I wanted to make this post regarding my day 4 to give comfort to others that may experience the same things and for me to read later when I get a crave.
I briefly explained what has brought me here after caving in 2018 after 120 days. Starting in June, I started having terrible panic attacks. Full blown meltdown in public, rush to the ER panic attacks. Out of nowhere, or so I thought. Basically I would get vertigo, and think I was dying, heart palpatations etc. Once at the ER I would be ok, EKG was good, etc. I just turned 44. It is important to understand that I was extremely social, active, and healthy. This quickly changed after the panic attacks, I am afraid and high anxiety all of the time. Fearing another attack will happen at any moment, and they do, sometimes 10 in a day. I went to the doctors, first one said TMJ and anxiety disorder. This confused me because I had never experienced anything like these mental challenges, how does this happen out of the blue? I thought. Turns out I have an issue in my labyrinth in my ears...partly because of chewing for 20 years.
So, for 9 weeks, I have been in hell, had an allergic reaction to the steroid prednisone, had terrible reactions to some mental meds including crazy shit like intrusive and suicidal thoughts, etc.
The whole time, I'm still chewing lmao. Finally I started researching, and the links between nicotine and anxiety and panic are staggering. I threw away my stash on Sat night and logged into KTC.
So yesterday(day 4) I experienced all of these symptoms:
Nausea, flu-like, ear pain, jaw pain(excruciating), body aches, and massive headaches. It got to a point while I was driving, that I thought I was having a stroke, could barely keep my head up, it scared the shit out of me. But I also had fleeting intrusive thoughts, crazy town shit. I had to breathe and work through it, getting home and forcing myself to lay down. I will tell you, it was top 5 most agonizing 3 hour periods in my life.
I had over 20 texts from fellow quitters, checking on me, encouraging me etc, and I can tell you without a doubt they helped save my quit yesterday when I was in so much agony and the thought of a dip making it all go away crossed my mind.
Day 5 today, posted roll, I will keep my promise today. I quit with all of you today.