Author Topic: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..  (Read 4118 times)

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Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2011, 05:35:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Tonight was a night of firsts... First time drinking whiskey since being quit... first time I cut open four bags of mrs shits green tea to stuff in between my lip and my addiction. I don't have to explain, you guys get it. No more firewater for this guy for a while...

dippshit - 41 - quit
Good for you, reckonizin that you gotta keep your wits about the bitch.
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
KTC Retread...Quit for the final time 10/21/2011
Though I am peaceful, please do not assume that I have somehow forgotten how to be violent.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2011, 01:20:00 AM »
Tonight was a night of firsts... First time drinking whiskey since being quit... first time I cut open four bags of mrs shits green tea to stuff in between my lip and my addiction. I don't have to explain, you guys get it. No more firewater for this guy for a while...

dippshit - 41 - quit

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline The Al man

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2011, 08:47:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
It is amazing how many angles the nic bitch works throughout a mans quit. I could handle the suffering, depression, cravings, physical pain, irritability.. But that cunt with a lowercased c almost just got me. She played me on my own vanity, I feel strong in my quit, and she saw an opening. She whispered in my ear "your strong enough to have just one. Cmon, you can use me like "normal" people can. Your such a quit stud, cmon, just one for old times? You can go back to being quit right after this one ciggarette."

No bitch, fuck you.

That is all.
i know what your going through dippshit. Saturday was a son of a bitch for me and it really came out of left field. If we stay strong the nic bitch weakens. Good to be quit with you!!

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2011, 08:25:00 PM »
It is amazing how many angles the nic bitch works throughout a mans quit. I could handle the suffering, depression, cravings, physical pain, irritability.. But that cunt with a lowercased c almost just got me. She played me on my own vanity, I feel strong in my quit, and she saw an opening. She whispered in my ear "your strong enough to have just one. Cmon, you can use me like "normal" people can. Your such a quit stud, cmon, just one for old times? You can go back to being quit right after this one ciggarette."

No bitch, fuck you.

That is all.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2011, 03:47:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
I was just looking thru the spreadsheet, all those hundreds of numbers stood out differently today, each one representing one promise, one day, on there own just one, but together a sea of accountability and integrity. I got so excited it made my quit tingle a little bit.
saving in my thread for future reflection

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Souliman

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2011, 12:45:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Im Irritable, depressed, having trouble concentrating and tired. Her calls are growing faint, still carried on the wind, but faint. Once I read souliman write about his addiction standing outside of a resteraunt in the rain watching him thru the window while he was eating a burrito. That image has stayed with me, I sometimes feel the same, I feel followed. I don't even know what I am wrambling about. Out of the four things I bitched about bothering me above, the depression has to be the worst. Making me question myself, making me think off all of my regrets, failures... This isn't going to be another failure. I'm going to own this. This is a mindfuck. This isn't real.
Listen up dippshit

That fucking bitch is right there. And don't run from her. Don't wish she was on the other side of town waiting for the bus. Go nose to nose with her.

You have to have "something" to identify with. You have to be able to visualize what you want to be. You have to be able to have a goal and take one step at a time towards that goal. And that thing that reminds you of that guessed it...the nic bitch. And she is going to be reminding you daily. Even well into the third floor and beyond. All that time you focus on fighting her off you will be focusing on who you want to be. That is the beautiful thing about this process. We will be helping bring the real dippshit out, separating that addict away from "you".

You keep fighting brother. I do. You may think we're all cliche when we say freedom is the shit but its very much truth.

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2011, 11:37:00 PM »
Im Irritable, depressed, having trouble concentrating and tired. Her calls are growing faint, still carried on the wind, but faint. Once I read souliman write about his addiction standing outside of a resteraunt in the rain watching him thru the window while he was eating a burrito. That image has stayed with me, I sometimes feel the same, I feel followed. I don't even know what I am wrambling about. Out of the four things I bitched about bothering me above, the depression has to be the worst. Making me question myself, making me think off all of my regrets, failures... This isn't going to be another failure. I'm going to own this. This is a mindfuck. This isn't real.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Scowick65

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #32 on: November 15, 2011, 09:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: dippshit
I've been dipping since I was 16, I am only 28, and I know I haven't been dipping as long as some of the old timers on here, but some of you guys have to relate when it comes to not remembering a time when you didn't dip, before you quit that is. Towards the end last week, I was dipping 2 cans a day...

I haven't had a dip in 2 days, but was using the patch. It helped a lot with the crave and irritability, but after lurking for those 2 days, I was inspired to go cold turkey... I just pulled that patch off and I am both scared and excited, looking forward to getting this shit over with, and knowing that each minute that passes is a minute I will never have to go through again...

I made a list of reasons to quit, and like some others on here, one of my biggest reason is because I lie to my wife, and cant spend an entire day with her without wanting to rip someones head off because I am jonseing for a dip. We have our 1 year anniversary coming up friday, its a 12 hour road trip, and I want it to be special, I don't want to be withdrawing and picking fights the whole time. I would be withdrawing anyways, so might as well get it kicked off now.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, she plays a big part in it, but I am quitting for my sanity, my marriage, and my pursuit to be a better man and husband... She caught me saturday, I left a can sitting right on the passenger seat. I didn't see it till I was jumping in and she was about to open the door of my truck. I thought she would flip, she didn't. She was disappointed in me. What kind of a man am I? Lying to my wife? I need to be a better man.

Long winded I know, I cant think strait and it is all just flowing out of me. But as I type, some sort of fog is sliding over me... and here we go...

Tomorrow will be my official quit day. I need some help on how and where I go to post roll... Ive read you guys talking about it, and it looks like I should.

Thanks for reading.

The dippshit.
Spit your shit out right now and flush all your cans and you can squeeze into the January 2012 pre-HOF quit group, but you need to post roll now. Get rid of ALL nicotine.

If you stop now you will actually be feeling better by the time you make your 12 hr drive on Friday.

Click on the pink salmon Welcome Center above/left and read how to post roll call in your quit group. This is your promise to not dip for 24 hours, then post roll again tomorrow and so on.

Congrats on a life changing decision. Might even get lucky on your anniversary when she finds out you quit for good!
I was reading my original posts, was I in denial. Notdeadyet kicked my shit into gear. As far as I am concerned, this response to my post saved my life. Being quit is good. I am free from the symptoms of my disease more and more every day. I see know how horrible I was to my body and my family. I never want to go back to that place again.
One foot in front of the other Dippy. One step at a time is manageable and results in another few feet away from the man you were, the man you don't want to be.
Your story, Dippy, is seen over and over on this site. A nic addict turned hard core quitter. I never tire of reading the story. Great, great job. Love your quit.

I love watching someone show up, declare themselves a special butterfly...a unique snowflake and with a quit plan befitting their specialness. Three weeks later, they are hardcore quitters KTC style. Bringing the quit everyday.

Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2011, 09:19:00 AM »
You da man dippy. You got the nic by the short and curlies as long as you stay plugged in here. That is irrefutable, undeniable, absolute fact.
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
KTC Retread...Quit for the final time 10/21/2011
Though I am peaceful, please do not assume that I have somehow forgotten how to be violent.

Offline Souliman

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2011, 06:30:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: dippshit
I've been dipping since I was 16, I am only 28, and I know I haven't been dipping as long as some of the old timers on here, but some of you guys have to relate when it comes to not remembering a time when you didn't dip, before you quit that is. Towards the end last week, I was dipping 2 cans a day...

I haven't had a dip in 2 days, but was using the patch. It helped a lot with the crave and irritability, but after lurking for those 2 days, I was inspired to go cold turkey... I just pulled that patch off and I am both scared and excited, looking forward to getting this shit over with, and knowing that each minute that passes is a minute I will never have to go through again...

I made a list of reasons to quit, and like some others on here, one of my biggest reason is because I lie to my wife, and cant spend an entire day with her without wanting to rip someones head off because I am jonseing for a dip. We have our 1 year anniversary coming up friday, its a 12 hour road trip, and I want it to be special, I don't want to be withdrawing and picking fights the whole time. I would be withdrawing anyways, so might as well get it kicked off now.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, she plays a big part in it, but I am quitting for my sanity, my marriage, and my pursuit to be a better man and husband... She caught me saturday, I left a can sitting right on the passenger seat. I didn't see it till I was jumping in and she was about to open the door of my truck. I thought she would flip, she didn't. She was disappointed in me. What kind of a man am I? Lying to my wife? I need to be a better man.

Long winded I know, I cant think strait and it is all just flowing out of me. But as I type, some sort of fog is sliding over me... and here we go...

Tomorrow will be my official quit day. I need some help on how and where I go to post roll... Ive read you guys talking about it, and it looks like I should.

Thanks for reading.

The dippshit.
Spit your shit out right now and flush all your cans and you can squeeze into the January 2012 pre-HOF quit group, but you need to post roll now. Get rid of ALL nicotine.

If you stop now you will actually be feeling better by the time you make your 12 hr drive on Friday.

Click on the pink salmon Welcome Center above/left and read how to post roll call in your quit group. This is your promise to not dip for 24 hours, then post roll again tomorrow and so on.

Congrats on a life changing decision. Might even get lucky on your anniversary when she finds out you quit for good!
I was reading my original posts, was I in denial. Notdeadyet kicked my shit into gear. As far as I am concerned, this response to my post saved my life. Being quit is good. I am free from the symptoms of my disease more and more every day. I see know how horrible I was to my body and my family. I never want to go back to that place again.
One foot in front of the other Dippy. One step at a time is manageable and results in another few feet away from the man you were, the man you don't want to be.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2011, 11:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: dippshit
I've been dipping since I was 16, I am only 28, and I know I haven't been dipping as long as some of the old timers on here, but some of you guys have to relate when it comes to not remembering a time when you didn't dip, before you quit that is. Towards the end last week, I was dipping 2 cans a day...

I haven't had a dip in 2 days, but was using the patch. It helped a lot with the crave and irritability, but after lurking for those 2 days, I was inspired to go cold turkey... I just pulled that patch off and I am both scared and excited, looking forward to getting this shit over with, and knowing that each minute that passes is a minute I will never have to go through again...

I made a list of reasons to quit, and like some others on here, one of my biggest reason is because I lie to my wife, and cant spend an entire day with her without wanting to rip someones head off because I am jonseing for a dip. We have our 1 year anniversary coming up friday, its a 12 hour road trip, and I want it to be special, I don't want to be withdrawing and picking fights the whole time. I would be withdrawing anyways, so might as well get it kicked off now.

Don't get me wrong, I am not quitting for her, or anyone else, she plays a big part in it, but I am quitting for my sanity, my marriage, and my pursuit to be a better man and husband... She caught me saturday, I left a can sitting right on the passenger seat. I didn't see it till I was jumping in and she was about to open the door of my truck. I thought she would flip, she didn't. She was disappointed in me. What kind of a man am I? Lying to my wife? I need to be a better man.

Long winded I know, I cant think strait and it is all just flowing out of me. But as I type, some sort of fog is sliding over me... and here we go...

Tomorrow will be my official quit day. I need some help on how and where I go to post roll... Ive read you guys talking about it, and it looks like I should.

Thanks for reading.

The dippshit.
Spit your shit out right now and flush all your cans and you can squeeze into the January 2012 pre-HOF quit group, but you need to post roll now. Get rid of ALL nicotine.

If you stop now you will actually be feeling better by the time you make your 12 hr drive on Friday.

Click on the pink salmon Welcome Center above/left and read how to post roll call in your quit group. This is your promise to not dip for 24 hours, then post roll again tomorrow and so on.

Congrats on a life changing decision. Might even get lucky on your anniversary when she finds out you quit for good!
I was reading my original posts, was I in denial. Notdeadyet kicked my shit into gear. As far as I am concerned, this response to my post saved my life. Being quit is good. I am free from the symptoms of my disease more and more every day. I see know how horrible I was to my body and my family. I never want to go back to that place again.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2011, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.
Dippy who are you saying you miss?
I meant that as a double entandre. So both, my wife and the nic bitch. It was a weak moment. I have to be honest.
No more french sexual toys or whatever a double enter-andy is.

Words are important. Incredibly important. Send a message to your mind and your brothers that you have left that life behind. That you are running from the lying bullshit that the nic bitch was pulling on you. That whore was trying to kill you daily with poison.
... and nothing but the truth. I am growing stronger. For the first time in my adult life, I own this addiction, it doesn't own me.
Dippy you're growing on me.

During my college days I developed a skit with a fellow can-addict called the "Dippy and Copie Show". It was about two perverse puppets that enjoyed dipping and anal sex (no homo). With affection, I call you Dippy.
That means a lot... a skit about dipping and anal? I can hear the deliverance banjo as I type this.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Souliman

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2011, 01:06:00 AM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.
Dippy who are you saying you miss?
I meant that as a double entandre. So both, my wife and the nic bitch. It was a weak moment. I have to be honest.
No more french sexual toys or whatever a double enter-andy is.

Words are important. Incredibly important. Send a message to your mind and your brothers that you have left that life behind. That you are running from the lying bullshit that the nic bitch was pulling on you. That whore was trying to kill you daily with poison.
... and nothing but the truth. I am growing stronger. For the first time in my adult life, I own this addiction, it doesn't own me.
Dippy you're growing on me.

During my college days I developed a skit with a fellow can-addict called the "Dippy and Copie Show". It was about two perverse puppets that enjoyed dipping and anal sex (no homo). With affection, I call you Dippy.

Offline dippshit

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2011, 12:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.
Dippy who are you saying you miss?
I meant that as a double entandre. So both, my wife and the nic bitch. It was a weak moment. I have to be honest.
No more french sexual toys or whatever a double enter-andy is.

Words are important. Incredibly important. Send a message to your mind and your brothers that you have left that life behind. That you are running from the lying bullshit that the nic bitch was pulling on you. That whore was trying to kill you daily with poison.
... and nothing but the truth. I am growing stronger. For the first time in my adult life, I own this addiction, it doesn't own me.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

Offline Souliman

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Re: My second day... but tomorrow is the Real Day 1..
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2011, 12:12:00 PM »
Quote from: dippshit
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: dippshit
Day 11. If it wasn't for this island of misfits, the chat room and the accountability, I would be dipping right now. But now that im thru the fog, I feel like I almost get it. I feel good today. Finally. My wife went out with the girls tonight, before last week, I would have been in dippin hog heaven. But I don't dip anymore. I miss her. Wow. I know there's a long road ahead, and I've managed to get most of you guys to hate me by now, but I want to thank every single member of this site, especially those whom I have interacted with. because without this site, I would still be dipping. I long to be a shaman of quit, a seasoned vet. But I understand that it takes a whole lot more work to get there. I will try to never forget, but if I do, I want to say it now, thank you fuckers, thank you.
Dippy who are you saying you miss?
I meant that as a double entandre. So both, my wife and the nic bitch. It was a weak moment. I have to be honest.
No more french sexual toys or whatever a double enter-andy is.

Words are important. Incredibly important. Send a message to your mind and your brothers that you have left that life behind. That you are running from the lying bullshit that the nic bitch was pulling on you. That whore was trying to kill you daily with poison.