day 59- Stoppages
The term is often used to refer to a labor union issue or the minutes added to the end of a soccer match. For me however, it refers to failure. Multiple instances of failure during the last 15 years. I have attempted to quit this bitch too many times. Many of these stoppages lasted 3 hours, 5 hours, or 1 day. I lost count and do not remember many of these stoppages. There are two that stand out in my memory. The first stoppage lasted 2 years. I was 23 years old.....went to a bar....thought I could have one....You know the story. The second was on KTC in 2011. I lasted 54 days (thought it was 58, I looked it up) I honestly spent much of my current quit thinking about day 54. I knew I learned from the all the stoppages, but I was scared. "Last time I felt so good but still failed"....That shit was not going to happen again. Today, I am on day 59. Dipping fake dip maybe a little too much but fuck it, I'm still quit. Maybe I am Preaching a little too much, maybe being a little too harsh on weak quitters, or maybe taking it too serious but I dont give a fuck because I finally know what I am doing. This is not a stoppage. I am killing this bitch every day. This is my quit. Owning it.