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Offline Mike from AB

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2013, 12:40:00 PM »
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: srans
Your doing great.  You asked the question,,  it does get better right?  Answer!  Yes,  not by day 6 though or maybe even 7. It's going to be tough for a while. 

Toughen up and realize you poisoned you're mind and body for years.  If you add up the days you poisoned yourself you would probably need a calculator.  The days you've not used can be added up on one hand. 

Things will get better,  believe that and take it one day at a time. Break it down further of you have to.  One minute at a time.  Things started getting a lot better for me in the 40's but every quit is different.  If my half redneck self can do it you can.  You need another number let me know. Glad to be quit with you.
thanks guys for the input. got through my first weekend without a dip in 20 years. few shaky moments but i'm learning it really is all in the mind. The more i read about nicotine the more pissed off i get that i let it control me for so long.

Appreciate so much the brotherhood. I quit with you today.
Congrats on making it through that first weekend! That's a huge win!

Offline shstevens

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2013, 12:23:00 PM »
I'm 7 days into my quit and learned so much on this site about the evils of nicotine. Big tobacco has a lot to answer for, they know exactly what they are doing when they market to young people. i got hooked at 15 years old.

This article is a bit long, but helped me understand why I got so addicted:

You guys who run this site are amazing. i could never have got to day 7 without this community. I choose to quit today and to keep that poison out of my body.

Offline shstevens

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2013, 12:14:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Your doing great. You asked the question,, it does get better right? Answer! Yes, not by day 6 though or maybe even 7. It's going to be tough for a while.

Toughen up and realize you poisoned you're mind and body for years. If you add up the days you poisoned yourself you would probably need a calculator. The days you've not used can be added up on one hand.

Things will get better, believe that and take it one day at a time. Break it down further of you have to. One minute at a time. Things started getting a lot better for me in the 40's but every quit is different. If my half redneck self can do it you can. You need another number let me know. Glad to be quit with you.
thanks guys for the input. got through my first weekend without a dip in 20 years. few shaky moments but i'm learning it really is all in the mind. The more i read about nicotine the more pissed off i get that i let it control me for so long.

Appreciate so much the brotherhood. I quit with you today.

Offline srans

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2013, 07:54:00 AM »
Your doing great. You asked the question,, it does get better right? Answer! Yes, not by day 6 though or maybe even 7. It's going to be tough for a while.

Toughen up and realize you poisoned you're mind and body for years. If you add up the days you poisoned yourself you would probably need a calculator. The days you've not used can be added up on one hand.

Things will get better, believe that and take it one day at a time. Break it down further of you have to. One minute at a time. Things started getting a lot better for me in the 40's but every quit is different. If my half redneck self can do it you can. You need another number let me know. Glad to be quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline jbradley

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2013, 02:10:00 AM »
I will chime in here and say ditto to what all of our brothers have said here.

It does get better but it will take some time. No two quits are the same but un-fucking your mind after poisoning it for years and years will not be immediate. Freedom is not free but it is worth it. It gets way better.

I just got back from vacation myself and got to spend every minute with my family and had a blast. I was not a "ninja" but there were always the moments that took you away...

Proud to be quit with you.

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #40 on: October 12, 2013, 06:03:00 PM »
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: jlud007
It will get better just keep pushing through, weekends can be tough.  Stay close to the site and read all you can, it will help you stay focused.  You got this today, you made your promise.  Make it early and keep it again tomorrow....rinse and repeat.
thanks man. i could never keep my quit without this site. You guys are all amazing. thank you.
Day 5! Man this has been the longest week ever. Every day seems to drag by and i keep waking up in the night. It gets easier right? My first weekend. Feeling good this morning and happy to be dip free! It's the evenings that are tough for me, so need to stay active tonight.
Hey bro it took me about a month to get back to normal sleeping. Congrats on 5 days. That is a hell of an accomplishment. Keep grinding away. Things do get better. Remember anything that's worth a damn in life is not easy and takes effort. Stick to the KTC program. Keep up the great work.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

Offline Punkin

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2013, 04:07:00 PM »
Congrats on making day 5. It gets easier. After dinner is the worst for me. Staying busy is key. That and plenty of seeds and fake snuff.

Did you remember to post roll today? If you posted then someone has bumped you because I don't see your name on roll call.

If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough

Are you gonna quit dipping, or are you gonna slide your tampon in?

Offline Roughshod78

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2013, 02:29:00 PM »
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: jlud007
It will get better just keep pushing through, weekends can be tough.  Stay close to the site and read all you can, it will help you stay focused.  You got this today, you made your promise.  Make it early and keep it again tomorrow....rinse and repeat.
thanks man. i could never keep my quit without this site. You guys are all amazing. thank you.
Day 5! Man this has been the longest week ever. Every day seems to drag by and i keep waking up in the night. It gets easier right? My first weekend. Feeling good this morning and happy to be dip free! It's the evenings that are tough for me, so need to stay active tonight.
Glad to hear you're still feeling good, congrats on 5 days that's an awesome accomplishment! Yes it gets easier. Also better. I promise. Even if that seems to come more slowly than you'd like, keep hanging in there bro ODAAT!

It will get easier at moments. And other moments it will suck in a different way then it has been.

I think Skoalmonster said " it'll suck till it doesn't and then it won't!!"

All that hurt you got and the feeling of being uncomfortable cause ur skin is crawling is a valuable part of the process. Let it harden ur resolve and piss u the fuck off about your nicotine addiction.
Pm me if you need anything.
Proud as hell to be quit with you today!!
"The travelin is easy when you know the way..." Mule21

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #37 on: October 12, 2013, 02:03:00 PM »
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: jlud007
It will get better just keep pushing through, weekends can be tough.  Stay close to the site and read all you can, it will help you stay focused.  You got this today, you made your promise.  Make it early and keep it again tomorrow....rinse and repeat.
thanks man. i could never keep my quit without this site. You guys are all amazing. thank you.
Day 5! Man this has been the longest week ever. Every day seems to drag by and i keep waking up in the night. It gets easier right? My first weekend. Feeling good this morning and happy to be dip free! It's the evenings that are tough for me, so need to stay active tonight.
Glad to hear you're still feeling good, congrats on 5 days that's an awesome accomplishment! Yes it gets easier. Also better. I promise. Even if that seems to come more slowly than you'd like, keep hanging in there bro ODAAT!

Offline shstevens

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #36 on: October 12, 2013, 11:57:00 AM »
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: jlud007
It will get better just keep pushing through, weekends can be tough.  Stay close to the site and read all you can, it will help you stay focused.  You got this today, you made your promise.  Make it early and keep it again tomorrow....rinse and repeat.
thanks man. i could never keep my quit without this site. You guys are all amazing. thank you.
Day 5! Man this has been the longest week ever. Every day seems to drag by and i keep waking up in the night. It gets easier right? My first weekend. Feeling good this morning and happy to be dip free! It's the evenings that are tough for me, so need to stay active tonight.

Offline shstevens

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2013, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
It will get better just keep pushing through, weekends can be tough. Stay close to the site and read all you can, it will help you stay focused. You got this today, you made your promise. Make it early and keep it again tomorrow....rinse and repeat.
thanks man. i could never keep my quit without this site. You guys are all amazing. thank you.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2013, 05:10:00 PM »
It will get better just keep pushing through, weekends can be tough. Stay close to the site and read all you can, it will help you stay focused. You got this today, you made your promise. Make it early and keep it again tomorrow....rinse and repeat.

Offline shstevens

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2013, 05:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: shstevens

yes, i can relate to your post. Especially racing around to make sure i have enough dip before going on vacation. And hiding it! Ridiculous!  I really want to quit, but it's so hard. Day 3 today. i have a permanent headache, can't concentrate and feel like i'm in the fog described on the site. In a helpful way, it makes me realize i've got to get off this stuff. if this is what it does when i come off it, i must have a serious dependency.  why would i want that for the rest of my life.
You are quit. You are doing it. Yes, it is difficult, but I see you gave your word you would not use today, so I don't need to worry- neither do you. Just fight and win another day's spoils.

Yes, that is the fog you are in. Not much to do about it except put all this misery and confusion into the memory banks. When it goes away (yes, it will go away) you can remember what this addition did to you.

PM me if you need another number, but definitely make sure you have some to dial when the going gets rough.

I am quit with you today.
what is PM?

finding it very hard today - lots of cravings.
Private Message. Scroll to top of page where the links are. Do you see Inbox? That's where you check your PM's. it will say Inbox (1), Inbox (2) etc.

It was just as hard for those before you. It was hard for me. It is hard for everyone. Embrace this time and holdbit close to you so you will remember how bad it sucks. It will get easier. It will. But for now you are just gonna have to sack up and do it.

Go to chat, do what you just did by posting in your intro thread, post it in Jan 14 Roll Call, TEXT your quit brothers and supporters. My cell number is on its way to you via PM right now. Text, call, whatever you need. I was recently where you are and know it is hard but doable. You got this! Hang in there!

This year we went on our annual vacation. First time in 18 years of marriage, including our honeymoon, that I didn't carefully hide cans in my suitcase and carryon just in case my luggage was lost. Sounds like you and I can relate, Sam. Then coming up with reasons to leave the room and go the the lobby or gym to hide out and get a fix. Let me tell you something... This was the best vacation I've ever had. I had nothing to hide. Didn't stress about wife going through my luggage. Just had fun. So nice to not lie and be sneaky.

There is pain in the process. No way around that. But there is tremendous gain ahead. I and the other guys reaching out to you are "in the gain." Don't let a can if chopped up cancer causing weed steal your health, your paycheck, or your freedom ! One day at a time. You can do this!

Let me know if you need another number. I'd be happy to help you beat this demon.
that's so funny about vacation. that's just what i do! never thought of it as a 'fix'. But it really is isn't it? I'll get through tonight and then it'll be day 4!
You're doing it great man! Just keep getting through one second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time and you got it beat! Celebrate the small wins- it gets better with every moment you go nicotine free!
Day 4! feeling bit better today - not such a bad headache. weird to leave the house and think "forgot my dip" and then realize i don't do that any more. i'm liking that feeling more and more. plus is $6.75 a tin in CA which adds up.

getting through the weekend is going to be tough.
You dont have to get through the weekend. Just get through each day; one day at a time. Try not to think about the future and focus on getting through the present. It's hard but it makes it easier.
OK. i like that just get through today. Finding it hard this afternoon with the cravings. If i push through this will get easier right?

Offline Dougie

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2013, 01:08:00 PM »
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: shstevens

yes, i can relate to your post. Especially racing around to make sure i have enough dip before going on vacation. And hiding it! Ridiculous!  I really want to quit, but it's so hard. Day 3 today. i have a permanent headache, can't concentrate and feel like i'm in the fog described on the site. In a helpful way, it makes me realize i've got to get off this stuff. if this is what it does when i come off it, i must have a serious dependency.  why would i want that for the rest of my life.
You are quit. You are doing it. Yes, it is difficult, but I see you gave your word you would not use today, so I don't need to worry- neither do you. Just fight and win another day's spoils.

Yes, that is the fog you are in. Not much to do about it except put all this misery and confusion into the memory banks. When it goes away (yes, it will go away) you can remember what this addition did to you.

PM me if you need another number, but definitely make sure you have some to dial when the going gets rough.

I am quit with you today.
what is PM?

finding it very hard today - lots of cravings.
Private Message. Scroll to top of page where the links are. Do you see Inbox? That's where you check your PM's. it will say Inbox (1), Inbox (2) etc.

It was just as hard for those before you. It was hard for me. It is hard for everyone. Embrace this time and holdbit close to you so you will remember how bad it sucks. It will get easier. It will. But for now you are just gonna have to sack up and do it.

Go to chat, do what you just did by posting in your intro thread, post it in Jan 14 Roll Call, TEXT your quit brothers and supporters. My cell number is on its way to you via PM right now. Text, call, whatever you need. I was recently where you are and know it is hard but doable. You got this! Hang in there!

This year we went on our annual vacation. First time in 18 years of marriage, including our honeymoon, that I didn't carefully hide cans in my suitcase and carryon just in case my luggage was lost. Sounds like you and I can relate, Sam. Then coming up with reasons to leave the room and go the the lobby or gym to hide out and get a fix. Let me tell you something... This was the best vacation I've ever had. I had nothing to hide. Didn't stress about wife going through my luggage. Just had fun. So nice to not lie and be sneaky.

There is pain in the process. No way around that. But there is tremendous gain ahead. I and the other guys reaching out to you are "in the gain." Don't let a can if chopped up cancer causing weed steal your health, your paycheck, or your freedom ! One day at a time. You can do this!

Let me know if you need another number. I'd be happy to help you beat this demon.
that's so funny about vacation. that's just what i do! never thought of it as a 'fix'. But it really is isn't it? I'll get through tonight and then it'll be day 4!
You're doing it great man! Just keep getting through one second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time and you got it beat! Celebrate the small wins- it gets better with every moment you go nicotine free!
Day 4! feeling bit better today - not such a bad headache. weird to leave the house and think "forgot my dip" and then realize i don't do that any more. i'm liking that feeling more and more. plus is $6.75 a tin in CA which adds up.

getting through the weekend is going to be tough.
You dont have to get through the weekend. Just get through each day; one day at a time. Try not to think about the future and focus on getting through the present. It's hard but it makes it easier.

Offline shstevens

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Re: want to quit
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2013, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Dougie
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JayDubya
Quote from: shstevens
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: shstevens

yes, i can relate to your post. Especially racing around to make sure i have enough dip before going on vacation. And hiding it! Ridiculous!  I really want to quit, but it's so hard. Day 3 today. i have a permanent headache, can't concentrate and feel like i'm in the fog described on the site. In a helpful way, it makes me realize i've got to get off this stuff. if this is what it does when i come off it, i must have a serious dependency.  why would i want that for the rest of my life.
You are quit. You are doing it. Yes, it is difficult, but I see you gave your word you would not use today, so I don't need to worry- neither do you. Just fight and win another day's spoils.

Yes, that is the fog you are in. Not much to do about it except put all this misery and confusion into the memory banks. When it goes away (yes, it will go away) you can remember what this addition did to you.

PM me if you need another number, but definitely make sure you have some to dial when the going gets rough.

I am quit with you today.
what is PM?

finding it very hard today - lots of cravings.
Private Message. Scroll to top of page where the links are. Do you see Inbox? That's where you check your PM's. it will say Inbox (1), Inbox (2) etc.

It was just as hard for those before you. It was hard for me. It is hard for everyone. Embrace this time and holdbit close to you so you will remember how bad it sucks. It will get easier. It will. But for now you are just gonna have to sack up and do it.

Go to chat, do what you just did by posting in your intro thread, post it in Jan 14 Roll Call, TEXT your quit brothers and supporters. My cell number is on its way to you via PM right now. Text, call, whatever you need. I was recently where you are and know it is hard but doable. You got this! Hang in there!

This year we went on our annual vacation. First time in 18 years of marriage, including our honeymoon, that I didn't carefully hide cans in my suitcase and carryon just in case my luggage was lost. Sounds like you and I can relate, Sam. Then coming up with reasons to leave the room and go the the lobby or gym to hide out and get a fix. Let me tell you something... This was the best vacation I've ever had. I had nothing to hide. Didn't stress about wife going through my luggage. Just had fun. So nice to not lie and be sneaky.

There is pain in the process. No way around that. But there is tremendous gain ahead. I and the other guys reaching out to you are "in the gain." Don't let a can if chopped up cancer causing weed steal your health, your paycheck, or your freedom ! One day at a time. You can do this!

Let me know if you need another number. I'd be happy to help you beat this demon.
that's so funny about vacation. that's just what i do! never thought of it as a 'fix'. But it really is isn't it? I'll get through tonight and then it'll be day 4!
You're doing it great man! Just keep getting through one second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time and you got it beat! Celebrate the small wins- it gets better with every moment you go nicotine free!
Day 4! feeling bit better today - not such a bad headache. weird to leave the house and think "forgot my dip" and then realize i don't do that any more. i'm liking that feeling more and more. plus is $6.75 a tin in CA which adds up.

getting through the weekend is going to be tough.