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Offline wo1miles

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2011, 02:16:00 AM »
Day 70- Feeling really good, and normal. I'm stacking the sand bags for the impending war because I know the funk is on its way. But I am prepared, moreso than I was at Day 39 when it hit me really hard. I know I have the tools to fight it, though. It's true that each battle you win against the NIC bitch gives you more weapons in your aresenal, and once you've won that decisisive D-Day-Style invasion, you know that no matter what you can get through anything. Anyone facing their first funk, probably around day 20, 30, 40 or so, you can do it. It's the first real test of your quit. You HAVE to tough it out. Build your aresenal and bust on through. NIC's lies are strongest at this time, resist and defend!
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

Offline Souliman

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #68 on: October 22, 2011, 08:14:00 AM »
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 53- Feeling strong and not needing the Zyban on a daily basis, mainly just when doing intense detailed work tasks.

I did want to tell a little quit story in here.

I was going through my softball bag for a tournament a few days ago. The last time I played in a softball league was summer of 2007 when I lived in Hawaii. Then before I moved I switched to the Commit Lozenge. In 2008-2010 I was a drill sergeant and didn't really have time for softball. Well anyways, in the deep dark recesses of my softball bag, I found a sealed, glistening can of Skoal Wintergreen Pouches. How very vintage. To make matters worse, they don't sell any kind of skoal pouches out here, just copenhagen, so it was like having a bald eagle land on your erect was rare. Anyway, without so much as a fleeting thought, that can was donated to a current slave and my quit prevales. Amazing how many places I've stashed that stuff over the years. I'm expecting to find more stashing places when we start moving next summer.

Oh well, I remain steadfast in my quit.
Glad to hear you stayed the course. Keep at it.

Offline wo1miles

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #67 on: October 22, 2011, 02:54:00 AM »
Day 53- Feeling strong and not needing the Zyban on a daily basis, mainly just when doing intense detailed work tasks.

I did want to tell a little quit story in here.

I was going through my softball bag for a tournament a few days ago. The last time I played in a softball league was summer of 2007 when I lived in Hawaii. Then before I moved I switched to the Commit Lozenge. In 2008-2010 I was a drill sergeant and didn't really have time for softball. Well anyways, in the deep dark recesses of my softball bag, I found a sealed, glistening can of Skoal Wintergreen Pouches. How very vintage. To make matters worse, they don't sell any kind of skoal pouches out here, just copenhagen, so it was like having a bald eagle land on your erect was rare. Anyway, without so much as a fleeting thought, that can was donated to a current slave and my quit prevales. Amazing how many places I've stashed that stuff over the years. I'm expecting to find more stashing places when we start moving next summer.

Oh well, I remain steadfast in my quit.
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

Offline LLCope

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #66 on: October 15, 2011, 07:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: azchief32
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
I understand the idea of nicotine masking certain disorders or problems, and seek a dcotor's advice before mine, but nicotine withdrawal is a bitch. More often than not it is creating temporary problems not masking permenant problems! You are 45 days in and lack of concentration is normal. When I was around 45 days, I was a fucking mess, but it has improved 90%.----Give it time.

I am learning more and more that doctor's don't know shit about nicotine recovery. Obviously, since this doctor tried to re-establish the disease by offering the very thing that was causing the problem in the first place. Dude seriously, find a new doctor and get better advice. I would seek a second opinion before using Zyban. Time may be all you need.

just my opinion--take it for what it is worth. make your own informed choice.
LL...sometime the "Swear to God it will get betters" from the vets are some of the few things that keep me going. Like Miles, I feel I am screwing the pooch at work. My job isn't brain surgery but somebody else's safety is highly dependent on my being able to pay attention to detail. The fog is bending me over the table right now.
Chief once you get through this phase, you will be a fucking machine in terms of your focus. Not to mention the increase in stamina, or the more stable moods. The thing that I have most enjoyed is the ability to adapt to different sleep patterns. Shit happens in life and it always seemed to shit on my solid 8. Without the nic, I can role without issues now.

Hang in there brother. You're doing a heck of a job. Fight this. You're more powerful than some shitty little leaf. Own the fucker.

I was just giving miles my opinion--I made it clear he can take it or leave it.

Each person's life situation is different. However, there is one constant. Don't allow your job to end your Quit. Early on, I had the thought, "man, I am going to get fired, because I am not getting shit done". I was unable to concentrate or focus and was barely getting by. I felt like I was going to throw away a 15 year career in marketing. Because of this lie (by the bitch) I was about to go to the store and start banging the can (this was around day 30 something). At that point, I stopped myself and said, "If I have to lose my career for my quit--I am OK with that----fuck it!". It turns out, however, that my boss never noticed my inability to concentrate and focus. Around day 70 normality started to return. Jobs come and go, once you lose your health, it's GONE.

Once again, this is my opinion--take or leave

Keep the good quit going! I am proud to be quit with you!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline Souliman

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2011, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: azchief32
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
I understand the idea of nicotine masking certain disorders or problems, and seek a dcotor's advice before mine, but nicotine withdrawal is a bitch. More often than not it is creating temporary problems not masking permenant problems! You are 45 days in and lack of concentration is normal. When I was around 45 days, I was a fucking mess, but it has improved 90%.----Give it time.

I am learning more and more that doctor's don't know shit about nicotine recovery. Obviously, since this doctor tried to re-establish the disease by offering the very thing that was causing the problem in the first place. Dude seriously, find a new doctor and get better advice. I would seek a second opinion before using Zyban. Time may be all you need.

just my opinion--take it for what it is worth. make your own informed choice.
LL...sometime the "Swear to God it will get betters" from the vets are some of the few things that keep me going. Like Miles, I feel I am screwing the pooch at work. My job isn't brain surgery but somebody else's safety is highly dependent on my being able to pay attention to detail. The fog is bending me over the table right now.
Chief once you get through this phase, you will be a fucking machine in terms of your focus. Not to mention the increase in stamina, or the more stable moods. The thing that I have most enjoyed is the ability to adapt to different sleep patterns. Shit happens in life and it always seemed to shit on my solid 8. Without the nic, I can role without issues now.

Hang in there brother. You're doing a heck of a job. Fight this. You're more powerful than some shitty little leaf. Own the fucker.

Offline azchief32

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2011, 12:37:00 PM »
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
I understand the idea of nicotine masking certain disorders or problems, and seek a dcotor's advice before mine, but nicotine withdrawal is a bitch. More often than not it is creating temporary problems not masking permenant problems! You are 45 days in and lack of concentration is normal. When I was around 45 days, I was a fucking mess, but it has improved 90%.----Give it time.

I am learning more and more that doctor's don't know shit about nicotine recovery. Obviously, since this doctor tried to re-establish the disease by offering the very thing that was causing the problem in the first place. Dude seriously, find a new doctor and get better advice. I would seek a second opinion before using Zyban. Time may be all you need.

just my opinion--take it for what it is worth. make your own informed choice.
Miles is in the military and xyban and others is all they know in relation to quitting. The fucker's off nicotine for 45 days and the bastard offers him the patch? For all of you who want single-payer healthcare, the military and their approach is what you'll get. How about giving the guy some sleeping pills so he can get 7 to 8 in a night. Just a thought as the last time I saw 8 hours was day 1. I am starting to get a mean-on and feel a healthy rant about to take a dump right now.

five minutes later

Miles...feel your pain as I am in the military too. Tell the Doc, or PA to go get fucked.
Liberated on 31 Aug 2011

HoF on 8 Dec 2011

"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"

Offline azchief32

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2011, 12:31:00 PM »
Quote from: LLCope
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
I understand the idea of nicotine masking certain disorders or problems, and seek a dcotor's advice before mine, but nicotine withdrawal is a bitch. More often than not it is creating temporary problems not masking permenant problems! You are 45 days in and lack of concentration is normal. When I was around 45 days, I was a fucking mess, but it has improved 90%.----Give it time.

I am learning more and more that doctor's don't know shit about nicotine recovery. Obviously, since this doctor tried to re-establish the disease by offering the very thing that was causing the problem in the first place. Dude seriously, find a new doctor and get better advice. I would seek a second opinion before using Zyban. Time may be all you need.

just my opinion--take it for what it is worth. make your own informed choice.
LL...sometime the "Swear to God it will get betters" from the vets are some of the few things that keep me going. Like Miles, I feel I am screwing the pooch at work. My job isn't brain surgery but somebody else's safety is highly dependent on my being able to pay attention to detail. The fog is bending me over the table right now.
Liberated on 31 Aug 2011

HoF on 8 Dec 2011

"Audentes Fortuna Juvat"

Offline LLCope

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2011, 06:51:00 AM »
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
I understand the idea of nicotine masking certain disorders or problems, and seek a dcotor's advice before mine, but nicotine withdrawal is a bitch. More often than not it is creating temporary problems not masking permenant problems! You are 45 days in and lack of concentration is normal. When I was around 45 days, I was a fucking mess, but it has improved 90%.----Give it time.

I am learning more and more that doctor's don't know shit about nicotine recovery. Obviously, since this doctor tried to re-establish the disease by offering the very thing that was causing the problem in the first place. Dude seriously, find a new doctor and get better advice. I would seek a second opinion before using Zyban. Time may be all you need.

just my opinion--take it for what it is worth. make your own informed choice.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline Souliman

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2011, 06:12:00 AM »
Quote from: wo1miles
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
Hang in there Miles. That's great being proactive to seek the help. Being offered nicotine as "medicinal" is a bit frightening though.

What about sleep? How's that working out for you since you have quit? And exercise and diet as well. Have you put any effort towards making solid healthy changes in these areas?

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #60 on: October 14, 2011, 04:29:00 AM »
Day 45- Went to the doctor today because I haven't been able to concentrate on work or school hardly AT ALL the last few weeks. Having thoughts that I may have masked ADHD or ADD with nicotine for 14 years. Doc offered to give me a NIC patch with some Zyban. I'm cool with the Zyban, but the patch? WTF?!! I haven't had nic in my system for about 42 days. Anyways, taking the Zyban to see if my concentration comes back. I've really been screwing the pooch on work lately. Anything to keep my ass away from the nic bitch. I know some people on here may not agree with using welbutrin or zyban, but I like promotions and submitting quality work so I'll try anything to stay away from thoughts of "the nic will improve concentration" thoughts.
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #59 on: October 08, 2011, 05:02:00 PM »
Quote from: wo1miles
To everyone reaching out to me, that is exactly what I needed. I've decided that this day is over and I'm going to worry about my school work tomorrow. I'm a grown ass Army Warrant Officer, reduced to tears over a drug from a leaf. How pathetic. I kept my promise today, but I'm ending this day and will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Thanks everyone.
Good job! As simplistic as it sounds, from my perspective, you just have to say fuck it and snap out of it. Caving is NEVER an option so why let it fuck with you. From this post, it sounds like you have done just that. - and that is dismiss it. I can relate to that lack of concentration - I can't remember the exact day but it was somewhere around the end of a month or so when FINALLY I was able to be productive at work. So here's the deal, that shit WILL GET BETTER. You don't want to relive those 39 days and it certainly sounds like you are strong enough to avoid that - just press on and this too shall pass.

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #58 on: October 08, 2011, 04:41:00 PM »
Quote from: wo1miles
Right now I feel like a fucking hipocrite. Trying to help others in their quit and I'm struggling mightily with my own. Day 39 and I feel like total shit. I can't concentrate. I haven't felt this bad in any of my quit days. The addict inside is giving me every excuse to cave. I'm hanging on by every inch of my being. Dammit, why did I ever introduce this shit to myself.

This is normal--this is called a funk. Around day 40 they can be tough. You will get through this. Just get through today.

Caving is NOT an option!

Pat yourself on the back for being quit! We are with you brother!
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #57 on: October 08, 2011, 04:12:00 PM »
Caving is NOT an Option.

Offline wo1miles

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #56 on: October 08, 2011, 02:52:00 PM »
To everyone reaching out to me, that is exactly what I needed. I've decided that this day is over and I'm going to worry about my school work tomorrow. I'm a grown ass Army Warrant Officer, reduced to tears over a drug from a leaf. How pathetic. I kept my promise today, but I'm ending this day and will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Thanks everyone.
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

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Re: The Whole Story
« Reply #55 on: October 08, 2011, 02:45:00 PM »
Hang in there wo1miles. Pokerleader and I are here for you. Just stay strong today. You are a quitter. Send Jim a PM if u need anything. You got this!!!!
KTC professional cheerleader and encourager and fiancee of pokerleader :)

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