Author Topic: Quitting while I am still young  (Read 3094 times)

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Offline shanelax22

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2011, 02:21:00 AM »
Coming home for winter break from college is probably one of the hardest parts of my quit. All of my friends back home dip and I am the only one who has decided to quit. Every second of every day I have been constantly thinking about chew and each second has been a complete struggle. One side of me keeps saying, just dip with your friends over break and then you can quit as soon as you head back to school. The other side doesn't want to lose the three weeks of hell I have gone through to get this far.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2011, 06:42:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: wadeperk
Quote from: shanelax22
These last few days have been, well.......a bitch.  I am fighting one massive craving right now as I am writing this.  As much as these last few days have sucked, it feels good and I do feel like I have really accomplished something.  It is my fault that these days of ghey blurrr and fog are occurring, but it is great to know that I am NOT the only one going through this right now.   Drop kick the bitch nic queen right in the teeth when she comes creeping up at you and stay strong.  Lets do this March.........staying strong one day at a time.
You definitely aren't the only one feeling that way man, I'm there with you too. Yesterday I couldn't even really type my mind was so blurred. Just all goes to show you how powerful this shit really is and how much better off we'll be once it's all out of our bodies. Staying strong one day at a time right there with you buddy, and all of March
It is going to get better than you can imagine...Take my word on that! Way to power through the suck! Never forget what it was like. Some awesome quittin fellas!
This is why we all quit. Keep up the work.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2011, 06:32:00 PM »
Quote from: wadeperk
Quote from: shanelax22
These last few days have been, well.......a bitch.  I am fighting one massive craving right now as I am writing this.  As much as these last few days have sucked, it feels good and I do feel like I have really accomplished something.  It is my fault that these days of ghey blurrr and fog are occurring, but it is great to know that I am NOT the only one going through this right now.  Drop kick the bitch nic queen right in the teeth when she comes creeping up at you and stay strong.  Lets do this March.........staying strong one day at a time.
You definitely aren't the only one feeling that way man, I'm there with you too. Yesterday I couldn't even really type my mind was so blurred. Just all goes to show you how powerful this shit really is and how much better off we'll be once it's all out of our bodies. Staying strong one day at a time right there with you buddy, and all of March
It is going to get better than you can imagine...Take my word on that! Way to power through the suck! Never forget what it was like. Some awesome quittin fellas!

Offline wadeperk

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2011, 05:22:00 PM »
Quote from: shanelax22
These last few days have been, well.......a bitch. I am fighting one massive craving right now as I am writing this. As much as these last few days have sucked, it feels good and I do feel like I have really accomplished something. It is my fault that these days of ghey blurrr and fog are occurring, but it is great to know that I am NOT the only one going through this right now. Drop kick the bitch nic queen right in the teeth when she comes creeping up at you and stay strong. Lets do this March.........staying strong one day at a time.
You definitely aren't the only one feeling that way man, I'm there with you too. Yesterday I couldn't even really type my mind was so blurred. Just all goes to show you how powerful this shit really is and how much better off we'll be once it's all out of our bodies. Staying strong one day at a time right there with you buddy, and all of March
The quit will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #29 on: November 30, 2011, 03:37:00 PM »

Well done. No caving: do something else!
Quit Dip: August 12, 2011
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Offline PaulRegali

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2011, 03:29:00 PM »
working through this site trying to figure out the diff functions. seeing if i can post something and find it. Intro: I'm 39, married with 4 daughters, started chewing in 7th grade.
What good does just one do? If I can't have it all the time then screw it. If I have it all the time then I'm choosing tobacco over my wife and 4 daughters....what asshole would do that??

Offline shanelax22

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2011, 01:05:00 PM »
These last few days have been, well.......a bitch. I am fighting one massive craving right now as I am writing this. As much as these last few days have sucked, it feels good and I do feel like I have really accomplished something. It is my fault that these days of ghey blurrr and fog are occurring, but it is great to know that I am NOT the only one going through this right now. Drop kick the bitch nic queen right in the teeth when she comes creeping up at you and stay strong. Lets do this March.........staying strong one day at a time.

Offline shanelax22

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2011, 09:41:00 AM »
Quote from: AtomicDiesel
Quote from: shanelax22
Well today is day two in my quit.  I have class all day and won't have a chance to use any alternatives so today will suck..... I am going to try my best to focus in class and fight the bitch.  Struggle city today
Dude you are in Carolina. If you start getting sidetracked by a crave, focus on one of those cute little Carolina asses. Schoolwork can be made up later;)
True that man, one just left my house which made last night not so bad....haha

I'll probably chew at least 10 pieces of gum today........

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2011, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: shanelax22
Well today is day two in my quit. I have class all day and won't have a chance to use any alternatives so today will suck..... I am going to try my best to focus in class and fight the bitch. Struggle city today
Dude you are in Carolina. If you start getting sidetracked by a crave, focus on one of those cute little Carolina asses. Schoolwork can be made up later;)
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Offline Scowick65

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2011, 09:35:00 AM »
Quote from: shanelax22
Well today is day two in my quit. I have class all day and won't have a chance to use any alternatives so today will suck..... I am going to try my best to focus in class and fight the bitch. Struggle city today
Bring the quit. Exercise today. Drink water. Chew gum.

Offline shanelax22

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2011, 09:23:00 AM »
Well today is day two in my quit. I have class all day and won't have a chance to use any alternatives so today will suck..... I am going to try my best to focus in class and fight the bitch. Struggle city today

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2011, 08:06:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: shanelax22
I just picked up a couple cans of smokey mountain so hopefully this helps out a little bit.  Okay so I will be going back home for winter break from college and most of my friends back home still chew.  They will be chewing all the time around me.  Any suggestions on what to do there besides not chew?
Take some smokey mountain....maybe even be a "quit evangelist" ;) Bring your cell phone....if you are struggling- use your numbers! Tell your friends about your quit and ask that they don't offer you one. Stare at them spitting in their spitters, drooling on their chins...look at how silly they look with a wad in...and revel in the fact that you have the biggest balls in the group!
you tell um bout your quit. and man the first guy what offers a dip you take his can and dump it on the floor man. wont be a seckind one passin the tin.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2011, 07:52:00 PM »
Quote from: shanelax22
Yeah it sucks, my 21'st birthday is over break so it will be tough not to drink with them. I just need to stay strong and say fuck that shit
Take it from someone who was a prisoner of this addiction for 33 or so years- The sacrifices you make to leave this addiction behind will be well worth it in the end. Unfortunately alcohol early in a quit quite often leads to the death of the is a judgement impaired thing. And if you are drinking with a bunch of dippers...the judgement can lapse and the temptation is always at an arms reach.

Offline shanelax22

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2011, 07:48:00 PM »
Yeah it sucks, my 21'st birthday is over break so it will be tough not to drink with them. I just need to stay strong and say fuck that shit

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Quitting while I am still young
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2011, 07:02:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: shanelax22
I just picked up a couple cans of smokey mountain so hopefully this helps out a little bit.  Okay so I will be going back home for winter break from college and most of my friends back home still chew.  They will be chewing all the time around me.  Any suggestions on what to do there besides not chew?
Take some smokey mountain....maybe even be a "quit evangelist" ;) Bring your cell phone....if you are struggling- use your numbers! Tell your friends about your quit and ask that they don't offer you one. Stare at them spitting in their spitters, drooling on their chins...look at how silly they look with a wad in...and revel in the fact that you have the biggest balls in the group!
and DONT GET DRUNK WITH THEM! too early in your quit for that bro....