Author Topic: Nicotine, I Hate You  (Read 16309 times)

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Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #182 on: July 22, 2014, 08:34:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: sixercountry
The tennis match is on today....
I have to go build a bench....
My girlfriends father's best friend's pet goat died....
I am going on vacation in 2017. You have to dip on vacation so why bother quitting?...
They said fuck and I don't like such language....
They made a "ghey" comment. That is just bigotry....
I think my penis was a quarter inch longer when I was dipping....

We make up excuses to use nicotine. Some excuses are just more believable. The truth is that I hate benches, tennis, and goats. Every day is a fuckin vacation. I love the word fuck. I know gay people and many of them would laugh at the usage if the word "ghey". (Only democrats that are heterosexual take offense) and finally it only looks like my penis has gotten smaller because my balls have grown since 142 days ago...

Quite possibly the Gheyest, fucking post I have ever read. Only kidding, bro. Great post and perspective.
Impressive ... several gems in there to add to the toolbox. Thanks for that my small-dicked compared to my balls brother. 'winker'
But these Goats are really cool...
just friggin hilarious.....oh my god hahahha

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #181 on: July 22, 2014, 06:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Smeds
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: sixercountry
The tennis match is on today....
I have to go build a bench....
My girlfriends father's best friend's pet goat died....
I am going on vacation in 2017. You have to dip on vacation so why bother quitting?...
They said fuck and I don't like such language....
They made a "ghey" comment. That is just bigotry....
I think my penis was a quarter inch longer when I was dipping....

We make up excuses to use nicotine. Some excuses are just more believable. The truth is that I hate benches, tennis, and goats. Every day is a fuckin vacation. I love the word fuck. I know gay people and many of them would laugh at the usage if the word "ghey". (Only democrats that are heterosexual take offense) and finally it only looks like my penis has gotten smaller because my balls have grown since 142 days ago...

Quite possibly the Gheyest, fucking post I have ever read. Only kidding, bro. Great post and perspective.
Impressive ... several gems in there to add to the toolbox. Thanks for that my small-dicked compared to my balls brother. 'winker'
But these Goats are really cool...
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline Smeds

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #180 on: July 22, 2014, 06:17:00 PM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: sixercountry
The tennis match is on today....
I have to go build a bench....
My girlfriends father's best friend's pet goat died....
I am going on vacation in 2017. You have to dip on vacation so why bother quitting?...
They said fuck and I don't like such language....
They made a "ghey" comment. That is just bigotry....
I think my penis was a quarter inch longer when I was dipping....

We make up excuses to use nicotine. Some excuses are just more believable. The truth is that I hate benches, tennis, and goats. Every day is a fuckin vacation. I love the word fuck. I know gay people and many of them would laugh at the usage if the word "ghey". (Only democrats that are heterosexual take offense) and finally it only looks like my penis has gotten smaller because my balls have grown since 142 days ago...

Quite possibly the Gheyest, fucking post I have ever read. Only kidding, bro. Great post and perspective.
Impressive ... several gems in there to add to the toolbox. Thanks for that my small-dicked compared to my balls brother. 'winker'
My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #179 on: July 22, 2014, 05:20:00 PM »
Quote from: sixercountry
The tennis match is on today....
I have to go build a bench....
My girlfriends father's best friend's pet goat died....
I am going on vacation in 2017. You have to dip on vacation so why bother quitting?...
They said fuck and I don't like such language....
They made a "ghey" comment. That is just bigotry....
I think my penis was a quarter inch longer when I was dipping....

We make up excuses to use nicotine. Some excuses are just more believable. The truth is that I hate benches, tennis, and goats. Every day is a fuckin vacation. I love the word fuck. I know gay people and many of them would laugh at the usage if the word "ghey". (Only democrats that are heterosexual take offense) and finally it only looks like my penis has gotten smaller because my balls have grown since 142 days ago...

Quite possibly the Gheyest, fucking post I have ever read. Only kidding, bro. Great post and perspective.
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #178 on: July 22, 2014, 12:14:00 PM »
The tennis match is on today....
I have to go build a bench....
My girlfriends father's best friend's pet goat died....
I am going on vacation in 2017. You have to dip on vacation so why bother quitting?...
They said fuck and I don't like such language....
They made a "ghey" comment. That is just bigotry....
I think my penis was a quarter inch longer when I was dipping....

We make up excuses to use nicotine. Some excuses are just more believable. The truth is that I hate benches, tennis, and goats. Every day is a fuckin vacation. I love the word fuck. I know gay people and many of them would laugh at the usage if the word "ghey". (Only democrats that are heterosexual take offense) and finally it only looks like my penis has gotten smaller because my balls have grown since 142 days ago...


Offline slinger

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #177 on: July 04, 2014, 12:06:00 AM »
Awesome, as usual, Brother. Damn proud to be quitting with you today.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #176 on: July 02, 2014, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Chargers
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
I feel like the guy that would get tired of waking up to Jennifer Lopez every morning. Feeling this way because being quit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me....

Most of the funks i have had since my first day have involved heavy craving and urges. Many times my stale attitude about my quit was just an excuse my mind was developing in an attempt to get me to use again. Funks, for the noobs, are small periods of time in our quit when we feel low, frustrated, or some lack of motivation. We may get tired of logging into our accounts, talking in chat, listening to the "lingo" like "QLF", fighting a battle that seems endless, etc. During these times I have used this intro to vent and force myself to understand, be proactive with the funks, and remain vigilant with my quit. These stupid ass posts I have written have kept me grounded and out of the roller coaster ride that mixes the euphoric feeling of invincibility with the downtrodden emotion of vulnerability. On day 122, my funks are not accompanied by strong craves or urges to use nicotine. These funks are attempting to tell myself that I do not need KTC anymore and that I can now fight this battle alone. I have gotten tired of posting and tired of the "kool-aid". ..

Recently, I have quit posting in groups other than my own....
I have lessened my texting and PMing with other strong ass quitters...
I have lessened my availability in the live chat.....
I have lessened my duties involving the spreadsheet to about 25 percent....
I have allowed non-factors that have recently occurred on this website to legitimize my inactivity.....

I understand that the above mentioned issues will attribute to my demise...
It is too early in my quit (if ever) to lessen my involvement...
I have way too many people to help beat this addiction....
There is no such thing as being "burnt out" when referring to saving my own life...

So this is a warning.
A warning that I will be more active in newer groups.
A warning that I will be setting the groundwork for accountability.
You will be called out for behavior resembling the "planned cave" and for not posting roll.

Thank you everyone for your help. Couldn't have done it without your help. Out

There have been lots of posts about funks and burn-outs. But this post is different. Others will talk about coming in and out of KTC, participating / not participating. Some will speak of sporadically not posting roll for periods of time. I'm ok with people getting burnt out. I'm ok with chilling out for a long as they do one thing. POST ROLL! Sixer, despite his funk, is still a 100% roll poster. He still promised every day to stay quit. And he is still quit.

I will add that KTC is a better place when this badass is active. This guy knows how to Q.L.F!
I would echo the same words about this guy. You will find new wind in your sails, reread your intro thread it will help.

I like how you ended this post. Rock on!!
Glad you took time to put down these thoughts you had in chat last night. A lot of people are vulnerable at your number of days quit. They feel they can do this on their own, fade away and bingo, we see a new day 1 because they thought they could have just have one for old time sake.

Offline Chargers

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #175 on: July 02, 2014, 11:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
I feel like the guy that would get tired of waking up to Jennifer Lopez every morning. Feeling this way because being quit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me....

Most of the funks i have had since my first day have involved heavy craving and urges. Many times my stale attitude about my quit was just an excuse my mind was developing in an attempt to get me to use again. Funks, for the noobs, are small periods of time in our quit when we feel low, frustrated, or some lack of motivation. We may get tired of logging into our accounts, talking in chat, listening to the "lingo" like "QLF", fighting a battle that seems endless, etc. During these times I have used this intro to vent and force myself to understand, be proactive with the funks, and remain vigilant with my quit. These stupid ass posts I have written have kept me grounded and out of the roller coaster ride that mixes the euphoric feeling of invincibility with the downtrodden emotion of vulnerability. On day 122, my funks are not accompanied by strong craves or urges to use nicotine. These funks are attempting to tell myself that I do not need KTC anymore and that I can now fight this battle alone. I have gotten tired of posting and tired of the "kool-aid". ..

Recently, I have quit posting in groups other than my own....
I have lessened my texting and PMing with other strong ass quitters...
I have lessened my availability in the live chat.....
I have lessened my duties involving the spreadsheet to about 25 percent....
I have allowed non-factors that have recently occurred on this website to legitimize my inactivity.....

I understand that the above mentioned issues will attribute to my demise...
It is too early in my quit (if ever) to lessen my involvement...
I have way too many people to help beat this addiction....
There is no such thing as being "burnt out" when referring to saving my own life...

So this is a warning.
A warning that I will be more active in newer groups.
A warning that I will be setting the groundwork for accountability.
You will be called out for behavior resembling the "planned cave" and for not posting roll.

Thank you everyone for your help. Couldn't have done it without your help. Out

There have been lots of posts about funks and burn-outs. But this post is different. Others will talk about coming in and out of KTC, participating / not participating. Some will speak of sporadically not posting roll for periods of time. I'm ok with people getting burnt out. I'm ok with chilling out for a long as they do one thing. POST ROLL! Sixer, despite his funk, is still a 100% roll poster. He still promised every day to stay quit. And he is still quit.

I will add that KTC is a better place when this badass is active. This guy knows how to Q.L.F!
I would echo the same words about this guy. You will find new wind in your sails, reread your intro thread it will help.

I like how you ended this post. Rock on!!

Offline Pinched

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #174 on: July 02, 2014, 11:34:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
I feel like the guy that would get tired of waking up to Jennifer Lopez every morning. Feeling this way because being quit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me....

Most of the funks i have had since my first day have involved heavy craving and urges. Many times my stale attitude about my quit was just an excuse my mind was developing in an attempt to get me to use again. Funks, for the noobs, are small periods of time in our quit when we feel low, frustrated, or some lack of motivation. We may get tired of logging into our accounts, talking in chat, listening to the "lingo" like "QLF", fighting a battle that seems endless, etc. During these times I have used this intro to vent and force myself to understand, be proactive with the funks, and remain vigilant with my quit. These stupid ass posts I have written have kept me grounded and out of the roller coaster ride that mixes the euphoric feeling of invincibility with the downtrodden emotion of vulnerability. On day 122, my funks are not accompanied by strong craves or urges to use nicotine. These funks are attempting to tell myself that I do not need KTC anymore and that I can now fight this battle alone. I have gotten tired of posting and tired of the "kool-aid". ..

Recently, I have quit posting in groups other than my own....
I have lessened my texting and PMing with other strong ass quitters...
I have lessened my availability in the live chat.....
I have lessened my duties involving the spreadsheet to about 25 percent....
I have allowed non-factors that have recently occurred on this website to legitimize my inactivity.....

I understand that the above mentioned issues will attribute to my demise...
It is too early in my quit (if ever) to lessen my involvement...
I have way too many people to help beat this addiction....
There is no such thing as being "burnt out" when referring to saving my own life...

So this is a warning.
A warning that I will be more active in newer groups.
A warning that I will be setting the groundwork for accountability.
You will be called out for behavior resembling the "planned cave" and for not posting roll.

Thank you everyone for your help. Couldn't have done it without your help. Out

There have been lots of posts about funks and burn-outs. But this post is different. Others will talk about coming in and out of KTC, participating / not participating. Some will speak of sporadically not posting roll for periods of time. I'm ok with people getting burnt out. I'm ok with chilling out for a long as they do one thing. POST ROLL! Sixer, despite his funk, is still a 100% roll poster. He still promised every day to stay quit. And he is still quit.

I will add that KTC is a better place when this badass is active. This guy knows how to Q.L.F!
I would echo the same words about this guy. You will find new wind in your sails, reread your intro thread it will help.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #173 on: July 02, 2014, 11:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: sixercountry
I feel like the guy that would get tired of waking up to Jennifer Lopez every morning. Feeling this way because being quit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me....

Most of the funks i have had since my first day have involved heavy craving and urges. Many times my stale attitude about my quit was just an excuse my mind was developing in an attempt to get me to use again. Funks, for the noobs, are small periods of time in our quit when we feel low, frustrated, or some lack of motivation. We may get tired of logging into our accounts, talking in chat, listening to the "lingo" like "QLF", fighting a battle that seems endless, etc. During these times I have used this intro to vent and force myself to understand, be proactive with the funks, and remain vigilant with my quit. These stupid ass posts I have written have kept me grounded and out of the roller coaster ride that mixes the euphoric feeling of invincibility with the downtrodden emotion of vulnerability. On day 122, my funks are not accompanied by strong craves or urges to use nicotine. These funks are attempting to tell myself that I do not need KTC anymore and that I can now fight this battle alone. I have gotten tired of posting and tired of the "kool-aid". ..

Recently, I have quit posting in groups other than my own....
I have lessened my texting and PMing with other strong ass quitters...
I have lessened my availability in the live chat.....
I have lessened my duties involving the spreadsheet to about 25 percent....
I have allowed non-factors that have recently occurred on this website to legitimize my inactivity.....

I understand that the above mentioned issues will attribute to my demise...
It is too early in my quit (if ever) to lessen my involvement...
I have way too many people to help beat this addiction....
There is no such thing as being "burnt out" when referring to saving my own life...

So this is a warning.
A warning that I will be more active in newer groups.
A warning that I will be setting the groundwork for accountability.
You will be called out for behavior resembling the "planned cave" and for not posting roll.

Thank you everyone for your help. Couldn't have done it without your help. Out

There have been lots of posts about funks and burn-outs. But this post is different. Others will talk about coming in and out of KTC, participating / not participating. Some will speak of sporadically not posting roll for periods of time. I'm ok with people getting burnt out. I'm ok with chilling out for a long as they do one thing. POST ROLL! Sixer, despite his funk, is still a 100% roll poster. He still promised every day to stay quit. And he is still quit.

I will add that KTC is a better place when this badass is active. This guy knows how to Q.L.F!
Thank you for this post sixer.

Get em.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #172 on: July 02, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
Quote from: sixercountry
I feel like the guy that would get tired of waking up to Jennifer Lopez every morning. Feeling this way because being quit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me....

Most of the funks i have had since my first day have involved heavy craving and urges. Many times my stale attitude about my quit was just an excuse my mind was developing in an attempt to get me to use again. Funks, for the noobs, are small periods of time in our quit when we feel low, frustrated, or some lack of motivation. We may get tired of logging into our accounts, talking in chat, listening to the "lingo" like "QLF", fighting a battle that seems endless, etc. During these times I have used this intro to vent and force myself to understand, be proactive with the funks, and remain vigilant with my quit. These stupid ass posts I have written have kept me grounded and out of the roller coaster ride that mixes the euphoric feeling of invincibility with the downtrodden emotion of vulnerability. On day 122, my funks are not accompanied by strong craves or urges to use nicotine. These funks are attempting to tell myself that I do not need KTC anymore and that I can now fight this battle alone. I have gotten tired of posting and tired of the "kool-aid". ..

Recently, I have quit posting in groups other than my own....
I have lessened my texting and PMing with other strong ass quitters...
I have lessened my availability in the live chat.....
I have lessened my duties involving the spreadsheet to about 25 percent....
I have allowed non-factors that have recently occurred on this website to legitimize my inactivity.....

I understand that the above mentioned issues will attribute to my demise...
It is too early in my quit (if ever) to lessen my involvement...
I have way too many people to help beat this addiction....
There is no such thing as being "burnt out" when referring to saving my own life...

So this is a warning.
A warning that I will be more active in newer groups.
A warning that I will be setting the groundwork for accountability.
You will be called out for behavior resembling the "planned cave" and for not posting roll.

Thank you everyone for your help. Couldn't have done it without your help. Out

There have been lots of posts about funks and burn-outs. But this post is different. Others will talk about coming in and out of KTC, participating / not participating. Some will speak of sporadically not posting roll for periods of time. I'm ok with people getting burnt out. I'm ok with chilling out for a long as they do one thing. POST ROLL! Sixer, despite his funk, is still a 100% roll poster. He still promised every day to stay quit. And he is still quit.

I will add that KTC is a better place when this badass is active. This guy knows how to Q.L.F!
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #171 on: July 02, 2014, 11:05:00 AM »
I feel like the guy that would get tired of waking up to Jennifer Lopez every morning. Feeling this way because being quit is one of the best things that has ever happened to me....

Most of the funks i have had since my first day have involved heavy craving and urges. Many times my stale attitude about my quit was just an excuse my mind was developing in an attempt to get me to use again. Funks, for the noobs, are small periods of time in our quit when we feel low, frustrated, or some lack of motivation. We may get tired of logging into our accounts, talking in chat, listening to the "lingo" like "QLF", fighting a battle that seems endless, etc. During these times I have used this intro to vent and force myself to understand, be proactive with the funks, and remain vigilant with my quit. These stupid ass posts I have written have kept me grounded and out of the roller coaster ride that mixes the euphoric feeling of invincibility with the downtrodden emotion of vulnerability. On day 122, my funks are not accompanied by strong craves or urges to use nicotine. These funks are attempting to tell myself that I do not need KTC anymore and that I can now fight this battle alone. I have gotten tired of posting and tired of the "kool-aid". ..

Recently, I have quit posting in groups other than my own....
I have lessened my texting and PMing with other strong ass quitters...
I have lessened my availability in the live chat.....
I have lessened my duties involving the spreadsheet to about 25 percent....
I have allowed non-factors that have recently occurred on this website to legitimize my inactivity.....

I understand that the above mentioned issues will attribute to my demise...
It is too early in my quit (if ever) to lessen my involvement...
I have way too many people to help beat this addiction....
There is no such thing as being "burnt out" when referring to saving my own life...

So this is a warning.
A warning that I will be more active in newer groups.
A warning that I will be setting the groundwork for accountability.
You will be called out for behavior resembling the "planned cave" and for not posting roll.

Thank you everyone for your help. Couldn't have done it without your help. Out

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #170 on: June 28, 2014, 05:31:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Knockout
Quote from: CBird65
Where the F are you!???
Dominican Republic. He'll be back today (:
lucky b'tard!
let's hope he leaves the sand outside and does not mess the floor.

of course if its in the wrong place.....yikes

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #169 on: June 28, 2014, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Knockout
Quote from: CBird65
Where the F are you!???
Dominican Republic. He'll be back today (:
lucky b'tard!
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
 ,,,,41 42 43 44 45 46 47


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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #168 on: June 28, 2014, 01:56:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Where the F are you!???
Dominican Republic. He'll be back today (:
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14