Author Topic: USMCray/mando  (Read 8809 times)

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Offline Nolaq

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #191 on: July 30, 2014, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Lets see what he does with this folks. He has apologized. The coming few days will tell if the message sunk in, and if the apology was sincere.
He'll get shitfaced this weekend and embarrass himself agin. He smells trolly and dooshy.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #190 on: July 29, 2014, 09:46:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Lets see what he does with this folks. He has apologized. The coming few days will tell if the message sunk in, and if the apology was sincere.
He'll get shitfaced this weekend and embarrass himself agin. He smells trolly and dooshy.
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #189 on: July 29, 2014, 09:40:00 PM »
Lets see what he does with this folks. He has apologized. The coming few days will tell if the message sunk in, and if the apology was sincere.

Offline JIRISH

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #188 on: July 29, 2014, 09:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
KEEP READING THEN BUD, why If u do you'll see Iam a occasional/rare drinker and I apologized if it was out of line for posting while intoxicated. "LUCK" well I might start playing the lottery because I was so lucky to make it through serving my country and being a very successful self employed business man. But thank god "luck"was my savior. Anyways so like I said previously for the slow ones, I APOLOGIZE IF I MAY OFFENDED ANYONE FOR POSTING IN MY INTRO WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, i acess Ktc mostly through my phone busy gone from house working all damn it's easy access to Ktc. As I said aswell I felt slight flash backs of when I caved previously so ...... Anyways I'm done and over this topic I quit with all you today!!!
You're an occasional/rare drinker who does two things in this world with precision..."DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN..."

You said this to a newbie quitter who admitted he drank too much and wanted to address that but knew it would be tough giving up two vices at once.

Not exactly sage nor timely advice. Couple that with your drunk ramblings about getting us all hookers as well as your smart ass comments when you came back and you can see where your rep is being built from.

Quit on...
Really????-you were a Marine?-your an embarrasment to the eagle globe and anchor! I must be fucking hallucinating.Go by a lottery ticket you limp dick motherfucker.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #187 on: July 29, 2014, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
KEEP READING THEN BUD, why If u do you'll see Iam a occasional/rare drinker and I apologized if it was out of line for posting while intoxicated. "LUCK" well I might start playing the lottery because I was so lucky to make it through serving my country and being a very successful self employed business man. But thank god "luck"was my savior. Anyways so like I said previously for the slow ones, I APOLOGIZE IF I MAY OFFENDED ANYONE FOR POSTING IN MY INTRO WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, i acess Ktc mostly through my phone busy gone from house working all damn it's easy access to Ktc. As I said aswell I felt slight flash backs of when I caved previously so ...... Anyways I'm done and over this topic I quit with all you today!!!
You're an occasional/rare drinker who does two things in this world with precision..."DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN..."

You said this to a newbie quitter who admitted he drank too much and wanted to address that but knew it would be tough giving up two vices at once.

Not exactly sage nor timely advice. Couple that with your drunk ramblings about getting us all hookers as well as your smart ass comments when you came back and you can see where your rep is being built from.

Quit on...
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"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #186 on: July 29, 2014, 08:26:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
KEEP READING THEN BUD, why If u do you'll see Iam a occasional/rare drinker and I apologized if it was out of line for posting while intoxicated. "LUCK" well I might start playing the lottery because I was so lucky to make it through serving my country and being a very successful self employed business man. But thank god "luck"was my savior. Anyways so like I said previously for the slow ones, I APOLOGIZE IF I MAY OFFENDED ANYONE FOR POSTING IN MY INTRO WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, i acess Ktc mostly through my phone busy gone from house working all damn it's easy access to Ktc. As I said aswell I felt slight flash backs of when I caved previously so ...... Anyways I'm done and over this topic I quit with all you today!!!
You seriously are a disgrace. From the minute you came back you've done nothing but made an ass out of yourself. You wouldn't answer the questions because you were smarter than everyone and now this bullshit. Way to represent. Thank God we've got other service men in here that represent with honor and dignity.

MCray, did you answer the 3 questions?

What happened?

Why did it happen?

What are you going to do differently this time?
never mind... I see your answers.

Alright. lets get this done MCray.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #185 on: July 29, 2014, 08:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
KEEP READING THEN BUD, why If u do you'll see Iam a occasional/rare drinker and I apologized if it was out of line for posting while intoxicated. "LUCK" well I might start playing the lottery because I was so lucky to make it through serving my country and being a very successful self employed business man. But thank god "luck"was my savior. Anyways so like I said previously for the slow ones, I APOLOGIZE IF I MAY OFFENDED ANYONE FOR POSTING IN MY INTRO WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, i acess Ktc mostly through my phone busy gone from house working all damn it's easy access to Ktc. As I said aswell I felt slight flash backs of when I caved previously so ...... Anyways I'm done and over this topic I quit with all you today!!!
You seriously are a disgrace. From the minute you came back you've done nothing but made an ass out of yourself. You wouldn't answer the questions because you were smarter than everyone and now this bullshit. Way to represent. Thank God we've got other service men in here that represent with honor and dignity.

MCray, did you answer the 3 questions?

What happened?

Why did it happen?

What are you going to do differently this time?

Offline worktowin

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #184 on: July 29, 2014, 08:07:00 PM »
I work for an alcohol company. I quit drinking for the first 150 days. More people fail at quitting because of booze than anything else, and I am determined to succeed. So, if I can quit drinking and make quitting a priority... You can too.

I once took a management class where they handed out boomerangs with "the decisions you make seal your fate" printed on them. Think about it. Make this quit your priority.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #183 on: July 29, 2014, 08:01:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
KEEP READING THEN BUD, why If u do you'll see Iam a occasional/rare drinker and I apologized if it was out of line for posting while intoxicated. "LUCK" well I might start playing the lottery because I was so lucky to make it through serving my country and being a very successful self employed business man. But thank god "luck"was my savior. Anyways so like I said previously for the slow ones, I APOLOGIZE IF I MAY OFFENDED ANYONE FOR POSTING IN MY INTRO WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, i acess Ktc mostly through my phone busy gone from house working all damn it's easy access to Ktc. As I said aswell I felt slight flash backs of when I caved previously so ...... Anyways I'm done and over this topic I quit with all you today!!!
You seriously are a disgrace. From the minute you came back you've done nothing but made an ass out of yourself. You wouldn't answer the questions because you were smarter than everyone and now this bullshit. Way to represent. Thank God we've got other service men in here that represent with honor and dignity.

Offline USMCray

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #182 on: July 29, 2014, 07:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
KEEP READING THEN BUD, why If u do you'll see Iam a occasional/rare drinker and I apologized if it was out of line for posting while intoxicated. "LUCK" well I might start playing the lottery because I was so lucky to make it through serving my country and being a very successful self employed business man. But thank god "luck"was my savior. Anyways so like I said previously for the slow ones, I APOLOGIZE IF I MAY OFFENDED ANYONE FOR POSTING IN MY INTRO WHILE BEING INTOXICATED, i acess Ktc mostly through my phone busy gone from house working all damn it's easy access to Ktc. As I said aswell I felt slight flash backs of when I caved previously so ...... Anyways I'm done and over this topic I quit with all you today!!!

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #181 on: July 29, 2014, 04:00:00 PM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????
Quote from: USMCray
FUCK YEA!!! I QUIT WITH U TODAY BUD!!! No nic at all!! Post roll,Read,coffee,read,shit,read,fuck,read,text,read,work,read..and just to break the ice,there's tow things I do with precision in this world?.DRINK ALCOHOL AND QUIT DIPPIN!!! And fuck!! I'm all out of Booz!!!
Just to refresh your memory of what a dumb ass you were in this post. I don't call that support. Were trying to help new quitters through the early process of quitting and they need good advice from those that have the experience or are currently experiencing the suck of quitting. One thing you could learn is quitting requires; 1-posting roll, at .5 posts per day your not exactly a example of that.
I understand your still young and lack the maturity to understand much about life and with your attitude you probably will require a lot of years to learn. Your one of those quitters that I say good luck, your gonna need a lot of it, not just in quitting.

Your an ass!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #180 on: July 29, 2014, 04:12:00 AM »
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.
..... ????

Offline G

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #179 on: July 29, 2014, 02:08:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
just to be clear....

when AJ says to pull your head out...

he means out of YOUR ASS, man. get your shit together and grow up.

Offline AppleJack

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #178 on: July 29, 2014, 01:56:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys
Man... I just read this thread. Wow.

Dude... Pull your head out. Stop drinking. Shut up. Get it together. Keep your head down and just quit. That's your only goal right now.

Do it.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: USMCray/mando
« Reply #177 on: July 29, 2014, 01:32:00 AM »
Quote from: USMCray
Quote from: Diesel2112
Mcray I just read some of your bullshit on another intro thread.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's no secret that alcohol is a known quit killer, so stop glorifying it.

This ain't Facebook where you post "selfies" of you and your butt buddies all liquored up trying to act cool and then hashtagging it with something stupid like #ballalife or some shit.

You aren't impressing anybody here.

This is a quit nicotine site. Period. Nobody wants to hear you bragging about your drinking escapades and nobody thinks it's cool when you're all hammered and you come on here and posting stupid, teenaged bullshit.

Grow the fuck up and just quit.

WTF!! Did I miss?!?!? All I been is heping to support new quitters, read the intros again sir,yes Friday was a moment where I felt the crave creeping up,so I reached out in time of need.thats why I been taken time out of a 28 year olds day as u all know all u hard working men know at 28 it's work work work and more work.but even so I took the time out to reach out to new quitters as brothers helped me when I was week this weekend..hence ("lean when your weak and get leaned on when your strong")now I apologized for giving shout outs and showing much love and respect to all of Ktc when I was I see some view alcohol as a trigger,my apologies I if anything showed a lot of sentiment towards Ktc..and if I disrespected anybody that was my family and friends here IN person..anyways what ever to each his own, all Idgaf and all I know is I'm quit as fuck!! Goodnight boys!!!
One more thing,for the record,Iam a casual drinker as I rarely drink but when I do I tend to feel it.but I see it is a trigger for I'll make sure to keep my far and few between drinking "escapades" to my self.NOTED!! Night boys