Author Topic: This is a historic day  (Read 2159 times)

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Offline voldex

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Re: This is a historic day
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2018, 10:32:00 AM »
1) Cancer
2) Tooth loss
3) Gum disease
4) Money
5) To be able to kiss my girlfriend whenever i want
6) To never have to desperately look around for what i can use to spit in again
7) Reduced heart rate.
8) Reduced blood pressure.
9) Reduced cholesterol.
10) Reduced triglycerides.
11) Better friggin' health in general.
(from wildirish317)

Offline voldex

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Re: This is a historic day
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2018, 10:17:00 AM »
That was powerful [in response to Athan's intro]. When i say this i don't mean to be rude or offensive in any way. But When i see all the men that are older than me here (i am 23) It scares me to think that i am on the path to be addicted for 20 some more years. Christ i don't want to have to do this when im 40 or 50. I am only on day 6 and it feels like an eternity. Every time i come to this forum i get this fire and passion for kicking this addiction to the curb and never looking back. There is always a new reason i find every single day when i come here and browse and converse with my fellow brothers.


Offline kenjames

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Re: This is a historic day
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2018, 08:37:00 PM »
Keep fighting it. Never give up.

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Re: This is a historic day
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2018, 02:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Voldex
Well not really today.....kinda awkward. It was 04/13/2018. The first day of the rest of my life. The first day i experience what my current life is like without the help of my "friend" nicotine. I woke up feeling normal, excited even to finally kick this bad habit. I had been weaning off of the good ol' red seal the past week and had only had a single dip the prior day. I had a can of Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff ready to go as well. I started my coffee and hopped in the shower like normal (i am as addicted to coffee as i am nicotine). Get dressed, down 3 cups of coffee as i read the news, fill both of my mugs with the remainder of the coffee and head out the door. I get into my car, put my seat belt on, start it up, and reach for my can of.....fuck wait, i don't have any dip?! Fuck now i have to stop by the gas station and i'm already fucking running late. Wait,....that's right i flushed it all down the toilet the night before. Get to work and feel groggy. I feel like i haven't had my coffee yet, even though im on my 6th cup at this point. I feel like i am not awake. Did i not sleep well last night? Actually i got a solid 9 hours compared to my usual 6, so that cant be it. Fuck ill just put a dip in and shrug it off. I open my desk where i always keep that spare can just in case. SHIT! Where is my emergency can?! "HEY BOBBY DID YOU FUCKING STEAL MY FUCKING DIP?!" "Uhhh, no, i don't even like red seal you shit". Oh yeah thats right i threw that one away too. Almost forgot that i'm quitting.

As the day goes by, i start getting nervous. I start to get minor headaches. I feel anxious, always checking my pockets and desk for a can of dip even though i know i have made up my mind to quit. I get home after work and proceed to have dinner. After dinner i sit at my desk, reach over for my can guessed it. I reached for my can of dip that was so integrated into my life at this point that is was like second nature to me. By this time i did not over react like before, i just sighed and said to myself "oh yeah, im quitting".

Day two:
The whole day was shit. Headaches get worse, my hands shake uncontrollably, i don't think i had a clear thought run through my head other than "fuck i really could go for a dip right about now"

I am currently on day 4. The headaches have gotten slightly better, and i am getting used to not having a dip. I don't reach for it and panic when i don't have it. I can think more clearly now, and my gums are screaming thank you! Don't get me wrong the feeling still blows. But compared to day 1 and 2 this is much better.

I am 23 years old and have been dipping for 6 years. I have quit once before for 9 months and went through hell to get there. I went through a rough time in life and fell back in to it. That was 3 years ago. I am here, on this forum, to get the fuck rid of this shitty ass habit that is rotting my teeth out and slowly killing me one pinch at a time. I will kick this habit once and for all. This is the last time. Period. I am doing this for MYSELF, no one else. Fuck nicotine

Thats all.

V, love the intro, except for one word...


You're not fighting a habit - you're fighting an addiction.

Breaking a bad habit doesn't leave you foggy, doesn't leave you craving, doesn't leave you anxious and angry and wondering where your can is.

Addiction does.

The addiction will never go away, unfortunately. We can't have just one, any more than an alcoholic can have just one, or a heroin addict can have just one... we can either be clean, or not. There is no middle ground for us.

If we have a habit, it's feeding our addiction. That is the habit we need to break. We need to replace that default action - feeding ourselves nicotine - with new habits, new patterns of behavior. Posting roll in the morning. Reaching out to brothers when we have a crave. Spending time on the forum, spending time with the family, spending time working out, taking the dog for a walk, the cat for a drag... something, anything other than feeding our addiction.

That's how to quit, really. Make it active. Plan on posting roll every day. Plan on being involved. Plan on texting your fellow quitters and sharing the struggle.

Plan to win, and you will. Take it one day at a time, and believe me when I tell you that it will get so, so much better.

Proud to quit with you today.
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
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"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
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Offline voldex

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This is a historic day
« on: April 17, 2018, 02:29:00 PM »
Well not really today.....kinda awkward. It was 04/13/2018. The first day of the rest of my life. The first day i experience what my current life is like without the help of my "friend" nicotine. I woke up feeling normal, excited even to finally kick this bad habit. I had been weaning off of the good ol' red seal the past week and had only had a single dip the prior day. I had a can of Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff ready to go as well. I started my coffee and hopped in the shower like normal (i am as addicted to coffee as i am nicotine). Get dressed, down 3 cups of coffee as i read the news, fill both of my mugs with the remainder of the coffee and head out the door. I get into my car, put my seat belt on, start it up, and reach for my can of.....fuck wait, i don't have any dip?! Fuck now i have to stop by the gas station and i'm already fucking running late. Wait,....that's right i flushed it all down the toilet the night before. Get to work and feel groggy. I feel like i haven't had my coffee yet, even though im on my 6th cup at this point. I feel like i am not awake. Did i not sleep well last night? Actually i got a solid 9 hours compared to my usual 6, so that cant be it. Fuck ill just put a dip in and shrug it off. I open my desk where i always keep that spare can just in case. SHIT! Where is my emergency can?! "HEY BOBBY DID YOU FUCKING STEAL MY FUCKING DIP?!" "Uhhh, no, i don't even like red seal you shit". Oh yeah thats right i threw that one away too. Almost forgot that i'm quitting.

As the day goes by, i start getting nervous. I start to get minor headaches. I feel anxious, always checking my pockets and desk for a can of dip even though i know i have made up my mind to quit. I get home after work and proceed to have dinner. After dinner i sit at my desk, reach over for my can guessed it. I reached for my can of dip that was so integrated into my life at this point that is was like second nature to me. By this time i did not over react like before, i just sighed and said to myself "oh yeah, im quitting".

Day two:
The whole day was shit. Headaches get worse, my hands shake uncontrollably, i don't think i had a clear thought run through my head other than "fuck i really could go for a dip right about now"

I am currently on day 4. The headaches have gotten slightly better, and i am getting used to not having a dip. I don't reach for it and panic when i don't have it. I can think more clearly now, and my gums are screaming thank you! Don't get me wrong the feeling still blows. But compared to day 1 and 2 this is much better.

I am 23 years old and have been dipping for 6 years. I have quit once before for 9 months and went through hell to get there. I went through a rough time in life and fell back in to it. That was 3 years ago. I am here, on this forum, to get the fuck rid of this shitty ass habit that is rotting my teeth out and slowly killing me one pinch at a time. I will kick this habit once and for all. This is the last time. Period. I am doing this for MYSELF, no one else. Fuck nicotine

Thats all.