it.

This time I quit for me, that is why I am here 280 days later.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2011, 04:29:00 PM »
Quote from: babyk77
thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I understand he has to be the one to decide to quite. I just don't know how to make it any more clear to him that I don't want to have to see it. When we first met he decided he wouldn't do it when he was around me. Than he quit well when he started doing it again I made it very clear to him I DON"T want to see it, well at first he did very well, but when he comes home it is always in his teeth and it just bothers me. The last time it was brought up he told me he isn't trying to hide it from me, well I don't care I still don't want it thrown in my face. He may not have a can visbly at the house or in his truck which we never take anymore because he probaly has it hid in there. How do I handle the in the teeth situation, it is so gross and I just have a hard time even looking at him, it just so wrecks his pretty smile and teeth, thoughts??
It doesn't matter what you do, babyk. If you're saying that your commitment to your husband is dependent on whether or not he quits, then you might as well hang up your garter and call it a day. Pick up your ball and go home. Your husband is an addict. When he decides to quit, we can help him right here. Until then, I'd suggest you either accept him as he is or hit the road and find a more perfect mate...(*sarcasm). Perfection doesn't exist.

Sorry that my words come across as harsh and direct as they do, but its the God's honest truth. Might as well hear them now rather than later. ;)
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

Offline dippshit

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2011, 04:05:00 PM »
His teeth? 'bang head' I'd be more worried about his health than how icky his teeth look. These guys are all right. He is an addict. If he is given too hard of a time, not saying you do, he will go under cover black belt ninja on your ass. This is great if you don't want to see icky teeth, but the real problem still exists, he is still killing himself. The real answer is that he has to want to quit. Until that happens, nothing will stick. You can't make him quit, but you can give him a little nudge in the right direction. Have him check out the site, sign up and into chat. It's always more powerful when an addict is told that they need to quit by another addict.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline babyk77

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2011, 03:13:00 PM »
thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I understand he has to be the one to decide to quite. I just don't know how to make it any more clear to him that I don't want to have to see it. When we first met he decided he wouldn't do it when he was around me. Than he quit well when he started doing it again I made it very clear to him I DON"T want to see it, well at first he did very well, but when he comes home it is always in his teeth and it just bothers me. The last time it was brought up he told me he isn't trying to hide it from me, well I don't care I still don't want it thrown in my face. He may not have a can visbly at the house or in his truck which we never take anymore because he probaly has it hid in there. How do I handle the in the teeth situation, it is so gross and I just have a hard time even looking at him, it just so wrecks his pretty smile and teeth, thoughts??