Author Topic: Somewhat bewildered  (Read 3511 times)

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Offline DonkeyMN

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2017, 04:42:00 PM »
I use my intro as a sort of journal I will look back on sometime in the future.

There may be some things you want to post in both places.... You can hate and rage anywhere you like, you will get some antagonists, but it is the internet. Say whatever you like (but don't say KTC sucks) roflmao
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Offline Robcat

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2017, 04:26:00 PM »
Okay. I posted roll today!

Ive read through these posts the past few days. I think I may be Satan!

I do not hate everyone today. There are some i still don't like today, but who knows, I probably may like by tomorrow.

Final question. Do I post stuff here (rants, pontifications, delusions of grandeur, etc...) here or in my quit group.

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2017, 03:05:00 PM »
Quote from: JGlav
I just want to share with you the importance of roll and connecting with people at KTC. Was at a superbowl party. I would say into the 2nd half my neighbor who chews put his tin up on the bar in the basement.
I sort of froze and was thinking, one pinch, nobody would even know. Then I said nahhh I made a promise this morning, plus all those guys that post support would be pissed and dissappointed. This place has kept me quit
for 522 days. I can tell you if I was not on roll and not a participant I would have grabbed a pinch.
Nice post.

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2017, 01:23:00 PM »
I see you lurking, which tells me you want to quit. What is the hold up? I know you are stubborn (so am I) but I decided I like my jaw too much.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2017, 12:36:00 PM »
I just want to share with you the importance of roll and connecting with people at KTC. Was at a superbowl party. I would say into the 2nd half my neighbor who chews put his tin up on the bar in the basement.
I sort of froze and was thinking, one pinch, nobody would even know. Then I said nahhh I made a promise this morning, plus all those guys that post support would be pissed and dissappointed. This place has kept me quit
for 522 days. I can tell you if I was not on roll and not a participant I would have grabbed a pinch.

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2017, 08:52:00 AM »
Quitting is scary and a bunch of folks that have quit for many days using a proven system badgering you sucks - I was there 1041 days ago. I thought the veteran quitters were dicks. But once I swallowed my pride and did quit "their way", it didn't take long to jump in and not look back.

Posting roll daily reminds me of being a prisoner of a can of death, and only takes 30 seconds of my time per day.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Ready

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2017, 04:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: Ready
Morning Robcat,

Look, I get it. I do. No one likes to be told what to do. Most men and women here are proud as well. Most men and women here are here to quit using the tools that are unique to this site. They have tried to quit in the past and have failed using other methods. This site does work the way it is set up. That is a fact.

Having said all of that, I personally do not have any issue with you coming to the site and reading up and seeing what has been helpful to others or what others are going through. Whatever helps you stay quit, great.

Here is what I do have a miner issue with. And it is miner because everyone here is an adult. We have a bunch of quitters here who are on board and using the method and tools to remain quit. My perception is that you are standing on the sidelines taunting them that they are foolish for quitting the way they are quitting because you can do it too without using their method. No one enjoys being called foolish.

Again, do what you need to do to stay quit. But poking everyone else in the eye while doing it is not helpful at all. I'm not telling you to leave. I'm asking you to take into consideration that this site runs a certain way and act in a way that will not discourage others from suceeding while following the prescribed method.

Stay quit!
Please explain how I am taunting others that they are foolish for the way they are quitting.

Pretty sure that's what I've been told by others in here though. Assimilate or get out. Pay your dues. you will fail if you don't do it exactly like we say. Oh, you don't want to do everything we tell you to do, well you're an asshole and you aren't serious and you're just stupid.

Maybe I am stuoid. We shall see I guess.

I've never once said anyone was wrong with how they quit or go through the process.

In the midst of all the badgering posts I occasionally get a few that makes me want to hang around but most of the posts just piss me off.

I have people jumping me from every angle because I dare to try to use this site the way I want to and im "poking people in the eye". If I don't do it exactly the way people suggest I'm somehow saying they are foolish. Whatever dude.

I'll be the first to admit. I have some serious anger issues right now. Getting on here doesn't make anything better in that department. I'm just gonna fuck off. Maybe come back when I'm a little more normal and not pissed off at the world.

Maybe I can use this site to stay quit by using all the anger it provokes in driving my will to do it my way just to spite all the ones telling me I'm foolish, stupid and have to do it how I'm told to.
(Disclaimer - I understand your way works and am in no way discouraging anybody else from embracing the system that is proven. Not poking eyes, belittling the method, or insinuating anyone is foolish)

Overall, my sincere apologies. Not usually so standoffish and smug, but you have all met me at a very, very strange time in my life!!!!
That's why I said that's "my" perception after reading your intro.

It is what it is.

I was attempting to provide feedback and in my own way help.

Offline Robcat

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2017, 04:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Morning Robcat,

Look, I get it. I do. No one likes to be told what to do. Most men and women here are proud as well. Most men and women here are here to quit using the tools that are unique to this site. They have tried to quit in the past and have failed using other methods. This site does work the way it is set up. That is a fact.

Having said all of that, I personally do not have any issue with you coming to the site and reading up and seeing what has been helpful to others or what others are going through. Whatever helps you stay quit, great.

Here is what I do have a miner issue with. And it is miner because everyone here is an adult. We have a bunch of quitters here who are on board and using the method and tools to remain quit. My perception is that you are standing on the sidelines taunting them that they are foolish for quitting the way they are quitting because you can do it too without using their method. No one enjoys being called foolish.

Again, do what you need to do to stay quit. But poking everyone else in the eye while doing it is not helpful at all. I'm not telling you to leave. I'm asking you to take into consideration that this site runs a certain way and act in a way that will not discourage others from suceeding while following the prescribed method.

Stay quit!
Please explain how I am taunting others that they are foolish for the way they are quitting.

Pretty sure that's what I've been told by others in here though. Assimilate or get out. Pay your dues. you will fail if you don't do it exactly like we say. Oh, you don't want to do everything we tell you to do, well you're an asshole and you aren't serious and you're just stupid.

Maybe I am stuoid. We shall see I guess.

I've never once said anyone was wrong with how they quit or go through the process.

In the midst of all the badgering posts I occasionally get a few that makes me want to hang around but most of the posts just piss me off.

I have people jumping me from every angle because I dare to try to use this site the way I want to and im "poking people in the eye". If I don't do it exactly the way people suggest I'm somehow saying they are foolish. Whatever dude.

I'll be the first to admit. I have some serious anger issues right now. Getting on here doesn't make anything better in that department. I'm just gonna fuck off. Maybe come back when I'm a little more normal and not pissed off at the world.

Maybe I can use this site to stay quit by using all the anger it provokes in driving my will to do it my way just to spite all the ones telling me I'm foolish, stupid and have to do it how I'm told to.
(Disclaimer - I understand your way works and am in no way discouraging anybody else from embracing the system that is proven. Not poking eyes, belittling the method, or insinuating anyone is foolish)

Overall, my sincere apologies. Not usually so standoffish and smug, but you have all met me at a very, very strange time in my life!!!!

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2017, 01:50:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: AppleJack
Another "sad attempt"?

Another "it's too hard to do it your way, KTC"?

Dude... IF you come back and read this... Quit happens here. Like, badass, for life, Quit happens here.

Join us.
Never mind. I get it. Obviously not in the mood for it, but I feel you.

Look, I quit for me. Not anyone else. I quit because I wanted to. The only person I am concerned about letting down is me and it's not gonna happen.

I'm pretty sure I can do it however I want to and exactly what the hell does doing it the KTC way mean. Is there one singular magic way that KTC mandates. I will use this site however the hell I need to to get what I need from it.

I really don't need your bullying tactics to get me to do it your way. Worked for you - fantastic! Doesn't mean it's the way for me.

Again, I get it, and I'm sure you mean well and are generally wanting others to succeed, but you're just really irritating at this point in MY quit.

Day 10. Haven't posted roll. Not apologizing for it. Doing great!!
I posted roll, and you can fuck off. Special butterflies can kiss my ass, I got real quitters to support.
You can do whatever you need to. You can fuck off as well.
Why wouldn't you want the help/support from people who are successful, every damn day, at what you're "trying to do" again?

Instead of coming into OUR house and being a belligerent butt... try being respectful. Open yourself to learning something. Our method works... our community works... why else are you even here if not for the fact that we're the best around?

The price of admission is roll call in a quit group.

Take advantage of all that simple action offers or... GTFO.
You started this. It was your original post that set me off. If that was meant to be supportive you are a little bit warped. And you want to talk to me about being respectful. Really!

I don't remember seeing that admission fee listed when I joined this site. Is that your rules?

I'm pretty sure I don't want or welcome your help apple jack. Everyone else has been great or at least sensible.
Dude, you just can't/won't see the help I'm throwing your way.

Rage on, m'man. Rage on.

You wanna do this your way?... Good luck.

Try hard.
So what you are saying is that:

1. I can come over to your house and seek advice

2. When you ask me to take my shoes off, I shit on your rug instead

3. And then I get shocked when you are mad at me

I am one of the worst gluttons that you could meet in life, I eat and drink too much, and I am a nicotine addict. Yet, when I finally listened to these "internet tough guy quitters" and did what they said, I quit dipping. That was over 1000 days ago, the system works. Why come here if you want to quit alone, makes no sense.

I have seen 100+ guys like you who refuse to post roll. Maybe 10% get their head out of their ass and stick around. Quitting is hard, why make it harder?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Ready

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2017, 01:12:00 PM »
Morning Robcat,

Look, I get it. I do. No one likes to be told what to do. Most men and women here are proud as well. Most men and women here are here to quit using the tools that are unique to this site. They have tried to quit in the past and have failed using other methods. This site does work the way it is set up. That is a fact.

Having said all of that, I personally do not have any issue with you coming to the site and reading up and seeing what has been helpful to others or what others are going through. Whatever helps you stay quit, great.

Here is what I do have a miner issue with. And it is miner because everyone here is an adult. We have a bunch of quitters here who are on board and using the method and tools to remain quit. My perception is that you are standing on the sidelines taunting them that they are foolish for quitting the way they are quitting because you can do it too without using their method. No one enjoys being called foolish.

Again, do what you need to do to stay quit. But poking everyone else in the eye while doing it is not helpful at all. I'm not telling you to leave. I'm asking you to take into consideration that this site runs a certain way and act in a way that will not discourage others from suceeding while following the prescribed method.

Stay quit!

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2017, 11:49:00 AM »
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: AppleJack
Another "sad attempt"?

Another "it's too hard to do it your way, KTC"?

Dude... IF you come back and read this... Quit happens here. Like, badass, for life, Quit happens here.

Join us.
Never mind. I get it. Obviously not in the mood for it, but I feel you.

Look, I quit for me. Not anyone else. I quit because I wanted to. The only person I am concerned about letting down is me and it's not gonna happen.

I'm pretty sure I can do it however I want to and exactly what the hell does doing it the KTC way mean. Is there one singular magic way that KTC mandates. I will use this site however the hell I need to to get what I need from it.

I really don't need your bullying tactics to get me to do it your way. Worked for you - fantastic! Doesn't mean it's the way for me.

Again, I get it, and I'm sure you mean well and are generally wanting others to succeed, but you're just really irritating at this point in MY quit.

Day 10. Haven't posted roll. Not apologizing for it. Doing great!!
I posted roll, and you can fuck off. Special butterflies can kiss my ass, I got real quitters to support.
You can do whatever you need to. You can fuck off as well.
Why wouldn't you want the help/support from people who are successful, every damn day, at what you're "trying to do" again?

Instead of coming into OUR house and being a belligerent butt... try being respectful. Open yourself to learning something. Our method works... our community works... why else are you even here if not for the fact that we're the best around?

The price of admission is roll call in a quit group.

Take advantage of all that simple action offers or... GTFO.
You started this. It was your original post that set me off. If that was meant to be supportive you are a little bit warped. And you want to talk to me about being respectful. Really!

I don't remember seeing that admission fee listed when I joined this site. Is that your rules?

I'm pretty sure I don't want or welcome your help apple jack. Everyone else has been great or at least sensible.
Dude, you just can't/won't see the help I'm throwing your way.

Rage on, m'man. Rage on.

You wanna do this your way?... Good luck.

Try hard.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline DonkeyMN

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2017, 11:39:00 AM »
I joined this site because the appeal of being with others who are going through what I am, at the exact same time seemed to be a good deal. It seems like you are in the same boat. The only difference is something is holding you back if you don't make that simple choice in the morning after you wake up, or get to work, or whatever. That first craving hits and it is a choice. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, OR PRETEND IT ISN'T THERE. For me, posting roll is a way to do something about it. Giving that nic bitch one good 'Finger' first thing in the morning. Sets me for a good track on the day.

If you want to watch and read, then do that. We are all pissed at things around here. Fuck you, Fuck me, whatever. You aren't the only one dealing with this shit.
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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2017, 11:29:00 AM »

I was pretty pissed off with everything at your point. Not like I'm any kind of expert, only 5 weeks in. I still get pissed off all the time. Everything sucks and I'm tired of just about everything. I hope you stay quit. I'm rooting for you.
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Offline Robcat

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2017, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: AppleJack
Another "sad attempt"?

Another "it's too hard to do it your way, KTC"?

Dude... IF you come back and read this... Quit happens here. Like, badass, for life, Quit happens here.

Join us.
Never mind. I get it. Obviously not in the mood for it, but I feel you.

Look, I quit for me. Not anyone else. I quit because I wanted to. The only person I am concerned about letting down is me and it's not gonna happen.

I'm pretty sure I can do it however I want to and exactly what the hell does doing it the KTC way mean. Is there one singular magic way that KTC mandates. I will use this site however the hell I need to to get what I need from it.

I really don't need your bullying tactics to get me to do it your way. Worked for you - fantastic! Doesn't mean it's the way for me.

Again, I get it, and I'm sure you mean well and are generally wanting others to succeed, but you're just really irritating at this point in MY quit.

Day 10. Haven't posted roll. Not apologizing for it. Doing great!!
I posted roll, and you can fuck off. Special butterflies can kiss my ass, I got real quitters to support.
You can do whatever you need to. You can fuck off as well.
Why wouldn't you want the help/support from people who are successful, every damn day, at what you're "trying to do" again?

Instead of coming into OUR house and being a belligerent butt... try being respectful. Open yourself to learning something. Our method works... our community works... why else are you even here if not for the fact that we're the best around?

The price of admission is roll call in a quit group.

Take advantage of all that simple action offers or... GTFO.
You started this. It was your original post that set me off. If that was meant to be supportive you are a little bit warped. And you want to talk to me about being respectful. Really!

I don't remember seeing that admission fee listed when I joined this site. Is that your rules?

I'm pretty sure I don't want or welcome your help apple jack. Everyone else has been great or at least sensible.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Somewhat bewildered
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2017, 10:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Robcat
Quote from: AppleJack
Another "sad attempt"?

Another "it's too hard to do it your way, KTC"?

Dude... IF you come back and read this... Quit happens here. Like, badass, for life, Quit happens here.

Join us.
Never mind. I get it. Obviously not in the mood for it, but I feel you.

Look, I quit for me. Not anyone else. I quit because I wanted to. The only person I am concerned about letting down is me and it's not gonna happen.

I'm pretty sure I can do it however I want to and exactly what the hell does doing it the KTC way mean. Is there one singular magic way that KTC mandates. I will use this site however the hell I need to to get what I need from it.

I really don't need your bullying tactics to get me to do it your way. Worked for you - fantastic! Doesn't mean it's the way for me.

Again, I get it, and I'm sure you mean well and are generally wanting others to succeed, but you're just really irritating at this point in MY quit.

Day 10. Haven't posted roll. Not apologizing for it. Doing great!!
I posted roll, and you can fuck off. Special butterflies can kiss my ass, I got real quitters to support.
You can do whatever you need to. You can fuck off as well.
Why wouldn't you want the help/support from people who are successful, every damn day, at what you're "trying to do" again?

Instead of coming into OUR house and being a belligerent butt... try being respectful. Open yourself to learning something. Our method works... our community works... why else are you even here if not for the fact that we're the best around?

The price of admission is roll call in a quit group.

Take advantage of all that simple action offers or... GTFO.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.