Unfuckingbelievable. I am dumbfounded.
I just returned from my fathers house after in impromptu visit this evening. He broke the bad news to me that decided to have a smoke last week, after having quit 1/1/13.
He quit on the same day that I did. We had no knowledge of each others intentions to quit. I did not even know that he quit smoking until around my HOF time when I called to tell him about my success hoping to inspire him. He informed me that he had not had a smoke since NY eve and that after 52 years of heavy smoking he was done. His quit road to quit was much different than mine in that it involved heavy doses of habitrol, a giant patch that he used for six months. The NRT seemed to work for him, after the six month step down he did in fact quit, along with the help of a site called Quit Net.
He and I supported each other a great deal during this journey. Quitting nicotine gave us a strong bond and brought us much closer. Well last week he threw all that away and is now back to a pack/day just like that. I thought he was solid. He struggled for a many, many months. Battling depression mostly. But he seemed to snap out of it and really get his shit together. Oh he has all kinds of rationale for his return to smoking............................
doctor said my lungs are clear
now I know I can quit anytime I need to
I am sick of being miserable
I need to get off of the paxil
I used to sleep much better when I smoked
I can finally enjoy a cup of coffee again
I am so relaxed when I smoke
blah, blah, blah and on and on and on..............................................
I was so crushed that I did not really know what to say. I told him that all of his justifications sounded like addict babble to me. I told him that if really WANTS to smoke that nothing can help him. He told me that I couldn't possibly understand. 52 years was just too long. My 25 years didn't compare at all. He said it is worth it for me to quit because I am so young, but it is too late for him and doesn't matter. 65 years old. Pathetic. WTF.
I am angry. I am hurt. I am disappointed. I thought my dad was a bad ass quitter and it turns out he is a weak caver. Addiction is a bitch. 593 for me tomorrow. NAFAR. I guess I will celebrate 600 with someone else. At least I am I good company on here.
Quit on.