Author Topic: SCREW CHEW!!!  (Read 2411 times)

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Offline Atown

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« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 02:46:00 PM »
On day 5 i ordered some fake chew online, the Triumph without any crackhead shit in it. On day 6 I was late to work because I had to find a market that sold some herbal substitute. I bought 3 cans of Hooch. It totally helps, when the O shit moment hits. Thru the years Ive tried some of the herbals and It has definitely gotten better.

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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 02:32:00 PM »
Hey Jim, thanks for reaching out. In the past 30 years i had several years where i was off the shit, like totally done, didn't think about it, wasn't tempted around it, but one little flip moment and i was back worse as ever, every time. Your right on about posting roll every day. Every day remember that Bitch wants to rot out your tongue and kill you slow and gruesome. Any smoke or chew and your the sucker, period!!!

Offline Atown

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« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 01:54:00 PM »
I need to log some things because my memory is crap. Lately I have been buying whatever is in the box. In Ca. my chew of choice (for a total dumbshit of course) was cope long or snuff, your lookin at 7 $. The crap in the box is a trial offer! well whoopti fucken doo , i can get four cans of grizz or cope mint  wintergreen for around 8$ more!!! Now im covered for a few days and theres soo many exciting combinations at my fingertips!!! My after coffee fav was a fat snuff upper, with a full lower jaw griizz wintergreen! Boy O Boy, theres nothing like trying to kill yourself every morning to make you really FEEL ALIVE!

Offline Atown

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« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2017, 02:19:00 AM »
Thanks rsnftw, proud to be quit with you today. I read your intro and also a post about a weird dream involving a cousin you tripped up. Weird thing is my older cousins BF gave me my first Skoal dip on the Ortega hwy. It was kind of a manhood challenge i Guess, Big challenge considering that mountain pass and my propensity for car sickness. How could I not take the challenge?, I mean I had to prove my manhood here in this situation... I handled it ok but ,,,,,What a fucked up System! I was a dipper after that day.

Offline Frobozz

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« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2017, 01:57:00 AM »
Quote from: 1AClnMth
My last dumbass dip for dipshits was Friday Dec 30 2016. I found this site Wednesday Jan 4 2017, never been here before. I have already gotten a'lot out of the speeches and other information here, I get it. I like the concept of hating the bitch can Nic killer whore. How much i lost thru the years by being a fucken slave! I will be 47 this year and I was chewing by the time I was a freshman in High School, DISGUSTING! Too Long a yuck mouth, but thats over now for GOOD! Im in this Bitch to win.

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Jim; nicotine-clean since 11 November 2016.

Secondly, I am compelled to point out that I really like your spirit. It sounds to me as though you've already won your parole from NicoPrison (see my signature for more info on that one). No more yuck mouth for either of us, uh? ;o)

Thirdly, I suggest you find your home group and start posting roll. The reason why posting roll is so important is because it's a promise not to use nicotine that day. Please don't think of it as 'punching in' or answering to a superior officer; we're all equals here. It's us making a pact to each other that we will stay nicotine-free that day.

Offline RSNftw

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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2017, 11:26:00 PM »
Quote from: 1AClnMth
My last dumbass dip for dipshits was Friday Dec 30 2016. I found this site Wednesday Jan 4 2017, never been here before. I have already gotten a'lot out of the speeches and other information here, I get it. I like the concept of hating the bitch can Nic killer whore. How much i lost thru the years by being a fucken slave! I will be 47 this year and I was chewing by the time I was a freshman in High School, DISGUSTING! Too Long a yuck mouth, but thats over now for GOOD! Im in this Bitch to win.

Welcome 1ACInMth. You've made a great decision to quit! Go to your quit group and post up roll. We take our quit one day at a time here. You will be in the April quit group. I see you've already posted roll today so great job! We post roll every day here. Roll is our promise to not use nicotine in any form for the day. The system here is pretty simple. Wake up, post roll, keep word, repeat. Proud to quit with you today!

Offline Atown

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« on: January 06, 2017, 11:05:00 PM »
My last dumbass dip for dipshits was Friday Dec 30 2016. I found this site Wednesday Jan 4 2017, never been here before. I have already gotten a'lot out of the speeches and other information here, I get it. I like the concept of hating the bitch can Nic killer whore. How much i lost thru the years by being a fucken slave! I will be 47 this year and I was chewing by the time I was a freshman in High School, DISGUSTING! Too Long a yuck mouth, but thats over now for GOOD! Im in this Bitch to win.