208 today. Another funk, WTF, cant believe it. Leaving on vacation for a week and I feel frozen. Usually this is when I get 1000 things done before I leave and I feel great and accomplished and deserving of a vacation. These past 2 days I feel like a useless slug. I can't pack, can't get yardwork done and I am driving my wife nuts. Feel like something is missing. 3 days of megafunk?? Work has been shitty, tons of hours, may also be a contributing factor, I dont know.
I almost walked right into a cave on Friday, thought about not posting roll. Actually waited until way later in the morning than usual, but of course came to my senses. Then I got a text from a newbie on day 30 who wanted to talk, He said he was struggling. He was also getting ready to leave for a vacation and that stirred some old feelings. I am glad I was able to help him. It also helped me greatly and reminded me of why I choose this journey.
I do not want dip in any way shape or form, I know this but damn why these odd feelings even after 7 months, really?? I think I am missing the stimulant factor. I feel like nicotine used to give me this conquer the world kind of upper feeling. Coffee seems to help for a few hours in the morning but that only goes so far. I sometimes find myself trying to replace that hyper kick ass felling by drinking more. I have found that it has quite the opposite effect. So I have 5 or 6 beers and it puts me on my ass and I get even less done.
Oh well, just venting. Another day ends just like it started, QUIT. Everyday doesn't have to be great. I will take the good with the bad, all the while basking in the knowledge that nicotine would help nothing. I know for certain that these feelings will pass and I will carry on with my life.
The strange thing about this funk is that I did not feel compelled to reach out to my quit friends. This concerns me a bit however I do not wish to discourage anyone. I feel like I should be farther along at this point?? I especially do not want to discourage newer quitters, which is why I hesitate to even hit the send button on this post.
Add reply or delete? heads or tails? Tails it is. OK I post it.
Newbies....... know this. This shit is hard, but it can be done, and it is so worth it. For the last 2 months I have barely even thought about using, I dont know what this little funk is all about but I know it will pass. I suspect I may have another hurdle once bow season comes around. Guess what? I will be ready for that too, and I will leap that hurdle and have the greatest bow season of my life.