(Advanced apologies for the language)
wow.....holy shit.....on day 22....feeling like crap for 3 days. i have been foggy, depressed, and displaying super potential rage characteristics. I have neglected this introduction section because I started to feel so good since my last post. But here it goes, again....
For the first time, I would not consider my quit "new". In the beginning, people prepare themselves for the quit. They are actually excited to start a new chapter in their lives. They are tired of being a slave to the bitch. This powers them through the first 3-4 days. They begin to feel "clean" as they surround themselves with quitter materials and sponsors. After the 3-4 days they may begin to feel impenetrable. Then a funk hits, they hold their quit tight to their vests. The funk then subsides. After the funk subsides, due to living in chat with other quitters or in the forums, they begin to realize they must live their lives again. They run out there and become super productive. More productive than they have ever been while using the piece of shit nicotine. They begin to feel free again......
I get to around 19 days. I'm mentally and physically tired. I feel like i can not withstand this level of productivity. I feel another funk. I am not "excited" about my quit anymore. I begin to feel hopeless and for the first time consider the option that this may be "too difficult" for me to accomplish. I utilize my numbers. I talk to people. I explain in texts that "I cant do this forever" and "I have felt like this for 3 days. If i feel like this for the next 6 months. I am a goner. I am a guaranteed caver." More ODAAT is relayed to me from my text savior. I get talked off the ledge. I start getting fucking pissed off. I begin to feel like I am fuckin sick of hearing ODAAT. I am sick of hearing the fuckin word "quit. I am sick of reading and sitting in chat. I continued to text. I began to feel better but still remained in a fog and some state of depression (I guess you would call it.)
March 24, 2014
Wake up.....still feeling like shit. I am pretty much raging. I walk outside to get the barrel (trash day today) and to warm my car. As I step into my car I am saying "Almost April first and it is still fuckin 20 degrees out". I attempt to start my car. Does not start. Try again. Does not start.....Lucky me, im out of gas. I am 33 years old. I am in a fucking fog so bad that I ran out of gas? I lose it. I slam my door. I grab my trash barrel and gave it a 45 foot, one armed shot put throw against the side of the garage while I am yelling "fucks". My neighbors must think I am a damn maniac. I go grab a pair of gloves and a gas can and begin my 1.5 mile trek to the gas station. After about a hundred yards, I am freezing and grab the gloves. I grabbed two fucking left handed gloves!! I am so fuckin pissed. I must be walking 15 miles an hour and freezing.....
I arrive at the store and think about dip. For the first time in my quit, I actually take responsibility for my quit and feel like I meet it head-on. I begin getting pissed at how I feel. I say to myself, "What the fuck is a dip gonna do? absolutely fucking nothing. All its going to do is maybe calm me down for 5 minutes. Then ill be thinking about it again and ill be craving in an hour....i'll dip more.....then fuckin craving for another....i'll dip more....then crave another hour. when does it fucking end? never!!!....I have came to realization that I will be fuckin miserable without dip. And miserable with it. So fuck it. why kill myself in the process?.....All I hear is that it "gets better". i better feel better in the coming days because i may run out of fuckin trash barrels around here......out