I have been chewing for the last 12 years.
I am (was) a Grizzly long cut guy with a 1 can a day addiction.
I have tried to kick the habit several times in the past - but obviously i couldn't do it. I am committed to making it happen this time.
I have kept my additiction a secret from my family and most of my firends for the majority of that 12 year period. I do not have a lot of people i can utilize as a support group - so I'm looking to lean on members of KTC.
I am making the committment becuase I am tired of lying, tired of hiding, tired of being powerless, and tired of leading a seperate life. I want to enjoy my family and not be thinking about the next time I am going to be able to pop one in.
I made the commitment at midnight on new years - putting me at 42 hours in.
100 days is right around the corner...
I dipped wintergreen skoal for about 18 years with a few unsuccessful quits thrown in. In the last couple years I probably went through about 1.5 cans/week on average. I would buy them 2 at a time and keep one in my car and one in my desk drawer at work. I keep it hidden from my wife, but she knew I was dipping. I think I kept the extent of the habit hidden from her. I have been reading about others who alter their days/nights and plot and plan when they will have an opportunity for the next dip. Thats me too. I hate to admit it to myself, but I have been arranging my life around getting a dip fix. Holy shit! Like avoiding stuff with my wife and kids so I could get a dip in or taking the long way home to make sure I got in enough time with a dip. Its totally insane!
So I have admitted I have a problem and its nuts to keep going on with it. I had my last dip between 7:30 - 8:00 on December 31st. I actually took it out when my wife returned from putting our kids to bed and put it back in the half empty tin - thinking I would have a chance to come back to it and savor my last dip after my wife went to bed. I never did get back to it and now I am going on 48 hours into my last quit.
Its been a tough day. I usually dip all day long at work. I am in a heavy fog today and not getting anything done, except this quit. Im registered, I did a roll call - I think - and some might say I have been more productive today than ever before? I hope I am saying that a day/week/month/year from now.