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Offline Rob1985

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #86 on: April 02, 2013, 11:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
I went to my cousin’s place for Easter, way out in the middle of Nowhere, Illinois. This was my first Easter in 16 years that I was quit. I knew that at least one of my in-laws would be dipping, and I was correct. One younger cousin’s husband had a dip in the entire time unless he was eating. He is a super nice guy and great dad to my cousin’s two or three kids. When the wind blew just right I caught a whiff and it smelled “pleasantly interesting”. I was not ready to bum a pinch and was not even thinking about what it would be like. Instead I felt bad for that whole family. I felt bad for my cousin for having to live with that gross habit. I felt bad for him knowing that he knew that he was a slave to the Bitch. But what I really felt bad for were the kids. Their father was a loser and bailed right after the second was born. That has to be tough on a kid. Now, this awesome new guy is in their lives and treats the kids as his own, but he won’t be there too long either. He won’t leave them all because of another woman; he’ll leave because he’ll be dead.
I had a similar occurrence the other night.... night of Day 36. Go read about it under my Introduction.
Quit: 2/23/13
HOF: 6/3/13
2nd Floor: 9/10/13
One Year 2/23/14
Two Years 2/23/15
1000 Days 11/19/15
"You can have results or excuses. Not both"
"One often learns more from ten days of agony than from ten years of contentment"
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Offline kkljinc

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #85 on: April 02, 2013, 10:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
I went to my cousin’s place for Easter, way out in the middle of Nowhere, Illinois. This was my first Easter in 16 years that I was quit. I knew that at least one of my in-laws would be dipping, and I was correct. One younger cousin’s husband had a dip in the entire time unless he was eating. He is a super nice guy and great dad to my cousin’s two or three kids. When the wind blew just right I caught a whiff and it smelled “pleasantly interesting”. I was not ready to bum a pinch and was not even thinking about what it would be like. Instead I felt bad for that whole family. I felt bad for my cousin for having to live with that gross habit. I felt bad for him knowing that he knew that he was a slave to the Bitch. But what I really felt bad for were the kids. Their father was a loser and bailed right after the second was born. That has to be tough on a kid. Now, this awesome new guy is in their lives and treats the kids as his own, but he won’t be there too long either. He won’t leave them all because of another woman; he’ll leave because he’ll be dead.
Evil, well said! I never had any doubt about your amount of quit faith. You my friend are QLF! That is quit wood.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #84 on: April 01, 2013, 11:44:00 PM »
I went to my cousin’s place for Easter, way out in the middle of Nowhere, Illinois. This was my first Easter in 16 years that I was quit. I knew that at least one of my in-laws would be dipping, and I was correct. One younger cousin’s husband had a dip in the entire time unless he was eating. He is a super nice guy and great dad to my cousin’s two or three kids. When the wind blew just right I caught a whiff and it smelled “pleasantly interesting”. I was not ready to bum a pinch and was not even thinking about what it would be like. Instead I felt bad for that whole family. I felt bad for my cousin for having to live with that gross habit. I felt bad for him knowing that he knew that he was a slave to the Bitch. But what I really felt bad for were the kids. Their father was a loser and bailed right after the second was born. That has to be tough on a kid. Now, this awesome new guy is in their lives and treats the kids as his own, but he won’t be there too long either. He won’t leave them all because of another woman; he’ll leave because he’ll be dead.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline jhaenel23

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #83 on: March 27, 2013, 01:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Every day I am pissed that I ever started using dip. Every day I wish I had quit years ago. But, I canÂ’t change that so I am going to focus on the present and what I can do about it now. I feel very fortunate that I quit on 10/10/12. Not only for the obvious reasons like avoiding an early death, but for the reason that I became a Jackwagin. The first few days were a blur and I canÂ’t recall details, but shortly after the nic left my system I was able to see things clearly.

One of the first things I saw was the group name, “January Jackwagins”. I said to myself, “Self, what the fuck is a Jackwagin?” Can these guys not spell wagon? Was I missing something? I had a quit to obsess over so I let it go. While quitting it became obvious that this was a very special group of quitters. Every day it is obvious that these guys are passionate about all sorts of things including fellow Jackwagin’s quits. They are smart, worldly, courageous, addicts, funny as fuck, caring, and genuine.

I genuinely appreciate that banter, the texts, the emails, the PMs, the calls, the accountability, the brotherhood, and the humor…especially the humor.  They have made quitting a little easier. One day I hope to meet each and every one of them and shake their hands for helping me remain quit. No, it’s more than that. A handshake isn’t enough.

Proud to be a Jackwagin. Bro Fist
Well said you hairy little man....Well Said. Now enough with the wispy bromance and back to some serious quittin!! Dont think I didnt notice the theft of the G.O.A.T. Reference for our little friend in IN. JH sees all!!! (insert scary laugh)...... 'tease'
Stay in the Q.U.I.T*********Fuck the NIC!!" Jhaenel23
"Freedom is like your Soul going Commando!" Scowick
"Losers always whine about their best, Winners go home and fuck the prom queen!!" John Mason
"If its too much trouble to post roll, You can always Fuck Off!!" J2B
HOF Speech
Sounds Of Madness
QUIT 10-22-12
HOF 1-29-13
Post with Da Jackwagins!!

Offline kkljinc

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #82 on: March 27, 2013, 11:23:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
This was my response to some horse shit that was posted in our group, but I want it here, in my thread as a reminder of why I spend the first 1.5 hours of every day on this site.
I said I was going to respond properly when I had a chance and this has been the only thing on my mind tonight, but these badasses have said it all. If anyone wants to stop posting just stop posting, and tell Sportsfan and your group not to waste time on you every day. I think not posting daily is utter folly. Adding fuel to that fire is disrespectful to everyone that posts roll daily and everything this site stands for. Accountability. Brotherhood. Success. ODAAT. NAFAR. Maybe you (whoever is reading this - no one inparticular) are that special butterfly that can go rogue and be successful. IÂ’m not.

I still think about dip several times a day. Several times a day I tell myself that I posted roll today and the caving option has been taken off the table. I look at my phone every day and see the texts from vets checking on me, and the texts I've sent to those that have come after me. I think of the friendships I have formed here and know they will be gone if I cave. That will not happen today because I posted roll.

Posting roll is a fucking drag. The days seem to drag on. 168 days seems like a lifetime, but NO ONE can come here, in THIS group and tell me or any other regular poster that it’s ok to take a vacation from posting “just because”. That is a personal decision.

My core - you know who you are, I donÂ’t want my balls cupped and coddled like an ugly, dirty, stinky baby bird that fell from its nest. If I even wander a little bit I expect you Jackwagins to grab my sack and yank it hard, pulling me back here, with you all, where I need to be. If you have a moment of weakness or even a shitty passing thought, let me know and I will be there for you. That is a guarantee.

I'm proud as hell to be a Jackwagin.
Agreed, if I did not hit roll, I would be lost.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #81 on: March 27, 2013, 11:19:00 AM »
This was my response to some horse shit that was posted in our group, but I want it here, in my thread as a reminder of why I spend the first 1.5 hours of every day on this site.
I said I was going to respond properly when I had a chance and this has been the only thing on my mind tonight, but these badasses have said it all. If anyone wants to stop posting just stop posting, and tell Sportsfan and your group not to waste time on you every day. I think not posting daily is utter folly. Adding fuel to that fire is disrespectful to everyone that posts roll daily and everything this site stands for. Accountability. Brotherhood. Success. ODAAT. NAFAR. Maybe you (whoever is reading this - no one inparticular) are that special butterfly that can go rogue and be successful. IÂ’m not.

I still think about dip several times a day. Several times a day I tell myself that I posted roll today and the caving option has been taken off the table. I look at my phone every day and see the texts from vets checking on me, and the texts I've sent to those that have come after me. I think of the friendships I have formed here and know they will be gone if I cave. That will not happen today because I posted roll.

Posting roll is a fucking drag. The days seem to drag on. 168 days seems like a lifetime, but NO ONE can come here, in THIS group and tell me or any other regular poster that it’s ok to take a vacation from posting “just because”. That is a personal decision.

My core - you know who you are, I donÂ’t want my balls cupped and coddled like an ugly, dirty, stinky baby bird that fell from its nest. If I even wander a little bit I expect you Jackwagins to grab my sack and yank it hard, pulling me back here, with you all, where I need to be. If you have a moment of weakness or even a shitty passing thought, let me know and I will be there for you. That is a guarantee.

I'm proud as hell to be a Jackwagin.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline cdaniels

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #80 on: March 27, 2013, 10:26:00 AM »
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Evil_Won
Every day I am pissed that I ever started using dip. Every day I wish I had quit years ago. But, I canÂ’t change that so I am going to focus on the present and what I can do about it now. I feel very fortunate that I quit on 10/10/12. Not only for the obvious reasons like avoiding an early death, but for the reason that I became a Jackwagin. The first few days were a blur and I canÂ’t recall details, but shortly after the nic left my system I was able to see things clearly.

One of the first things I saw was the group name, “January Jackwagins”. I said to myself, “Self, what the fuck is a Jackwagin?” Can these guys not spell wagon? Was I missing something? I had a quit to obsess over so I let it go. While quitting it became obvious that this was a very special group of quitters. Every day it is obvious that these guys are passionate about all sorts of things including fellow Jackwagin’s quits. They are smart, worldly, courageous, addicts, funny as fuck, caring, and genuine.

I genuinely appreciate that banter, the texts, the emails, the PMs, the calls, the accountability, the brotherhood, and the humor…especially the humor.  They have made quitting a little easier. One day I hope to meet each and every one of them and shake their hands for helping me remain quit. No, it’s more than that. A handshake isn’t enough.

Proud to be a Jackwagin. Bro Fist
Proud to stand next to you as a brother in arms.

I was thinking something like this!
I am not a jackwagin per say but I am Proud to be your friend. Thank you for stepping up yesterday. nuf said
Quit date 11-20-12
Never again for any reason. I quit for today. Today I live.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #79 on: March 27, 2013, 10:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Every day I am pissed that I ever started using dip. Every day I wish I had quit years ago. But, I canÂ’t change that so I am going to focus on the present and what I can do about it now. I feel very fortunate that I quit on 10/10/12. Not only for the obvious reasons like avoiding an early death, but for the reason that I became a Jackwagin. The first few days were a blur and I canÂ’t recall details, but shortly after the nic left my system I was able to see things clearly.

One of the first things I saw was the group name, “January Jackwagins”. I said to myself, “Self, what the fuck is a Jackwagin?” Can these guys not spell wagon? Was I missing something? I had a quit to obsess over so I let it go. While quitting it became obvious that this was a very special group of quitters. Every day it is obvious that these guys are passionate about all sorts of things including fellow Jackwagin’s quits. They are smart, worldly, courageous, addicts, funny as fuck, caring, and genuine.

I genuinely appreciate that banter, the texts, the emails, the PMs, the calls, the accountability, the brotherhood, and the humorÂ…especially the humor. They have made quitting a little easier. One day I hope to meet each and every one of them and shake their hands for helping me remain quit. No, itÂ’s more than that. A handshake isnÂ’t enough.

Proud to be a Jackwagin. Bro Fist
Proud to stand next to you as a brother in arms.

I was thinking something like this!

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #78 on: March 27, 2013, 02:18:00 AM »
Every day I am pissed that I ever started using dip. Every day I wish I had quit years ago. But, I canÂ’t change that so I am going to focus on the present and what I can do about it now. I feel very fortunate that I quit on 10/10/12. Not only for the obvious reasons like avoiding an early death, but for the reason that I became a Jackwagin. The first few days were a blur and I canÂ’t recall details, but shortly after the nic left my system I was able to see things clearly.

One of the first things I saw was the group name, “January Jackwagins”. I said to myself, “Self, what the fuck is a Jackwagin?” Can these guys not spell wagon? Was I missing something? I had a quit to obsess over so I let it go. While quitting it became obvious that this was a very special group of quitters. Every day it is obvious that these guys are passionate about all sorts of things including fellow Jackwagin’s quits. They are smart, worldly, courageous, addicts, funny as fuck, caring, and genuine.

I genuinely appreciate that banter, the texts, the emails, the PMs, the calls, the accountability, the brotherhood, and the humorÂ…especially the humor. They have made quitting a little easier. One day I hope to meet each and every one of them and shake their hands for helping me remain quit. No, itÂ’s more than that. A handshake isnÂ’t enough.

Proud to be a Jackwagin. Bro Fist
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #77 on: March 07, 2013, 12:34:00 AM »
Writing for me is therapeutic so I am putting this here in my space. It is about addiction, but not to nicotine this time. It is about my drug addiction to a prescribed medicine and my two year battle to get off of it. It may become long, dark, and violent. I have no “finish” in mind as I write this. I don’t even know where I’m going with this. Reader discretion is advised. I do not suggest ANYONE do anything that I did. Remember, I am an addict, an asshole, and a douche.

Here goes.

I was on Cymbalta for 4 years. Four plus years ago my second daughter was born and I had a very hard time balancing a 3 year old girl, a newborn, a wife that worked nights and weekends, a shitty job, life, maintaining the ninja lifestyle etc. Mrs. Evil talked me into “talking to someone”, something I was against, but for the sake of our marriage I was willing. After 15 minutes of talking, the psychologist I was seeing wanted to put me on meds to control my OCD (which I admit was getting a little insane) and this “depression” he said I had. He called his RX writer, doctor friend, who had no issue writing a script for a mind-altering drug for someone that she had never met nor knew anything about. Like an asshole I took the pills. Side note – she first gave me Paxil but that had adverse effects on my “piece” so I had to change.

Yes, Cymbalta worked to lessen the grip of OCD, but it made me an emotional nothing. No moments of mania. No moments of sorrow. No feelings of any kind. I was basically deader than ever. Friend died? No feelings. Daughter busted her head open. No feelings. Dog died? No feelings. Teenager shot outside of my office? No feelings. Mother in lawÂ’s suicide? No feelings. The future? No feelings.
After 2 years I started to see the light that this “medicine” was not helping and was only masking me off from who I really am…me. I am not a happy go lucky guy. Never was and don’t want to be. I have no friends and I’m fine with that. I don’t like being physically touched and dislike people in general. However, I enjoy talking to strangers and have always gotten along better with criminals, junkies, and near-do-wells. I am a cynic and not afraid to speak my mind. I enjoy living my life as a line in one of my favorite songs goes, “if I offended you, oh I'm sorry...But maybe you need to be offended. But here's my apology and one more thing...fuck you! “

Insurance wasn’t paying for the quack psychologist anymore so I needed someone new to intervene. I went to my “Primary Care” physician and told him I wanted off this drug. He kept trying to push me off to a psychiatrist, but I was done “talking about it”. All I wanted to talk about getting off this shit. He wasn’t going to help me, so fuck him. I told me off and was escorted out of the hospital by security (if I was really nuts wouldn’t they have taken me to the crazy floor?).

Now, for those of you crazies that are on medicines and they are doing you good. SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH. What do I need a shrink for? I can do this on my own. I have a PH fuckin D in Google, bitch! Like a junkie, I sat in my car each morning and opened the capsule. I carefully removed 10 of those tiny little ball things (and threw them on the floor of my car). I did that for a week, then started removing 20 little ball thingys each day. By the time I got down to pulling about 50 out I was in hell. My brain had been rewired and was full blown addicted and I was weaning my noodleÂ’s drug. I was seeing spots. Seeing bugs crawl around that were not there. The brain zaps were deafening. I was miserable and saw that I was in over my head. No psychologist.

No physician. Nothing. Alone again. Somehow I managed to keep it together enough to be sane around my kids and always went to work. I later learned that the term hallucinating is only used when you see dead people, which I did not. Too fucking bad. I would have loved to talk to Elvis or John Lennon while sitting on the shitter instead watching imaginary cockroaches race around.

I found a new Primary Care physician minutes from my house. I told her all along that I wanted to get off the drugs. She too tried to pass the buck to a shrink. What I then realized was NOT that she and the other doctor didnÂ’t want to help me, they just didnÂ’t know how. ItÂ’s very easy to put someone on these drugs but getting them off is not so easy. I hounded her, begged her, to get me off the drugs. I was matter of fact when I said that going to a shrink was not an option. (See the irrational addict mind here in all its glory?) After a few moments of silence she said she would help be but it had to be done her way, the long way. With weekly visits WITH MY WIFE to get her input on changes in my behavior. Her plan was going to take about a year.

At this time, my chronic back issues came back with a vengeance. I have massive spinal problems and have had surgery in the past, knowing that more surgery in the future was a very likely outcome. I was having trouble standing, walking, and sitting. The pain was getting to be too much, which for me to say is really something. I begged my doctor for something to manage the pain but was denied. She didn’t want to add a drug into the mix “of all the other medicines I was on”. Really? The only medicine I was taking was the shit I was trying to get off of. Long story short, we had a “fuck you session” and I left her practice. Addict brain at its finest. I saw her no different than the drug pushing MD. Instead of maybe getting a kickback from the drug manufacturer she was billing insurance weekly hundreds of dollars for a 10 second conversation with my wife and me. I may be an addict, an asshole, and a douche but the healthcare and insurance system in the country is far more fucked up than I have ever been.

At this point I was new to KTC and thought that if I can quit dip cold turkey I could quit this shit too. I wanted to reach the HOF free of all drugs. Again – I do not advise anyone to follow my lead. I beg anyone reading to work with their doctor. I studied the “half-life” of the drug and researched withdrawal. I figured I would be in for a few days of hell. Understatement of a lifetime!

24 hours in, the brain zaps were bad and only got worse and more intense by the hour. Seeing things. Physical pains. Thoughts of homicide and suicide (only passing thoughts). Abdominal pain so intense while trying to sleep at night I thought I was being ripped in half or beaten with a sledgehammer. I jammed a dinner fork deep into my arm for no reason. I had become a “cutter” like an EMO teenage girl that felt alone. I was burning myself intentionally hoping that the physical pain would overtake the mental anguish. Of course I lied and denied everything to Mrs. Evil when she would ask about blood on a shirt and shit like that. She would show concern when I would take things out of the oven without an oven mitt with a laugh and a smile, and would then watch the blisters rise while we ate. I reassured her that she and the girls were never in harm’s way and that I had to keep doing this. I had to keep going thinking I was over the worst of it and didn’t want to relive the horrors of “day 1” again. Mrs. Evil knows me well enough to know that when I have my mind set on something trying to talk me out of it only strengthens my desire to continue. She did make me swear that I had to tell her right away if the “Really bad thoughts” involved her or the kids. Of course I agreed and they never did.

This Hell of all hells lasted for a solid six weeks of pure hell unlike anything I could have ever imagined. I reached the HOF drug free. No nicotine, anti-depressants/OCD, or opiates for chronic pain. Nothing. It took another 35 days past HOF for the brain zaps to fully stop. I am not cured of anything, especially being an addict, asshole, and douche.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #76 on: January 31, 2013, 11:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Dlee3
Quote from: Evil_Won
Move the fuck one. There is nothing to see here.
Wrong about that, Evil. I got to use the word "folly" today. Some people might enjoy seeing that. It's a great word and can be incorporated into many conversations.

Seriously, though, the reason I say you're wrong about "nothing to see here" is because your HOF speech is on here. I've read it at least five times along with many other pearls of Evil wisdom. Sorry I somehow became a really, really nice dumbass troll on your intro thread today.
Face itdlee, you are a trolling prick with no courage. You also post late, and I am sure your fett stink to all high hell. 'na na'

Just fucking with you. Goo tto see you showing some support around here.

Oh, and congrat Evil - what did you cook as a celebratory dinner, and can you share the recipe?

And April does have a spreadsheet,I believe mr dlee is at 100%. Which is badass.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #75 on: January 31, 2013, 09:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Move the fuck one. There is nothing to see here.
Wrong about that, Evil. I got to use the word "folly" today. Some people might enjoy seeing that. It's a great word and can be incorporated into many conversations.

Seriously, though, the reason I say you're wrong about "nothing to see here" is because your HOF speech is on here. I've read it at least five times along with many other pearls of Evil wisdom. Sorry I somehow became a really, really nice dumbass troll on your intro thread today.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #74 on: January 31, 2013, 06:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Dlee3
I get called a troll twice for congratulating somebody on a happy dentist visit and there is no mention of the super classy guy that told me to go back to nicotine?  Really?  And 30 said nothing about courage in his unprovoked rant to me.  I'm sure if Evil thought I had diminished his courage, he would have absolutely let me know.  He's got my number.
I've never had any issue with Dlee3 in here (which is MY into, BTFW, so take your merda to a large forum for a better debate and more judging eyes). I've never had any issue with Dlee3 in chat, April 2013, in PMs, or via text.

Maybe he joined 6 months ago but didn't have the "courage" to quit then. Looks like he does now, as by his posting roll in April, so I'll stand behind him (no homo).

They do not have a spreadsheet so I can't say what % of a poster he is, but since he posted his into he has been a solid presence. Yes, 39 posts since June, but he's only on day 19 of a lifelong struggle. A few guys that just boarded the train did not have more posts than days quit and they were extended a hand.

I not only took no offense to Dlee's "courage" reference, but I clearly understood what he meant. It was not difficult to do.

Move the fuck on. There is nothing to see here.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #73 on: January 31, 2013, 06:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: razd611
I found this and it looks like Evil made a 911 call. Or someone greatly resembling him.

'crackup'  'crackup'  'crackup'
LOL!!!! How did you stumble across that???? And BTW, I can't spell ewekalipptus either.
Just stumbled on it listening to tom Mabe prank calls. This one is funny as hell too.

And that is why I live on K Street.
Never Again For Any Reason

Hurt Feelings Report

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Re: Quit or Die
« Reply #72 on: January 31, 2013, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
I found this and it looks like Evil made a 911 call. Or someone greatly resembling him.

'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
LOL!!!! How did you stumble across that???? And BTW, I can't spell ewekalipptus either.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."