Author Topic: trying to quit with the patch  (Read 4672 times)

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Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #66 on: August 16, 2010, 07:02:00 AM »
Well day four of the quit is here. Day three was ok glad to have it done and over with. Had about five cravings yesterday but found plenty of ways to keep my self occupied when they hit. have got more sleep in the last couple of days than I ever thought that I would be getting. Hell I can't ride passenger in a vehicle with out shutting my eyes and waiting for the craving to end and not fall asleep.
Today is going to be any easy day for me on my journey to hit 950+ days like mule21. I think he is the person that I look up to the most on here seems like a great person but then most all seem like great people. I would like to thank you all and sorry if I did get a little offensive about the patch and I would like to take back my 'Finger' I was just being an asshole and I am sorry for that. I know most all you guys that tryed to advice me off of the patch have many more years dealing with this than I do and I respect all of you.

Have a good day time to get some sleep so that second shift doesnt kick my ass tonite talk to you all late and keep up the good fight against the quit

Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
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Offline Greg5280

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #65 on: August 15, 2010, 07:20:00 PM »
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: bigduke45123
Well mule day three hasn't been bad at all again today. It was better then day two was just had to have a lot of gum and gatoraid. Stayed nice and busy mowed two yards, got food for the week at walmart, washed all clothes, an done the dishes. Other than that not a whole lot else is happening.
Keep up the good work duke
Enjoy all of the good days you get early on. Us them to study up on the site and rest. There will be bad days ahead. Just remember how good this feels and think about how nice it is going to be when you feel great every day. Each day gets better.


Offline bman50317

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #64 on: August 15, 2010, 04:12:00 PM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Well mule day three hasn't been bad at all again today. It was better then day two was just had to have a lot of gum and gatoraid. Stayed nice and busy mowed two yards, got food for the week at walmart, washed all clothes, an done the dishes. Other than that not a whole lot else is happening.
Keep up the good work duke
Time heals but I'm forever broken

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #63 on: August 15, 2010, 03:19:00 PM »
Well mule day three hasn't been bad at all again today. It was better then day two was just had to have a lot of gum and gatoraid. Stayed nice and busy mowed two yards, got food for the week at walmart, washed all clothes, an done the dishes. Other than that not a whole lot else is happening.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #62 on: August 15, 2010, 06:26:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Day three of my quit is finally here. What should I be getting ready for today? Yesterday wasn't that fun had a lot of cravings and read that day three is even worse than day two.
Day three is the last day of the suck. After today, most of the nic is outta your system....specially if you have been drinking lots of "non-alchoholic" fluids. I drank a gallon of cranberry juice my first 3 days....makes you piss like a racehorse, but good at cleansing out your system.

After today, it really becomes a mind thang. Read, Read, Read and read some more. We got a lil' bit of everything here. HOF speeches, good quitting info, what to expect, go thru some older threads and watch grown men act like lil bitty thru wild card, we even have a titty hid here or there for your viewing pleasure and to keep you mind occupied.

It really does get better after have 2 huge victories in 2 days.....they were hard not give them back....ever.

Today is your last day 3. Congratulations.

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #61 on: August 15, 2010, 04:46:00 AM »
Day three of my quit is finally here. What should I be getting ready for today? Yesterday wasn't that fun had a lot of cravings and read that day three is even worse than day two.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #60 on: August 14, 2010, 09:17:00 PM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Hey mule thanks for supportin my quite been a good day so far not to many cravings so far tonite and finally rained up here to cool shit down a little. roll call will be bright and early around five or six in the morning so I can go and get food for the week after that. anyway thanks again for the support and great job on your quite a few years I will be at that many days
i'll post up with you again in the morning......i give you my word sir.

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2010, 06:37:00 PM »
Hey mule thanks for supportin my quite been a good day so far not to many cravings so far tonite and finally rained up here to cool shit down a little. roll call will be bright and early around five or six in the morning so I can go and get food for the week after that. anyway thanks again for the support and great job on your quite a few years I will be at that many days
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline minuteofangle

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2010, 06:07:00 PM »
Welcome to the suck Duke. It is called the suck for a reason..But you are doing great...get some gum, seeds, fake snuff (available at some wal-marts and tobacco speciality stores amoung other places). Stay close to the site. Live Chat is a good place to be if you are in need of someone to talk you off a ledge. Another cuple of days and it gets better. We have all been through what you are going through right now...If we can then so can you...we will help...if you need a number pm me and i will send you mine...Failure is notan option

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2010, 05:32:00 PM »
Day two is about over hasn't been very fun at all. I went and got ten packs of doublemint gum a lot of big red gum.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2010, 07:47:00 AM »
Very cranky so far today but that can be expected of a man. Yeah it is gonna be a good day. Gonna be a hot day also be inside tryin to stay cool.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2010, 06:59:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Well last nite was my first nite no nic at all. Wasn't that bad because I had to work and it is a tabbaco free factory. When I got off work I cam strait home and went right to bed around 12:30 am. So now I start day two and feeling good about it.
gonna be a good day

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2010, 05:36:00 AM »
Well last nite was my first nite no nic at all. Wasn't that bad because I had to work and it is a tabbaco free factory. When I got off work I cam strait home and went right to bed around 12:30 am. So now I start day two and feeling good about it.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2010, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Bman my plan for quitting nic actually starts now the patch is off. Every place I have put the patch (4) places it has felt like a big charly horse. I haven't really been craving to feel the spot where my dip was in my mouth over the last day ant that is what I have been waiting for over the last few days. I am impressed by all of the resopnces on here and do look forward to posting roll call.
There was one or two that did say this wasn't the site for me because I hadn't quit yet. But when I joined I joined for support trying to quit a few days ago not trying to stay quit. I can say now that I am ready to stay quit and hope that I will get the support to stay quit.
But I can say at 8:05 am 8-13-2010 I quit nic forever and I will keep that promise. I will be memorable being Friday the 13th :D .




You sound like my kinda guy.....i gots me a bit of a stubborn thang goin as well once i make my mind up bout sumpin....

post roll...first thing...every morning....never miss...never compromise....for any reason.

realize posting roll is the same as shaking my hand, looking me square in the eyes and giving me your word. I will expect you to keep it. You can expect/require the same from me.

Sing out if i can help WILL get this done.

Offline RagingJew

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2010, 12:43:00 PM »
Your bloodsugar is going to drop like a stone. Drink plenty of juices for the next few days. Also, if you have a woman nearby, make sweet a cave man.