Author Topic: the ramblings of a quitter  (Read 2277 times)

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Offline summit

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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2009, 06:30:00 PM »
So I hit day 11 and still going strong, I guess I need to google and find out it there is a forum that will help me kick sunflower seeds. I don't even like them, but have a bag in my car and guess the habitual motion of spitting got transferred to the seeds. Mouth is sore from it, but as of now i don't think the seeds can cause cancer. So that's a big plus. I tried to convince someone that today was the 11th of December, and tomorrow is the 12th. Guess the days of my quit trump the real dates.

Thanks to Luv2ski for the congrats on the double digits. Makes me smile to know that someone just like me is out there struggling this through with me and cares enough to text to say congrats. And the same for the rest of you out there, whether through rebuke, encouragement, or just the post of "pm me if you need anything." Thanks to all of you for fighting this together.

I know that I can't promise to be dip free forever, but I can promise to be dip free today. And I will make that promise again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after. One day at a time right? Got today covered.

Reading through some of the conversations on the forum makes me realize what lengths I went through to hide my spitters, cans, and fattys. I too have had the appearance of drinking coffee all day and using the mug for a spitter, cleaned out the truck and found more spit bottles than I knew could fit under the seats, taking aimless drives and bathroom breaks just to sneak my pinch, and avoided people because I was more concerned about taking a dip then spending time with a friend. I laugh at the stories just thinking how childish and selfish the can made me.

Tomorrow is a new day and I will be posting 12, my little Skoal friend is no longer my friend, and i bid him farewell.

As for my prior post about getting the truck washed- weather wasn't good for it, maybe tomorrow.

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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2009, 03:23:00 PM »
Quote from: summit
so here i am on day 8 and I am trying to figure out what I can do to set some goals for myself and reward myself for my quit. I figure at each milestone I need to be reminded how much money that I am taking out of big tobacco's pockets.
This weekend I celebrate my double digit at $5 a can that's $50- I think I will take my truck to the car wash and get a good cleaning on it. I'll have them clean the carpets and the skoal stains, and will finally get rid of all the flakes that made their way out of the can and under the seats.

at day 25- 25 x 5= $125 December 28th
at day 50- 50 x 5= $250 January 22nd
at day 100- 100x5= $500 March 13th (wife has a birthday next week- spending it on her for putting up with my old habit for the 6 yrs we've been married)
at day 365- for my birthday 365 x 5= $1,825
Way to go!!! Set goals make it happen. The Hall of Fame is a few days off so make a real goal you can hit quick. Rewards are great!!! Steak is always good :D Just no booze for a few more weeks it tends to make you loose focus on your goal.

Congrats and post how you feel even at day 255 for me sounding off helps.

Stay Quit!!!

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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2009, 01:52:00 PM »
so here i am on day 8 and I am trying to figure out what I can do to set some goals for myself and reward myself for my quit. I figure at each milestone I need to be reminded how much money that I am taking out of big tobacco's pockets.
This weekend I celebrate my double digit at $5 a can that's $50- I think I will take my truck to the car wash and get a good cleaning on it. I'll have them clean the carpets and the skoal stains, and will finally get rid of all the flakes that made their way out of the can and under the seats.

at day 25- 25 x 5= $125 December 28th
at day 50- 50 x 5= $250 January 22nd
at day 100- 100x5= $500 March 13th (wife has a birthday next week- spending it on her for putting up with my old habit for the 6 yrs we've been married)
at day 365- for my birthday 365 x 5= $1,825

Offline cdforecheck

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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 04:47:00 PM »
Quote from: summit
As I was driving to work this morning, I thought of when I picked my little girls up from school a couple weeks ago, and as I was buckling up my youngest, the oldest leaned between the seats and grabbed my sonic cup and started to put the straw to her lips. I yelled at her not to drink it and I can still see the look of her face as she said "daddy I just wanted to share your dr pepper with you." That was only one of the times I had to tell my little girls not to drink after daddy. Glad not to have those spitters in my truck and will be happy to share dr pepper with the girls now.
be very proud of may not realize it yet but those girls have probably noticed a change in their 2 boys were so important in my quit and i can never let them are off to a great start and a life without nic!
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Offline summit

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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 03:21:00 PM »
As I was driving to work this morning, I thought of when I picked my little girls up from school a couple weeks ago, and as I was buckling up my youngest, the oldest leaned between the seats and grabbed my sonic cup and started to put the straw to her lips. I yelled at her not to drink it and I can still see the look of her face as she said "daddy I just wanted to share your dr pepper with you." That was only one of the times I had to tell my little girls not to drink after daddy. Glad not to have those spitters in my truck and will be happy to share dr pepper with the girls now.

Offline cdforecheck

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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 04:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Mikey
Quote from: summit
Day 6...
So here it is day 6 and today would have been one of those days at the office I loved.  Nice and cold outside, nothing really going on at the office, just paying invoices and cleaning up mail and email.  Used to love those days... head to the office put in a pinch and let the day pass me bye.  The biggest part of the day was figuring out what I wanted to eat for lunch and if I should put in a fresh one or just freshin one up.
Today was tough, but it was the first time that I remember that I didn't get nervous when the door opened and someone would surprise me walking in.  No dip- had someone walk in and I never had to look where to hide my spit cup.  Kind of nice.
Nice not feeling guilty? Good job and keep it up.
the little joys of quitting that you never realized...thanks for sharing that
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Re: the ramblings of a quitter
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 02:56:00 PM »
Quote from: summit
Day 6...
So here it is day 6 and today would have been one of those days at the office I loved. Nice and cold outside, nothing really going on at the office, just paying invoices and cleaning up mail and email. Used to love those days... head to the office put in a pinch and let the day pass me bye. The biggest part of the day was figuring out what I wanted to eat for lunch and if I should put in a fresh one or just freshin one up.
Today was tough, but it was the first time that I remember that I didn't get nervous when the door opened and someone would surprise me walking in. No dip- had someone walk in and I never had to look where to hide my spit cup. Kind of nice.
Nice not feeling guilty? Good job and keep it up.
February 24, 2010

Offline summit

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the ramblings of a quitter
« on: December 09, 2009, 01:44:00 PM »
Day 6...
So here it is day 6 and today would have been one of those days at the office I loved. Nice and cold outside, nothing really going on at the office, just paying invoices and cleaning up mail and email. Used to love those days... head to the office put in a pinch and let the day pass me bye. The biggest part of the day was figuring out what I wanted to eat for lunch and if I should put in a fresh one or just freshin one up.
Today was tough, but it was the first time that I remember that I didn't get nervous when the door opened and someone would surprise me walking in. No dip- had someone walk in and I never had to look where to hide my spit cup. Kind of nice.