Author Topic: Today is my day  (Read 2308 times)

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Offline pab1964

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2015, 12:55:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: Froggy22
Thanks a bunch fellas. Yeah, today is a tough day. Its been 24.5 hours (but who is counting right?) and my cravings are in full swing. I just keep reading the Jenny and Tom Kerns story and telling myself "make it to lunch." "Ok, now make it until school is over" (picking up my oldest daughter from school I mean).

We can do this.

72 hours and I know that all this poison is out of my body. 72 painful, DOABLE hours. From there, its in my mindÂ…..

Thanks guys, I needed to log on and see these replies.

Risky 2A
There is some serious quitting going on here. Keep it up, and begin to retake you life.
I stashed gum, candy and toothpicks in every location I used to chew, be prepared for nic bitch whispering in your ear.
Idaho Spuds
Thank you my friend for helping me keep my freedom! Been dipping a long time...38years on day 18 of quit! Best thing I've ever done! I quit with you my brother! Need anything p.m me
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Idaho Spuds

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 12:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Froggy22
Thanks a bunch fellas. Yeah, today is a tough day. Its been 24.5 hours (but who is counting right?) and my cravings are in full swing. I just keep reading the Jenny and Tom Kerns story and telling myself "make it to lunch." "Ok, now make it until school is over" (picking up my oldest daughter from school I mean).

We can do this.

72 hours and I know that all this poison is out of my body. 72 painful, DOABLE hours. From there, its in my mindÂ…..

Thanks guys, I needed to log on and see these replies.

Risky 2A
There is some serious quitting going on here. Keep it up, and begin to retake you life.
I stashed gum, candy and toothpicks in every location I used to chew, be prepared for nic bitch whispering in your ear.
Idaho Spuds

Offline Froggy22

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 11:01:00 AM »
Thanks a bunch fellas. Yeah, today is a tough day. Its been 24.5 hours (but who is counting right?) and my cravings are in full swing. I just keep reading the Jenny and Tom Kerns story and telling myself "make it to lunch." "Ok, now make it until school is over" (picking up my oldest daughter from school I mean).

We can do this.

72 hours and I know that all this poison is out of my body. 72 painful, DOABLE hours. From there, its in my mindÂ…..

Thanks guys, I needed to log on and see these replies.

Risky 2A

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 06:24:00 AM »
Great choice to quit, and seconds on the THANK YOU for serving this country!

You have never quit before. If you had quit you would not be here at day 1. You had a stoppage. Quit means never having a day 1 again and being free of the poison. Good news is that you can be quit now. Most of us have had stoppages before we quit. Better news is that KTC can help you be quit.

Read everything here and learn how to defeat the enemy. The KTC quit plan works so work the plan.

Offline TonyFlynn

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 04:53:00 AM »
Good job my friend. I am in the March group and have been off that poison for 30 days now. It gets easier, and there are a lot of people on here with good information about quitting. You should look at what to expect down the road. I also wanted to drop in and say THANK YOU for your service. If I can help you in anyway let me know.

Offline TLOC81

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2015, 12:02:00 AM »
I'm with you man. Today was my first day as well. I'm 33 and like you and quit for a while when I was 26 until I convinced myself while on vacation in Vegas that I could splurge and chew just one can. Long story short here I am almost 8 years later. Let's do this together. PM me if you need any help and hopefully I can do the same.

Tedx on addiction
Transcending addiction Tedx

Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it a thousand times. -Mark Twain

Offline basshaug

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Re: Today is my day
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2015, 11:58:00 PM »
Quote from: Froggy22
Hey guys (and gals),
My name is Ryan and today is my quit day. Day 1. Ground Zero.

33 years old and I dipped Cope long cut for 16 years. About 7 years ago, I quit for just over a year and foolishly thought that I could control it and "just dip at work." 6 or so years later, here I am. Father of three beautiful little girls (ages 6,4,2) who deserve to have their Dad around. Their names are Eleanor, Lyla and Claire.

After college, I served 11+ years on active duty in the Marine Corps infantry and then US Army Special Forces. There, I conquered many challenges, overcame many obstacles and pushed my body beyond what I thought it was capable of doing. I've been to every populated continent in the world, jumped out of airplanes, blown shit up, shot guns at people, fathered children, brewed my own beer caught my own fish killed my own foodÂ…... and yet was still a slave to the nic bitch. No more.

I quit using the drug nicotine today for me. I quit because I want to be here to watch my daughters grow up. I want to be a part of their lives and teach them a thousand things. Recognizing that this is not entirely up to me, I am now doing my part. It is awfully hypocritical to weigh your food and execute a brutal physical fitness regime, and then stuff your face with dip.

Anyway, I'll need the support. My biggest weakness is thinking that I can conquer this by myself, or try and control it. I can't. Deep down I know I can't. That is why I am here.

Thanks for listening all.

Risky 2A
Congrats frog!

You sound ready to take your freedom back! I see you posted in april 2015, nice work. Don't worry about quitting for forever, just worry about today. Post roll each day first thing,then just honor your word for that day. Anyone can keep their word for one day, right?

Read everything you can on here and get involved. PM heading your way with my number. Reach out if you need anything.

Offline Froggy22

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Today is my day
« on: January 13, 2015, 11:37:00 PM »
Hey guys (and gals),
My name is Ryan and today is my quit day. Day 1. Ground Zero.

33 years old and I dipped Cope long cut for 16 years. About 7 years ago, I quit for just over a year and foolishly thought that I could control it and "just dip at work." 6 or so years later, here I am. Father of three beautiful little girls (ages 6,4,2) who deserve to have their Dad around. Their names are Eleanor, Lyla and Claire.

After college, I served 11+ years on active duty in the Marine Corps infantry and then US Army Special Forces. There, I conquered many challenges, overcame many obstacles and pushed my body beyond what I thought it was capable of doing. I've been to every populated continent in the world, jumped out of airplanes, blown shit up, shot guns at people, fathered children, brewed my own beer caught my own fish killed my own foodÂ…... and yet was still a slave to the nic bitch. No more.

I quit using the drug nicotine today for me. I quit because I want to be here to watch my daughters grow up. I want to be a part of their lives and teach them a thousand things. Recognizing that this is not entirely up to me, I am now doing my part. It is awfully hypocritical to weigh your food and execute a brutal physical fitness regime, and then stuff your face with dip.

Anyway, I'll need the support. My biggest weakness is thinking that I can conquer this by myself, or try and control it. I can't. Deep down I know I can't. That is why I am here.

Thanks for listening all.

Risky 2A