Author Topic: Nicotine, I Hate You  (Read 16327 times)

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #107 on: May 03, 2014, 01:28:00 PM »
Day 62 Weekend Warrior

I like to look for some added incentive (as if dying isnt enough) on the weekends. This is the time when the site has the least activity and when the quit of our members is the most vulnerable. Today is day 62. I am a member of the June 2014 group. As of today, we have had 75 people that have caved or are missing in action since the beginning of our group. We currently have 58 bad ass members that are fighting. Im not writing this to be negative or to discourage people. I am hoping that writing this will allow us to be aware of the reasons not to let our guard down. I am sure there were many people among the 75 people that were strong quitters. Some of these people may have thought they had this under control or that they could have just one. I feel like these 75 people scare us all. The 75 people potentially represent one of us. That is of course of we are arrogant enough to think "we got this"......I do not want to see another member of our group on that list. I dont want the number to rise to 76. 58 of us will make it 100. I quit today. out

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #106 on: April 30, 2014, 02:17:00 PM »
Quote from: jayd41
Quote from: sixercountry
day 59- Stoppages

The term is often used to refer to a labor union issue or the minutes added to the end of a soccer match. For me however, it refers to failure. Multiple instances of failure during the last 15 years. I have attempted to quit this bitch too many times. Many of these stoppages lasted 3 hours, 5 hours, or 1 day. I lost count and do not remember many of these stoppages. There are two that stand out in my memory. The first stoppage lasted 2 years. I was 23 years old.....went to a bar....thought I could have one....You know the story. The second was on KTC in 2011. I lasted 54 days (thought it was 58, I looked it up) I honestly spent much of my current quit thinking about day 54. I knew I learned from the all the stoppages, but I was scared. "Last time I felt so good but still failed"....That shit was not going to happen again. Today, I am on day 59. Dipping fake dip maybe a little too much but fuck it, I'm still quit. Maybe I am Preaching a little too much, maybe being a little too harsh on weak quitters, or maybe taking it too serious but I dont give a fuck because I finally know what I am doing. This is not a stoppage. I am killing this bitch every day. This is my quit. Owning it.
i use the fake stuff..and i don't feel bad about's not going to cause me to lose a jaw or tongue or my life. Weak ass quitters can learn from you sixer, being a retread myself i know how hard it is to come back after a failure. You keep preachin'll save one
Third time is the charm, 6r!
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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #105 on: April 30, 2014, 11:17:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
day 59- Stoppages

The term is often used to refer to a labor union issue or the minutes added to the end of a soccer match. For me however, it refers to failure. Multiple instances of failure during the last 15 years. I have attempted to quit this bitch too many times. Many of these stoppages lasted 3 hours, 5 hours, or 1 day. I lost count and do not remember many of these stoppages. There are two that stand out in my memory. The first stoppage lasted 2 years. I was 23 years old.....went to a bar....thought I could have one....You know the story. The second was on KTC in 2011. I lasted 54 days (thought it was 58, I looked it up) I honestly spent much of my current quit thinking about day 54. I knew I learned from the all the stoppages, but I was scared. "Last time I felt so good but still failed"....That shit was not going to happen again. Today, I am on day 59. Dipping fake dip maybe a little too much but fuck it, I'm still quit. Maybe I am Preaching a little too much, maybe being a little too harsh on weak quitters, or maybe taking it too serious but I dont give a fuck because I finally know what I am doing. This is not a stoppage. I am killing this bitch every day. This is my quit. Owning it.
i use the fake stuff..and i don't feel bad about's not going to cause me to lose a jaw or tongue or my life. Weak ass quitters can learn from you sixer, being a retread myself i know how hard it is to come back after a failure. You keep preachin'll save one
Boy I sure could use a beer right about now!

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #104 on: April 30, 2014, 11:16:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
day 59- Stoppages

The term is often used to refer to a labor union issue or the minutes added to the end of a soccer match. For me however, it refers to failure. Multiple instances of failure during the last 15 years. I have attempted to quit this bitch too many times. Many of these stoppages lasted 3 hours, 5 hours, or 1 day. I lost count and do not remember many of these stoppages. There are two that stand out in my memory. The first stoppage lasted 2 years. I was 23 years old.....went to a bar....thought I could have one....You know the story. The second was on KTC in 2011. I lasted 54 days (thought it was 58, I looked it up) I honestly spent much of my current quit thinking about day 54. I knew I learned from the all the stoppages, but I was scared. "Last time I felt so good but still failed"....That shit was not going to happen again. Today, I am on day 59. Dipping fake dip maybe a little too much but fuck it, I'm still quit. Maybe I am Preaching a little too much, maybe being a little too harsh on weak quitters, or maybe taking it too serious but I dont give a fuck because I finally know what I am doing. This is not a stoppage. I am killing this bitch every day. This is my quit. Owning it.
Fuck yeah!! Balls to the wall quit. Keep it up.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #103 on: April 30, 2014, 11:08:00 AM »
day 59- Stoppages

The term is often used to refer to a labor union issue or the minutes added to the end of a soccer match. For me however, it refers to failure. Multiple instances of failure during the last 15 years. I have attempted to quit this bitch too many times. Many of these stoppages lasted 3 hours, 5 hours, or 1 day. I lost count and do not remember many of these stoppages. There are two that stand out in my memory. The first stoppage lasted 2 years. I was 23 years old.....went to a bar....thought I could have one....You know the story. The second was on KTC in 2011. I lasted 54 days (thought it was 58, I looked it up) I honestly spent much of my current quit thinking about day 54. I knew I learned from the all the stoppages, but I was scared. "Last time I felt so good but still failed"....That shit was not going to happen again. Today, I am on day 59. Dipping fake dip maybe a little too much but fuck it, I'm still quit. Maybe I am Preaching a little too much, maybe being a little too harsh on weak quitters, or maybe taking it too serious but I dont give a fuck because I finally know what I am doing. This is not a stoppage. I am killing this bitch every day. This is my quit. Owning it.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #102 on: April 29, 2014, 09:27:00 AM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: sixercountry
Day 57- Legacy

question my methods.....question my over thinking.....question my approach as it may be "softer" than others.....question what I am about to post....

but you cant question my cant question my genuine feelings as it relates to your your life, your quit, and your cant question my willingness to fight today.....

Quitting for just myself??? that is the KTC slogan. A slogan I generally believe in and have preached to new quitters. I am quitting for myself. I quit being a slave. I quit not gaining the respect from others because I am an addict. Most importantly however, I quit for my legacy. I quit for those closer to me in a different way. Children of nicotine users are 15 times more likely to use nicotine. Younger siblings are 6 times more likely to smoke if their older siblings use nicotine. Not only am I winning every day for everyone I have become friends with on KTC, but I am fighting for my future children and younger brother. Not because I may pass on and not be able to be with them, but because I am making nicotine disgusting and not optional. Part of the legacy I am passing on, is quitting like fuck today so maybe they do not have to quit tomorrow. I am ending the cycle of family nicotine abuse.

I believe fully in the mottos of this program. The quitting for yourself motto is correct. You would probably throw a dip in right now if a tin costed 20 bucks or it would upset your wife. But would you dip TODAY if you knew that dip had the potential to kill your child or younger brother/sister sometime in the future????

Fuck Nic. Fuck the haters. I QLF with you all, Today.
Amnen! Nicotine, Nic supporter, those that profit off nicontine can piss up wind! 'Finger' For all the haters, I hate you too. Nicotine and USTobacco terrorizes families around the world. You can suck it!!!!
Amen Brother! Quit with you all day long. I could not agree more the cycle stops with me!
Hell yes!! Good stuff!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

E&C's Dad

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #101 on: April 29, 2014, 09:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: sixercountry
Day 57- Legacy

question my methods.....question my over thinking.....question my approach as it may be "softer" than others.....question what I am about to post....

but you cant question my cant question my genuine feelings as it relates to your your life, your quit, and your cant question my willingness to fight today.....

Quitting for just myself??? that is the KTC slogan. A slogan I generally believe in and have preached to new quitters. I am quitting for myself. I quit being a slave. I quit not gaining the respect from others because I am an addict. Most importantly however, I quit for my legacy. I quit for those closer to me in a different way. Children of nicotine users are 15 times more likely to use nicotine. Younger siblings are 6 times more likely to smoke if their older siblings use nicotine. Not only am I winning every day for everyone I have become friends with on KTC, but I am fighting for my future children and younger brother. Not because I may pass on and not be able to be with them, but because I am making nicotine disgusting and not optional. Part of the legacy I am passing on, is quitting like fuck today so maybe they do not have to quit tomorrow. I am ending the cycle of family nicotine abuse.

I believe fully in the mottos of this program. The quitting for yourself motto is correct. You would probably throw a dip in right now if a tin costed 20 bucks or it would upset your wife. But would you dip TODAY if you knew that dip had the potential to kill your child or younger brother/sister sometime in the future????

Fuck Nic. Fuck the haters. I QLF with you all, Today.
Amnen! Nicotine, Nic supporter, those that profit off nicontine can piss up wind! 'Finger' For all the haters, I hate you too. Nicotine and USTobacco terrorizes families around the world. You can suck it!!!!
Amen Brother! Quit with you all day long. I could not agree more the cycle stops with me!

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #100 on: April 28, 2014, 11:36:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
Day 57- Legacy

question my methods.....question my over thinking.....question my approach as it may be "softer" than others.....question what I am about to post....

but you cant question my cant question my genuine feelings as it relates to your your life, your quit, and your cant question my willingness to fight today.....

Quitting for just myself??? that is the KTC slogan. A slogan I generally believe in and have preached to new quitters. I am quitting for myself. I quit being a slave. I quit not gaining the respect from others because I am an addict. Most importantly however, I quit for my legacy. I quit for those closer to me in a different way. Children of nicotine users are 15 times more likely to use nicotine. Younger siblings are 6 times more likely to smoke if their older siblings use nicotine. Not only am I winning every day for everyone I have become friends with on KTC, but I am fighting for my future children and younger brother. Not because I may pass on and not be able to be with them, but because I am making nicotine disgusting and not optional. Part of the legacy I am passing on, is quitting like fuck today so maybe they do not have to quit tomorrow. I am ending the cycle of family nicotine abuse.

I believe fully in the mottos of this program. The quitting for yourself motto is correct. You would probably throw a dip in right now if a tin costed 20 bucks or it would upset your wife. But would you dip TODAY if you knew that dip had the potential to kill your child or younger brother/sister sometime in the future????

Fuck Nic. Fuck the haters. I QLF with you all, Today.
Amnen! Nicotine, Nic supporter, those that profit off nicontine can piss up wind! 'Finger' For all the haters, I hate you too. Nicotine and USTobacco terrorizes families around the world. You can suck it!!!!
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #99 on: April 28, 2014, 11:33:00 AM »
Day 57- Legacy

question my methods.....question my over thinking.....question my approach as it may be "softer" than others.....question what I am about to post....

but you cant question my cant question my genuine feelings as it relates to your your life, your quit, and your cant question my willingness to fight today.....

Quitting for just myself??? that is the KTC slogan. A slogan I generally believe in and have preached to new quitters. I am quitting for myself. I quit being a slave. I quit not gaining the respect from others because I am an addict. Most importantly however, I quit for my legacy. I quit for those closer to me in a different way. Children of nicotine users are 15 times more likely to use nicotine. Younger siblings are 6 times more likely to smoke if their older siblings use nicotine. Not only am I winning every day for everyone I have become friends with on KTC, but I am fighting for my future children and younger brother. Not because I may pass on and not be able to be with them, but because I am making nicotine disgusting and not optional. Part of the legacy I am passing on, is quitting like fuck today so maybe they do not have to quit tomorrow. I am ending the cycle of family nicotine abuse.

I believe fully in the mottos of this program. The quitting for yourself motto is correct. You would probably throw a dip in right now if a tin costed 20 bucks or it would upset your wife. But would you dip TODAY if you knew that dip had the potential to kill your child or younger brother/sister sometime in the future????

Fuck Nic. Fuck the haters. I QLF with you all, Today.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #98 on: April 27, 2014, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: sixercountry
I am going to be accused of being "negative" again or some other bullshit but I don't care.......

Are we as a community going to bounce back after the revamping of the website?

I knew activity was very low. I and a few others have attempted to call cavers and sneaky bastards out on their shady bullshit. We have received very few answers and the level of accountability has dropped significantly since before the website changes. This website has probably saved my life and I feel like if the involvement then reflected the present, then I probably would not have made it 56 days quit.

The changes on the website took place on the 13th and 14th of April. People were exempt for the most part from missing roll on those days. I gathered information from seven days PRIOR to the April 13th and seven days AFTER April 14th. Here are some stats from and numbers that I have relied upon while forming the above thoughts:

Total Number of Roll Calls Missed Prior: 59
Total Number of Roll Calls Missed After: 173

Number Missed Prior Per Month (August Exempt):
July- 11
June- 21
May- 17
April- 17

Number Missed After Per Month (August Exempt):
July- 41
June- 48
May- 67
April- 17

-The total number of missed roll calls rose 293 percent in the seven days after compared with the seven days before.

Is a lack of understanding the new site to blame for lack of roll posts like many have proclaimed?

If so, then why did the total number of prior vs post for April remain the same??? Is the month of April more computer savvy??

Is the lessened activity in chat due to a change in the site?

I feel like people probably use the new website as a reason to weaken their quits because they are addicts. April's numbers look so well because they have longer quits that are being kept closer to the vest. The people of April have been quit longer and probably better understand the importance of posting roll and being active members of KTC. It is a great job by the month as a whole.

Either way, the numbers show that less lives will be save unless we return to our past level of activity and accountability.

MY OPINION ONLY- April did not change because simply because of psychosocial reasons.... we were right in the middle of HOF and I for one, come hell or high water, was going to post roll if I had to crawl to get it done. I had, like all of April at that point had too much invested to miss a day excused or not. The increase in other classes same psychosocial problem but they were also handed a free excuse because the website became more difficult to navigate and post etc. especially if you were still getting used to it...Robbie

D-Day 1/1/14
HOF 4/10/2014
2nd Floor July 19, 2014
3rd Floor October 27, 2014

My HoF Speech:

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #97 on: April 27, 2014, 02:35:00 PM »
I am going to be accused of being "negative" again or some other bullshit but I don't care.......

Are we as a community going to bounce back after the revamping of the website?

I knew activity was very low. I and a few others have attempted to call cavers and sneaky bastards out on their shady bullshit. We have received very few answers and the level of accountability has dropped significantly since before the website changes. This website has probably saved my life and I feel like if the involvement then reflected the present, then I probably would not have made it 56 days quit.

The changes on the website took place on the 13th and 14th of April. People were exempt for the most part from missing roll on those days. I gathered information from seven days PRIOR to the April 13th and seven days AFTER April 14th. Here are some stats from and numbers that I have relied upon while forming the above thoughts:

Total Number of Roll Calls Missed Prior: 59
Total Number of Roll Calls Missed After: 173

Number Missed Prior Per Month (August Exempt):
July- 11
June- 21
May- 17
April- 17

Number Missed After Per Month (August Exempt):
July- 41
June- 48
May- 67
April- 17

-The total number of missed roll calls rose 293 percent in the seven days after compared with the seven days before.

Is a lack of understanding the new site to blame for lack of roll posts like many have proclaimed?

If so, then why did the total number of prior vs post for April remain the same??? Is the month of April more computer savvy??

Is the lessened activity in chat due to a change in the site?

I feel like people probably use the new website as a reason to weaken their quits because they are addicts. April's numbers look so well because they have longer quits that are being kept closer to the vest. The people of April have been quit longer and probably better understand the importance of posting roll and being active members of KTC. It is a great job by the month as a whole.

Either way, the numbers show that less lives will be save unless we return to our past level of activity and accountability.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #96 on: April 25, 2014, 02:48:00 PM »
After recent occurrences on this site, I have doing a lot of thinking. Trying not to hurt myself......

A chipper is someone that can use an addictive substance relatively often while not becoming addicted. Even though I would label my personality addictive, I am in many ways a "chipper" with many substances other than the nic bitch. I won't get into specifics on a forum board, but let's just say I have let loose a few times. I somehow graduated from college and hold decent employment......

I have always enjoyed drinking. Ever since I was 16, I have been drinking one or two times per week. I have however been able to also stop for weeks without feeling any effects from stopping. It was always a never ending cycle. "I can't quit nic because I drink too much and I can't not have a cig or a dip when I'm drinking". This led to a night out 56 days ago. A night I lost control and got hammered. Luckily I did not hurt anyone physically but I got pretty nasty. I woke up the next day and I was tired of the bullshit. I made a decision to stop drinking. This decision also helped make a decision to quit nic because now I thought I could because I had nothing attached to my nic addiction.....

This is going to sound kind of crazy I know, but here it goes. After being quit 54 days I now think I "enjoyed"!drinking all these years because I delivered more nicotine to my system the more I drank. I think my drinking (which I assumed was borderline if not full blown alcoholic) was being dictated by my addiction to nic........ I didn't have a drink for the first 30 days of my quit. I felt no ill effects from this. I have not been drunk once in 56 days. I have been able to drink a soda without feeling pressure to drink and I have been able to drink 5 beers in an hour and shut myself off. I am a chipper when it comes to alcohol. With nicotine, I am definitely the opposite. I guess I am lucky. Lucky to have this site. Thanks for your help guys. QLF every day. I'm out.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #95 on: April 20, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: srans
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.
Dude, what the fuck is your point? I too think people need to just figure out how to use the new updated site and deal with it, but why do YOU feel so compelled to bitch and moan back to these people. Your last 3 posts are about bitching and moaning; and now your bitching back to people you think are bitching. Typically these type of sob stories with "I don't mean to be a dick" undertones aren't worth my time, but your complete lack of positivity sucks. How are you making other's quits on (in your words) "our" site better? I'm not seeing it and bitch sessions like this just don't cut it for me.
If you don't like this or the last three posts then stop reading my fuckin intro because I don't give a shit what you have to say dude. The point is that people on this site are making any excuse not to be active....check the percentage of roll posts. I didn't post it in my group or yours. I do this shit for me, not you or anyone else. If it is not worth your time, then stop trolling my intro.
Happy Easter Fellas. Quit with ya'll today. ;)
Sixer! I've been wondering about you and tried to find your intro but haven't figured out how to find individual intros yet. Not that I'm complaining hahaha.

Change tends to bring out the worst in some people. Leaders control what they can control and let the rest go. Forget about the bitching of others and bask in the beauty of your first nicotine day holiday. You should be damn proud of where you are... But never forget where you were. The holidays really will keep getting better.

Best wishes for a beautiful Easter for you and your family.

When someone gets that intro thing figured out id like to know. If your subscribed to an intro ie. your own it can be found in your preferences. There has to be another way. Maybe this half red neck is just not smart enough. I'm not complaining though. If i was this intro would definitely be the best place for it. Lol quit with you any day sixer.
To find an into, click on the user name, then profile options, then members topics. You can then "track topic"
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #94 on: April 20, 2014, 01:43:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: srans
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.
Dude, what the fuck is your point? I too think people need to just figure out how to use the new updated site and deal with it, but why do YOU feel so compelled to bitch and moan back to these people. Your last 3 posts are about bitching and moaning; and now your bitching back to people you think are bitching. Typically these type of sob stories with "I don't mean to be a dick" undertones aren't worth my time, but your complete lack of positivity sucks. How are you making other's quits on (in your words) "our" site better? I'm not seeing it and bitch sessions like this just don't cut it for me.
If you don't like this or the last three posts then stop reading my fuckin intro because I don't give a shit what you have to say dude. The point is that people on this site are making any excuse not to be active....check the percentage of roll posts. I didn't post it in my group or yours. I do this shit for me, not you or anyone else. If it is not worth your time, then stop trolling my intro.
Happy Easter Fellas. Quit with ya'll today. ;)
Sixer! I've been wondering about you and tried to find your intro but haven't figured out how to find individual intros yet. Not that I'm complaining hahaha.

Change tends to bring out the worst in some people. Leaders control what they can control and let the rest go. Forget about the bitching of others and bask in the beauty of your first nicotine day holiday. You should be damn proud of where you are... But never forget where you were. The holidays really will keep getting better.

Best wishes for a beautiful Easter for you and your family.

When someone gets that intro thing figured out id like to know. If your subscribed to an intro ie. your own it can be found in your preferences. There has to be another way. Maybe this half red neck is just not smart enough. I'm not complaining though. If i was this intro would definitely be the best place for it. Lol quit with you any day sixer.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #93 on: April 20, 2014, 12:28:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
Warning: If you get easily offended, do not bother reading.

I am going to get right to the point. Addicts like ourselves will make up any excuse to not follow the path of victory. The staple of OUR website is to post roll and be accountable to our quit. Yes, I said OUR website. I am saying this because the founders of this site have not made a career out of this fabulous idea called KTC. We all all own our quits together and we all have a piece of KTC. This being said, stop the constant self-pity bitching and crying about the website. Changes had to be made. I am assuming it was a volume issue. No one said, "hey lets find a way to fuck up the website to ruin their quits". It has been days since the changes. If you do not post correctly (mistakes happen i understand) and are still complaining, you are either a fucktard, you have been in jail for the past week and unable to get to a computer, or you have been what most of you are and that is the "I have this quit covered" post and runners. You not being able to post roll yet probably just tells me you are not active enough, you are not supporting other groups like they have supported you, and that you probably do not give a shit about any one else quit or OUR website. Repetition breeds understanding and learning. After a week, you should get it. If you are a post and runner, no one cares about your bitching and your crying. You haven't earned the right to complain so just continue coming on here for you 6 seconds a week and have fun running back with day ones someday when "forum changes" hopefully are not happening.

Thank you for everyone making decisions for the better of the website. We appreciate all your hard work and basically volunteering to solidify the quits of everyone on KTC. Happy Easter everyone.
Dude, what the fuck is your point? I too think people need to just figure out how to use the new updated site and deal with it, but why do YOU feel so compelled to bitch and moan back to these people. Your last 3 posts are about bitching and moaning; and now your bitching back to people you think are bitching. Typically these type of sob stories with "I don't mean to be a dick" undertones aren't worth my time, but your complete lack of positivity sucks. How are you making other's quits on (in your words) "our" site better? I'm not seeing it and bitch sessions like this just don't cut it for me.
If you don't like this or the last three posts then stop reading my fuckin intro because I don't give a shit what you have to say dude. The point is that people on this site are making any excuse not to be active....check the percentage of roll posts. I didn't post it in my group or yours. I do this shit for me, not you or anyone else. If it is not worth your time, then stop trolling my intro.
Happy Easter Fellas. Quit with ya'll today. ;)
Sixer! I've been wondering about you and tried to find your intro but haven't figured out how to find individual intros yet. Not that I'm complaining hahaha.

Change tends to bring out the worst in some people. Leaders control what they can control and let the rest go. Forget about the bitching of others and bask in the beauty of your first nicotine day holiday. You should be damn proud of where you are... But never forget where you were. The holidays really will keep getting better.

Best wishes for a beautiful Easter for you and your family.
