Author Topic: The time is now!!!  (Read 2472 times)

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Offline Phil4

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 10:59:00 PM »
Hey John,
My $0.02 for what it's worth. You can live "in" this world and not be "of" this world. The important part is posting roll with your quit group, December. 5 seconds of your time. Now go do it and let's get on with your quit. We're all with you. See you tomorrow for day 2.


P.s. New man rule: the phrase "potty mouth" shall be restricted for use by only those without testicles.

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Offline motrout

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 10:55:00 PM »
Quote from: kc0bid
Quote from: Souliman
KC I'm taking a deep breath and using some self restraint right now. Typically, I would take this opportunity to launch into a cuss session of weaving a colorful fabric of expletives and homo-erotic love. I understand you sensibilities might find that too on the edge. I respect that. I will convey instead that this is an online community. We use whatever methods we can to motivate, support and communicate with our brothers and sisters battling addiction. In my experience, most members seem okay with it and rather embrace the spirit of the fight. There is no prejudice here except towards nicotine addiction and the ghey lame ass ball gargling mother fuckers that cave....sorry...sorry...let me compose myself. I think if you have backbone and the passion and desire to end this 22 year daily ingestion of poison, there is no better place to do it than here. You could not purchase support like you will receive here. You will not find the accountability to yourself anywhere else. This will change your life. This will make you a new man. What do you say? Will you join me in this fight? Can I jump down in that hole with you and may be we can find the way out together?
I am not really that sensitive, my work does not allow me to be. Yes I do want to give up the 22 year addiction. I also was not trying to start a war, I am just trying to get a feel if this is the right place for me or not. I was in the Army for 10 years and worked in a prison for many years. Trust me I am not a sensitive guy. But as a father... yada yada yada the potty mouth was another addiction/habit I had to break also so I try to avoid it.
reach down and grab onto your balls and just quit  quit complaining. You can say whatever you want but the hadrass shit on this site works. I don't need some mambie pambie loving to help quit, I need a hardass, son of a bitch to stay on my ass. Nothing else has worked so give some more drill sargeant.

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 10:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
KC I'm taking a deep breath and using some self restraint right now. Typically, I would take this opportunity to launch into a cuss session of weaving a colorful fabric of expletives and homo-erotic love. I understand you sensibilities might find that too on the edge. I respect that. I will convey instead that this is an online community. We use whatever methods we can to motivate, support and communicate with our brothers and sisters battling addiction. In my experience, most members seem okay with it and rather embrace the spirit of the fight. There is no prejudice here except towards nicotine addiction and the ghey lame ass ball gargling mother fuckers that cave....sorry...sorry...let me compose myself. I think if you have backbone and the passion and desire to end this 22 year daily ingestion of poison, there is no better place to do it than here. You could not purchase support like you will receive here. You will not find the accountability to yourself anywhere else. This will change your life. This will make you a new man. What do you say? Will you join me in this fight? Can I jump down in that hole with you and may be we can find the way out together?
I am not really that sensitive, my work does not allow me to be. Yes I do want to give up the 22 year addiction. I also was not trying to start a war, I am just trying to get a feel if this is the right place for me or not. I was in the Army for 10 years and worked in a prison for many years. Trust me I am not a sensitive guy. But as a father... yada yada yada the potty mouth was another addiction/habit I had to break also so I try to avoid it.

Offline kc0bid

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 10:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Timeless117
I assume that you were talking about the conversation that Chewie and I were having. I have yet to see any other example of somebody talking about erotics childrens literature.

Not going to tell you to quit and stay or don't quit and leave, but it is a big site and there could be a ton of stuff you might be able to enjoy.
That was just one example that stuck out, as a father, Cubmaster, Ham radio Elmer for a kids club and as a man that spends the majority of his off time teaching and tutoring children. Another reason I quit chewing, need to set a better example for the kids. The post before your in this thread is another. The F bomb is dropped way too much 'round these parts. There is a lot of great info here but I do not want to worry about if my kids are reading over my shoulder. I think I will lurk in the areas that appeal to me and stay out of the ones that don't, sadly that means I will not be in the December 2011 thread.

Maybe I will look for that verse of the day :rolleyes:

Offline Souliman

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 10:22:00 PM »
KC I'm taking a deep breath and using some self restraint right now. Typically, I would take this opportunity to launch into a cuss session of weaving a colorful fabric of expletives and homo-erotic love. I understand you sensibilities might find that too on the edge. I respect that. I will convey instead that this is an online community. We use whatever methods we can to motivate, support and communicate with our brothers and sisters battling addiction. In my experience, most members seem okay with it and rather embrace the spirit of the fight. There is no prejudice here except towards nicotine addiction and the ghey lame ass ball gargling mother fuckers that cave....sorry...sorry...let me compose myself. I think if you have backbone and the passion and desire to end this 22 year daily ingestion of poison, there is no better place to do it than here. You could not purchase support like you will receive here. You will not find the accountability to yourself anywhere else. This will change your life. This will make you a new man. What do you say? Will you join me in this fight? Can I jump down in that hole with you and may be we can find the way out together?

Offline Timeless117

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 09:42:00 PM »
I assume that you were talking about the conversation that Chewie and I were having. I have yet to see any other example of somebody talking about erotics childrens literature.

Not going to tell you to quit and stay or don't quit and leave, but it is a big site and there could be a ton of stuff you might be able to enjoy.
Day 1: 09/12/2011
HOF: 12/20/2011
1 year: 09/11/2012

HOF Speech: Day 100, Just another day in the life of Timeless

Now, like all great plans, my strategy is so simple an idiot could have devised it.

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Offline brainsore

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2011, 09:19:00 PM »
This board is for people of all walks of life . If you look deep enough there is a verse of the day from the Bible if that's your speed . We are adults and it's time to man up and fucking quit . If you want to be offended don't join and suck your shit bro .
Jump on and enjoy your fog and embrace it , otherwise Fuck it .


Offline kc0bid

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 07:04:00 PM »
As I am reading through this site I am finding a lot of vulgarity. Like very tasteless jokes about writing erotic novels for children. :blink: Is this common place? I am not knocking anyone's freedom of speech but it will be very easy for me to get turned off from this group if that stuff is common.

Offline Jamesinsc

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2011, 05:24:00 PM »
Were here with you. The first couple weeks does suck but once you get through that things get much better. Fake dip really helps too!

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 05:08:00 PM »
Welcome aboard. Be accountable for your quit, post roll and get to know the others in the December quit group. Read this entire site as much as you can, especially all the welcome center links uptop. We can do this. Quit for Today with me!
Your mind is a lying, cheating, stealing whore. Your body is a saint. Now, who are YOU going to listen to?

Offline Phil4

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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 03:44:00 PM »
I have at least these 3 things in common with you:
- grew up working tobacco farms (in Kentucky)
- 35 yrs old
- nicotine addict

You have found the right place if you want to become a hardcore quitter. The next few days are going to suck like no other. Embrace them and muscle through. You got this, man. Do it.
Quit 07/14/11
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Re: The time is now!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 03:36:00 PM »
kc0bid you have come to the right place!!!. You can DO this but it won't be easy! Get yourself in the December 2011 group and post your day 1. While you're are at it tell us a little about yourself. Quit for today and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes. Its going to SUCK for the first week or two but stay the course and it will get better over time. BEST DECISION you will ever make! Life is SO much better not being a slave!!!! Now Let's get started!!! PM me if you need anything.

Offline kc0bid

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The time is now!!!
« on: September 14, 2011, 03:25:00 PM »
Greetings All,

My name is John. I grew up working on a tobacco farm in South Carolina. I have been hitting the can since I was 13 years old. I am now 35 and still chewing. That is 22 years of being a slave to tobacco! 'bang head' I did quit once before for a few months but really had no support to make it. I want to quit, I need to quit, I hope you can help me quit! Starting NOW!!!!!