Author Topic: Weekly update  (Read 2618 times)

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Offline Highway48

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 06:29:00 PM »
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Highway48
so day 7 suck a left nut and it seems that day 8 is picking up right where the 7th left off...  Everything in the world is pissing me off be it my wife, dogs, traffic, the waitress at ihop, the crazy bitch on tv right now, to the friend that wont text me back.... UGGGHHHHHHH

i was waiting for these days to come because days 1-6 werent that bad... guess im getting some payback right now... need to remember these days for later in my quit when i start to get bored.

that is all for now...
Will that be enough considering you have been down this road before? Maybe you should think about a plan for when those days come instead of wondering if today's pain is enough to keep you quit.
im not going through this again...
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Offline klark

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 06:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Highway48
so day 7 suck a left nut and it seems that day 8 is picking up right where the 7th left off... Everything in the world is pissing me off be it my wife, dogs, traffic, the waitress at ihop, the crazy bitch on tv right now, to the friend that wont text me back.... UGGGHHHHHHH

i was waiting for these days to come because days 1-6 werent that bad... guess im getting some payback right now... need to remember these days for later in my quit when i start to get bored.

that is all for now...
Will that be enough considering you have been down this road before? Maybe you should think about a plan for when those days come instead of wondering if today's pain is enough to keep you quit.
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Highway48
so day 7 suck a left nut and it seems that day 8 is picking up right where the 7th left off... Everything in the world is pissing me off be it my wife, dogs, traffic, the waitress at ihop, the crazy bitch on tv right now, to the friend that wont text me back.... UGGGHHHHHHH

i was waiting for these days to come because days 1-6 werent that bad... guess im getting some payback right now... need to remember these days for later in my quit when i start to get bored.

that is all for now...
Words of wisdom there my brother. You do need to remember because it will sneak up on you when you least expect it. Be on guard at all times and remember the crappy times, so that the good times are that much better. Some of my hardest craves were around 20 days quit. Keep it up and stay quit....

Offline Highway48

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Weekly update
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:31:00 AM »
so day 7 suck a left nut and it seems that day 8 is picking up right where the 7th left off... Everything in the world is pissing me off be it my wife, dogs, traffic, the waitress at ihop, the crazy bitch on tv right now, to the friend that wont text me back.... UGGGHHHHHHH

i was waiting for these days to come because days 1-6 werent that bad... guess im getting some payback right now... need to remember these days for later in my quit when i start to get bored.

that is all for now...
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