Author Topic: my dentist made me  (Read 1756 times)

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2017, 10:22:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Quote from: LarryA
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.
1st the following is a time line of my day today
6:30 am get to work
7:00 am start feeling anxiousness creep in and wanting to switch out my patch (full 24 hrs as recommended would mean that I should switch the patch at 11:30am)
7-8 start thinking about everything that I read on this site last night
8:00 am decided that if i'm going to feel withdrawal effects while on the patch, I might as well feel them without the patch. I rip off the patch and throw it in the trash can.
Lunch: stopped at a convenience store and bought two cans of wild bills beef jerky chew (just beef, soy sauce and pepper)
12:30 almost completely loose it in a rage induced temper tantrum because my wife texted me to pick up diapers for my niece who is spending the night at our house - thankfully I realized why I was so angry before I responded.
4:00 pm realize that I still have the patch that I was supposed to put on today in my pocket. I went to the bathroom and threw it out
8:00 pm realize that I have now gone 12 hours without any nicotine

So; I don't think it matters whether or not you were attacking me, what I read, what all of you said, was what I needed to hear. So with a dull pounding headache, the heart racing and inability to sit still, I may thank all of you someday. (Just not today. ) Now I'm off the get some treadmill time in before my wife and niece get home

Congratulations! Today, you took a stand and you are winning.

My number will be in your PM Box. Today, I quit with you.
And you better believe one thing, we were ABSOLUTELY attacking the addict. We were NOT attacking YOU. And it will NOT be the last time the addict feels attacked on here. Whenever that happens, look at it with the attitude you've had today. You will beat the addict. He will always be inside you, but you can tie that fucker up in the basement and beat him, taser him, gouge his eyes out, laugh at his rotting carcass, whatever you want. Bottom line is, you'll know you've beat him. So yeah, we'll attack the addict. And you'll grow to appreciate that.

Offline worktowin

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2017, 09:04:00 PM »
Quote from: bbk
Quote from: LarryA
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.
1st the following is a time line of my day today
6:30 am get to work
7:00 am start feeling anxiousness creep in and wanting to switch out my patch (full 24 hrs as recommended would mean that I should switch the patch at 11:30am)
7-8 start thinking about everything that I read on this site last night
8:00 am decided that if i'm going to feel withdrawal effects while on the patch, I might as well feel them without the patch. I rip off the patch and throw it in the trash can.
Lunch: stopped at a convenience store and bought two cans of wild bills beef jerky chew (just beef, soy sauce and pepper)
12:30 almost completely loose it in a rage induced temper tantrum because my wife texted me to pick up diapers for my niece who is spending the night at our house - thankfully I realized why I was so angry before I responded.
4:00 pm realize that I still have the patch that I was supposed to put on today in my pocket. I went to the bathroom and threw it out
8:00 pm realize that I have now gone 12 hours without any nicotine

So; I don't think it matters whether or not you were attacking me, what I read, what all of you said, was what I needed to hear. So with a dull pounding headache, the heart racing and inability to sit still, I may thank all of you someday. (Just not today. ) Now I'm off the get some treadmill time in before my wife and niece get home

Congratulations! Today, you took a stand and you are winning.

My number will be in your PM Box. Today, I quit with you.

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2017, 08:59:00 PM »
Quote from: LarryA
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.
1st the following is a time line of my day today
6:30 am get to work
7:00 am start feeling anxiousness creep in and wanting to switch out my patch (full 24 hrs as recommended would mean that I should switch the patch at 11:30am)
7-8 start thinking about everything that I read on this site last night
8:00 am decided that if i'm going to feel withdrawal effects while on the patch, I might as well feel them without the patch. I rip off the patch and throw it in the trash can.
Lunch: stopped at a convenience store and bought two cans of wild bills beef jerky chew (just beef, soy sauce and pepper)
12:30 almost completely loose it in a rage induced temper tantrum because my wife texted me to pick up diapers for my niece who is spending the night at our house - thankfully I realized why I was so angry before I responded.
4:00 pm realize that I still have the patch that I was supposed to put on today in my pocket. I went to the bathroom and threw it out
8:00 pm realize that I have now gone 12 hours without any nicotine

So; I don't think it matters whether or not you were attacking me, what I read, what all of you said, was what I needed to hear. So with a dull pounding headache, the heart racing and inability to sit still, I may thank all of you someday. (Just not today. ) Now I'm off the get some treadmill time in before my wife and niece get home

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2017, 09:42:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: PhuctUp
Quote from: LarryA
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.
And I'll third it.

Something to think about. In September '17, we've sort of added a question 1A for those people that come back from a cave. They have to talk about why it happened, what they'll do differently this time, stuff like that. But here's question 1A that we've added over there.

Do you REALLY want to quit?

That's the only question you need to consider right now. If the answer is no, good luck with everything and we won't judge your decision. You're a grown man and free to make that decision for yourself. But if the answer is yes, surrender the thinking that you can do it by yourself. Let these people help you. Surrendering was the BEST decision I've ever made in my life, and I only made it 31 days ago. If the answer is yes, LIVE on this site as much as humanly possible and admit that everybody here knows more than you do about quitting. If you do that, and you make a few friends and do as prescribed, you'll quit. And you'll stay quit. And then you'll be giving advice on how to do it. And then you won't go to the dentist quite as often.

You just have to HONESTLY answer question 1A above. Honestly. You're only lying to yourself if you're not honest about it. Come join us if you want to be quit.
^^this is good stuff.

I'll quit tomorrow. For this life insurance check up. New Years. Dogs birthday. Chinese New Year. After I finish this can. Once I plant the garden....

Man we get it! We all made excuses (lies) to ourselves for years. We knew they were lies. But once we got here we learned that, in order for this to work, we have to quit RIGHT NOW. Right now there is no excuse. Rip that patch off and post roll. There is ant army here waiting to help you.

Waiting won't make this easier. Getting nicotine into your system today isn't a help or reward. Freedom is the reward. You can do this.
And boom... look at all this support. A bunch of random strangers all trying to push you to the promise land. I hope you can see that. I posted 899 today, tomorrow I'll post 900. Let's get your quit going today with a day 1. I absolutely promise you that you will feel instant relief from the lies, constraints and chains.

Offline worktowin

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2017, 07:19:00 AM »
Quote from: PhuctUp
Quote from: LarryA
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.
And I'll third it.

Something to think about. In September '17, we've sort of added a question 1A for those people that come back from a cave. They have to talk about why it happened, what they'll do differently this time, stuff like that. But here's question 1A that we've added over there.

Do you REALLY want to quit?

That's the only question you need to consider right now. If the answer is no, good luck with everything and we won't judge your decision. You're a grown man and free to make that decision for yourself. But if the answer is yes, surrender the thinking that you can do it by yourself. Let these people help you. Surrendering was the BEST decision I've ever made in my life, and I only made it 31 days ago. If the answer is yes, LIVE on this site as much as humanly possible and admit that everybody here knows more than you do about quitting. If you do that, and you make a few friends and do as prescribed, you'll quit. And you'll stay quit. And then you'll be giving advice on how to do it. And then you won't go to the dentist quite as often.

You just have to HONESTLY answer question 1A above. Honestly. You're only lying to yourself if you're not honest about it. Come join us if you want to be quit.
^^this is good stuff.

I'll quit tomorrow. For this life insurance check up. New Years. Dogs birthday. Chinese New Year. After I finish this can. Once I plant the garden....

Man we get it! We all made excuses (lies) to ourselves for years. We knew they were lies. But once we got here we learned that, in order for this to work, we have to quit RIGHT NOW. Right now there is no excuse. Rip that patch off and post roll. There is ant army here waiting to help you.

Waiting won't make this easier. Getting nicotine into your system today isn't a help or reward. Freedom is the reward. You can do this.

Offline PhuctUp

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2017, 11:03:00 PM »
Quote from: LarryA
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.
And I'll third it.

Something to think about. In September '17, we've sort of added a question 1A for those people that come back from a cave. They have to talk about why it happened, what they'll do differently this time, stuff like that. But here's question 1A that we've added over there.

Do you REALLY want to quit?

That's the only question you need to consider right now. If the answer is no, good luck with everything and we won't judge your decision. You're a grown man and free to make that decision for yourself. But if the answer is yes, surrender the thinking that you can do it by yourself. Let these people help you. Surrendering was the BEST decision I've ever made in my life, and I only made it 31 days ago. If the answer is yes, LIVE on this site as much as humanly possible and admit that everybody here knows more than you do about quitting. If you do that, and you make a few friends and do as prescribed, you'll quit. And you'll stay quit. And then you'll be giving advice on how to do it. And then you won't go to the dentist quite as often.

You just have to HONESTLY answer question 1A above. Honestly. You're only lying to yourself if you're not honest about it. Come join us if you want to be quit.

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2017, 10:51:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us
I second the above. You have my digits. I'll be happy to help you through this. But again, you have to want to do it.

Offline worktowin

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2017, 10:34:00 PM »
Quote from: bbk
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.
Dude, we aren't attacking you. We are you. I made excuses for 25 years. I "quit"every day.

Here, we don't lie to ourselves any more. We quit. Was I scared? You bet your ass I was scared. Of a chopped up plant in a can. I was terrified! Now, I'm free.

Pull the patch off. Throw the fan out. Post roll. I'll send you my number and you can call and tell me what s jerk I am or whatever you want. We all want the same thing. It is attainable. You can do it.

Join us

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2017, 10:30:00 PM »
Well, I was looking for insight people who have been through this before. I appreciate the advice and insight. Although I guess from the last post I should apologize for being able to get on here yesterday.... And jpetmpls if I'm being completely honest I do feel more like a scared little girl then a man. Again, thanks for the all insight and advice.

Offline worktowin

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2017, 05:27:00 PM »
Not on since the 25th....

How. Surprising.

This story replays itself over and over and over. NRT does not work. NRT leads straight back to the can.

Some people don't want to win.

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2017, 04:19:00 PM »
Are you a man or a scared little girl? Are you seriously powerless to a plant? Some tough love here, bud, but you're not that special. We've all been there. You need to make a decision for yourself. Your dentist can't do it, your wife can't do it and certainly not some random people in a forum. Listen to worktowin, look in my signature line. The time for handholding and coddling is over. You found this place for a reason, you signed up for a reason and you posted here for a reason. Take the help that is being offered to you.

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2017, 02:37:00 PM »
When i decided i was going to quit i told my dr i was goin to do it cold turkey and he really didnt like the idea told me the stats show the patch is better. I mean my dr really was insistent would not take no for answer but i still did it my way I'm at 74 days nic free. I have tried the patchs before it will prolong withdraws for longer. And when you quit want it want it bad like your life depends on it.

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2017, 11:37:00 AM »
1,646 days ago I kicked the Kodiak bear to the curb. I quit for me. In the days since, my cholesterol has been cut in half. My blood pressure has returned to normal. My blood sugar is damn near normal. And I am a much, much, much better man that I was before.

Addiction makes you lie to yourself and those you love. You are sneaky, pathetic, and dishonest. You make decisions and choices that aren't the best for you, but are the best for you to get your fix. Kodiak cost me $40,000 in after tax money, lots of nights driving frantically to convenience stores to find a can when I could have been home bonding (between the sheets) with my wife, or spending time with my family.

Last weekend a widow of a 49-year old tobacco user and her 18 year old son flew to KC to spend the weekend with us. We talked a lot about her husband, and what a great man he was. The two of them are clearly continuing to find their way without the leader of their house. They had a great weekend, but man I wish Todd could have been there with them.

This is a decision only you can make. I can tell you this, I have yet to meet one person that ever has said "damn I wish I had never quit tobacco." Not one.

The choice is yours. The loss of a few teeth is the not all that there is to lose in this fight. Honestly, the freedom is so sweet that until you grasp it - you can't understand it. The patch isn't the first step. The dentist scaring you about dentures isn't the first step. You have to decide that nicotine can no longer be a part of your life. Ever. Once you make that decision, once you throw all of the nicotine out, once you grab your nuts and quit, you will never regret the decision. It won't be easy. But dude, I promise you, life is better without the bear in your life.

worktowin 1,646

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2017, 09:42:00 AM »
Hey Brad,

The dentist didn't make you quit he just gave you a different way to put nicotine in your system . If your goal is to quit chewing long enough to get through your dental procedure follow the dentists instructions , if your goal is to quit THEN QUIT. It wont be fun, for the first couple of weeks. But cold turkey works there is plenty of people around here as proof.

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Re: my dentist made me
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2017, 07:52:00 AM »
I am one of those 40+ year dippers-now Quit for 138 days.

You will find support and information here-- by the ton!

Don't put it off--post roll and get to work.
The Old Man