Author Topic: Still growing it, but done dipping it.  (Read 3430 times)

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Offline Native94

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2013, 02:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
A tobacco growing, former dipper who wants to become a man of the cloth.

We truly do get all kinds here!!!

However, no matter if your priest or a elephant dung picker upper, if you're are family

We will watch your back through thick and thin.

You're right, these next few weeks are going to be hard for you. Not just because you're going to be home on Christmas break.

It would be hard if you were out in the middle of nowhere, in a fucking fallout shelter, in a hot air balloon, or on the moon.

Why? Because you're an addict.

You have been poisoning yourself to a point that your body has become dependant on you doing so. 1 pinch is too much and 100 would never be enough.

Even after 15 years of use I still used to overdose on dip. I would load and reload to the point of literal sickness and throw up. Didn't matter, I'd be dipping again in a couple hours, I would just "cool it a bit".

Even at that time, I never thought of myself as an addict. Just a guy with one bad vice. I often used to wonder "when will I stop this habbit?". Then I'd pop in a lip full and say "fuck it". It wasn't until I had a sore on my lip and I went into a full blown panic attack thinking I had the big C, did it dawn on me that maaaayyybeee I had a bit more of a problem than I realized.

I was an ADDICT. And I fucking HATED IT. Not me, no way, I was "better" than that. I wasn't. I couldn't fool myself with that nonsense any longer.

Luckily I found this place...its full of addicts, and they ain't half bad. In fact they are pretty fucking normal, hell a lot of them are just like me.

Were addicts, and so are you. Big fucking deal. I can think of about a million worse things to be. DEAD being at the top of the list.

You're a smart man for finding this site and deciding to quit at a young age.

I'm rambling on about this addict thing because many times I see young guys come through here with an arm full of good intentions, but fall off the map with a handful full of dick.

The main reason for that in my humble opinion is that they don't realize the seriousness of it all, and can't or won't admit they are controlled by weeds in can and are addicts.

If you can accept that fact, post your promise every day, and lean on those who have come before you as well as support those who walk with you. Then, you have everything you need to be quit...just like the rest of us addicts.

Welcome. If you need anything feel free to hit me up any time.

Quit on...
And this is just the kind of old fashioned cussing/ motivational speech/ bringing down to earth I needed. I did have a big head coming in here. But you sir just humbled me. And I can not thank you enough for that. Though I did not put the worm dirt in my lip tonight with my friends I accepted a few ciggarettes not thinking twice about it and thus caved already to some degree but I guess a cave is a cave(is that a cave though serious question just for clarification). Day 1 starts over tomorrow and I'm not gonna fall to tricks of nicotine, even if it means I have to call one of you boys crying like a baby. I feel a strong brotherhood of addicts and I'm glad I can begin my membership as a low man on the totem pole. Thanks for taking my cocky away diesel but thanks for truly helping a guy out because and that goes for all of y'all. I may have to try out the big red gum after all.

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2013, 02:17:00 AM »
A tobacco growing, former dipper who wants to become a man of the cloth.

We truly do get all kinds here!!!

However, no matter if your priest or a elephant dung picker upper, if you're are family

We will watch your back through thick and thin.

You're right, these next few weeks are going to be hard for you. Not just because you're going to be home on Christmas break.

It would be hard if you were out in the middle of nowhere, in a fucking fallout shelter, in a hot air balloon, or on the moon.

Why? Because you're an addict.

You have been poisoning yourself to a point that your body has become dependant on you doing so. 1 pinch is too much and 100 would never be enough.

Even after 15 years of use I still used to overdose on dip. I would load and reload to the point of literal sickness and throw up. Didn't matter, I'd be dipping again in a couple hours, I would just "cool it a bit".

Even at that time, I never thought of myself as an addict. Just a guy with one bad vice. I often used to wonder "when will I stop this habbit?". Then I'd pop in a lip full and say "fuck it". It wasn't until I had a sore on my lip and I went into a full blown panic attack thinking I had the big C, did it dawn on me that maaaayyybeee I had a bit more of a problem than I realized.

I was an ADDICT. And I fucking HATED IT. Not me, no way, I was "better" than that. I wasn't. I couldn't fool myself with that nonsense any longer.

Luckily I found this place...its full of addicts, and they ain't half bad. In fact they are pretty fucking normal, hell a lot of them are just like me.

Were addicts, and so are you. Big fucking deal. I can think of about a million worse things to be. DEAD being at the top of the list.

You're a smart man for finding this site and deciding to quit at a young age.

I'm rambling on about this addict thing because many times I see young guys come through here with an arm full of good intentions, but fall off the map with a handful full of dick.

The main reason for that in my humble opinion is that they don't realize the seriousness of it all, and can't or won't admit they are controlled by weeds in can and are addicts.

If you can accept that fact, post your promise every day, and lean on those who have come before you as well as support those who walk with you. Then, you have everything you need to be quit...just like the rest of us addicts.

Welcome. If you need anything feel free to hit me up any time.

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"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Neutralize

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2013, 12:24:00 AM »

Welcome to the site. I'm in the March group with you.

Quitting with you my friend.

Offline brettlees

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2013, 11:51:00 PM »
Native you have some strong quitters watching you, and some great "classmates" reaching out. That's exactly the start you need to create success for yourself. Follow their advice and make yourself at home on the site. You can do it, and now is the best time of all to give it your all!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline gorilla1

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2013, 10:13:00 PM »
Glad to have you on board here native. Look for a PM from me. Read all the stuff you can on this site and post with your group. Get some numbers from guys in your group and some ol dawgs around here who seem to have something that you want. I'll be looking forward to keeping an eye on your roll call and intro posts.

We can stay quit together.


Offline Wintergreen

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2013, 09:34:00 PM »
Native, great choice to quit now. You're still young  you certainly don't want to be quitting 20 or 30 years later when you can quit now. I too have a lot of friends that chew, but they have been very supportive. They try not to do it around me or ask me if it's going to be a problem.

Don't worry about becoming "addicted" to a crutch, be it gum, fake chew, etc. It's not nicotine  it's not going to kill you. You put whatever you need to in your lip to keep the Grizz out!

Proud to be in the March group with you. I quit with you today.

It's a great day not to chew...
Quit Day 07-Dec-2013
HOF 17-Mar-2014

Offline rickddd

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2013, 05:36:00 PM »
Hey native - when you are this early in your quit, you need to not be hanging around friends who would gladly give you a dip in a weak moment.
You also need to be avoiding alcohol, as that lowers your willpower and makes you think you can handle "just one".

I'd also recommend telling those friends that you are quit now, and that they are never to give you a chew no matter how much you beg. And just to test their loyalty, do as syndrome said below, before you ever get to a weak moment - ask them for a chew, and if they hand you their can, dump the shiit on the ground. They will stop giving you their can after that!

Welcome to the site, bro. I quit with you today!

Remember, one day at a time!

Quit Date: 1/6/2013
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Offline drew85

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 05:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Native94
Good afternoon fellas, I killed my last "Grizzly" bear last Night and today starts my 1st day of quitting. I first had my encounter with the bear 6 long years ago when I was 13. Yes I'm only 19 but I feel like I've quit 100 times already but hopefully with this site I'll start my quit for the last time. After reading some of the struggles of others on here I have really come to almost feel hypocritically. My family has been growing tobacco here in western Kentucky for generations. I've worked in the stuff since I was 6 years old, it's how I payed for my first truck and no tellin how many cans of Grizzly wintergreen throughout the last few years. I do feel bad now about helping to supply big tobacco companies, but I do think my family's days of growing it are comin to an end. My dad's getting older, I'm off at college (Murray State University but probably seminary in Indianapolis next year.. Yes I'm catholic and yes I'm considering a life without a woman.. Some of you may be jealous or may bust my balls over it but just keep it in good fun please.) and i could never see myself growing it for the rest of my life so I guess it's just a matter of time until my old man gives it up. These next few weeks of quiting will be the toughest for me and I'll need some help, because I'm home for Christmas break and I don't have a single close friend that doesn't dip. If I can make through this break though I do believe I can go the rest of my life without it. So I guess my first question is how do you stay quit when your surrounded by friends who are more than willing to give you a pinch?
Welcome to the March 2014 group. I am new here as well but have gained a lot of insight from those have quit before us and those in the boat with us.

When you get back around your old friends let them know that you are done putting dog turds in your lip. If they are really your friends they will respect that and may quit with you.
Accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of Victory - George S Patton -----Quit Date 12/12/13

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2013, 04:17:00 PM »
Welcome Native! One day at a time. That's all we can do. I've woken up every morning since finding this site  I post roll before I even take a leak. Then all I have to do is keep my word the rest of the day.

I've found the fake dip has helped me out too. Holler if you need anything.

Quit Date: 12/9/2013
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Offline syndrome

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2013, 03:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Native94
So I guess my first question is how do you stay quit when your surrounded by friends who are more than willing to give you a pinch?
man i wrote this about coworkers, but it should work for you...
man your coworkers are fuckin with your quit? time to teach um the tryed and true ktc way that you and your quit are not to be fucked with. next time one a those fucks offers you a dip heres what you need to do:

1. take can with big smile
2. open can
3. rotate arm at the wrist 180 degrees, there by emptyin contents of can on ground
4. step on pile of worm shit
5. twist at knee and ankel to grind worm shit back in to ground
6. replace lid
7. hand can back to coworker with a smile
8. remind him that you will be willin to help him agin any time
9. repete as nessassary til no buddy will ever offer you a dip agin. evin if you ask for it.

ps if you can piss on the worm shit thats evin better then grindin it in to the ground.

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2013, 03:03:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
My Moms been quit cigarettes for 9 years  'oh yeah'  but she still chews a pack and half of big red everyday. That's not gonna be me.
Whatever it takes to keep it out of your face and however long it takes. Everyone here would chew a pack n a half of assholes a day to stay quit.
Fuckin' aye Raz...bring on the assholes, I'll chew 'em to stay quit!!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2013, 02:58:00 PM »
My Moms been quit cigarettes for 9 years  'oh yeah'  but she still chews a pack and half of big red everyday. That's not gonna be me.
Whatever it takes to keep it out of your face and however long it takes. Everyone here would chew a pack n a half of assholes a day to stay quit.
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Offline Native94

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
Thanks guys, I'm committed to it and this is totally a selfish quit. I've been forced to quit twice before for a month long period (summer programs I decided to bring no dip to) and man do I miss how good that felt. I felt free, yes I was foggy but through that fog everything felt clearer somehow. What I really miss the most is the energy I had when I was quit. And the money as well. Being a broke ass college student I'm tired of digging through my cup holders for change to buy a can, and I sure as hell don't want to spend all of my money from selling my books back after finals on dip now. I'm going cold turkey, no alternatives I need the money and I don't need bandaids I'll just get addicted to. My Moms been quit cigarettes for 9 years but she still chews a pack and half of big red everyday. That's not gonna be me.

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2013, 02:37:00 PM »
Hi Native
First off, good job posting roll. It took me 4 days to get it right and I still mess it up sometimes. Posting roll and keeping your promise to not dip today are the foundation of success.
As for as staying quit around others who dip,,, It comes down to really wanting this shit OUT of our lives. Its the hardest thing I have ever done,so you have to really really really want it for yourself. This has to be a selfish thing as we are the ones who put it in out lips and we are the ones that decide not to. Read everything you can on this site. There are so many inspirational stories and victories here. Lean on those that came before us. They paved the way for you and me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2013, 02:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Native94
Good afternoon fellas, I killed my last "Grizzly" bear last Night and today starts my 1st day of quitting. I first had my encounter with the bear 6 long years ago when I was 13. Yes I'm only 19 but I feel like I've quit 100 times already but hopefully with this site I'll start my quit for the last time. After reading some of the struggles of others on here I have really come to almost feel hypocritically. My family has been growing tobacco here in western Kentucky for generations. I've worked in the stuff since I was 6 years old, it's how I payed for my first truck and no tellin how many cans of Grizzly wintergreen throughout the last few years. I do feel bad now about helping to supply big tobacco companies, but I do think my family's days of growing it are comin to an end. My dad's getting older, I'm off at college (Murray State University but probably seminary in Indianapolis next year.. Yes I'm catholic and yes I'm considering a life without a woman.. Some of you may be jealous or may bust my balls over it but just keep it in good fun please.) and i could never see myself growing it for the rest of my life so I guess it's just a matter of time until my old man gives it up. These next few weeks of quiting will be the toughest for me and I'll need some help, because I'm home for Christmas break and I don't have a single close friend that doesn't dip. If I can make through this break though I do believe I can go the rest of my life without it. So I guess my first question is how do you stay quit when your surrounded by friends who are more than willing to give you a pinch?
Welcome aboard Native! Nice job posting roll - you are in the March 2014 group. Once comment from your intro... We don't "hopefully" quit here. You either do, or you do not. Since you chose to post roll I see you as a DO. You can quit today. I am doing and so shall you.

Read up on the site. Get some alternatives to help you get thru this day. We quit ODAAT. That is the only way.

The key is do not put any form of nicotine in your piehole today! You are now quit and we keep our word once we post roll.

Quit with you today bro!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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