Author Topic: Matt3281  (Read 8559 times)

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Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #64 on: July 28, 2013, 09:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Mjollnir
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Read ur post on taking out your cravings  stress on your fiance  kids.  U know the answer to your question... that is wrong and you need to knock that off.  Ur quit and that is badass.  But don't take out your issues on them.  That is not badass - that is BS.   U need to find a better outlet.  You are stressed and that is understandable.  Take a deep breath... get some seeds, candy, gum, work out, text someone, run, do push ups, eat a cheeseburger, clean the garage, do the dishes, jump in a pool, take a cold shower, bite your fingernails, punch yourself in the face or junk, etc. Those are a few ideas, but do anything to divert your stress away from the people u love.  Use the site - vent your issues here.  Just like you just did.  That is perfect.  Do not take it out on them bro. PM me if you need someone else to vent 2.  U r doing great!  Quit with you!
I agree with dirk totally. Your significant other and kids do not deserve your nicotine rage. Now is not the time for teaching anything. Wait until your more sound minded to deal with issues concerning kids. Right now you need to focus on yourself. Take a jog, go fishin, find An outlet.

Come on here and call us a holes. Do whatever it takes. Leave wife fiancee and kids out of it. Get your head right brother.
I agree with them. The issue of work vs chores is a valid point in my opinion you need to wait on that battle until your rage is over and you dont make your family look at you like your crazy. One thing leads to another next thing you know you have said something you can never take back. Go jerk off in the bathroom untill you cant walk then you might start to feel better. Vent on here to us WE can take it.
Take responsibility for your own actions. You created this aggravation yourself. When you come to terms with it, you will be one step further along the road. It will also bring some inner peace.
I took a drive on a back road near my house jaming to heavy metal at 95mph in a 40mph then my rush was over and i drove home listening to rap idk it was like i got a rush going fast then needed something slow and still loud...

Offline Mjollnir

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #63 on: July 28, 2013, 09:09:00 PM »
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Read ur post on taking out your cravings  stress on your fiance  kids.  U know the answer to your question... that is wrong and you need to knock that off.  Ur quit and that is badass.  But don't take out your issues on them.  That is not badass - that is BS.   U need to find a better outlet.  You are stressed and that is understandable.  Take a deep breath... get some seeds, candy, gum, work out, text someone, run, do push ups, eat a cheeseburger, clean the garage, do the dishes, jump in a pool, take a cold shower, bite your fingernails, punch yourself in the face or junk, etc. Those are a few ideas, but do anything to divert your stress away from the people u love.  Use the site - vent your issues here.  Just like you just did.  That is perfect.  Do not take it out on them bro. PM me if you need someone else to vent 2.  U r doing great!  Quit with you!
I agree with dirk totally. Your significant other and kids do not deserve your nicotine rage. Now is not the time for teaching anything. Wait until your more sound minded to deal with issues concerning kids. Right now you need to focus on yourself. Take a jog, go fishin, find An outlet.

Come on here and call us a holes. Do whatever it takes. Leave wife fiancee and kids out of it. Get your head right brother.
I agree with them. The issue of work vs chores is a valid point in my opinion you need to wait on that battle until your rage is over and you dont make your family look at you like your crazy. One thing leads to another next thing you know you have said something you can never take back. Go jerk off in the bathroom untill you cant walk then you might start to feel better. Vent on here to us WE can take it.
Take responsibility for your own actions. You created this aggravation yourself. When you come to terms with it, you will be one step further along the road. It will also bring some inner peace.

Offline cdaniels

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #62 on: July 28, 2013, 10:59:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Read ur post on taking out your cravings  stress on your fiance  kids.  U know the answer to your question... that is wrong and you need to knock that off.  Ur quit and that is badass.  But don't take out your issues on them.  That is not badass - that is BS.   U need to find a better outlet.  You are stressed and that is understandable.  Take a deep breath... get some seeds, candy, gum, work out, text someone, run, do push ups, eat a cheeseburger, clean the garage, do the dishes, jump in a pool, take a cold shower, bite your fingernails, punch yourself in the face or junk, etc. Those are a few ideas, but do anything to divert your stress away from the people u love.  Use the site - vent your issues here.  Just like you just did.  That is perfect.  Do not take it out on them bro. PM me if you need someone else to vent 2.  U r doing great!  Quit with you!
I agree with dirk totally. Your significant other and kids do not deserve your nicotine rage. Now is not the time for teaching anything. Wait until your more sound minded to deal with issues concerning kids. Right now you need to focus on yourself. Take a jog, go fishin, find An outlet.

Come on here and call us a holes. Do whatever it takes. Leave wife fiancee and kids out of it. Get your head right brother.
I agree with them. The issue of work vs chores is a valid point in my opinion you need to wait on that battle until your rage is over and you dont make your family look at you like your crazy. One thing leads to another next thing you know you have said something you can never take back. Go jerk off in the bathroom untill you cant walk then you might start to feel better. Vent on here to us WE can take it.
Quit date 11-20-12
Never again for any reason. I quit for today. Today I live.

Offline srans

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2013, 10:47:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Read ur post on taking out your cravings  stress on your fiance  kids.  U know the answer to your question... that is wrong and you need to knock that off.  Ur quit and that is badass.  But don't take out your issues on them.  That is not badass - that is BS.  U need to find a better outlet.  You are stressed and that is understandable.  Take a deep breath... get some seeds, candy, gum, work out, text someone, run, do push ups, eat a cheeseburger, clean the garage, do the dishes, jump in a pool, take a cold shower, bite your fingernails, punch yourself in the face or junk, etc. Those are a few ideas, but do anything to divert your stress away from the people u love.  Use the site - vent your issues here.  Just like you just did.  That is perfect.  Do not take it out on them bro. PM me if you need someone else to vent 2.  U r doing great!  Quit with you!
I agree with dirk totally. Your significant other and kids do not deserve your nicotine rage. Now is not the time for teaching anything. Wait until your more sound minded to deal with issues concerning kids. Right now you need to focus on yourself. Take a jog, go fishin, find An outlet.

Come on here and call us a holes. Do whatever it takes. Leave wife fiancee and kids out of it. Get your head right brother.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2013, 10:18:00 AM »
Read ur post on taking out your cravings  stress on your fiance  kids. U know the answer to your question... that is wrong and you need to knock that off. Ur quit and that is badass. But don't take out your issues on them. That is not badass - that is BS. U need to find a better outlet. You are stressed and that is understandable. Take a deep breath... get some seeds, candy, gum, work out, text someone, run, do push ups, eat a cheeseburger, clean the garage, do the dishes, jump in a pool, take a cold shower, bite your fingernails, punch yourself in the face or junk, etc. Those are a few ideas, but do anything to divert your stress away from the people u love. Use the site - vent your issues here. Just like you just did. That is perfect. Do not take it out on them bro. PM me if you need someone else to vent 2. U r doing great! Quit with you!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2013, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: mich
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.
I don't know why but I'm pretty damn happy you're getting checked out. I'm very happy that you're on day 7, congrats on a week man! You've had a hell of a week, keep up the good work.
Day 8 and liking it more and more.. its getting easy to deal with things and this mental side is easy at least i think so. Can someone tell me bout the PA meet if there is a hotel thats a lil cheaper than 109.00 a night cause... if that's the case i have 5 ppl and with being on SSDI and a Military pention that's not enought to stay at a hotel with all my bills i gotta keep up with. So please let me know thanks . But today im off to getting up and going to Thurmont, MD to work at a buddy's house then im going to buy myself a large chocolatee milk shake and have fun tonight with my fiance and kids . Will post more later tonight i wanna green box hehe.
I just PM'd you three non-national brand hotels that are in my town, which is 15 minutes from the host site. Ask all the questions you want on the PA Get Together Thread. I'd suggest keeping this thread specifically about your quit. But it is yours to do what you want...
Day 9 and still going there is no cans nor nicotine in my house.. just beef jerky.. peppered jerky now that jalepeno jerky burned my mouth. .. So next thursday i will know if i have cancer or not. keep praying... i love u guys and this group... ty for the help and support.
Day 10 ... wow i made it 2 weeks and i feel great. When i walked into sheetz yesterday i saw to people that i reached out too. One guy was retired Military Police and the other was a fellow Marine... both buying chewing tobacco ... i told them both that i had done it for 15yrs and it was ruleing my life. They said it was doing the same for them. I said why let a weed destroy ur life. Join and let fellow quitters help and support you while you quit this nasty drug and habbit. Look with all the stuff i went thru on day one and now made it to day 10 i am feeling like im on top of the world. God i feel great. Today im going to take my kids so they can see their real dad and spend time with him then go to park with my fiance and spend the day with her and go to church and pray for myself that i beat cancer.
I am so happy that i have been on here posting everyday and reaching out to people. I love my new life without the weed. Thanks again guys for the prayers and support that you have been giving me its been amazing.. Wish i could meet everyone that has been helping me out. ( someday )
I don't know how to deal with stress in my household when cravings come around. I just starting argueing with my fiance and kids... tell me this isn't it important for kids the ages of 11-13 to find out what work is to earning a paycheck or a raise ? Cause when they hit the age they can hold a job. They may hate their job and not wanna do it and or do something wrong and they will get fired or quit it because its too hard. I'm trying to make them realize now before they get themself's a part time job that working isn't a game or easy...that money doesn't grow on tree's .. a job is just like chores around the house true or not true ?? a Job you earn money or paycheck , chores you earn prizes or rewards same thing as a job correct ? Am i right or wrong here ?

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2013, 09:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: mich
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.
I don't know why but I'm pretty damn happy you're getting checked out. I'm very happy that you're on day 7, congrats on a week man! You've had a hell of a week, keep up the good work.
Day 8 and liking it more and more.. its getting easy to deal with things and this mental side is easy at least i think so. Can someone tell me bout the PA meet if there is a hotel thats a lil cheaper than 109.00 a night cause... if that's the case i have 5 ppl and with being on SSDI and a Military pention that's not enought to stay at a hotel with all my bills i gotta keep up with. So please let me know thanks . But today im off to getting up and going to Thurmont, MD to work at a buddy's house then im going to buy myself a large chocolatee milk shake and have fun tonight with my fiance and kids . Will post more later tonight i wanna green box hehe.
I just PM'd you three non-national brand hotels that are in my town, which is 15 minutes from the host site. Ask all the questions you want on the PA Get Together Thread. I'd suggest keeping this thread specifically about your quit. But it is yours to do what you want...
Day 9 and still going there is no cans nor nicotine in my house.. just beef jerky.. peppered jerky now that jalepeno jerky burned my mouth. .. So next thursday i will know if i have cancer or not. keep praying... i love u guys and this group... ty for the help and support.
Day 10 ... wow i made it 2 weeks and i feel great. When i walked into sheetz yesterday i saw to people that i reached out too. One guy was retired Military Police and the other was a fellow Marine... both buying chewing tobacco ... i told them both that i had done it for 15yrs and it was ruleing my life. They said it was doing the same for them. I said why let a weed destroy ur life. Join and let fellow quitters help and support you while you quit this nasty drug and habbit. Look with all the stuff i went thru on day one and now made it to day 10 i am feeling like im on top of the world. God i feel great. Today im going to take my kids so they can see their real dad and spend time with him then go to park with my fiance and spend the day with her and go to church and pray for myself that i beat cancer.
I am so happy that i have been on here posting everyday and reaching out to people. I love my new life without the weed. Thanks again guys for the prayers and support that you have been giving me its been amazing.. Wish i could meet everyone that has been helping me out. ( someday )

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #57 on: July 27, 2013, 08:33:00 AM »
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: mich
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.
I don't know why but I'm pretty damn happy you're getting checked out. I'm very happy that you're on day 7, congrats on a week man! You've had a hell of a week, keep up the good work.
Day 8 and liking it more and more.. its getting easy to deal with things and this mental side is easy at least i think so. Can someone tell me bout the PA meet if there is a hotel thats a lil cheaper than 109.00 a night cause... if that's the case i have 5 ppl and with being on SSDI and a Military pention that's not enought to stay at a hotel with all my bills i gotta keep up with. So please let me know thanks . But today im off to getting up and going to Thurmont, MD to work at a buddy's house then im going to buy myself a large chocolatee milk shake and have fun tonight with my fiance and kids . Will post more later tonight i wanna green box hehe.
I just PM'd you three non-national brand hotels that are in my town, which is 15 minutes from the host site. Ask all the questions you want on the PA Get Together Thread. I'd suggest keeping this thread specifically about your quit. But it is yours to do what you want...
Day 9 and still going there is no cans nor nicotine in my house.. just beef jerky.. peppered jerky now that jalepeno jerky burned my mouth. .. So next thursday i will know if i have cancer or not. keep praying... i love u guys and this group... ty for the help and support.

Offline Boelker62

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #56 on: July 26, 2013, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: mich
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.
I don't know why but I'm pretty damn happy you're getting checked out. I'm very happy that you're on day 7, congrats on a week man! You've had a hell of a week, keep up the good work.
Day 8 and liking it more and more.. its getting easy to deal with things and this mental side is easy at least i think so. Can someone tell me bout the PA meet if there is a hotel thats a lil cheaper than 109.00 a night cause... if that's the case i have 5 ppl and with being on SSDI and a Military pention that's not enought to stay at a hotel with all my bills i gotta keep up with. So please let me know thanks . But today im off to getting up and going to Thurmont, MD to work at a buddy's house then im going to buy myself a large chocolatee milk shake and have fun tonight with my fiance and kids . Will post more later tonight i wanna green box hehe.
I just PM'd you three non-national brand hotels that are in my town, which is 15 minutes from the host site. Ask all the questions you want on the PA Get Together Thread. I'd suggest keeping this thread specifically about your quit. But it is yours to do what you want...

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #55 on: July 26, 2013, 09:11:00 AM »
Quote from: mich
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.
I don't know why but I'm pretty damn happy you're getting checked out. I'm very happy that you're on day 7, congrats on a week man! You've had a hell of a week, keep up the good work.
Day 8 and liking it more and more.. its getting easy to deal with things and this mental side is easy at least i think so. Can someone tell me bout the PA meet if there is a hotel thats a lil cheaper than 109.00 a night cause... if that's the case i have 5 ppl and with being on SSDI and a Military pention that's not enought to stay at a hotel with all my bills i gotta keep up with. So please let me know thanks . But today im off to getting up and going to Thurmont, MD to work at a buddy's house then im going to buy myself a large chocolatee milk shake and have fun tonight with my fiance and kids . Will post more later tonight i wanna green box hehe.

Offline mich 34

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #54 on: July 25, 2013, 09:51:00 PM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.
I don't know why but I'm pretty damn happy you're getting checked out. I'm very happy that you're on day 7, congrats on a week man! You've had a hell of a week, keep up the good work.
my intro
QD 07-19-2012
Group - Roctober Madmen Post with some Madmen (and women)
HOF 10-27-12 HOF Speech
2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
1 year of freedom - 7-19-2013. Thank you KTC
4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #53 on: July 25, 2013, 08:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Matt3281
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.
So proud of you for facing your fears! I hope you are 'C' free, but if not I think you have the guts to beat it. Keep posting and staying quit brother.

Offline Matt3281

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #52 on: July 25, 2013, 07:59:00 PM »
Quote from: boelker62
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways� im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.� but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...� Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.� Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.
Day 7 and loving it can't wait til day 8 ..... this group is the best and can't wait til the party in PA cause i wanna meet most of you guys... get some faces around the names hehe. anyways things are going great.. I have a blood work that is going to take place at American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,PA next week to find out if im either 100% cancer paient or 0% not.... im hoping that im not but, who knows til ya find out. Cya guys on the flip side.

Offline Boelker62

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  • Interests: CrossFit. Period. Started July 2013, now coaching as of May 2015. Love every fucking minute of it.Running, trail running specifically.World-class craft beers every once in a while.Spending time with my beautiful wife, Erin, and my wonderful Pit Bull Julia, remembering the wonderful 3 years we had and gave to our old man Pit, Monty, dealing with our high energy little fucker of a pocket pittie, Danny, aka #wildmandan.Philadelphia Eagles/Phillies/Flyers.That's about it.
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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #51 on: July 25, 2013, 07:37:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways  im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.  but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...  Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.  Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.
What ^^^^^^ said.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Matt3281
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2013, 07:19:00 AM »
Quote from: CaliforniaSlim
Quote from: Matt3281
Day 6 and loving it still no nic bitch near me... my friend offered chew to me last night i said no ty and he said why i said that shit is nasty you should give it up also . told him bout the site but, anyways  im doing this for me not for anyone else. I found out thru blood work that i have throat cancer early stages and im doing what i need to do to take care of it.
Got to get blood work done thru American Cancer Research Team in Chambersburg,pa soon to know for sure if its cancer or not my percentage is only at 80% chance still high but, gotta make sure in long run.  but im doing great energy is back and i can keep up with my fiance in bed room and kids all hours oyf the day...  Thanks for the support guys don't know if i could have done it with out your help.  Thanks to the older guys that called me names and told me to stop using my ass as a hat. it helped lmao.
You seem to be dealing with all of this incredibly well. Stay with it. Hit us up when things get tough.
I am proud to be quit with you
Thank you for sharing. And congratulations on hitting some big issues head on. Quitting nicotine is a great way to start a new life Matt! Please keep us updated on your progress. The people on this site care and will move mountains to help you. And it sounds like you have a supportive family that will do the same.