Author Topic: Yep, I F'd Up  (Read 3087 times)

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Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2014, 10:43:00 PM »
There are some who are judgmental of one's responses to the 3 questions, what happened, why did it happen, and what are you going to do differently. I am not one of those people. In many ways I'm appreciative of those cavers who come back to become quitters again. Similar to Wt57, their stories reinforce the importance of remaining active and remaining vigilant in one's quit. I'm assuming this is a lesson you know all too well.

Your story personifies something we preach often here, 1 problem (you lost your job) + nicotine = 2 problems. At the end of the day, what does nicotine solve? Nothing. Was it worth going back to the can? No. Is it worth all of the pathetic behavior you desire to be free of? No. Why am I asking these questions? Because you have a shitload of excuses in your head to go hit the can and throw in a fatty of cancer causing worm dirt. BoutTime, I can't wait for you to post roll and quit with us every damn day. All I ask in return is you quit Every Damn Day for all those reasons you wrote. Get your freedom back.
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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2014, 10:28:00 PM »
Glad to see you get back on the horse.....answer the 3 questions!
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2014, 10:25:00 PM »
Quote from: M-Menace

Answer the questions, like you know you need to........

Have you posted roll yet with June?

Will you stay here after HOF this time?

I am a newbie HOF'er and hold no grudges against peeps who have failed. Its not my place to pass judgement on this planet, I just want to know what the plan is moving forward for you and how you plan to beat the bitch this time for good.

Post roll Murph and I will quit with you today.

Well every new guy needs to wake up and read this. We are always addicts. I can't tell you how many times we've seen that two year cave and it makes me realize just how dangerous it is to flirt
With the bitch by not posting. The traps that are laid are so easy to ignore. Murph I suggest that you get active with this new group and show some leadership. Your experience in addiction and life can be a big help to younger guys.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2014, 09:11:00 PM »

Answer the questions, like you know you need to........

Have you posted roll yet with June?

Will you stay here after HOF this time?

I am a newbie HOF'er and hold no grudges against peeps who have failed. Its not my place to pass judgement on this planet, I just want to know what the plan is moving forward for you and how you plan to beat the bitch this time for good.

Post roll Murph and I will quit with you today.


I'm a Quitter, Are You?

Offline BoutTime

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2014, 08:52:00 PM »
Been thinking for a while about posting this cause I know how much I have let down myself and the brothers that supported my on this site.

I quit for 2 fucking years through the help of everyone on KTC and at the beginning of April of 2013 I lost my job and seemingly lost my mind. But my friend was there.....Once an addict always an addict. Prior to that I dipped for 20 years and am 52 now.

I said "its just temporary", yeah right. Almost a year later right back where I started from.

I would like to AGAIN ask for the support of my brothers and sisters because I know from my previous experience I can not do this on my own. Hell, I was thinking before I wrote this, I will just have one before I go to work tomorrow and then toss it. F'n devil plays with your head.

I know the next question, why is this time any different? I don't even know the answer to that except to say it is the same reason. I no longer want to be held captive, I want to live a healthy life, I no longer want to have panic attacks because I feel some irritation or whatever, I dont want to feel embarrassed because my dam lip has a dip in it when talking to others at work, I am tired of having my spit cups out looking like the shit I put in my mouth, I no longer want my daughter to accidently drink from a water bottle I spit in, I want to be in control of SOMETHING.

I know I am about to receive a beat down, but no one is harder on me than me. As I said earlier, I cannot do this without your help. I apologize to those that supported me in the past and ask for your help again. I got to tell you though, I am scared right now because I know the excuses already in my head and what I am about to face.


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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2010, 09:17:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Thanks guys, I needed that tough love and I appreciate it. I just threw my last can down the toilet. I will post roll call in the morning and I just posted on the April quit group. I WILL do this, failure is not an option. I have tried many times before and I know what to expect and I am probably going to need some more ass kicking help in the very near future.

I am glad to be here.

25 Years!!! You're darn right it's BoutTime...

Look buddy...Ya got this! I have been quit for 40 days now "No congratulations necessary, my dumb ass should have never started in the first place," but if I can do it so can you.

Kicked a 2.5 can a day habit for about 18 years. Thats prolly close to what you did in 25 so...If I can do it so can you.

Trick is to "gut it out" for the first three or four days. It'll suck but I promise when ya get the nicotine outta your body it starts to get easier.

Use Life-Savers, gum and drink water. It'll get pretty hairy some times but just get through those days. You'll be surprised at how the cravings get easier to handle after those days. Oh yeah, you'll still get cravings, but they will be easier to deal with...and you'll feel better too.

Gonna be supporting your quit happen dammit!!!

Offline BoutTime

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2010, 08:06:00 PM »
Thanks guys, I needed that tough love and I appreciate it. I just threw my last can down the toilet. I will post roll call in the morning and I just posted on the April quit group. I WILL do this, failure is not an option. I have tried many times before and I know what to expect and I am probably going to need some more ass kicking help in the very near future.

I am glad to be here.


Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2010, 11:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Phat
Quote from: BoutTime
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.

Pull up yer big girl panties and get quittin'.

Come join us and lean on the crazy bastards on the board for support. So far seems like a pretty cool bunch.

One day at a time and you'll get it done... if you WANT to get it done.

Your in the right spot man. Lemme lay it down for you .

Your scared to quit-
Look deeper, your not scared to quit, your scared you'll fail. Your not honestly scared that little green tin of wintermintyfruitycancerhagen is gonna punch you in the junk are you? Are you scared you'll fall down dead when you miss your regularly scheduled dose? Perhaps your worried that the Big tobacco honcho's wont be able to afford the monthly payment on their Porches and big titted mistresses. You will not die, you will not have a heart attack, you won't lose your mind ( you might think so tho).

There isn't anything to be afraid of, it is your CHOICE to fail or not. No one is going to stuff that crap in your mouth but you. You don't have to think about quitting forever either. All you have to do is quit today. ONE DAY . You can make the choice again tomorrow and either choose to stay quit or not. The choice is a damn hard one to make, think how much courage it took you to even get this far. The addict in you is already trying to pull the wool over your eyes and give you a hundred reasons why you can't do it. FUCK THAT. I know you CAN DO IT because I did it, and guys nefore me did it, and guys after me are doing it. When it came to dip I was Shmeagle from Lord of the rings.." my precious, must have my precious"
I choose dip over everything, food, sex , money , relationships, health. I was one fucked up little dip craving fool. I was an addict and a heavy user. I could chew your 3 cans in a day and add some smokes onto it. My point is that if a weak ass nic fiend with the will power of a toddler in a toy store can quit then so can you.

I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.- Your not a wimp, your an addict. There is no difference between you and I, and a heroin addict. Google addiction and check out signs of addictive behavior look for the pattern in your own love affair with dip. Just because it's legal doesn't mean its safe. Tobacco kills and maims more people than ANYTHING in the world, AND those slobbering whores that make the stuff engineer it to make it one of the MOST addicting substances there is. You are a slave to a product designed to make you an addict. The fear and panic is the conflict between your addiction and what you know is the right path. There is a way that you WANT to live and this hell hole of spit cups , cancer fears, mouth problems, and social retardation that you're CURRENTLY living. Honesty with yourself about how deep in you are is a huge first step. acknowledging your an addict and understanding how that creates all these imagined fears and lies you tell yourself is a mighty weapon for a quitter. Kill the Can will give you the tools to pull back the curtain of lies you tell yourself about why you can't do it. You'll see the truth, and when you know the truth quitting is just a matter of not letting yourself forget.

A case in point, and I've said this before. It isnt that you can't quit its that you won't.

" I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc." of course you can, my favorite reason was that I was breathing. All of this is utter bullshit . I can still hunt and fish without dipping, I can handle work, I can still watch movies. These are NOT REASONS TO DIP as you say, but triggers or social cues to dip. The thing about dip is this, it isn't good for anything.......except keeping you hooked on dip. The anxiety you have isn't relieved by dipping, it is caused by dipping. I'll prove it to you when you have been quit for awhile.

"I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey. "

Hope ain't nothing but a fat chick who didn't get to go to the prom. Hope is fucking lame. Hope is for failures, wall flowers and those afraid to help themselves. Don't hope, dont try, dont wish, none of that crap works. DO QUIT OR DON"T but hope doesn't get 'er done.

Skoal Monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Phat Pauly

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2010, 08:44:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.

Pull up yer big girl panties and get quittin'.

Come join us and lean on the crazy bastards on the board for support. So far seems like a pretty cool bunch.

One day at a time and you'll get it done... if you WANT to get it done.
1) You know.... I'd probably get in a whole lot less trouble if I'd just keep my fukkin' mouth shut.
2) I says whats I think... whether you like it or not is YOUR problem, not mine.

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2010, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.
Welcome BT

Those exact words could have come out of my mouth almost a year ago. But if you want to regain control of your life, give yourself the best chance of keeping your face and not dying a miserable death from cancer - YOU HAVE TO QUIT!!

Quitting sucks, it's hard, it's painful, frustrating,,,all that and much more. You have to reprogram your mind. It's so worth it and it gets easier the longer you stay quit.

DanTheMan -329- days of FUCKING FREEDOM!!!!!
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 08:09:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Is there a way to switch the post view so the original post is on top and not the last post viewed?
Nope. Don't worry though, it doesn't take long to get used to reading from the bottom up.

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 07:59:00 PM »
Is there a way to switch the post view so the original post is on top and not the last post viewed?

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 05:49:00 PM »
Thanks NKT. I was wondering the steps and areas on the site I should be looking at and signing up for. I will do it, I have to do it. Thanks for the feedback.

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Re: Yep, I F'd Up
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 05:39:00 PM »
Quote from: BoutTime
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.
Welcome aboard!

To get started and learn how the site works, read all of the links on the Welcome Center page

Then, go to the April 2010 quit group and post roll call, promising to stay clear of tobacco and nicotine today.

One comment on your post: you can't hope to quit, you actually have to do it. And you can do it, starting with today. Just worry about not chewing tobacco today, and then think about tomorrow when it gets here. You can do this.

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Yep, I F'd Up
« on: January 19, 2010, 05:27:00 PM »
Hi All,

Today I found myself having long panic attacks revolving around the sh*t I put in my mouth and health. I have been dipping for 25 years and frankly, I am scared sh*tless. I am scared to quit, as I have tried b4, but I am more scared to continue.

I feel I have so much to prove to myself, and my self worth. That was proven out as I read some of the success stories on here and was overcome with emotions because those that have quit have something I have wanted for a long time...control. Yeah, maybe I sound like a wimp, but I don't care I am just being honest.

I chew about 3 cans a week and I can find just about every reason in the world to chew...hunting, fishing, bad day at work, good day at work, TV, etc, etc.

It is time to stop this nonsense. I hope this is the first step to a healthier journey.