Author Topic: SKOAL MONSTER  (Read 9340 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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« Reply #147 on: May 01, 2013, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Skoal
The logic of nicotine replacement therapy applied to other shit

I will quit banging hookers by switching to different hookers (Red Heads)

I will stop snoring by switching sides of the bed

I will stop drinking Whisky by switching to older Whisky.

I will QUIT booze altogether by only drinking mouth wash

I will lose weight by switching from pecan pie to chocolate lava cake

Ripping Duct tape off a Orangutan or a wax strip off your mother in laws ass mustache should be done slooooooooooooow to prevent any pain and to prolong the experience.

When catching your junk in your zipper, it is best to take as long as possible to unattach ones parts from the teeth of the zipper. Of course, unzipping one tooth at a time, over a period of hours and days is the proper method. While this prolongs the pain horribly, it helps Free Willy. Much easier than getting it over in a single excruciating, but brief moment.

You can put lipstick and a hat on a pig, and call it Sue,  but it's still a pig. You can buy your nicotine from a pharmacy, or a gas station. You can smoke it electronically, snus it, chew it, snort it, put it on a patch, a lozenge, or in a nasal spray, it's still nicotine. Those are all just delivery methods for the same drug.

Can you use Copenhagen to quit chewing skoal? Yes, but big deal. Use skoal to quit smoking? use smoking to quit chewing? use the gum to quit smoking? use the patch to quit the gum?  Your still using nicotine.

Weaning off? ever try to just chew less? how'd that work out? Same theory.  Different method of delivery

More than 90% of all long term successful quits are cold turkey. Doesn't that say it all?

NRT has never been approved for quitting chewing, no study shows any proof that NRT can help a chewer quit. NO DATA.

NRT is bullshit, plain and simple. It is just big Pharm dealing nicotine in a doctor reccommended manner. Those who quit while using NRT are successful in spite of it not because of it.
God I Love You.......


Nice! Funny how we try to rationalize our weakness instead of staring it in the face and telling it to go FUCK YOURSELF!

Perfect Post.

Offline eric71

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« Reply #146 on: May 01, 2013, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: CleanFuel
Quote from: Skoal
The logic of nicotine replacement therapy applied to other shit

I will quit banging hookers by switching to different hookers (Red Heads)

I will stop snoring by switching sides of the bed

I will stop drinking Whisky by switching to older Whisky.

I will QUIT booze altogether by only drinking mouth wash

I will lose weight by switching from pecan pie to chocolate lava cake

Ripping Duct tape off a Orangutan or a wax strip off your mother in laws ass mustache should be done slooooooooooooow to prevent any pain and to prolong the experience.

When catching your junk in your zipper, it is best to take as long as possible to unattach ones parts from the teeth of the zipper. Of course, unzipping one tooth at a time, over a period of hours and days is the proper method. While this prolongs the pain horribly, it helps Free Willy. Much easier than getting it over in a single excruciating, but brief moment.

You can put lipstick and a hat on a pig, and call it Sue,  but it's still a pig. You can buy your nicotine from a pharmacy, or a gas station. You can smoke it electronically, snus it, chew it, snort it, put it on a patch, a lozenge, or in a nasal spray, it's still nicotine. Those are all just delivery methods for the same drug.

Can you use Copenhagen to quit chewing skoal? Yes, but big deal. Use skoal to quit smoking? use smoking to quit chewing? use the gum to quit smoking? use the patch to quit the gum?  Your still using nicotine.

Weaning off? ever try to just chew less? how'd that work out? Same theory.  Different method of delivery

More than 90% of all long term successful quits are cold turkey. Doesn't that say it all?

NRT has never been approved for quitting chewing, no study shows any proof that NRT can help a chewer quit. NO DATA.

NRT is bullshit, plain and simple. It is just big Pharm dealing nicotine in a doctor reccommended manner. Those who quit while using NRT are successful in spite of it not because of it.
God I Love You.......


Nice! Funny how we try to rationalize our weakness instead of staring it in the face and telling it to go FUCK YOURSELF!


Offline CleanFuel

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« Reply #145 on: April 30, 2013, 10:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
The logic of nicotine replacement therapy applied to other shit

I will quit banging hookers by switching to different hookers (Red Heads)

I will stop snoring by switching sides of the bed

I will stop drinking Whisky by switching to older Whisky.

I will QUIT booze altogether by only drinking mouth wash

I will lose weight by switching from pecan pie to chocolate lava cake

Ripping Duct tape off a Orangutan or a wax strip off your mother in laws ass mustache should be done slooooooooooooow to prevent any pain and to prolong the experience.

When catching your junk in your zipper, it is best to take as long as possible to unattach ones parts from the teeth of the zipper. Of course, unzipping one tooth at a time, over a period of hours and days is the proper method. While this prolongs the pain horribly, it helps Free Willy. Much easier than getting it over in a single excruciating, but brief moment.

You can put lipstick and a hat on a pig, and call it Sue, but it's still a pig. You can buy your nicotine from a pharmacy, or a gas station. You can smoke it electronically, snus it, chew it, snort it, put it on a patch, a lozenge, or in a nasal spray, it's still nicotine. Those are all just delivery methods for the same drug.

Can you use Copenhagen to quit chewing skoal? Yes, but big deal. Use skoal to quit smoking? use smoking to quit chewing? use the gum to quit smoking? use the patch to quit the gum? Your still using nicotine.

Weaning off? ever try to just chew less? how'd that work out? Same theory. Different method of delivery

More than 90% of all long term successful quits are cold turkey. Doesn't that say it all?

NRT has never been approved for quitting chewing, no study shows any proof that NRT can help a chewer quit. NO DATA.

NRT is bullshit, plain and simple. It is just big Pharm dealing nicotine in a doctor reccommended manner. Those who quit while using NRT are successful in spite of it not because of it.
God I Love You.......


Quit 04.02.2012 --- HOF 07.11.2012 --- 5 Years 04.02.2017

Now I am the Voice. I will LEAD, not follow. I will BELIEVE, not doubt. I will CREATE, not destroy. I am a Force for God. I am a Leader.

Defy the odds. Set a new standard. STEP UP!

My HOF Speech

My Intro

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #144 on: April 30, 2013, 06:47:00 PM »
The logic of nicotine replacement therapy applied to other shit

I will quit banging hookers by switching to different hookers (Red Heads)

I will stop snoring by switching sides of the bed

I will stop drinking Whisky by switching to older Whisky.

I will QUIT booze altogether by only drinking mouth wash

I will lose weight by switching from pecan pie to chocolate lava cake

Ripping Duct tape off a Orangutan or a wax strip off your mother in laws ass mustache should be done slooooooooooooow to prevent any pain and to prolong the experience.

When catching your junk in your zipper, it is best to take as long as possible to unattach ones parts from the teeth of the zipper. Of course, unzipping one tooth at a time, over a period of hours and days is the proper method. While this prolongs the pain horribly, it helps Free Willy. Much easier than getting it over in a single excruciating, but brief moment.

You can put lipstick and a hat on a pig, and call it Sue, but it's still a pig. You can buy your nicotine from a pharmacy, or a gas station. You can smoke it electronically, snus it, chew it, snort it, put it on a patch, a lozenge, or in a nasal spray, it's still nicotine. Those are all just delivery methods for the same drug.

Can you use Copenhagen to quit chewing skoal? Yes, but big deal. Use skoal to quit smoking? use smoking to quit chewing? use the gum to quit smoking? use the patch to quit the gum? Your still using nicotine.

Weaning off? ever try to just chew less? how'd that work out? Same theory. Different method of delivery

More than 90% of all long term successful quits are cold turkey. Doesn't that say it all?

NRT has never been approved for quitting chewing, no study shows any proof that NRT can help a chewer quit. NO DATA.

NRT is bullshit, plain and simple. It is just big Pharm dealing nicotine in a doctor reccommended manner. Those who quit while using NRT are successful in spite of it not because of it.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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« Reply #143 on: January 26, 2013, 05:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Being member 1 or member 16,000 doesn't make any difference, an addict is an addict. I remember when Ray Ray caved at 800 plus days and I was fucking dumbstruck. I was shook when SWJ, Lawenforcer, others caved. Made me feel like I was walking on a razor's edge between quit and using. I tore up cavers because of it. No reason to let a cave effect you. Your quitting for you after all right? Your not a lemming, so don't start thinking about following others off the cliff.

I learned some things watching people fail , I'll pass that on as best I know how

Wisdom I have accepted ;

This shit is forever. It's a scar that will fade, but never heal. I will always be an addict. I fully expect to crave a dip while I'm laying in my death bed, and I'm going to fucking smile, because I still won't give in.

If I forget addiction is forever, I'll eventually cave. Of that I am certain.

The number of days I have accumulated has nothing to do with the strength of my quit. That strength comes from understanding the addiction, and from the strength of my promise.

The only day of any importance is today. Today I will be quit. I always swore I'd quit tomorrow, Tomorrow never seemd to come. When Quitting I do it today. Tomorrow is a dream, the past a memory, I can only control now, and right now I'm choosing quit.

The memory of how bad I truly wanted to quit is stronger than my desire to start again. I hold that memory close, it's a shield against my own bullshit.

Chewing a neurotoxic weed that hi-jacked my bodies feel good chemical producing ability never did anything positive for me. It was never a crutch, just an anchor.

It's a decision, so simple and yet so hard. But thats all it is. A choice. I made that choice, and now I will live with it.

The daily decision to quit becomes easier and easier as time passes. But that doesn't mean I'm cured. Remember, this shit is forever.

The hardest part of quitting is the first step. It was the day you REALLY decided to try. That day took me years to get to. It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again.

When you think about giving in, think about what it took to get here. Your about to throw all that away. You don't take one step back. You physically and neurologically start from zero. This isn't cheating on a diet, it's all in everyday. There truly is no just one.

All that being said, I still come here to remind myself I am an addict. I come here to try to help guide who I can through the door. I can't save anybody but me, but I can shine a light on the path. I strongly encourage you to stick around, The HOF is a milestone, not a destination. There is no cure and you will not ride a rainbow unicorn on day 101. The funk will hit you again, but with less power and more and more time in between. Most days I never think about any of this. Most days I don't even think about dipping or smoking. Sometimes months go by without even a passing urge. You'd trade me hard cash to feel this kind of quit. All you gotta do is keep putting up plus ones and you'll get here. You'll look back and wonder what the big deal was, and kick yourself for not doing it sooner. But don't ever forget the price you paid to get to that point, and don't ever believe that you are cured. As much as it sucks, addiction is forever.
SkoalMonster. Congratulations on 4 years of quit. That is a milestone. One brick at a time you have built a fortress of quit. Thank you for leaving a legacy on this site. This simple quote will reside in my wallet and I will read it often. You have put together a playbook for my quit and for the quit of others and for that I am thankful.

Ryan, day 26

Offline kana

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« Reply #142 on: December 01, 2012, 10:03:00 AM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Skoal
Being member 1 or member 16,000 doesn't make any difference, an addict is an addict. I remember when Ray Ray caved at 800 plus days and I was fucking dumbstruck. I was shook when SWJ, Lawenforcer, others caved. Made me feel like I was walking on a razor's edge between quit and using. I tore up cavers because of it.  No reason to let a cave effect you. Your quitting for you after all right? Your not a lemming, so don't start thinking about following others off the cliff.

I learned some things watching people fail , I'll pass that on as best I know how

Wisdom I have accepted ;

This shit is forever. It's a scar that will fade, but never heal. I will always be an addict. I fully expect to crave a dip while I'm laying in my death bed, and I'm going to fucking smile, because I still won't give in.

If I forget addiction is forever, I'll eventually cave. Of that I am certain.

The number of days I have accumulated has nothing to do with the strength of my quit. That strength comes from understanding the addiction, and from the strength of my promise.

The only day of any importance is today. Today I will be quit.  I always swore I'd quit tomorrow, Tomorrow never seemd to come. When Quitting I do it today. Tomorrow is a dream, the past a memory, I can only control now, and right now I'm choosing quit.

The memory of how bad I truly wanted to quit is stronger than my desire to start again. I hold that memory close, it's a shield against my own bullshit.

Chewing a neurotoxic weed that hi-jacked my bodies feel good chemical producing ability never did anything positive for me. It was never a crutch, just an anchor.

It's a decision, so simple and yet so hard. But thats all it is. A choice. I made that choice, and now I will live with it.

The daily decision to quit becomes easier and easier as time passes. But that doesn't mean I'm cured. Remember, this shit is forever.

The hardest part of quitting is the first step. It was the day you REALLY decided to try. That day took me years to get to. It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again.

When you think about giving in, think about what it took to get here. Your about to throw all that away. You don't take one step back. You physically and neurologically start from zero. This isn't cheating on a diet, it's all in everyday. There truly is no just one.

All that being said, I still come here to remind myself I am an addict. I come here to try to help guide who I can through the door. I can't save anybody but me, but I can shine a light on the path. I strongly encourage you to stick around, The HOF is a milestone, not a destination. There is no cure and you will not ride a rainbow unicorn on day 101. The funk will hit you again, but with less power and more and more time in between. Most days I never think about any of this. Most days I don't even think about dipping or smoking. Sometimes months go by without even a passing urge. You'd trade me hard cash to feel this kind of quit. All you gotta do is keep putting up plus ones and you'll get here. You'll look back and wonder what the big deal was, and kick yourself for not doing it sooner. But don't ever forget the price you paid to get to that point, and don't ever believe that you are cured. As much as it sucks, addiction is forever.
THIS is the type of stufff I like to read from the vets of ktc. It helps me and strengthens my quit, almost lets me know I'm still on the right path as sometimes the trail of bread crums gets hard to follow. Im 180 days quit but still look up to many of the "long timers" and find their words most helpful. Some of the other drama I read on here tonight does not. In fact it almost weakens my quit and gets me scratching my head as I watch things get personal and the ultimate goal of brotherhood and quitting gets lost.

Ultimately though it is all about ME and I have to make me #1 and not worry about stepping in a pile of #2. Could I do this by myself now? Maybe, but thats a huge risk that I don't think Im ready for. Just like I chose to quit, I chose to stay on KTC and soak up the positive and "leave the rest". Soaking up the good stuff is easy, ignoring the negative and "leaving the rest" is harder than I thought for some reason. Maybe that will get easier with time too...
Damn that was well said! thank you for sharing Skoal Monster.
Gentlemen - this is by far the best thing I've read on KTC. It needs to go to words of wisdom. Skoal, thank you my friend... That was a grand fucking slam.
I can usually take 1 thing from a post, put it in my tool box. You just gave me a whole friggin set.

"The number of days I have accumulated has nothing to do with the strength of my quit."

"A choice. I made that choice, and now I will live with it. "

"It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again."

Thank you skoal for giving USEFUL support..

'worship' 'worship' 'worship'
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline Tazbutane

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« Reply #141 on: December 01, 2012, 07:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Skoal
Being member 1 or member 16,000 doesn't make any difference, an addict is an addict. I remember when Ray Ray caved at 800 plus days and I was fucking dumbstruck. I was shook when SWJ, Lawenforcer, others caved. Made me feel like I was walking on a razor's edge between quit and using. I tore up cavers because of it.  No reason to let a cave effect you. Your quitting for you after all right? Your not a lemming, so don't start thinking about following others off the cliff.

I learned some things watching people fail , I'll pass that on as best I know how

Wisdom I have accepted ;

This shit is forever. It's a scar that will fade, but never heal. I will always be an addict. I fully expect to crave a dip while I'm laying in my death bed, and I'm going to fucking smile, because I still won't give in.

If I forget addiction is forever, I'll eventually cave. Of that I am certain.

The number of days I have accumulated has nothing to do with the strength of my quit. That strength comes from understanding the addiction, and from the strength of my promise.

The only day of any importance is today. Today I will be quit.  I always swore I'd quit tomorrow, Tomorrow never seemd to come. When Quitting I do it today. Tomorrow is a dream, the past a memory, I can only control now, and right now I'm choosing quit.

The memory of how bad I truly wanted to quit is stronger than my desire to start again. I hold that memory close, it's a shield against my own bullshit.

Chewing a neurotoxic weed that hi-jacked my bodies feel good chemical producing ability never did anything positive for me. It was never a crutch, just an anchor.

It's a decision, so simple and yet so hard. But thats all it is. A choice. I made that choice, and now I will live with it.

The daily decision to quit becomes easier and easier as time passes. But that doesn't mean I'm cured. Remember, this shit is forever.

The hardest part of quitting is the first step. It was the day you REALLY decided to try. That day took me years to get to. It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again.

When you think about giving in, think about what it took to get here. Your about to throw all that away. You don't take one step back. You physically and neurologically start from zero. This isn't cheating on a diet, it's all in everyday. There truly is no just one.

All that being said, I still come here to remind myself I am an addict. I come here to try to help guide who I can through the door. I can't save anybody but me, but I can shine a light on the path. I strongly encourage you to stick around, The HOF is a milestone, not a destination. There is no cure and you will not ride a rainbow unicorn on day 101. The funk will hit you again, but with less power and more and more time in between. Most days I never think about any of this. Most days I don't even think about dipping or smoking. Sometimes months go by without even a passing urge. You'd trade me hard cash to feel this kind of quit. All you gotta do is keep putting up plus ones and you'll get here. You'll look back and wonder what the big deal was, and kick yourself for not doing it sooner. But don't ever forget the price you paid to get to that point, and don't ever believe that you are cured. As much as it sucks, addiction is forever.
THIS is the type of stufff I like to read from the vets of ktc. It helps me and strengthens my quit, almost lets me know I'm still on the right path as sometimes the trail of bread crums gets hard to follow. Im 180 days quit but still look up to many of the "long timers" and find their words most helpful. Some of the other drama I read on here tonight does not. In fact it almost weakens my quit and gets me scratching my head as I watch things get personal and the ultimate goal of brotherhood and quitting gets lost.

Ultimately though it is all about ME and I have to make me #1 and not worry about stepping in a pile of #2. Could I do this by myself now? Maybe, but thats a huge risk that I don't think Im ready for. Just like I chose to quit, I chose to stay on KTC and soak up the positive and "leave the rest". Soaking up the good stuff is easy, ignoring the negative and "leaving the rest" is harder than I thought for some reason. Maybe that will get easier with time too...
Damn that was well said! thank you for sharing Skoal Monster.
March 2013 - Mad Men of Quit        
Quit date: 11/22/12          
Sobriety Date: 4/10/2006         
HOF Date 03/02/2013         
Semper Fidelis

Offline Diesel2112

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« Reply #140 on: December 01, 2012, 02:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Being member 1 or member 16,000 doesn't make any difference, an addict is an addict. I remember when Ray Ray caved at 800 plus days and I was fucking dumbstruck. I was shook when SWJ, Lawenforcer, others caved. Made me feel like I was walking on a razor's edge between quit and using. I tore up cavers because of it. No reason to let a cave effect you. Your quitting for you after all right? Your not a lemming, so don't start thinking about following others off the cliff.

I learned some things watching people fail , I'll pass that on as best I know how

Wisdom I have accepted ;

This shit is forever. It's a scar that will fade, but never heal. I will always be an addict. I fully expect to crave a dip while I'm laying in my death bed, and I'm going to fucking smile, because I still won't give in.

If I forget addiction is forever, I'll eventually cave. Of that I am certain.

The number of days I have accumulated has nothing to do with the strength of my quit. That strength comes from understanding the addiction, and from the strength of my promise.

The only day of any importance is today. Today I will be quit. I always swore I'd quit tomorrow, Tomorrow never seemd to come. When Quitting I do it today. Tomorrow is a dream, the past a memory, I can only control now, and right now I'm choosing quit.

The memory of how bad I truly wanted to quit is stronger than my desire to start again. I hold that memory close, it's a shield against my own bullshit.

Chewing a neurotoxic weed that hi-jacked my bodies feel good chemical producing ability never did anything positive for me. It was never a crutch, just an anchor.

It's a decision, so simple and yet so hard. But thats all it is. A choice. I made that choice, and now I will live with it.

The daily decision to quit becomes easier and easier as time passes. But that doesn't mean I'm cured. Remember, this shit is forever.

The hardest part of quitting is the first step. It was the day you REALLY decided to try. That day took me years to get to. It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again.

When you think about giving in, think about what it took to get here. Your about to throw all that away. You don't take one step back. You physically and neurologically start from zero. This isn't cheating on a diet, it's all in everyday. There truly is no just one.

All that being said, I still come here to remind myself I am an addict. I come here to try to help guide who I can through the door. I can't save anybody but me, but I can shine a light on the path. I strongly encourage you to stick around, The HOF is a milestone, not a destination. There is no cure and you will not ride a rainbow unicorn on day 101. The funk will hit you again, but with less power and more and more time in between. Most days I never think about any of this. Most days I don't even think about dipping or smoking. Sometimes months go by without even a passing urge. You'd trade me hard cash to feel this kind of quit. All you gotta do is keep putting up plus ones and you'll get here. You'll look back and wonder what the big deal was, and kick yourself for not doing it sooner. But don't ever forget the price you paid to get to that point, and don't ever believe that you are cured. As much as it sucks, addiction is forever.
THIS is the type of stufff I like to read from the vets of ktc. It helps me and strengthens my quit, almost lets me know I'm still on the right path as sometimes the trail of bread crums gets hard to follow. Im 180 days quit but still look up to many of the "long timers" and find their words most helpful. Some of the other drama I read on here tonight does not. In fact it almost weakens my quit and gets me scratching my head as I watch things get personal and the ultimate goal of brotherhood and quitting gets lost.

Ultimately though it is all about ME and I have to make me #1 and not worry about stepping in a pile of #2. Could I do this by myself now? Maybe, but thats a huge risk that I don't think Im ready for. Just like I chose to quit, I chose to stay on KTC and soak up the positive and "leave the rest". Soaking up the good stuff is easy, ignoring the negative and "leaving the rest" is harder than I thought for some reason. Maybe that will get easier with time too...
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #139 on: December 01, 2012, 01:32:00 AM »
Being member 1 or member 16,000 doesn't make any difference, an addict is an addict. I remember when Ray Ray caved at 800 plus days and I was fucking dumbstruck. I was shook when SWJ, Lawenforcer, others caved. Made me feel like I was walking on a razor's edge between quit and using. I tore up cavers because of it. No reason to let a cave effect you. Your quitting for you after all right? Your not a lemming, so don't start thinking about following others off the cliff.

I learned some things watching people fail , I'll pass that on as best I know how

Wisdom I have accepted ;

This shit is forever. It's a scar that will fade, but never heal. I will always be an addict. I fully expect to crave a dip while I'm laying in my death bed, and I'm going to fucking smile, because I still won't give in.

If I forget addiction is forever, I'll eventually cave. Of that I am certain.

The number of days I have accumulated has nothing to do with the strength of my quit. That strength comes from understanding the addiction, and from the strength of my promise.

The only day of any importance is today. Today I will be quit. I always swore I'd quit tomorrow, Tomorrow never seemd to come. When Quitting I do it today. Tomorrow is a dream, the past a memory, I can only control now, and right now I'm choosing quit.

The memory of how bad I truly wanted to quit is stronger than my desire to start again. I hold that memory close, it's a shield against my own bullshit.

Chewing a neurotoxic weed that hi-jacked my bodies feel good chemical producing ability never did anything positive for me. It was never a crutch, just an anchor.

It's a decision, so simple and yet so hard. But thats all it is. A choice. I made that choice, and now I will live with it.

The daily decision to quit becomes easier and easier as time passes. But that doesn't mean I'm cured. Remember, this shit is forever.

The hardest part of quitting is the first step. It was the day you REALLY decided to try. That day took me years to get to. It is so much easier to stay quit than to decide to quit. Don't throw that away, you may never get here again.

When you think about giving in, think about what it took to get here. Your about to throw all that away. You don't take one step back. You physically and neurologically start from zero. This isn't cheating on a diet, it's all in everyday. There truly is no just one.

All that being said, I still come here to remind myself I am an addict. I come here to try to help guide who I can through the door. I can't save anybody but me, but I can shine a light on the path. I strongly encourage you to stick around, The HOF is a milestone, not a destination. There is no cure and you will not ride a rainbow unicorn on day 101. The funk will hit you again, but with less power and more and more time in between. Most days I never think about any of this. Most days I don't even think about dipping or smoking. Sometimes months go by without even a passing urge. You'd trade me hard cash to feel this kind of quit. All you gotta do is keep putting up plus ones and you'll get here. You'll look back and wonder what the big deal was, and kick yourself for not doing it sooner. But don't ever forget the price you paid to get to that point, and don't ever believe that you are cured. As much as it sucks, addiction is forever.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Scowick65

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« Reply #138 on: October 30, 2012, 01:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Spongebob Mantra
There is only one thing that I must accomplish today, and that is to not chew.
If I get other things done today, great.
But everything else has second priority for now.
Soon I'll be able to focus on those other things too.
But for right now, for today, this is the only thing that matters.
I won't demand more of myself, and I won't get down on myself for not doing anything else if I don't get to it.
This is damn damn damn hard work, and it's the most important work that I have right now.
I'll be truly and sincerely proud if I meet no goals today other than keeping that crap out of my mouth
.....begin with the end in mind. :)

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #137 on: October 30, 2012, 12:57:00 PM »
Spongebob Mantra
There is only one thing that I must accomplish today, and that is to not chew.
If I get other things done today, great.
But everything else has second priority for now.
Soon I'll be able to focus on those other things too.
But for right now, for today, this is the only thing that matters.
I won't demand more of myself, and I won't get down on myself for not doing anything else if I don't get to it.
This is damn damn damn hard work, and it's the most important work that I have right now.
I'll be truly and sincerely proud if I meet no goals today other than keeping that crap out of my mouth

By Magnum

Some people never intended to make this a life long decision. Quitting to them is a novelty not a life or death decision. Accountability means nothing when you haven't made the decision to quit for good. If you leave the option open to shit on yourself why would you care about shitting on others let alone calling them before you do it?

Fuck Cavers. Be a quitter.
So I was floating along like a BOSS with 108 days under my belt. I dropped my hands for just a split second and the bitch took a swing at my face. She missed of course because I never even let here get that close, but here is the story:

I stopped to assist a Deputy that had a vehicle stopped. I was talking with the driver who was smoking something that was plugged into the cigarette lighter. This was no ordinary Electronic cigarette, this was a top of the line device with several customized chrome parts. I asked him about it and he stated that you can refill the clear class capsule with "liquid nicotine stuff" and smoke it. He had bought each of the parts separately and estimated that he was in it about 50 dollars. You could tell this was his prize possession and he was happy to show it off. Hmmm...I thought as my addict mind began to turn...liquid nicotine?...could it be safe?....have I found the perfect device to feed my addiction? Then I realized what I was thinking and it scared me. I never have even smoked a cigarette and I was rationalizing a way to get nicotine. I have been able to destroy all of my craves but was not ready for this cheap shot.

The driver was subsequently arrested for possession of heroin. As we talked about his addiction with heroin I found myself nodding my head in agreement. I was no different then this young kid, I am an addict!

I am typing this to remind myself that I am an ADDICT. That I can never let my hands drop and expose my chin. Any opportunity the nic-bitch has to take a swing she will. She will ground pound me and not let me back up.. NEVER AGAIN!

Waketech -Day 108-
by Keddy
Day • 801 •

Just For Review:  There is no safe form of tobacco.
  Someone who dips gets a whole lot more than he or she asks for!
At least 28 chemicals in smokeless tobacco have been found to cause cancer.
  • Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), particularly benzo[a]pyrene (B[a] P is one such carcinogens found in smokeless tobacco. It is suggested that exposure to PAH can increase the risk of lung and skin cancer.
  • Volatile aldehydes are the most abundantly found carcinogens in smokeless tobacco (ST). Though acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and croton aldehyde are less carcinogenic, together they can add to the carcinogenic potential in ST. Exposure to volatile aldehyde can cause breast and liver cancer.
  • Tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) are the most harmful carcinogens found in smokeless tobacco. In young tobacco leaves, N-Nitrosamines are found in minute amounts. But, they are actually formed during curing, fermentation and aging of tobacco. N-nitrosamine exposure can cause cancer of oral, esophagus, pancreas, stomach, lung, and bladder.
  • Other than TSNAs, studies have also reported that smokeless tobacco contains nitrosamino acids. Of the 10 nitrosamino acids identified, 3 are not carcinogenic, 4 (nitrososarcosine, 3-propionic acid, 4-butyric acid and N-nitrosoazetadine-2-carboxylic acid) are known carcinogenic and the rest 3 are yet to be bioassayed.

As if that wasn't enough!
  • It is suggested that absorption of nicotine directly into the blood stream is 3 to 4 times higher in case of smokeless tobacco than that caused by cigarettes.
  • Using smokeless tobacco may also cause heart disease, gum disease, and oral lesions other than cancer, such as leukoplakia (precancerous white patches in the mouth).

Chemicals in smokeless tobacco.
  • Cadmium: used in car batteries
  • Formaldehyde: embalming fluid
  • Lead: a poison
  • Arsenic:  a toxic poison
  • Nicotine: an addictive drug
  • N-Nitrosamines: cancer-causing chemical
  • Polonium 210: nuclear waste
  • Acetaldehyde: irritant
  • Hydrazine: toxic chemical
  • Benzopyrene: cancer-causing chemical
  • Uranium 235: used in nuclear weapons
  • Sodium: salt, can cause high blood pressure
  • Sugar: can cause cavities
  • Fiberglass and Sand: abrasives

by Wt
What came to my mind was: Stockholm syndrome People suffering from Stockholm syndrome come to identify with and even care for their captors in a desperate, usually unconscious act of self-preservation. It occurs in the most psychologically traumatic situations, often hostage situations or kidnappings, and its effects usually do not end when the crisis ends. In the most classic cases, victims continue to defend and care about their captors even after they escape captivity. Symptoms of Stockholm syndrome have also been identified in the slave/master relationship.
Day 29 of my Quit.

In early December of 2012, I had a referral to an oral surgeon from my dentist. I went the first week of December. The verdict from him at the time was Leukoplakia. I mentioned that I was cutting down on chewing and working to quit. He told me to come back in 8 weeks, if I didn't quit chewing and things looked the same, I'd have to have a biopsy.

Well my day 29 was the visit to the oral surgeon. The tissue didn't improve and I just had a biopsy sample cut from my cheek. As I sit here writing this, my cheek is bleeding, I've just spent $300+ on a procedure, and I'm scared as hell. I'm 32 years old, I can't believe I'm facing the potential of cancer, and I'm scared as hell if I do have it.

Many emotions are running through me right now, fear, sadness, regret, anger.....

Regret -- Why in the hell did I have to poison my body for 17 years with lip turds. I told myself for 17 years that i needed to dip so I'd feel normal, that life was too hard without it. I'm 29 days into my quit -- yea the first 7 days sucked ass, and I felt like absolute hell, but they weren't impossible. On day 29 I know I have a whole log of quitting to do, but I also subscribe to the motto "Never again, for any reason"

Sadness -- I'm sad that I did not think that this would happen or could happen to me. I was invincible in my younger years and I always put off quitting. I'll quit after i get through this big test. I'll quite when I get through this major project at work. I'll quit after I get married. I always had a next step for quitting, but didn't get there until 17 years later. If you wait for the next step or the perfect time to quit, it will never come. Just fucking quit.

Anger -- I'm a dumbass, and I'm angry at myself for being a dumbass. What stupid motherfucker poisons himself day in and day out for 17 years. Not to mention all of the fucking warning signs that people had. The dentist had been warning me for years. I just thought I was invincible, or that it was too hard. The reality: I was too big of a pussy.

Fear -- at 32 years old, I could have cancer. I won't know for a week. This is probably the most terrifying thing that I've faced. Cancer is terrifying, and unfortunately some get it without ever poisoning their bodies, but I can't help but blame myself. I don't know what will come, but the unknown is scary as hell.

For anyone out there lurking on this site: READ THIS. It's not as compelling as the stories on the main site, or the pics, but it's an average 32 year old man that's going through what you may have to face one day if you don't pull that shit out of your lip. Stop being a pussy and man up. look at how many people have been able to quit. And you have access to talk to them. To walk the path with many, rather than the lonely path you are on now.

This site works. It's given me 29 days. 4 weeks. That's 4 weeks nicotine free. I've never had 4 weeks nicotine free since I started.

Today I quit like fuck.

About 52 years ago, my Daddy made a monumental decision that likely forever altered many of the outcomes of my life. He made this decision when I wasn't quite 2-years old so I never even knew about it until just a few days ago. This single decision very well could be responsible for every lesson he ever taught me. If he hadn't made that decision, he may have been taken from me long ago. On his 37th birthday, October 17, 2012, he made a conscious decision to quit dipping snuff. I never knew he ever had such a nasty habit until he told me just the other day. He spent an hour or so talking about how he used to use tobacco when he was younger. I was shocked! Not only did I never know, but my Daddy is the LAST person on Earth that I would have ever imagined using tobacco. Any time he saw someone using snuff or smoking a cigarette, he would ask them why they were being so selfish. He'd tell them how they were robbing their families of precious moments of life together. It always embarrassed me and my Mom, but he would always ask them how they could choose their habit over their own spouse and children. Every time he finished a conversation with someone about that, he would walk over to me and my Mom and give us a hug and a kiss and tell us he loved us. I didn't know then, but I now know why he did it. Thank you, Daddy!

I have in my hand a piece of paper. My Daddy handed me this piece of paper 4 days ago. On this piece of paper are a word, and a number. It reads, "Day 18,836." When he handed me this piece of paper, I just looked at it and in a confused tone asked him, "What's this, Daddy?" He said, "That's what today is. Today is Day 18,836 of my quit. My mind may not be the sharpest, but I always know what day it is in my quit." I asked, "Your quit from what, Daddy?" "My quit from nicotine," he replied. And that is how the conversation started about him being a nicotine addict. He talked, and I listened for an hour or so while he talked about how much fun and happiness he's had in his life because of his quit. If he had had the strength, he'd have been puffing his chest out. I saw and heard a pride in his voice that I hadn't heard in quite some time. He told me that his quit was how he met some of his life-long friends. I had even met many of them over the years, but had no idea really that he knew them because they were all quitters together. There are even some of you here today. I was fascinated by the stories he told me, and about how he had actually helped lots of other people quit the nicotine habit over the years. He told me, "Besides marrying your Mama, it was probably the best decision I ever made?" We had a big laugh about that one. After the laughter subsided, he got a calm look on his face. He pulled on my hand, so I leaned over and gave him a big hug and a kiss. He said, "I love you, Keelyn. I'll see you soon, my little angel." Then, he leaned his head back, closed his eyes and whispered, "I quit for good, you bunch of JackWagins. I'm goin' to the Hall of Fame."

My Daddy was 89 years old when he passed 4 days ago. He lived a long, prosperous and happy life. In the last days, we spent a lot of time reflecting on all the things we'd done together and all of my successes in life. When I was with him, it was always all about me. All he seemed to care about was helping build me into a successful woman. Whether it was perfecting that rise-ball, nursing that calf, or selling that last box of Thin Mints, he was always pushing me to figure out a way to improve. He always loved me no matter what.

I'll miss you, Daddy. I'll always be your "Little Angel," and I'll see you soon! Thank you, Daddy!"   
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Kubiak

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« Reply #136 on: September 19, 2012, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Eric71
Quote from: Skoal
sM's Road to Quit

   Some years ago I got a call from a frantic daughter explaining that she had not heard from her father for a few weeks which was out of character for him. She asked I check on him. He was a retired police officer, overweight, with bad circulation from years of chewing tobacco. A good guy.

I found him on his couch, sitting up. He had been there for weeks. All around him were spit cups and spent dips that had been left everywhere. It was like a giant dip shitting rabbit had left pellets of skoal all over his apartment. A rancid spitter had spilled at his feet when the heart attack took him. He died dipping, covered in brown spit, surrounded by stinking cups of cancerous ooze. The damage nicotine had done to his circulatory system was determined to be a major contributor to his death. He never even had time to say goodbye to his daughter.

I walked out and packed a dip. The irony of that bothered me. The memory of it sickens me.

Weeks later another resident came in to pay her rent. She was going through her second round of chemo, and was swollen like Verucca Sault after eating the unperfected blueberry gum from Willy Wonka. She'd lost all her hair and had black rings under eyes. I met her at my desk with a wedge in my mouth. She looked at me and started to weep. She said " but you have babies!!" She asked me why I hadn't quit. Lamely I stammered about it being difficult and said" you know how it is" she said, " NO, I DID NOT know how it is" and became angry with me. She was dead in a week.

Before the lung cancer took its tool, she was beautiful. She was from Europe somewhere and had that cosmopolitan flare. She smoked with the grace of an old school silver screen beauty like Bacall.  She had class. In the end cancer stripped it all bare, left her a wheezing shell of herself.  I can't shake the vision of her looking hard into my eyes with tears falling from her ashen cheeks and asking me why I hadn't quit yet. How ridiculous my answer. I can see her husband standing at the window smoking as I type this.   I'm embarrassed that I understand it. He is an addict just like me. Not even holding his wives hand as she died due to smoking could flip the switch in his head. I'm ashamed that I was once as lost as him.

Another month went by and I sat in a duck blind by myself knuckles deep into a log of chew during a week long duck hunt. I began to ponder the stupidity of my addiction. I felt horrible most days. My heart beat jumped like a jackrabbit on meth. I was tired, I needed at least 2 cans a day to feel  " normal" . Thing was is my use had gotten to the level that I was unable to remove the withdrawl symptoms. I was spending the entire day in a state of nicotine withdrawl.  I could chew nic gum, smoke, and dip, but really never got any relief from the cravings. I see now that this is how drug addicts eventually overdose and die. If it was heroin or coke and not nicotine, I'd be dead. In any case I had a moment of clarity and realized if I was going to live in a constant state of withdrawl, I might as well quit and stop killing myself. I wasn't going to feel anymore shitty so what was the difference.  I set my last can on the ledge of the blind and never used nicotine again.

This is nicotine's end game. At some point you reach the level of addiction that your never "not" using. It's why there are chain smokers. It's why you replaced one dip after another after another. It is why you hide your habit from your family and coworkers. It is why I would buy my chew from different gas stations because I was actually embarrased by how much I used.  It is also why nicotine will never get me back. I know what is there at the end. She either kills you outright with cancer, kills you slowly with related disease, or just stops "working" . It is a no win game from all angles. a neurotoxic romance where the only outcomes are death or quit.

three years into my quit, my wife who is a health nut of epic proportions, slim as a rail and almost vegetarian was diagnosed with cancer. No cause, just random luck.  The fear, anguish, hurt of that diagnosis and treatment that followed was unbelieveable. Cancer is a mother fucker my friends. Thank God she has made it through that and is one year clean today. There is no earthly way any human being would place himself in that posistion on purpose, and yet we do. We use a substance that we know will kill us eventually. We take comfort in the so called odds that we won't be the one that gets it. We try to believe the storys about the grandparent that smokes and dipped until he was 103. We lie to ourselves.  Jenny Kern once said " the odds don't matter when your the one who gets it" She is right. Moreover, there are no odds you could give me that would make me risk hurting my family to such a huge extent. Purposefully killing ourselves by choosing nicotine over our family? stupid.

I'm so relieved I quit. I'm comforted now by the fact that I am approaching 4 years quit and that each passing day brings me closer to reducing my risk of cancer back to the level of a non tobacco user. It was so easy in hindsight. I just had to make up my mind to do it. To accept the consequences of quitting. To pay the price of the suck and the funks. It was so worth all of that shit, it was easier than I thought, and the rewards far greater.

Stay quit , it IS literally life and death

Thanks SM, that hit the spot and further substantiates the thoughts flowing through my head as the days without go scrolling by. How flipping stupid we all were, how fucking lucky we are to have a chance to fight back, how great is it that we have a foundation to lean against when our quit life isn't perfect.

I really can't explain why I hopped in here on an afternoon when I have too much work and too little time to get it completed. I just know Someone is looking out for us as we walk this road to freedom.

QLAFM with you today.
Thanks for sharing that, sM. Powerful stuff and I'm glad to have landed in a quit group with you. I was right there with you on not being able to get enough "delivery." The freedom is amazing and I'm in this for the long-haul. It's great to hear that your wife is cancer free! I'll quit with you anytime my friend.

Now, to the reader out there in the ether. If you haven't quit yet, read his words again. You have no idea what awaits you. You need to decide if living is worth the effort.
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..... "unable to remove the withdrawal symptoms" hit home.

Offline Tsmith17

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« Reply #135 on: September 19, 2012, 01:48:00 AM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: razd611
Alright, I looked and I can't find it, maybe I missed it or it's not in here ( confused yet?).

There was a story about building a chicken coop in the driveway and I thought is was in here..............

I remember that one.
Yeah , my double hernia reminds me all the time. I dunno where that was , I do know that SOB was heavier than a train full of circus elephants, and if doomsday hits I'll be in the coop. It's built stronger than my house. But in the future I will build giant crap like that where it lives instead of the garage. I must have been fogged in . 'bang head' 'bang head'

Found it...

Posted in August 2010:
by SkoalMonster

If the olympics had an event for carpentry , I would be the short odds favorite to kick ass.By kick ass, I mean nailing my hands together after stapling my junk to a 2x4.

A month ago my dumbass decides, with some encouragement from my 3 year old, who has less common sense than Tortilla Jesus after a gallon of Jaeger Meister, to get some chickens. I figure they're probably like eggs, so I get 6. Only minor problem is I don't have a coop. Now, the thing about chickens is , they grow faster than Hawkquit's schlong after eating a tub of viagra and watching Mrs Howell on Gilligans Island. No, worries I think because like CougerDaddys signifigant other I have every tool under the sun. . So I start building. What I lack in construction experience I make up for with enthusiasm ( like sex with BFrank, so I hear). If the incredible hulk built shit while he was all green and steroidal, it would pale in comparison to the sheer strength of the fucking bomb shelter that I have built for my 5 chickens. Oh yeah, it is now a dyslexic bakers half dozen. On the plus side the cat is happier than shit and the kids now know that chickens go to heaven and the cat is a dick. My window licking 3 year old suggests that we say fuck it on the bunker style coop and feed the rest of the chickens to the cat. Because " it was kind of funny" Little buddy might be smarter than I give him credit for, or like Zombie, a future serial killer.

But, unlike raging Jews sister, Im no easy sell, so I keep building. I roof, I insulate, I fence, glue, cut, and screw. Reminds me of dating my wife, except roof had an ie on it. shes still pissed about the whole fencing cage thing. Women.... but I digress.

Today I finsihed the Rhino proof, hurricane proof, nuclear bomb shelter that is my coop. I looked proudly at the double thick walls, the cedar trim that hides all my fuck ups. The 300 screws, The perfectly fitting doors and ramps and roofing and fencing job. "Yes this 8 foot long by 4 foot wide and 6 foot tall house is a beauty of redneck engineering. The problem you ask?..........built it in the driveway. It must weigh over 1,000 pounds, cant even lift a corner with two guys.

I am considering wearing a helmet all day every day and also having what remains of my pea sized brain surgically removed so I dont get in any more trouble. However, I did the whole thing dip free so I got that going for me.
Thanks!!! I needed that. Shit cracked me up from the first time I read it.

x2 - that is hilarious, thanks
'crackup' 'crackup' Forgot about this one!!
"The cat is a dick."

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« Reply #134 on: September 18, 2012, 11:16:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: razd611
Alright, I looked and I can't find it, maybe I missed it or it's not in here ( confused yet?).

There was a story about building a chicken coop in the driveway and I thought is was in here..............

I remember that one.
Yeah , my double hernia reminds me all the time. I dunno where that was , I do know that SOB was heavier than a train full of circus elephants, and if doomsday hits I'll be in the coop. It's built stronger than my house. But in the future I will build giant crap like that where it lives instead of the garage. I must have been fogged in . 'bang head' 'bang head'

Found it...

Posted in August 2010:
by SkoalMonster

If the olympics had an event for carpentry , I would be the short odds favorite to kick ass.By kick ass, I mean nailing my hands together after stapling my junk to a 2x4.

A month ago my dumbass decides, with some encouragement from my 3 year old, who has less common sense than Tortilla Jesus after a gallon of Jaeger Meister, to get some chickens. I figure they're probably like eggs, so I get 6. Only minor problem is I don't have a coop. Now, the thing about chickens is , they grow faster than Hawkquit's schlong after eating a tub of viagra and watching Mrs Howell on Gilligans Island. No, worries I think because like CougerDaddys signifigant other I have every tool under the sun. . So I start building. What I lack in construction experience I make up for with enthusiasm ( like sex with BFrank, so I hear). If the incredible hulk built shit while he was all green and steroidal, it would pale in comparison to the sheer strength of the fucking bomb shelter that I have built for my 5 chickens. Oh yeah, it is now a dyslexic bakers half dozen. On the plus side the cat is happier than shit and the kids now know that chickens go to heaven and the cat is a dick. My window licking 3 year old suggests that we say fuck it on the bunker style coop and feed the rest of the chickens to the cat. Because " it was kind of funny" Little buddy might be smarter than I give him credit for, or like Zombie, a future serial killer.

But, unlike raging Jews sister, Im no easy sell, so I keep building. I roof, I insulate, I fence, glue, cut, and screw. Reminds me of dating my wife, except roof had an ie on it. shes still pissed about the whole fencing cage thing. Women.... but I digress.

Today I finsihed the Rhino proof, hurricane proof, nuclear bomb shelter that is my coop. I looked proudly at the double thick walls, the cedar trim that hides all my fuck ups. The 300 screws, The perfectly fitting doors and ramps and roofing and fencing job. "Yes this 8 foot long by 4 foot wide and 6 foot tall house is a beauty of redneck engineering. The problem you ask?..........built it in the driveway. It must weigh over 1,000 pounds, cant even lift a corner with two guys.

I am considering wearing a helmet all day every day and also having what remains of my pea sized brain surgically removed so I dont get in any more trouble. However, I did the whole thing dip free so I got that going for me.
Thanks!!! I needed that. Shit cracked me up from the first time I read it.

x2 - that is hilarious, thanks
'crackup' 'crackup' Forgot about this one!!

Offline SirDerek

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« Reply #133 on: September 18, 2012, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: razd611
Alright, I looked and I can't find it, maybe I missed it or it's not in here ( confused yet?).

There was a story about building a chicken coop in the driveway and I thought is was in here..............

I remember that one.
Yeah , my double hernia reminds me all the time. I dunno where that was , I do know that SOB was heavier than a train full of circus elephants, and if doomsday hits I'll be in the coop. It's built stronger than my house. But in the future I will build giant crap like that where it lives instead of the garage. I must have been fogged in . 'bang head' 'bang head'

Found it...

Posted in August 2010:
by SkoalMonster

If the olympics had an event for carpentry , I would be the short odds favorite to kick ass.By kick ass, I mean nailing my hands together after stapling my junk to a 2x4.

A month ago my dumbass decides, with some encouragement from my 3 year old, who has less common sense than Tortilla Jesus after a gallon of Jaeger Meister, to get some chickens. I figure they're probably like eggs, so I get 6. Only minor problem is I don't have a coop. Now, the thing about chickens is , they grow faster than Hawkquit's schlong after eating a tub of viagra and watching Mrs Howell on Gilligans Island. No, worries I think because like CougerDaddys signifigant other I have every tool under the sun. . So I start building. What I lack in construction experience I make up for with enthusiasm ( like sex with BFrank, so I hear). If the incredible hulk built shit while he was all green and steroidal, it would pale in comparison to the sheer strength of the fucking bomb shelter that I have built for my 5 chickens. Oh yeah, it is now a dyslexic bakers half dozen. On the plus side the cat is happier than shit and the kids now know that chickens go to heaven and the cat is a dick. My window licking 3 year old suggests that we say fuck it on the bunker style coop and feed the rest of the chickens to the cat. Because " it was kind of funny" Little buddy might be smarter than I give him credit for, or like Zombie, a future serial killer.

But, unlike raging Jews sister, Im no easy sell, so I keep building. I roof, I insulate, I fence, glue, cut, and screw. Reminds me of dating my wife, except roof had an ie on it. shes still pissed about the whole fencing cage thing. Women.... but I digress.

Today I finsihed the Rhino proof, hurricane proof, nuclear bomb shelter that is my coop. I looked proudly at the double thick walls, the cedar trim that hides all my fuck ups. The 300 screws, The perfectly fitting doors and ramps and roofing and fencing job. "Yes this 8 foot long by 4 foot wide and 6 foot tall house is a beauty of redneck engineering. The problem you ask?..........built it in the driveway. It must weigh over 1,000 pounds, cant even lift a corner with two guys.

I am considering wearing a helmet all day every day and also having what remains of my pea sized brain surgically removed so I dont get in any more trouble. However, I did the whole thing dip free so I got that going for me.
Thanks!!! I needed that. Shit cracked me up from the first time I read it.

x2 - that is hilarious, thanks