300 days quit yesterday.....In my mind 300 days ago did I think it was possible to quit, yes. Did I think it was possible for ME to quit, no. This journey from day 1 to now has been full of both highs and lows but in the end I have begun a process that has led me to this point. I have often wondered when will this process end, when do I think I could stop posting roll EDD and still stay on this path that I have started down. The funny thing is that when I start to have these thoughts some poor bastard stumbles into a new month, posts roll, and then proceeds to tell a tale of being quit 100, 500, or even 1000 days, drifting and then falling back into the clutches of the bitch. Hell, yesterday on day 300 she whispered in my ear telling me how great of an accomplishment this was and that I should "reward" myself. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, 300 days quit and those thoughts still happen, not as often as they used to but when they do come it is a slap upside the head reminding me that this journey I have begun will never end because I AM AN ADDICT. It took me awhile to admit this to myself, pride can fuck with you sometimes, mine did for about the first 100 days. I thought I was different that everybody else here, hell even better than all the rest, chewing was just a bad habit I had done for 20 years, I'm no addict.... The day that I realized I am an addict it really set me free in a sense and made this journey much easier. As my HOF speech says each day is another drop in the quit bucket and I'm no better than any other quitter here, just one bad choice away from posting up another day 1.
I would like to thank all of my Misfit brothers who have been on this journey with me. Although we have never met face to face I feel like I owe you all for helping me to save my life. The vets, Candoit, 30yrAddict, and Rtpope, you 3 three have been a major influence with the Misfits and have helped me to understand how this whole thing works, you all are truly paying it forward. To those who I try and post support for on a daily basis and post support for me, Medley, INK, and Smallberries, again thank you to you 3 fine quitters. Watching you hit your milestones has ignited my quit and I am in debt to you all for that.