Memorial weekend is typically a time that I pull a couple days off work and string together 4 or 5, 15 hour days in a row in which I kick ass around my house and yard. My unwritten rule is that all projects that need to be completed for the year must be completed by Memorial Day.
Paint, caulk, plant some trees, move 2000 pounds of boulders, move 3 yrds of mulch, fix the fence, plant the garden, open the pool, clean the garage, prune hedges, fix the roof on shed, etc. Well that is the list so far and I have 2 days to go.
That said I realize today that weekends like this were also weekends in which I would plow through a ridiculous amount of dip. 3+ cans a day. It was a messed up reward game mentality that I designed in my head. " finish this small task, pack a big dip, you know the drill. And I remember vividly how times I planned to quit on the Tuesday after Memorial day. I would justify the chew filled weekend because it was always going to be the last one. Sad.
I can tell you that this weekend has not been easy. I realize just how dependent I was on nicotine. Not just the physical chemical dependence part. I mean my entire emotional and psychological state of being. I had no idea that this healing would take so much time.
I am very happy to be quit. I still have to remind myself daily of all the reasons that I want to be. It would be great if I could just be done, and not have to put any work into it. But passive quitting hasn't worked for me. It leaves to much to chance and leaves me open to failure should I all of a sudden decide that I want or need dip. I understand now that my quit must be an active one. I must force myself to think about it daily so that I can remember how hard it was to get free of this.
I think at this point in time, 145 days quit, I am just looking to replace the stimulant factor. Sunflower seeds don't quite do it.
Ok, I think I am just procrastinating at this point, I have to go dig some post holes and stain a fence. Happy Memorial Day everyone. Stay quit.