Author Topic: Intro....  (Read 10381 times)

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Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2012, 04:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

Congrats on 11 days. I'm at Day 54, but I recall the early days very well. I think I wrote a post to the guys on this website thanking them for their support at 14 days. I meant it, too. There is no way I could have done it without this site.

Keep posting roll, stay quit that day, then repeat. Don't think beyond Yesterday + 1. Use the funk you're in right now as motivation to NEVER dip again. Nic doesn't give up her victims easily...what you're going through is just another one of her traps.

I found that encouraging others helped me stay chat up the folks who are at Day 1 or 2 and encourage them. I went with Altoids instead of the fake stuff, mainly because they were easy to find. But try those. Keep them in you pocket and pop one in when you feel a crave.

Don't get down...this is literally a fight for your life. And it is worth winning. You can do day at a time.
Day 101 --

I pulled this off the intro thread ---- know who Bean and Keddy are? 2 guys with bigtime quits who support everyone on the site. I see Bean all the time encouraging new quitters within the intro pages. Here is Bean at 54 days commenting on Keddy's intro thread who is at 11 days. What's the point? The point is that everyone on this site started just like you did. They were at day one once. Or 11 or 54. Now they are at 500 or 1,000 or whatever number BBJ is at. It can be done, it has been done over and over by people here. People just like you and I. People that quit. There are many posts like this I could pull off the intro thread - go read them if you want some inspiration.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2012, 04:09:00 PM »

Congrats on 11 days. I'm at Day 54, but I recall the early days very well. I think I wrote a post to the guys on this website thanking them for their support at 14 days. I meant it, too. There is no way I could have done it without this site.

Keep posting roll, stay quit that day, then repeat. Don't think beyond Yesterday + 1. Use the funk you're in right now as motivation to NEVER dip again. Nic doesn't give up her victims easily...what you're going through is just another one of her traps.

I found that encouraging others helped me stay chat up the folks who are at Day 1 or 2 and encourage them. I went with Altoids instead of the fake stuff, mainly because they were easy to find. But try those. Keep them in you pocket and pop one in when you feel a crave.

Don't get down...this is literally a fight for your life. And it is worth winning. You can do day at a time.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #64 on: September 06, 2012, 01:47:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Morgan1
This brings me to tomorrow. Tomorrow I cross my last hurdle.

There is no last hurdle.

There are hurdles every moment of every day. Yes. We quit for today and today only, but don't ever think you have "crossed your last hurdle".

If you fail to plan, than you plan to fail.

Always plan. Always be dilligent.

Most of all, be the bad ass quitter I know you are. Don't let up, and put that foot to your addiction's throat with no mercy.

100 days and battles won do not mean outright victory.

I'm very fucking proud of you. Keep it up.
Easy Quit Master.....

I simply mean that playing golf was the last hurdle in regards to doing something I associated with dipping without it.

My battle is still in its infancy. I wage it every day and I ENJOY waging it everyday. I get immense satisfaction out of beating down the nic bitch day in and day out. I know the battle is not done until I am in the coffin - on that day I will have won. I will never let up. Quitting is a part of me just like dipping once was. It's a part of who I am.

Thanks for your inspiration and guidance brother. I quit with you all day every day!!
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline wastepanel

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #63 on: September 06, 2012, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Morgan1
This brings me to tomorrow. Tomorrow I cross my last hurdle.

There is no last hurdle.

There are hurdles every moment of every day. Yes. We quit for today and today only, but don't ever think you have "crossed your last hurdle".

If you fail to plan, than you plan to fail.

Always plan. Always be dilligent.

Most of all, be the bad ass quitter I know you are. Don't let up, and put that foot to your addiction's throat with no mercy.

100 days and battles won do not mean outright victory.

I'm very fucking proud of you. Keep it up.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Bigdave

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2012, 09:22:00 PM »
Congrats to this cockcucking, analfisting, hall of fuckin famer!!!! Morgan quit like it's his work son. Proud of you man.
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Offline Bruce

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2012, 01:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Bigdave
Quote from: BrainStrain
Why would you say he quit sucking cock?  Trying to ruin his quit?

Quitting dip is hard enough, leave the man's cocks alone!
No...quitting sucking cock is tied to his dipping..oral fixation. I don't know if he can have one without the other.
This made me pee my pants a bit...good stuff, quit on
Quit date: 11/21/11
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It's a freedom thing

Caving is NOT an option

-"Now I can walk through walls and my quit can talk to god. That's right. Crazy voodoo magic quit" Souliman

-'Stop being a pussy and quit' Tarpon17

-"this is the gheyest place on earth, if you say it in here it might become someones signature" Bigwhitebeast

- "We Quit Like Fuck" - Coach Steve

Offline Bigdave

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2012, 12:05:00 AM »
Quote from: BrainStrain
Why would you say he quit sucking cock? Trying to ruin his quit?

Quitting dip is hard enough, leave the man's cocks alone!
No...quitting sucking cock is tied to his dipping..oral fixation. I don't know if he can have one without the other.
Real things happen to real people, even in Disney World

Offline BrainStrain

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2012, 11:53:00 PM »
Why would you say he quit sucking cock? Trying to ruin his quit?

Quitting dip is hard enough, leave the man's cocks alone!
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2012, 11:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

Lets talk about triggers. Very early in my quit (under 20 days in) I spent my annual weekend on the St. Johns river at my friend's home. This is an event that happens every year. My buddy lives on a finger canal a nice 4 iron from the river. Once a year a bunch of us go there and rent 2 homes that are across the canal from him. We also rent a pontoon boat (to go along with my friend's boat). All in all there are 8-10 of us plus whatever women folk and kids come along. The 3 day event consists of taking the boats to Silver Glen (a coldwater spring and major party spot), epic cornhole tournaments (insert joke here about how ghey we are), fishing, riding 4 wheelers, booze cruises on golf carts, hitting 100 or so golf balls into the St Johns from rental property, and amounts of alcohol that would kill a pod of Blue Whales. In the past this meant 2 cans minimum with the likelihood of a third. I didn't use any tobacco. One of my buddies was quit as well for about a year. The 2 of us went through seeds like no tomorrow. I crammed them in my mouth like Redman and in pics from the weekend it actually looks like I have a chew in. It was during that weekend that I knew I could do it. I could quit.

This brings me to tomorrow. Tomorrow I cross my last hurdle. I am playing golf. It has killed me to not play for 3 months. I have turned down invitations just to be sure I was ready. I turned down an invitation to play in a celebrity/charity event at Shingle Creek. I did not think I could play golf without dipping as recently as 2 weeks ago. The idea was terrifying for me. I wasn't going to do it, because I was worried I'd be too preoccupied about the fact that I wasn't dipping. Well, no longer. I don't give a shit about a dip. Tomorrow I will claim back something that was taken from me. I'm ready. I'm excited to play. I'm bringing my plastic seed container that I haven't really touched since my weekend on the St Johns. Oh it's on baby....
The way I see it, you will pass this hurdle with ease. You are a bad ass quitting mother fucking who quits with lead pipe cruelty and has been pimp slapping the nic bitch for 95 days in a row. By this time your love for golf should dwarf your ex love of the can. I love golf too and tried to golf only a few weeks into being was not pretty and decided to stay away for awhile as well. I went last week and was fine, chewed a shit ton of seeds but fuck man the way I figured it, I could only put the things I love to do on hold for so long and I'm only 88 days quit. 95 days is champed out and something to be proud of. Reward yourself with a long overdue round of golf. You got this shit bro. Tee it up and fucking let it fly, don't let the nic bitch ruin something you love to do even one day more...3 months was enough. Id wish u good luck but u don't need it.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Bigdave

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #57 on: August 30, 2012, 11:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

Lets talk about triggers. Very early in my quit (under 20 days in) I spent my annual weekend on the St. Johns river at my friend's home. This is an event that happens every year. My buddy lives on a finger canal a nice 4 iron from the river. Once a year a bunch of us go there and rent 2 homes that are across the canal from him. We also rent a pontoon boat (to go along with my friend's boat). All in all there are 8-10 of us plus whatever women folk and kids come along. The 3 day event consists of taking the boats to Silver Glen (a coldwater spring and major party spot), epic cornhole tournaments (insert joke here about how ghey we are), fishing, riding 4 wheelers, booze cruises on golf carts, hitting 100 or so golf balls into the St Johns from rental property, and amounts of alcohol that would kill a pod of Blue Whales. In the past this meant 2 cans minimum with the likelihood of a third. I didn't use any tobacco. One of my buddies was quit as well for about a year. The 2 of us went through seeds like no tomorrow. I crammed them in my mouth like Redman and in pics from the weekend it actually looks like I have a chew in. It was during that weekend that I knew I could do it. I could quit.

This brings me to tomorrow. Tomorrow I cross my last hurdle. I am playing golf. It has killed me to not play for 3 months. I have turned down invitations just to be sure I was ready. I turned down an invitation to play in a celebrity/charity event at Shingle Creek. I did not think I could play golf without dipping as recently as 2 weeks ago. The idea was terrifying for me. I wasn't going to do it, because I was worried I'd be too preoccupied about the fact that I wasn't dipping. Well, no longer. I don't give a shit about a dip. Tomorrow I will claim back something that was taken from me. I'm ready. I'm excited to play. I'm bringing my plastic seed container that I haven't really touched since my weekend on the St Johns. Oh it's on baby....
Morgan..just like you quit sucking can quit dipping too while playing golf. I believe in you. You the man...congrats on 100 days..yeah I'm already counting you in cause you got this.
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Re: Intro....
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2012, 11:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

Lets talk about triggers. Very early in my quit (under 20 days in) I spent my annual weekend on the St. Johns river at my friend's home. This is an event that happens every year. My buddy lives on a finger canal a nice 4 iron from the river. Once a year a bunch of us go there and rent 2 homes that are across the canal from him. We also rent a pontoon boat (to go along with my friend's boat). All in all there are 8-10 of us plus whatever women folk and kids come along. The 3 day event consists of taking the boats to Silver Glen (a coldwater spring and major party spot), epic cornhole tournaments (insert joke here about how ghey we are), fishing, riding 4 wheelers, booze cruises on golf carts, hitting 100 or so golf balls into the St Johns from rental property, and amounts of alcohol that would kill a pod of Blue Whales. In the past this meant 2 cans minimum with the likelihood of a third. I didn't use any tobacco. One of my buddies was quit as well for about a year. The 2 of us went through seeds like no tomorrow. I crammed them in my mouth like Redman and in pics from the weekend it actually looks like I have a chew in. It was during that weekend that I knew I could do it. I could quit.

This brings me to tomorrow. Tomorrow I cross my last hurdle. I am playing golf. It has killed me to not play for 3 months. I have turned down invitations just to be sure I was ready. I turned down an invitation to play in a celebrity/charity event at Shingle Creek. I did not think I could play golf without dipping as recently as 2 weeks ago. The idea was terrifying for me. I wasn't going to do it, because I was worried I'd be too preoccupied about the fact that I wasn't dipping. Well, no longer. I don't give a shit about a dip. Tomorrow I will claim back something that was taken from me. I'm ready. I'm excited to play. I'm bringing my plastic seed container that I haven't really touched since my weekend on the St Johns. Oh it's on baby....
Brother... you go and take back the game of golf from the nic bitch! You deserve it and I know you can do it! You have helped many quitters in our group by making sure they post roll everyday, giving advice and being there for the group! I have NO DOUBT you can beat down this last trigger! Keep my phone number handy, call whenever you need support! I'm here for you brother!
Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!

Swedish Chef Bork, Bork, Bork


Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2012, 10:21:00 PM »

Lets talk about triggers. Very early in my quit (under 20 days in) I spent my annual weekend on the St. Johns river at my friend's home. This is an event that happens every year. My buddy lives on a finger canal a nice 4 iron from the river. Once a year a bunch of us go there and rent 2 homes that are across the canal from him. We also rent a pontoon boat (to go along with my friend's boat). All in all there are 8-10 of us plus whatever women folk and kids come along. The 3 day event consists of taking the boats to Silver Glen (a coldwater spring and major party spot), epic cornhole tournaments (insert joke here about how ghey we are), fishing, riding 4 wheelers, booze cruises on golf carts, hitting 100 or so golf balls into the St Johns from rental property, and amounts of alcohol that would kill a pod of Blue Whales. In the past this meant 2 cans minimum with the likelihood of a third. I didn't use any tobacco. One of my buddies was quit as well for about a year. The 2 of us went through seeds like no tomorrow. I crammed them in my mouth like Redman and in pics from the weekend it actually looks like I have a chew in. It was during that weekend that I knew I could do it. I could quit.

This brings me to tomorrow. Tomorrow I cross my last hurdle. I am playing golf. It has killed me to not play for 3 months. I have turned down invitations just to be sure I was ready. I turned down an invitation to play in a celebrity/charity event at Shingle Creek. I did not think I could play golf without dipping as recently as 2 weeks ago. The idea was terrifying for me. I wasn't going to do it, because I was worried I'd be too preoccupied about the fact that I wasn't dipping. Well, no longer. I don't give a shit about a dip. Tomorrow I will claim back something that was taken from me. I'm ready. I'm excited to play. I'm bringing my plastic seed container that I haven't really touched since my weekend on the St Johns. Oh it's on baby....
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


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Re: Intro....
« Reply #54 on: August 27, 2012, 11:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: kana
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Morgan1
89 Days. I was looking at some old PM's and came across this ---

"Thanks for reaching out man...I'm really nervous. It seems an impossible task....


This was my response on day one to SIG who reached out to me. This is how scared my quit once was. IT SEEMS AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK. Let me tell you something gents - IT IS NOT. Here I am 89 days later. Is 89 days an eternity? Nope. But I don't quit for an eternity - I quit for today. To paraphrase Nolaq - Post everyday, honor it, and repeat the next day. That's all I've done. Simple really. But I have come a long way in 89 days from being nervous and using words like impossible. Those words were uttered when I was under the thrall of the Dirty Nic Queen Bitch. I am no longer. I know she still lurks from afar and watches my every move awaiting a slip - but again to paraphrase Nolaq - My shit is up and running 24/7. I don't slip. I don't give her the slightest opportunity to get up in my quit zone. Those 89 days have taught me a lot and changed who I am. Impossible? Hardly. My scared quit has evolved into a quit for the ages. The kind of quit that is spoken of in reverent tones many years from now. I possess the kind of quit that they sing songs about and celebrate with great feasts where the liquor flows and all the women are blonde, buxom, and 20 years old. Impossible my ass. That word is no longer in use here.
Great job! 1 day at a time will get you through the rest of your life. :)
Bad Ass Morgan!!! No more NIC BITCH for me either!
thanks for helping pave the way morgan..this is a hard road, but it's much easier reading the positives from our mentors. I hit 3 weeks yesterday, so I'd have to agree impossible is now off the table.. my quit is enlarging, and swelling with pride. Quit with you!
'clap' 'clap'

Nice work brother keep the focus and enjoy the journey!
Yep, Morgan is a quitter. A real winner and in control of his addiction.

Pleased to be on the quit road with you. It is a better journey than being a hopeless tobacco user.

To Hell with UST and their cunning craftiness to lead good people into the vice of addiction.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2012, 10:49:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Morgan1
89 Days. I was looking at some old PM's and came across this ---

"Thanks for reaching out man...I'm really nervous. It seems an impossible task....


This was my response on day one to SIG who reached out to me. This is how scared my quit once was. IT SEEMS AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK. Let me tell you something gents - IT IS NOT. Here I am 89 days later. Is 89 days an eternity? Nope. But I don't quit for an eternity - I quit for today. To paraphrase Nolaq - Post everyday, honor it, and repeat the next day. That's all I've done. Simple really. But I have come a long way in 89 days from being nervous and using words like impossible. Those words were uttered when I was under the thrall of the Dirty Nic Queen Bitch. I am no longer. I know she still lurks from afar and watches my every move awaiting a slip - but again to paraphrase Nolaq - My shit is up and running 24/7. I don't slip. I don't give her the slightest opportunity to get up in my quit zone. Those 89 days have taught me a lot and changed who I am. Impossible? Hardly. My scared quit has evolved into a quit for the ages. The kind of quit that is spoken of in reverent tones many years from now. I possess the kind of quit that they sing songs about and celebrate with great feasts where the liquor flows and all the women are blonde, buxom, and 20 years old. Impossible my ass. That word is no longer in use here.
Great job! 1 day at a time will get you through the rest of your life. :)
Bad Ass Morgan!!! No more NIC BITCH for me either!
thanks for helping pave the way morgan..this is a hard road, but it's much easier reading the positives from our mentors. I hit 3 weeks yesterday, so I'd have to agree impossible is now off the table.. my quit is enlarging, and swelling with pride. Quit with you!
'clap' 'clap'

Nice work brother keep the focus and enjoy the journey!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Re: Intro....
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2012, 09:46:00 AM »
Quote from: kstampfly
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Morgan1
89 Days. I was looking at some old PM's and came across this ---

"Thanks for reaching out man...I'm really nervous. It seems an impossible task....


This was my response on day one to SIG who reached out to me. This is how scared my quit once was. IT SEEMS AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK. Let me tell you something gents - IT IS NOT. Here I am 89 days later. Is 89 days an eternity? Nope. But I don't quit for an eternity - I quit for today. To paraphrase Nolaq - Post everyday, honor it, and repeat the next day. That's all I've done. Simple really. But I have come a long way in 89 days from being nervous and using words like impossible. Those words were uttered when I was under the thrall of the Dirty Nic Queen Bitch. I am no longer. I know she still lurks from afar and watches my every move awaiting a slip - but again to paraphrase Nolaq - My shit is up and running 24/7. I don't slip. I don't give her the slightest opportunity to get up in my quit zone. Those 89 days have taught me a lot and changed who I am. Impossible? Hardly. My scared quit has evolved into a quit for the ages. The kind of quit that is spoken of in reverent tones many years from now. I possess the kind of quit that they sing songs about and celebrate with great feasts where the liquor flows and all the women are blonde, buxom, and 20 years old. Impossible my ass. That word is no longer in use here.
Great job! 1 day at a time will get you through the rest of your life. :)
Bad Ass Morgan!!! No more NIC BITCH for me either!
thanks for helping pave the way morgan..this is a hard road, but it's much easier reading the positives from our mentors. I hit 3 weeks yesterday, so I'd have to agree impossible is now off the table.. my quit is enlarging, and swelling with pride. Quit with you!
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield