Author Topic: Intro....  (Read 10383 times)

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #111 on: July 02, 2013, 11:15:00 AM »
Congrats on 4 hundo, Morg.


Offline Dougie

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #110 on: July 02, 2013, 09:06:00 AM »

Your Quit thread gives me Quit Wood-

I share the same sentiment - never romance the shit- I hated all 24 years that I spent handicapping myself with my worthless addiction- the last 32 days have been some of the best days of my adult life.

Proud to be quit with you-

Offline jaynellie

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #109 on: July 02, 2013, 08:13:00 AM »
400 Days Truly Bad-Ass!!You are a huge Inspiration to me and my Quit!!Thanks for fighting the good fight on a daily basis.Proud to be quit with you EDD!!
"You never have to remember what you said, if you always tell the truth"

"Post roll everyday and your chances of staying quit goes up 100%" --mememe

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #108 on: June 15, 2013, 05:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1

I'm at Animal Kingdom and a dude just packed his can and poisoned his face right next to me in line. I can't believe I was once that person. It was also right in front of his 2 little girls maybe 10 and 6. I reeeeaaaallly wanted to say something but he didn't look the type to pay much attention to what people say. Probably not the right time or place anyway to a complete stranger. I've seen at least 6 or 7 other guys spitting in bushes and behind trash cans and off bridges. I am so glad that is not me anymore. Spitting in a dasani bottle in line for a ride......what a fool I was. It's certainly not today because I posted roll today. Thanks once again KTC.
Paradigm shift is what happened to you I am proud of you. You realized what you were you own it now it doesn't own you. I noticed the something people w their cake holes filled. I have been on an airline a few times in the last week n I wasn't having to look for an area to ditch my pouch into when I had it in long enough.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

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Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #107 on: June 15, 2013, 04:24:00 PM »

I'm at Animal Kingdom and a dude just packed his can and poisoned his face right next to me in line. I can't believe I was once that person. It was also right in front of his 2 little girls maybe 10 and 6. I reeeeaaaallly wanted to say something but he didn't look the type to pay much attention to what people say. Probably not the right time or place anyway to a complete stranger. I've seen at least 6 or 7 other guys spitting in bushes and behind trash cans and off bridges. I am so glad that is not me anymore. Spitting in a dasani bottle in line for a ride......what a fool I was. It's certainly not today because I posted roll today. Thanks once again KTC.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline AppleJack

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #106 on: June 11, 2013, 06:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Morgan1

What dogshit on these intro threads of late. Those of you feeding into cavers, special butterflies, and middle school avatar drama need to stop. I see great quitters getting caught up in the threads of people/topics who don't deserve your time. I see one dude baiting people constantly and I see people taking the bait. Reminds me of Gordy. Focus on the worthy. Focus on the people who are struggling and need a shoulder to lean on. Focus on the Aug/Sep guys that are making a committed effort to quit because those groups have been shaky and seen too much nonsense already. There have been more special butterflies on this site in the last month than I can ever recall. It's annoying but it certainly isn't detrimental to my quit as I've seen other people say. It's actually beneficial because I know I don't want to be like these people failing left and right and making up the rules as they go. Man up, look in the mirror, and quit. That's all there is to it.
Nicely put. Wet behind the ear quitters....look at his days quit. If you are green in your quit, find a guy like Morgan and ask him to quit with you...if you really want this. You won't dare let him down.
Well stated Morgan1.

This! 56 days in right now... This is the stuff I wanna read and see from this site. This is how you feed your quit. Thanks Morgan... Glad to know you man!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #105 on: June 09, 2013, 08:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Morgan1

What dogshit on these intro threads of late. Those of you feeding into cavers, special butterflies, and middle school avatar drama need to stop. I see great quitters getting caught up in the threads of people/topics who don't deserve your time. I see one dude baiting people constantly and I see people taking the bait. Reminds me of Gordy. Focus on the worthy. Focus on the people who are struggling and need a shoulder to lean on. Focus on the Aug/Sep guys that are making a committed effort to quit because those groups have been shaky and seen too much nonsense already. There have been more special butterflies on this site in the last month than I can ever recall. It's annoying but it certainly isn't detrimental to my quit as I've seen other people say. It's actually beneficial because I know I don't want to be like these people failing left and right and making up the rules as they go. Man up, look in the mirror, and quit. That's all there is to it.
Nicely put. Wet behind the ear quitters....look at his days quit. If you are green in your quit, find a guy like Morgan and ask him to quit with you...if you really want this. You won't dare let him down.
Well stated Morgan1.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #104 on: June 09, 2013, 02:19:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Morgan1

What dogshit on these intro threads of late. Those of you feeding into cavers, special butterflies, and middle school avatar drama need to stop. I see great quitters getting caught up in the threads of people/topics who don't deserve your time. I see one dude baiting people constantly and I see people taking the bait. Reminds me of Gordy. Focus on the worthy. Focus on the people who are struggling and need a shoulder to lean on. Focus on the Aug/Sep guys that are making a committed effort to quit because those groups have been shaky and seen too much nonsense already. There have been more special butterflies on this site in the last month than I can ever recall. It's annoying but it certainly isn't detrimental to my quit as I've seen other people say. It's actually beneficial because I know I don't want to be like these people failing left and right and making up the rules as they go. Man up, look in the mirror, and quit. That's all there is to it.
Nicely put. Wet behind the ear quitters....look at his days quit. If you are green in your quit, find a guy like Morgan and ask him to quit with you...if you really want this. You won't dare let him down.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Wt57

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #103 on: June 09, 2013, 12:34:00 AM »
Quote from: Morgan1

What dogshit on these intro threads of late. Those of you feeding into cavers, special butterflies, and middle school avatar drama need to stop. I see great quitters getting caught up in the threads of people/topics who don't deserve your time. I see one dude baiting people constantly and I see people taking the bait. Reminds me of Gordy. Focus on the worthy. Focus on the people who are struggling and need a shoulder to lean on. Focus on the Aug/Sep guys that are making a committed effort to quit because those groups have been shaky and seen too much nonsense already. There have been more special butterflies on this site in the last month than I can ever recall. It's annoying but it certainly isn't detrimental to my quit as I've seen other people say. It's actually beneficial because I know I don't want to be like these people failing left and right and making up the rules as they go. Man up, look in the mirror, and quit. That's all there is to it.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Morgan1

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #102 on: June 08, 2013, 06:04:00 PM »

What dogshit on these intro threads of late. Those of you feeding into cavers, special butterflies, and middle school avatar drama need to stop. I see great quitters getting caught up in the threads of people/topics who don't deserve your time. I see one dude baiting people constantly and I see people taking the bait. Reminds me of Gordy. Focus on the worthy. Focus on the people who are struggling and need a shoulder to lean on. Focus on the Aug/Sep guys that are making a committed effort to quit because those groups have been shaky and seen too much nonsense already. There have been more special butterflies on this site in the last month than I can ever recall. It's annoying but it certainly isn't detrimental to my quit as I've seen other people say. It's actually beneficial because I know I don't want to be like these people failing left and right and making up the rules as they go. Man up, look in the mirror, and quit. That's all there is to it.
I have control over my quit. There's no luck involved. - Diesel2112


Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #101 on: June 02, 2013, 10:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Morgan1
I will never dip again. I don't miss it. I don't remember it fondly. Unlike a lot of guys here that have wistful memories of packing a fat one, I regret the 26 years I used Skoal. I wish I had never picked up a can. I looked like a fucking hick for 26 years spitting black slime everywhere. I disrespected myself and those who care about me by willingly using a product that could in the end cause my death. I supported an industry that knowingly and willingly produces products that kill people daily. Maybe they killed your father or your wife or your best friend at some point. I spent thousands of dollars (maybe tens of thousands - I never figured it out) that wound up as a brown puddles on the ground or in a beer bottle. Thats not what a good investment guy would advise you to do with your money. I wouldn't mind having that money now so that I could improve the life of my little girl and myself with a nice vacation somewhere. I am quit and I am happy to be quit. I don't struggle with it and I don't look in the rearview mirror. I don't think about how one day I might enjoy another dip. Why would I? After all, I quit
Bump for awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This quitter is the real deal neewbies. He has the right attitude.

Offline zam

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #100 on: June 02, 2013, 10:13:00 PM »
Quote from: iizphilister
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Morgan1

Well here I am a little over a year in. Only 25 more to break even... :angry: 26 years of stupidity....ah day at a time right?

Latest observations of KTC :

The ranks of badass quitters continues to grow. I see guys like JakeFrawley, Applejack, and Erussell all over the site. Not missing roll, encouraging new quits, and being involved. The importance of those 3 things cannot be overstated early on. Posting roll is sacred. If you aren't taking it seriously, then you aren't taking your quit seriously and damn sure aren't taking other people's quits and support seriously. Early on being aggressive is the way to go. I applaud the guys I mentioned above and anyone else fitting this mold. Your chances for success significantly outweigh the guy who misses roll 3 times a week and doesn't have any sort of personal relationship with any fellow quitters.

I see the usual BS about quitting tomorrow. I see the the BS excuses about computers being broken, being out of town, everyone here is a dick and unsupportive, forgetting to post etc. Fuck all that noise. Man up and quit the way we quit here or else go somewhere else. I don't discourage anyone from quitting in their own fashion - somewhere else. Want to reinvent the wheel? That's great - do it elsewhere. You want to quit here? Have the respect that every other quitter on this site deserves and get with the program. There is no doubt KTC can be crude, gruff, rude, insensitive, unsympathetic, hardass, and downright nasty at times. If that isn't for you then find an alternative location because it is what it is. You know what else it is? Supportive. Accountability driven. There are people here that I will NEVER meet that I call friends. People I KNOW I can count on to help me with anything I need if it's within their power.

The site is growing by leaps and bounds. I can only imagine what a guy like Franpro or Loot thinks when they look at all the new names here. At 370 days I'm a newbie to them just like a guy posting day one is a newbie to me. It's hard to keep track of everyone, you aren't gonna know everyone. I missed getting to know a whole group of fantastic quitters like WMcatty, IZphillister, Halldogau, Spartanron, etc. I'm aware of their presence though. I'm aware of the good they do here. I've spoken briefly to a couple of em in chat. Point is, guys like this strengthen my quit because I know they are in my corner even if I don't know them. I know if I'm in a tight spot who the go to guys are even outside of my circle (which is large).

As always there is a standing invitation to ANY quitter that wants to swap phone numbers. PM me if you want another contact. New guys be forewarned I have zero tolerance for missing roll ESPECIALLY if you have my number b/c then I know you could have texted me and I could've posted for you.

Last but not least :

"The suck" was the 26 years I spent dipping before liberating myself through the pages and people here at KTC and not the first 3 days of my quit. Own your quit folks not the other way around.
Knowing guys like you have my back even if, like you said, I don't know you... Priceless bro. Thank you and... Proud to quit with you!
Amen Morgan1, speaking the truth man. You just strengthened my quit today.
You are truly and inspiration to me in my quit.There is no grey area in your Quit or your feelings towards Nic and it's devastating ways. I value that as well as your friendship.Proud to be quit with you today.Thanks for all your support and openness.
Damn. That's really all I can say. Damn. You really don't see a lot of heartfelt, down to earth, real stuff like this.

Proud to be quit with you Morgan, and ALL these brothers you mentioned. They have all inspired me at some point along the way and continue to daily.

Thank you.
I now have sort of a mancrush of morgan. :wub:
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline iizphilister

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #99 on: June 02, 2013, 09:58:00 PM »
Quote from: jaynellie
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Morgan1

Well here I am a little over a year in. Only 25 more to break even... :angry: 26 years of stupidity....ah day at a time right?

Latest observations of KTC :

The ranks of badass quitters continues to grow. I see guys like JakeFrawley, Applejack, and Erussell all over the site. Not missing roll, encouraging new quits, and being involved. The importance of those 3 things cannot be overstated early on. Posting roll is sacred. If you aren't taking it seriously, then you aren't taking your quit seriously and damn sure aren't taking other people's quits and support seriously. Early on being aggressive is the way to go. I applaud the guys I mentioned above and anyone else fitting this mold. Your chances for success significantly outweigh the guy who misses roll 3 times a week and doesn't have any sort of personal relationship with any fellow quitters.

I see the usual BS about quitting tomorrow. I see the the BS excuses about computers being broken, being out of town, everyone here is a dick and unsupportive, forgetting to post etc. Fuck all that noise. Man up and quit the way we quit here or else go somewhere else. I don't discourage anyone from quitting in their own fashion - somewhere else. Want to reinvent the wheel? That's great - do it elsewhere. You want to quit here? Have the respect that every other quitter on this site deserves and get with the program. There is no doubt KTC can be crude, gruff, rude, insensitive, unsympathetic, hardass, and downright nasty at times. If that isn't for you then find an alternative location because it is what it is. You know what else it is? Supportive. Accountability driven. There are people here that I will NEVER meet that I call friends. People I KNOW I can count on to help me with anything I need if it's within their power.

The site is growing by leaps and bounds. I can only imagine what a guy like Franpro or Loot thinks when they look at all the new names here. At 370 days I'm a newbie to them just like a guy posting day one is a newbie to me. It's hard to keep track of everyone, you aren't gonna know everyone. I missed getting to know a whole group of fantastic quitters like WMcatty, IZphillister, Halldogau, Spartanron, etc. I'm aware of their presence though. I'm aware of the good they do here. I've spoken briefly to a couple of em in chat. Point is, guys like this strengthen my quit because I know they are in my corner even if I don't know them. I know if I'm in a tight spot who the go to guys are even outside of my circle (which is large).

As always there is a standing invitation to ANY quitter that wants to swap phone numbers. PM me if you want another contact. New guys be forewarned I have zero tolerance for missing roll ESPECIALLY if you have my number b/c then I know you could have texted me and I could've posted for you.

Last but not least :

"The suck" was the 26 years I spent dipping before liberating myself through the pages and people here at KTC and not the first 3 days of my quit. Own your quit folks not the other way around.
Knowing guys like you have my back even if, like you said, I don't know you... Priceless bro. Thank you and... Proud to quit with you!
Amen Morgan1, speaking the truth man. You just strengthened my quit today.
You are truly and inspiration to me in my quit.There is no grey area in your Quit or your feelings towards Nic and it's devastating ways. I value that as well as your friendship.Proud to be quit with you today.Thanks for all your support and openness.
Damn. That's really all I can say. Damn. You really don't see a lot of heartfelt, down to earth, real stuff like this.

Proud to be quit with you Morgan, and ALL these brothers you mentioned. They have all inspired me at some point along the way and continue to daily.

Thank you.
Quit date: 1/1/2013
H.O.F. April 10, 2013
2nd Floor July 19, 2013
3rd Floor Oct 28, 2013
4th Floor Feb 19, 2014
5th Floor May 15, 2014
6th Floor Aug 25, 2014
7th Floor Dec 11, 2014
8th Floor Mar 11, 2015
9th Floor June 16, 2015
Comma Town - 9/27/2015

"If I am not myself...... Who will be me?"

"It's your choice to cave....I'd rather be shot!"

Offline jaynellie

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #98 on: June 02, 2013, 02:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Morgan1

Well here I am a little over a year in. Only 25 more to break even... :angry: 26 years of stupidity....ah day at a time right?

Latest observations of KTC :

The ranks of badass quitters continues to grow. I see guys like JakeFrawley, Applejack, and Erussell all over the site. Not missing roll, encouraging new quits, and being involved. The importance of those 3 things cannot be overstated early on. Posting roll is sacred. If you aren't taking it seriously, then you aren't taking your quit seriously and damn sure aren't taking other people's quits and support seriously. Early on being aggressive is the way to go. I applaud the guys I mentioned above and anyone else fitting this mold. Your chances for success significantly outweigh the guy who misses roll 3 times a week and doesn't have any sort of personal relationship with any fellow quitters.

I see the usual BS about quitting tomorrow. I see the the BS excuses about computers being broken, being out of town, everyone here is a dick and unsupportive, forgetting to post etc. Fuck all that noise. Man up and quit the way we quit here or else go somewhere else. I don't discourage anyone from quitting in their own fashion - somewhere else. Want to reinvent the wheel? That's great - do it elsewhere. You want to quit here? Have the respect that every other quitter on this site deserves and get with the program. There is no doubt KTC can be crude, gruff, rude, insensitive, unsympathetic, hardass, and downright nasty at times. If that isn't for you then find an alternative location because it is what it is. You know what else it is? Supportive. Accountability driven. There are people here that I will NEVER meet that I call friends. People I KNOW I can count on to help me with anything I need if it's within their power.

The site is growing by leaps and bounds. I can only imagine what a guy like Franpro or Loot thinks when they look at all the new names here. At 370 days I'm a newbie to them just like a guy posting day one is a newbie to me. It's hard to keep track of everyone, you aren't gonna know everyone. I missed getting to know a whole group of fantastic quitters like WMcatty, IZphillister, Halldogau, Spartanron, etc. I'm aware of their presence though. I'm aware of the good they do here. I've spoken briefly to a couple of em in chat. Point is, guys like this strengthen my quit because I know they are in my corner even if I don't know them. I know if I'm in a tight spot who the go to guys are even outside of my circle (which is large).

As always there is a standing invitation to ANY quitter that wants to swap phone numbers. PM me if you want another contact. New guys be forewarned I have zero tolerance for missing roll ESPECIALLY if you have my number b/c then I know you could have texted me and I could've posted for you.

Last but not least :

"The suck" was the 26 years I spent dipping before liberating myself through the pages and people here at KTC and not the first 3 days of my quit. Own your quit folks not the other way around.
Knowing guys like you have my back even if, like you said, I don't know you... Priceless bro. Thank you and... Proud to quit with you!
Amen Morgan1, speaking the truth man. You just strengthened my quit today.
You are truly and inspiration to me in my quit.There is no grey area in your Quit or your feelings towards Nic and it's devastating ways. I value that as well as your friendship.Proud to be quit with you today.Thanks for all your support and openness.
"You never have to remember what you said, if you always tell the truth"

"Post roll everyday and your chances of staying quit goes up 100%" --mememe

Offline Its_Got2Happen

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Re: Intro....
« Reply #97 on: June 02, 2013, 01:50:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Morgan1

Well here I am a little over a year in. Only 25 more to break even... :angry: 26 years of stupidity....ah day at a time right?

Latest observations of KTC :

The ranks of badass quitters continues to grow. I see guys like JakeFrawley, Applejack, and Erussell all over the site. Not missing roll, encouraging new quits, and being involved. The importance of those 3 things cannot be overstated early on. Posting roll is sacred. If you aren't taking it seriously, then you aren't taking your quit seriously and damn sure aren't taking other people's quits and support seriously. Early on being aggressive is the way to go. I applaud the guys I mentioned above and anyone else fitting this mold. Your chances for success significantly outweigh the guy who misses roll 3 times a week and doesn't have any sort of personal relationship with any fellow quitters.

I see the usual BS about quitting tomorrow. I see the the BS excuses about computers being broken, being out of town, everyone here is a dick and unsupportive, forgetting to post etc. Fuck all that noise. Man up and quit the way we quit here or else go somewhere else. I don't discourage anyone from quitting in their own fashion - somewhere else. Want to reinvent the wheel? That's great - do it elsewhere. You want to quit here? Have the respect that every other quitter on this site deserves and get with the program. There is no doubt KTC can be crude, gruff, rude, insensitive, unsympathetic, hardass, and downright nasty at times. If that isn't for you then find an alternative location because it is what it is. You know what else it is? Supportive. Accountability driven. There are people here that I will NEVER meet that I call friends. People I KNOW I can count on to help me with anything I need if it's within their power.

The site is growing by leaps and bounds. I can only imagine what a guy like Franpro or Loot thinks when they look at all the new names here. At 370 days I'm a newbie to them just like a guy posting day one is a newbie to me. It's hard to keep track of everyone, you aren't gonna know everyone. I missed getting to know a whole group of fantastic quitters like WMcatty, IZphillister, Halldogau, Spartanron, etc. I'm aware of their presence though. I'm aware of the good they do here. I've spoken briefly to a couple of em in chat. Point is, guys like this strengthen my quit because I know they are in my corner even if I don't know them. I know if I'm in a tight spot who the go to guys are even outside of my circle (which is large).

As always there is a standing invitation to ANY quitter that wants to swap phone numbers. PM me if you want another contact. New guys be forewarned I have zero tolerance for missing roll ESPECIALLY if you have my number b/c then I know you could have texted me and I could've posted for you.

Last but not least :

"The suck" was the 26 years I spent dipping before liberating myself through the pages and people here at KTC and not the first 3 days of my quit. Own your quit folks not the other way around.
Knowing guys like you have my back even if, like you said, I don't know you... Priceless bro. Thank you and... Proud to quit with you!
Amen Morgan1, speaking the truth man. You just strengthened my quit today.