Author Topic: Scared to death  (Read 8406 times)

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Offline Cindy

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #118 on: December 12, 2014, 06:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Doc
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Cindy
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.
Not saying BB has cancer but crappy things happen to us all the time. You have to find a way to deal with the puts and takes that life throws on us from time to time. Invariably bad will always hit us. Without bad, it would be hard to recognize good. Reminder that nic is never an answer.
They think it is most likely cancer. They did a chest X-ray and can't find any sign that it has spread from her mammary system. Scheduled complete mastectomy for next Thursday. She acts fine. I hope it's not cancer. I thought about not having the biopsy done after they remove it due to her age, but if she has cancer I want to know and if she doesn't i woud be able to stop worrying about it.

My face hurts also. If I ever have to get multiple implants at the same time I will request that I be put under for it. It was kind of rough
I will keep you in my thoughts... Dogs are the best thing on this earth I believe, and I have gone through losing 3 of them now. All of course while dipping. It never helped.... Be strong!!!
The worst thing about dogs is that their life span doesn't balance out with ours. Sorry you gotta deal with that Cindy. Hang tough
Cindy, I know the thought of losing your BB is tough. Try to think positive until you get the histopathology back. A fair number of mammary tumors in dogs are benign.
That said, you know she is going to pass before you. It hurts. You need to grieve that loss when it happens and the guilt you feel now is the part of that grieving. I know it sucks but just ask any of these dog lovers and they'll tell you it is worth it. Pets bring us immeasurable joy and add to our life in many ways, as you know.
Take whatever information you end up with and make the most of it. BB will just be there for you until she can't.
Thank y'all. She is still spunky and happy right now. I'm just trying to spend as much time as I can with her and praying the surgery Thursday goes ok.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #117 on: December 09, 2014, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Cindy
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.
Not saying BB has cancer but crappy things happen to us all the time. You have to find a way to deal with the puts and takes that life throws on us from time to time. Invariably bad will always hit us. Without bad, it would be hard to recognize good. Reminder that nic is never an answer.
They think it is most likely cancer. They did a chest X-ray and can't find any sign that it has spread from her mammary system. Scheduled complete mastectomy for next Thursday. She acts fine. I hope it's not cancer. I thought about not having the biopsy done after they remove it due to her age, but if she has cancer I want to know and if she doesn't i woud be able to stop worrying about it.

My face hurts also. If I ever have to get multiple implants at the same time I will request that I be put under for it. It was kind of rough
I will keep you in my thoughts... Dogs are the best thing on this earth I believe, and I have gone through losing 3 of them now. All of course while dipping. It never helped.... Be strong!!!
The worst thing about dogs is that their life span doesn't balance out with ours. Sorry you gotta deal with that Cindy. Hang tough
Cindy, I know the thought of losing your BB is tough. Try to think positive until you get the histopathology back. A fair number of mammary tumors in dogs are benign.
That said, you know she is going to pass before you. It hurts. You need to grieve that loss when it happens and the guilt you feel now is the part of that grieving. I know it sucks but just ask any of these dog lovers and they'll tell you it is worth it. Pets bring us immeasurable joy and add to our life in many ways, as you know.
Take whatever information you end up with and make the most of it. BB will just be there for you until she can't.
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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #116 on: December 09, 2014, 09:41:00 AM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Cindy
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.
Not saying BB has cancer but crappy things happen to us all the time. You have to find a way to deal with the puts and takes that life throws on us from time to time. Invariably bad will always hit us. Without bad, it would be hard to recognize good. Reminder that nic is never an answer.
They think it is most likely cancer. They did a chest X-ray and can't find any sign that it has spread from her mammary system. Scheduled complete mastectomy for next Thursday. She acts fine. I hope it's not cancer. I thought about not having the biopsy done after they remove it due to her age, but if she has cancer I want to know and if she doesn't i woud be able to stop worrying about it.

My face hurts also. If I ever have to get multiple implants at the same time I will request that I be put under for it. It was kind of rough
I will keep you in my thoughts... Dogs are the best thing on this earth I believe, and I have gone through losing 3 of them now. All of course while dipping. It never helped.... Be strong!!!
The worst thing about dogs is that their life span doesn't balance out with ours. Sorry you gotta deal with that Cindy. Hang tough
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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #115 on: December 09, 2014, 09:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Cindy
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Cindy
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.
Not saying BB has cancer but crappy things happen to us all the time. You have to find a way to deal with the puts and takes that life throws on us from time to time. Invariably bad will always hit us. Without bad, it would be hard to recognize good. Reminder that nic is never an answer.
They think it is most likely cancer. They did a chest X-ray and can't find any sign that it has spread from her mammary system. Scheduled complete mastectomy for next Thursday. She acts fine. I hope it's not cancer. I thought about not having the biopsy done after they remove it due to her age, but if she has cancer I want to know and if she doesn't i woud be able to stop worrying about it.

My face hurts also. If I ever have to get multiple implants at the same time I will request that I be put under for it. It was kind of rough
I will keep you in my thoughts... Dogs are the best thing on this earth I believe, and I have gone through losing 3 of them now. All of course while dipping. It never helped.... Be strong!!!
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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #114 on: December 08, 2014, 05:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Cindy
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.
Not saying BB has cancer but crappy things happen to us all the time. You have to find a way to deal with the puts and takes that life throws on us from time to time. Invariably bad will always hit us. Without bad, it would be hard to recognize good. Reminder that nic is never an answer.
They think it is most likely cancer. They did a chest X-ray and can't find any sign that it has spread from her mammary system. Scheduled complete mastectomy for next Thursday. She acts fine. I hope it's not cancer. I thought about not having the biopsy done after they remove it due to her age, but if she has cancer I want to know and if she doesn't i woud be able to stop worrying about it.

My face hurts also. If I ever have to get multiple implants at the same time I will request that I be put under for it. It was kind of rough

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #113 on: December 08, 2014, 10:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Cindy
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.
Not saying BB has cancer but crappy things happen to us all the time. You have to find a way to deal with the puts and takes that life throws on us from time to time. Invariably bad will always hit us. Without bad, it would be hard to recognize good. Reminder that nic is never an answer.

Offline Cindy

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #112 on: December 08, 2014, 09:24:00 AM »
Thank y'all. Almost to the vets office now.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #111 on: December 08, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
Thinkin of you today Cindy. Good luck with the dental implant base and I hope BB comes out if this okay.
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"What would you do to save your own life? If you were fighting cancer today would you suffer through Chemo, surgeries, try new a therapy? change your diet, go to church? What intolerable hell would you endure to simply live. When you have thought long and hard about that, think on this. Why not apply that attitude to your quit. Suffer through the temporary discomfort of withdrawal to achieve your freedom from a slow painful demise via nicotine. Your in the ring already- fight like you mean it." - Skoal Monster 10/8/14

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #110 on: December 08, 2014, 07:27:00 AM »
Wow Cindy some heavy stuff going on. Good luck navigated this stretch in your life. Will definitely shoot some thoughts and prayers your way.

Offline Cindy

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #109 on: December 08, 2014, 02:10:00 AM »
I am taking my corgi to the vet in the morning. I'm afraid she has cancer. She has a tumor/growth that has just popped up on her belly within the past couple of weeks since her last bath. This reminds me of all the people and things I had neglected in the past several years of my addiction. I took care of her but I didn't spend any quality time with her in many years. Now I wake up quit and my best buddy is almost 11 and I threw away many years we could've been enjoying together like we have been in the past two months. I guess it seems silly to feel so guilty about not spending more time with a dog, but she has been with me longer than any man, and since before I had kids. I'm so scared I am going to lose her very soon. I just hope I'm wrong and it's not as bad as I think it may be. If you pray please pray for her. Her name is BB.
In other news after I take BB to the vet I have to go get my dental implant base put in. I'm not nearly as worried about that as I am my dog. But please keep us in your thoughts as I don't know how I will get through tomorrow in one piece. I have no worry about caving. Just really scared right now.

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

Offline Cindy

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #108 on: November 24, 2014, 11:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: slug.go
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!! WhoooWhoo!!! 'worship' 'Cheers' 'Have a beer' 'Sing and Drink' 'Sing and Drink' 'band' 'wave' 'wave' 'wave' 'party' 'party' 'oh yeah' 'dance' 'dance' 'party2' 'party2' 'chew2' 'chew2' 'Birthday' 'clap' 'clap'
Happy Birthday Cindy! I am happy to be quit with a fellow scorpio!
Yeah Happy Birthday Cindy, you've been through some tough days of late, do your best to enjoy this one.
Thank y'all! I hadn't been on my intro in a few days obviously. Lol. I had a great birthday!

When you stop quitting hard, you forget how hard it was.

"When will you put the arrogance and ignorance aside and choose to live and to live with honor and integrity. It's the best fucking feeling in the world. It beats the shit out of feeling like a loser caver. It beats the shit out of knowing that you are nic's bitch. It beats the shit out of getting cancer and dying. This is really hard shit and you have to attack it with a vengeance. Get after it January. Quit like fuck" ~ Bronc

Offline Done4Me

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #107 on: November 19, 2014, 01:14:00 PM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: slug.go
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!! WhoooWhoo!!! 'worship' 'Cheers' 'Have a beer' 'Sing and Drink' 'Sing and Drink' 'band' 'wave' 'wave' 'wave' 'party' 'party' 'oh yeah' 'dance' 'dance' 'party2' 'party2' 'chew2' 'chew2' 'Birthday' 'clap' 'clap'
Happy Birthday Cindy! I am happy to be quit with a fellow scorpio!
Yeah Happy Birthday Cindy, you've been through some tough days of late, do your best to enjoy this one.

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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #106 on: November 19, 2014, 11:21:00 AM »
Quote from: Ginet
Quote from: slug.go
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!! WhoooWhoo!!! 'worship' 'Cheers' 'Have a beer' 'Sing and Drink' 'Sing and Drink' 'band' 'wave' 'wave' 'wave' 'party' 'party' 'oh yeah' 'dance' 'dance' 'party2' 'party2' 'chew2' 'chew2' 'Birthday' 'clap' 'clap'
Happy Birthday Cindy! I am happy to be quit with a fellow scorpio!
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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #105 on: November 19, 2014, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!! WhoooWhoo!!! 'worship' 'Cheers' 'Have a beer' 'Sing and Drink' 'Sing and Drink' 'band' 'wave' 'wave' 'wave' 'party' 'party' 'oh yeah' 'dance' 'dance' 'party2' 'party2' 'chew2' 'chew2' 'Birthday' 'clap' 'clap'
Happy Birthday Cindy! I am happy to be quit with a fellow scorpio!
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Re: Scared to death
« Reply #104 on: November 19, 2014, 08:50:00 AM »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!! WhoooWhoo!!! 'worship' 'Cheers' 'Have a beer' 'Sing and Drink' 'Sing and Drink' 'band' 'wave' 'wave' 'wave' 'party' 'party' 'oh yeah' 'dance' 'dance' 'party2' 'party2' 'chew2' 'chew2' 'Birthday' 'clap' 'clap'
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