Author Topic: Luke's Introduction  (Read 2197 times)

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Re: Luke's Introduction
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2014, 05:21:00 PM »
Good job posting roll Luke! You are officially part of the family now. Do that again tomorrow. Its going to be rough for awhile but it gets better. ODAAT man!

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Re: Luke's Introduction
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2014, 03:44:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: AquaLuke
Hello everyone,

I have been lurking on this site planning my quit date for about a week. Today is that day. I took my last dip of Copehagen last night around 10 PM. I picked today because it is my father's birthday. He would have been 65 today. He died when he was 40. I was 12 when he died and have always had a feeling that I would follow suit and not make it passed 40. I don't know why, just a feeling. Shortly following his death I rebelled; I quit school, moved out, and starting dipping snuff. I quickly became addicted and haven't slowed down. The rebellious factor was squelched as I matured. I eventually got married, had kids, started businesses, sold businesses, and have been fairly successful, blessed is probably the correct word.

The thing that never changed was the snuff. I have always really enjoyed it, in fact last night I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed knowing that it was my last one. I like the fact that I don't have a spit cup sitting next to me as I type this. I will be 38 on my next birthday so I figure 25+ years of dipping is enough. I guess I am fortunate that I am still healthy and didn't wait until it was too late to quit. So what changed? Kids. They have a way of making you think about the kind of man that you are and the kind of man that you owe it to them to be.

Three weeks ago I took the family down to Rockport for a weeks vacation of beaches and fishing. We rented a house on the bay that we could see the sun rise and set and fish all day and night if we so desired. My four year old daughter turns out loves to fish, this was her first time doing it. She would sit next to me for hours holding her rod and reel asking me silly questions over and over. When I would go out on the boat every morning, she wanted to go. She wanted to steer the boat, bait the hooks, and even help clean the fish we caught. Everything that dad was doing she wanted to do. When I had dip in mouth (which is usually always) I would lean over the dock and spit into the water. Then she would lean over the dock and spit into the water too. The first couple of times I scolded her and told her that was gross and little girls don't do that. Then as she continued it (as children do) I found myself getting upset with her. What gives me the right to get upset with her? Nothing. I decided that it was time to stop being a hypocrite and be the man that they deserve. It was time to act like a father.

So I planned it. I planned it for today. I plan on taking her fishing again and not having to worry about her watching me stuff poison into my jaw and constantly spit. I plan on living long enough to take her kids fishing too. I plan on keeping my money and not giving it to US Smokeless. I plan on going home tonight and kissing my wife without having to rinse first.

I appreciate having an outlet such as this forum to reach out to people who know what I am going through. Thank you all for listening.

Welcome Luke! Nice intro. Do it for you wife , do it for your kids, do it to be a good Dad, but more than anything do it for YOURSELF. Learn how to post roll. There are instructions here to do that. You will be in December 14. That's the month you will celebrate with your first 100 days of freedom. This will be the hardest thing you've ever done but if you want it bad enough I promise you will not regret this decision. Read , Read , Read, Make friends here and above all Post your promise with your group everyday.
^^^^ listen to Rdad. Do it for YOURSELF.
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Re: Luke's Introduction
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 02:39:00 PM »
Quote from: AquaLuke
Hello everyone,

I have been lurking on this site planning my quit date for about a week. Today is that day. I took my last dip of Copehagen last night around 10 PM. I picked today because it is my father's birthday. He would have been 65 today. He died when he was 40. I was 12 when he died and have always had a feeling that I would follow suit and not make it passed 40. I don't know why, just a feeling. Shortly following his death I rebelled; I quit school, moved out, and starting dipping snuff. I quickly became addicted and haven't slowed down. The rebellious factor was squelched as I matured. I eventually got married, had kids, started businesses, sold businesses, and have been fairly successful, blessed is probably the correct word.

The thing that never changed was the snuff. I have always really enjoyed it, in fact last night I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed knowing that it was my last one. I like the fact that I don't have a spit cup sitting next to me as I type this. I will be 38 on my next birthday so I figure 25+ years of dipping is enough. I guess I am fortunate that I am still healthy and didn't wait until it was too late to quit. So what changed? Kids. They have a way of making you think about the kind of man that you are and the kind of man that you owe it to them to be.

Three weeks ago I took the family down to Rockport for a weeks vacation of beaches and fishing. We rented a house on the bay that we could see the sun rise and set and fish all day and night if we so desired. My four year old daughter turns out loves to fish, this was her first time doing it. She would sit next to me for hours holding her rod and reel asking me silly questions over and over. When I would go out on the boat every morning, she wanted to go. She wanted to steer the boat, bait the hooks, and even help clean the fish we caught. Everything that dad was doing she wanted to do. When I had dip in mouth (which is usually always) I would lean over the dock and spit into the water. Then she would lean over the dock and spit into the water too. The first couple of times I scolded her and told her that was gross and little girls don't do that. Then as she continued it (as children do) I found myself getting upset with her. What gives me the right to get upset with her? Nothing. I decided that it was time to stop being a hypocrite and be the man that they deserve. It was time to act like a father.

So I planned it. I planned it for today. I plan on taking her fishing again and not having to worry about her watching me stuff poison into my jaw and constantly spit. I plan on living long enough to take her kids fishing too. I plan on keeping my money and not giving it to US Smokeless. I plan on going home tonight and kissing my wife without having to rinse first.

I appreciate having an outlet such as this forum to reach out to people who know what I am going through. Thank you all for listening.

Welcome Luke! Nice intro. Do it for you wife , do it for your kids, do it to be a good Dad, but more than anything do it for YOURSELF. Learn how to post roll. There are instructions here to do that. You will be in December 14. That's the month you will celebrate with your first 100 days of freedom. This will be the hardest thing you've ever done but if you want it bad enough I promise you will not regret this decision. Read , Read , Read, Make friends here and above all Post your promise with your group everyday.

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Luke's Introduction
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:05:00 PM »
Hello everyone,

I have been lurking on this site planning my quit date for about a week. Today is that day. I took my last dip of Copehagen last night around 10 PM. I picked today because it is my father's birthday. He would have been 65 today. He died when he was 40. I was 12 when he died and have always had a feeling that I would follow suit and not make it passed 40. I don't know why, just a feeling. Shortly following his death I rebelled; I quit school, moved out, and starting dipping snuff. I quickly became addicted and haven't slowed down. The rebellious factor was squelched as I matured. I eventually got married, had kids, started businesses, sold businesses, and have been fairly successful, blessed is probably the correct word.

The thing that never changed was the snuff. I have always really enjoyed it, in fact last night I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed knowing that it was my last one. I like the fact that I don't have a spit cup sitting next to me as I type this. I will be 38 on my next birthday so I figure 25+ years of dipping is enough. I guess I am fortunate that I am still healthy and didn't wait until it was too late to quit. So what changed? Kids. They have a way of making you think about the kind of man that you are and the kind of man that you owe it to them to be.

Three weeks ago I took the family down to Rockport for a weeks vacation of beaches and fishing. We rented a house on the bay that we could see the sun rise and set and fish all day and night if we so desired. My four year old daughter turns out loves to fish, this was her first time doing it. She would sit next to me for hours holding her rod and reel asking me silly questions over and over. When I would go out on the boat every morning, she wanted to go. She wanted to steer the boat, bait the hooks, and even help clean the fish we caught. Everything that dad was doing she wanted to do. When I had dip in mouth (which is usually always) I would lean over the dock and spit into the water. Then she would lean over the dock and spit into the water too. The first couple of times I scolded her and told her that was gross and little girls don't do that. Then as she continued it (as children do) I found myself getting upset with her. What gives me the right to get upset with her? Nothing. I decided that it was time to stop being a hypocrite and be the man that they deserve. It was time to act like a father.

So I planned it. I planned it for today. I plan on taking her fishing again and not having to worry about her watching me stuff poison into my jaw and constantly spit. I plan on living long enough to take her kids fishing too. I plan on keeping my money and not giving it to US Smokeless. I plan on going home tonight and kissing my wife without having to rinse first.

I appreciate having an outlet such as this forum to reach out to people who know what I am going through. Thank you all for listening.
