Author Topic: Lenten quitter  (Read 15325 times)

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Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #199 on: November 18, 2014, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.
I'm not sure the "surprise" element was the biggest issue. Calling into a work place and dropping his KTC moniker wasn't the brightest idea. It looks unprofessional when you're getting paged, or ask for Thumblewort of KTC. Or even if you called directly to his phone at work, it's still unprofessional. Work is how we all survive. I don't have a wife or kids, but work is still necessary for me to survive as a young adult. I would be pretty fired up if someone called my place of employment and asked for THansen of KTC. Not because I'm embarrassed of my addiction, this site, or my quit...but because it could jeopardize my job, and my image at work.

I love you both in a very ghey way. I don't think people should be banned (unless it's written into the fine print we all agree to when joining) from this site. I think it's a valuable lesson to all quitters on here. Cell phones are one thing. Home phones and work phones, are completely off limits, unless approved by that quitter.

Just my feelings... Will be a sad day if Thumble doesn't come back.
I don't think anyone has been discussing banning anyone, other than maybe me saying whoever did it "should be banned" (my opinion means nothing) back when it was conjecture that whomever did it had done it to be a fucking prick or a stalker or something.
Done4 is neither a prick nor a stalker. He used some bad judgement and called a number when he probably shouldn't have.
If he did that to me, I wouldn't leave the site, I would put my fucking foot up his ass, and make sure he didn't do it again.
I talked to Done4 for a while on the phone this afternoon. We need to get this in the past.
Thumble needs to get his ass back in, deliver a spanking to his stalker and get back to work.

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #198 on: November 18, 2014, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Attention Admins: I'm not sure what can be done on your end to investigate who may have breached Thumble's privacy, but I would strongly encourage any necessary steps to improve the privacy on this site in light of this situation. Granted this can happen to anyone here, but the fact that it happened to Thumble, arguably the most supportive quitter to grace these pages in the last 6 months is a HUGE loss to this site if we can't do something to remedy the situation.

I'm not a tech guy or web guru, so anyone on here at KTC that can help, please step up. Thumble means too much to this site.
Sorry, slow to the game.

D4, are you saying that it was you that called his work?
I did. More complete version in May but this is a post from above in in this intro.


In this case it freaked him out that he hung up quickly and I never got a chance to say my screen name. I traded texts with many today. I've talked live to Lipi and one other. I am sorry to have stirred all this up. I wanna go back to yesterday, can we do that? Also wanna talk to Twort and get him back in here. 100% poster for ~225 days is too much to lose. Thumble has his phone turned off. Both Bass and Smeds texted him on my behalf and I would suspect as soon as he hears the who/why, etc he will be back. Should I call his office again? (kidding)

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #197 on: November 18, 2014, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.
I'm not sure the "surprise" element was the biggest issue. Calling into a work place and dropping his KTC moniker wasn't the brightest idea. It looks unprofessional when you're getting paged, or ask for Thumblewort of KTC. Or even if you called directly to his phone at work, it's still unprofessional. Work is how we all survive. I don't have a wife or kids, but work is still necessary for me to survive as a young adult. I would be pretty fired up if someone called my place of employment and asked for THansen of KTC. Not because I'm embarrassed of my addiction, this site, or my quit...but because it could jeopardize my job, and my image at work.

I love you both in a very ghey way. I don't think people should be banned (unless it's written into the fine print we all agree to when joining) from this site. I think it's a valuable lesson to all quitters on here. Cell phones are one thing. Home phones and work phones, are completely off limits, unless approved by that quitter.

Just my feelings... Will be a sad day if Thumble doesn't come back.
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #196 on: November 18, 2014, 03:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Attention Admins: I'm not sure what can be done on your end to investigate who may have breached Thumble's privacy, but I would strongly encourage any necessary steps to improve the privacy on this site in light of this situation. Granted this can happen to anyone here, but the fact that it happened to Thumble, arguably the most supportive quitter to grace these pages in the last 6 months is a HUGE loss to this site if we can't do something to remedy the situation.

I'm not a tech guy or web guru, so anyone on here at KTC that can help, please step up. Thumble means too much to this site.
Sorry, slow to the game.

D4, are you saying that it was you that called his work?
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #195 on: November 18, 2014, 02:54:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.
Agree. Guys, this site and the brotherhood are too important to let this interfere.

How about if we blame Jake Frawley and move on? You are both bad ass quitters and have my complete respect.
Fuckin Frawley. Damn him for starting all this. Get back here Thumble. D4 meant no harm.
Jake you big prick! Come on back Twort, you and D4 need to make nice.

Hope you come back and at least read and appreciate the amount of respect you have from folks on this site. You and D4 are leaders on this site at this point in time. That is not something just thrown around - you have earned it with your actions.

I for one hope you come back and resume your quit and chalk it up to a misunderstanding. You mean a LOT to a lot of people on here.

Proud to quit with you.


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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #194 on: November 18, 2014, 02:35:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.
Agree. Guys, this site and the brotherhood are too important to let this interfere.

How about if we blame Jake Frawley and move on? You are both bad ass quitters and have my complete respect.
Fuckin Frawley. Damn him for starting all this. Get back here Thumble. D4 meant no harm.
Jake you big prick! Come on back Twort, you and D4 need to make nice.
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #193 on: November 18, 2014, 02:33:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.
Agree. Guys, this site and the brotherhood are too important to let this interfere.

How about if we blame Jake Frawley and move on? You are both bad ass quitters and have my complete respect.
Fuckin Frawley. Damn him for starting all this. Get back here Thumble. D4 meant no harm.

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #192 on: November 18, 2014, 02:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.
Agree. Guys, this site and the brotherhood are too important to let this interfere.

How about if we blame Jake Frawley and move on? You are both bad ass quitters and have my complete respect.

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #191 on: November 18, 2014, 12:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
It shouldn't bug anyone. Totally harmless. I have supported Thumble since I got here. A lot of it is in his intro. I don't believe there's an issue with wanting to talk to the guy. In retrospect, it's the surprise element that caused the issue.

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #190 on: November 18, 2014, 12:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Sapper
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
Done4 is harmless. He's a great guy and a great quitter. So is Thumblewort. Mystery solved. Thumb get your ass back here. I'm sure his intentions were good.

New rule: don't call anyone unless they have your number programmed or they are expecting your call. Any weirdos on the site won't stick around unless they're really super fucking weird or they're actually quit.
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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #189 on: November 18, 2014, 11:43:00 AM »
Quote from: done4me
I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming.
Honestly, dude, this line bugs me as well.
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Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #188 on: November 18, 2014, 11:43:00 AM »
Dry fire- quitter area

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #187 on: November 18, 2014, 11:42:00 AM »
I posted this in May, it needs to be here as well. It was me. I called Twort to surprise him and talk much like I called Lipi on a Sunday night a few weeks back and left him a vmail. Lipi and I haven't caught up yet but eventually I hope we do. There is no ill intent. I've been a fan and supporter of Thumble since early in my quit. He was my conductor. He's gotten a little weird lately but I guess that means he's comfortable here.

I've been wanting to talk to Thumble for awhile. I alluded to it in a roll post in July the other day, something like somebody has a surprise coming. Pope and I went to the game last night and I told him about me calling Thumble. In retrospect I can see how he would think it is creepy. Bottom line is I admire the guy and the more I meet people like Pope, Sluggo and talk to folks live, it strengthens my quit. The call was super short 10 secs because it creeped him out, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. Thus far today I've sent Thumble 2 PMs and posted a note in his intro. I gave him my digits. I've asked Smeds to text him my digits and to call, text, at a minimum get back on to read the explanation.

My guess is he'll return but it sucks that my intent to surprise him with a call went terribly awry.

I'm big on privacy as well. Y'all recall when Lipi asked that the facebook picture be taken down. I have pictures with me and Fiddle from September 2014 that I didn't send in because of the same concern as Lipi. The last thing I need is someone from my work to recognize me and start connecting the dots. Yesterday when roll was down, I posted on the KTC blog. The first time I did it wrong and it showed my real full name. I did it again the right way and sent a 'leave us a comment message' to Chewie and he killed the first post.

It didn't help that I called late afternoon at a time when the site was having issues and the option of shooting him a PM was off the table. Certainly a sequence of events I would love to unravel for Twort quickly.

Done4Me - incredibly creepy internet guy.

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #186 on: November 18, 2014, 11:40:00 AM »
Dude! My quit had a lot to do with your post in my intro. Now that it's been determined that this was not a malicious thing - please don't leave.

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Re: Lenten quitter
« Reply #185 on: November 18, 2014, 11:35:00 AM »
Would love to have you back with us, Thumble!