Author Topic: no more self deception  (Read 2391 times)

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Offline Smokeyg

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2010, 04:16:00 PM »
Also, I was so appalled by your 8 year old spitter, I completely overlooked your need for a major attitude adjustment....
First time posting about dipping and now seems as good a time as any.
No, now is the best time. You are quit. In the past, you were a slave to the can.
I've been dipping off and on for about 17 years. I'm 37 now. Otherwise a healthy person, the dipping is starting to take its toll.
Congratulations on coming to your senses. Worry about ending the negative physical toll for now...then you can worry about the psychological/emotional toll.
I go through a can about every 2 or 3 days and have wanted to quit for a while but can't even get through 1 day!
What!? Why can I get through today and you can't? Are you that much more of an addict than me? Are you that much weaker of a person? No and no. You can make it through one day; you just chose not to in the past. You are in control.
My wife has always been cool as in she doesn't hound me but in a sense she has become a bit of an enabler (not to blame).
Bullshit. Show her you've got the balls to quit and she'll support you 100%. You were just such a pussy in the past, it was easier for the wife not to ruffle your tailfeathers.
My day always begins the same: wake up, decide today's the day, shower, kiss my wife, go work, put in my time and on my 20 mile drive home from work I begin to look forward to my chew when I get home. The second I walk in the door I go right for my can (of chew!) and have the first of probably 4-5 chews between the hours of say 5:00-11:00. Almost 1 per hour.
What does "decide today's the day" mean? Quittin' isn't easy. You need to work at it and you need resolve. You need support. You're not just going to stop being an addict. You need a plan. Not to quit on a whim and repeat failed patterns.
This morning, I threw my 8 year old chew cup in the trash for the first time along with the 2 tins laying around the house.
See my comment below.
We'll see. I really want to quit. I do.
"We'll see" opens a huge door for repeated failure. You've obviously wanted to quit for some reason for a long time...why? Do you have the balls to turn "We'll see" into "I promise I will not use nicotine today". That's really all that matters. Worry about tomorrow when it comes. Get through today.
I've tried Chantix but it didn't really work for me. It helped me cut down my intake some but ultimately just gave me the blues.
Don't rely on any external factors to quit for you. This needs to be for you and it needs to come from you.
So for anyone else out there that A. has quit or B. is in the process of quitting you have a friend in me and I will take your stories of struggle or success to heart.
Can you please explain the "the process of quitting"? Does the process of quitting mean waking up and saying "today's the day" only to return home to your can? Forget the process and just quit.
I know that I can use all of the help in the world cause this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it.
Picking your teeth is a habit. Chewing tobacco is an addiction. You are an addict. Addicts need support. Addicts need a plan. Addicts need to make a FIRM commitment one day at a time. I was once like you and I'm still alive. More alive today.
But i'm trying.
If you thought about what I wrote above, the bullshit of this statement will speak for itself.

But just in case you missed it - "Do, or do not. There is no try"

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 03:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Myfuture
Quote from: judetree
Haha. The current (8 year old cup) spit cup is the longest I've had just one cup. It's just an old slurpee cup from AM/PM or someplace. I dump it after each chew and rinse it (it's still pretty nasty even when it's "clean"). I'm sitting at work and the thought of it sitting in my trash can at home is almost heartbreaking! It's my cup!! That's how f'ing sick it is. I'm having sad feelings towards an inanimate object! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm definitely going to be here a bunch.
I'm in day 30. I can't imagine anyone anymore addicted than me for 40+ years. I finished with a can of cope a day addiction. This IS NOT EASY!!!! But I have found it day/minute at a time. Once you get past the first few days w/o nic it gets a little less worse.

Hang in there it's worth it
Subtle Suggestion -


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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 03:24:00 PM »
Quote from: judetree
Haha. The current (8 year old cup) spit cup is the longest I've had just one cup. It's just an old slurpee cup from AM/PM or someplace. I dump it after each chew and rinse it (it's still pretty nasty even when it's "clean"). I'm sitting at work and the thought of it sitting in my trash can at home is almost heartbreaking! It's my cup!! That's how f'ing sick it is. I'm having sad feelings towards an inanimate object! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm definitely going to be here a bunch.
I'm in day 30. I can't imagine anyone anymore addicted than me for 40+ years. I finished with a can of cope a day addiction. This IS NOT EASY!!!! But I have found it day/minute at a time. Once you get past the first few days w/o nic it gets a little less worse.

Hang in there it's worth it
Quit Jan. 5, 2010 @ 9:00 pm

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 02:26:00 PM »
Haha. The current (8 year old cup) spit cup is the longest I've had just one cup. It's just an old slurpee cup from AM/PM or someplace. I dump it after each chew and rinse it (it's still pretty nasty even when it's "clean"). I'm sitting at work and the thought of it sitting in my trash can at home is almost heartbreaking! It's my cup!! That's how f'ing sick it is. I'm having sad feelings towards an inanimate object! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm definitely going to be here a bunch.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2010, 02:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Steelers
Quote from: judetree
First time posting about dipping and now seems as good a time as any. I've been dipping off and on for about 17 years. I'm 37 now. Otherwise a healthy person, the dipping is starting to take its toll. I go through a can about every 2 or 3 days and have wanted to quit for a while but can't even get through 1 day! My wife has always been cool as in she doesn't hound me but in a sense she has become a bit of an enabler (not to blame). My day always begins the same: wake up, decide today's the day, shower, kiss my wife, go work, put in my time and on my 20 mile drive home from work I begin to look forward to my chew when I get home. The second I walk in the door I go right for my can (of chew!) and have the first of probably 4-5 chews between the hours of say 5:00-11:00. Almost 1 per hour. This morning, I threw my 8 year old chew cup in the trash for the first time along with the 2 tins laying around the house. We'll see. I really want to quit. I do. I've tried Chantix but it didn't really work for me. It helped me cut down my intake some but ultimately just gave me the blues. So for anyone else out there that a) has quit or B) is in the process of quitting you have a friend in me and I will take your stories of struggle or success to heart. I know that I can use all of the help in the world cause this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You can do it Jude,

Post and use the site. 8 year old chew can though????????

What does an 8 year old spitter look like? I had a friend in college who used one of those massive wine bottles as a spitter in his room. It was almost to the spilling point when he graduated.

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2010, 01:58:00 PM »
Quote from: judetree
First time posting about dipping and now seems as good a time as any. I've been dipping off and on for about 17 years. I'm 37 now. Otherwise a healthy person, the dipping is starting to take its toll. I go through a can about every 2 or 3 days and have wanted to quit for a while but can't even get through 1 day! My wife has always been cool as in she doesn't hound me but in a sense she has become a bit of an enabler (not to blame). My day always begins the same: wake up, decide today's the day, shower, kiss my wife, go work, put in my time and on my 20 mile drive home from work I begin to look forward to my chew when I get home. The second I walk in the door I go right for my can (of chew!) and have the first of probably 4-5 chews between the hours of say 5:00-11:00. Almost 1 per hour. This morning, I threw my 8 year old chew cup in the trash for the first time along with the 2 tins laying around the house. We'll see. I really want to quit. I do. I've tried Chantix but it didn't really work for me. It helped me cut down my intake some but ultimately just gave me the blues. So for anyone else out there that a) has quit or B) is in the process of quitting you have a friend in me and I will take your stories of struggle or success to heart. I know that I can use all of the help in the world cause this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.
You can do it Jude,

Post and use the site. 8 year old chew can though????????
6 time champs

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2010, 01:54:00 PM »
First time posting about dipping and now seems as good a time as any. I've been dipping off and on for about 17 years. I'm 37 now. Otherwise a healthy person, the dipping is starting to take its toll. I go through a can about every 2 or 3 days and have wanted to quit for a while but can't even get through 1 day! My wife has always been cool as in she doesn't hound me but in a sense she has become a bit of an enabler (not to blame). My day always begins the same: wake up, decide today's the day, shower, kiss my wife, go work, put in my time and on my 20 mile drive home from work I begin to look forward to my chew when I get home. The second I walk in the door I go right for my can (of chew!) and have the first of probably 4-5 chews between the hours of say 5:00-11:00. Almost 1 per hour. This morning, I threw my 8 year old chew cup in the trash for the first time along with the 2 tins laying around the house. We'll see. I really want to quit. I do. I've tried Chantix but it didn't really work for me. It helped me cut down my intake some but ultimately just gave me the blues. So for anyone else out there that a) has quit or B) is in the process of quitting you have a friend in me and I will take your stories of struggle or success to heart. I know that I can use all of the help in the world cause this habit has become such a love of mine that it's almost impossible to imagine life without it. But i'm trying.

Offline Monkey Wrench

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2010, 09:13:00 AM »
Chris and Tim, glad to see you guys join, from a fellow May quitter. Hang in there for a wild ride, and remember the more you hurt, the more it just shows it's control over you. I'm on day 8 today, and it really does get better quickly. The craving and crap don't go away, but they do get less strong.

Remember, you ARE quit. The challenge is not quitting, the challenge is not starting again.

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2010, 08:59:00 AM »
Quote from: tm8055
just read that users need not post till a commitment is made. to say the least i was talking of quitting soon then read a post asking for members to quit before posts so i took the chaw out of my lip and flushed all dip thats on hand
If you are serious and your a man of your word.......join us and start quitting. I personally can tell you this is the best way. here's the link to give your word. You will be in May10.
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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2010, 08:30:00 AM »
We're here for you, brother! If you've made the commitment to stop, you've accomplished a lot already. The rough part is keeping that promise to yourself to not be a slave to nicotine anymore. We're here for you. You need someone to talk to, yell at, hit, cuss, etc., we're here for you. This is a terrific place and if you're ready, we're ready.
Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2010, 06:44:00 AM »
Quote from: chris_mbpd
I'm right there with you. I took out my last chaw at 1030pm. Hang in there man, its going to be a rough ride. This is my second go at it.
Hell Ya, Okay step one, spit that crap out, vow to yourself that no matter what I will not put that crap in my pie hole ever again.

Step two- post roll in May quit qroup, That'll be the qroup that you hit a hundred days in.......Everyday while uttering to yoosef I will Not Put that crap in said Face!

Step three - repeat step two everyday, fell free to rant, rave, tell what you are feeling.

Drink lots of water to flush the nicotine, and to ward off the headaches. You will go through a foogy period, just scale back your expectations of the day. Get some sunflower seeds, candy, coconut......anything other than nicotine......

Three days is all you have to make it before the nicotine is out your body, the rest is just a mind game...... So put your big boy pants on. If I can make this, then you can make this....By the time this is over, it'll be the best birthday present you could ever give yourself........ So get your quit on..........welcome to the suck Tim And Chris
HOF 2/2/2010
2nd 5/12/2010
3rd 8/20/2010
4th 11/29/2010

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2010, 01:10:00 AM »
I'm right there with you. I took out my last chaw at 1030pm. Hang in there man, its going to be a rough ride. This is my second go at it.

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2010, 01:01:00 AM »
just read that users need not post till a commitment is made. to say the least i was talking of quitting soon then read a post asking for members to quit before posts so i took the chaw out of my lip and flushed all dip thats on hand

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Re: no more self deception
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 12:56:00 AM »
Quote from: tm8055
my name is Tim and i need to quit cope and stick with it. for the last 20 years nic has run my life. for the last 10 years i have gone through 2 to 4 cans a week and i think the worst of it is that for me, spitting is like smoking and not inhaling. i am addicted to swallowing this crap and it scares the hell out of me of what that does to my body. another thing that scares me is how much nic copenhagen contains, one time i gave a dip to a friend of mine who smoked camel nonfilters for 30 years and the dip gave HIM a nic rush! what kind of crap is that? my 33 bday is in 4 days and i have told my self and my family i am going to quit my bad habbits on the 6th but i am afraid that it will turn out to fizzle out like in the past. i have never REALLY tried to quit ao i am looking for some advice on how to start.
Simple... make a decision:

When you have... we'll be here.

Sounds like you're well on your way.

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no more self deception
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:54:00 AM »
my name is Tim and i need to quit cope and stick with it. for the last 20 years nic has run my life. for the last 10 years i have gone through 2 to 4 cans a week and i think the worst of it is that for me, spitting is like smoking and not inhaling. i am addicted to swallowing this crap and it scares the hell out of me of what that does to my body. another thing that scares me is how much nic copenhagen contains, one time i gave a dip to a friend of mine who smoked camel nonfilters for 30 years and the dip gave HIM a nic rush! what kind of crap is that? my 33 bday is in 4 days and i have told my self and my family i am going to quit my bad habbits on the 6th but i am afraid that it will turn out to fizzle out like in the past. i have never REALLY tried to quit ao i am looking for some advice on how to start.