Author Topic: My two sons  (Read 3614 times)

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Offline loot

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Re: My two sons
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2013, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Jack
You're right brother. I'm flushing as we speak. The fu***** sad thing that is I have twin boys and they're only 18 months and now grab small toys acting like they're packing a tin. Or put their tongue in their lip trying to be like Dad. I've got a very addictive personality not just with dip and I have to quit them all for my son's sake.
We've all been in your shoes sugar. You are in good company. Follow the salmon colored Welcome Center link in the upper left. Understand WHY we post Roll Call. Then read about HOW we post Roll Call.

Go to Quit are in Sept '13 (you'll hit 100 days in Sept). Once in Sept that badass Day 1 and let's get this shit rolling.

Roll Call...everyday. No exceptions. Then all you have to do is be man of your word.

We can't quit for you...but we can damned sure help you through it. You can do this man. It's hard as a mofo, likely the hardest thing you've ever done, but you now have living, breathing, unselfish examples of how to do it.

Don't quit for the kids dude. This is about YOU. Only YOU.

Make some friends here. There will be ample opportunity. Get involved and read, read, read. There are tons of hidden nuggets here, search them out. Hall of Fame speeches and Words of Wisdom are damned fine places to start.

Ol LOOT'll go post Roll Call with you in Sept.

Others will start piling in here to offer their support as well.

PMA (positive mental attitude)...WE will do this together.

Welcome to the club.

Offline Murph8804

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Re: My two sons
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 04:16:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Jack
Hey Brothers,
    My name is Sam Rocco. I've been chewing a can a day for 12 years now. I quit a few times but only made it a month.  I can remember vividly the day I started. It was a fall day and opening week for the NFL was starting. I was at work Friday afternoon and decided to get a tin (I messed with it prior to this having a dip maybe 5 times). I went to a store near by and all they had was Cherry Skoal. I hate that S***. After that I've been dipping Kodiak/Copenhagen for 12 years straight.  Today I bought a tin of Cherry Skoal to end it where I started. So tomorrow will be my first day. I'mgonna need your help....
Let's just hope the dip that eventually kills you isn't in that can bro...for your sons sake.

Hows about you do us both a favor and go flush that shit and let's get to quitting.

Holy hell...addicts can use some fuct up logic from time to time.

Think about it. Re-read your post and ask yourself..."Why wait until tomorrow?"

We both know tomorrow never comes and you'll come up with a million reasons not to quit the next time that big firey ball rises in the sky.

Welcome to the site Sam Rocco.

PS. You never quit. You stopped. Big difference.
Loot is right, think about how many times, you've bought your "last" can... I know I've bought hundreds. I found this site, and still had two cans I was saving because i didn't want to waste money. How stupid was that logic, the chat saved me and convinced me to toss them... Its not the money, its the nicotine, wanting to stay in your life. Dump the last tin, before you want that one last Copenhagen, then you'll buy a tin tomorrow, and the trend will continue. Dump the can, embrace the suck and go from there. PM if you need me!

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Re: My two sons
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2013, 04:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Jack
You're right brother. I'm flushing as we speak. The fu***** sad thing that is I have twin boys and they're only 18 months and now grab small toys acting like they're packing a tin. Or put their tongue in their lip trying to be like Dad. I've got a very addictive personality not just with dip and I have to quit them all for my son's sake.
Well, you've come to the right place. A lot of people with "very addictive personalities" runnin around this joint. Read everything you can on this site. Chances are you'll read some shit you can relate to - and that helps. By the way, no need for the asterisks. You can say FUCK all you want. Sometimes I pop into threads just to fucking swear. It's a good fucking way to vent when I'm fucking craving fucking nicotine. Shit, motherfucker. Anyway, congrats on your quit. You're done. It's over. Now you just need to white knuckle it through the physical withdrawal. One day (or hour or minute) at a time. If the oozing pussies on this site can do it (myself included), so can you. Glad to be quit with you today.
So, you see, the puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy... was a DOG. But the industry, my friends, THAT was a revolution.

Offline gettinbreezy

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Re: My two sons
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2013, 04:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Jack
You're right brother. I'm flushing as we speak. The fu***** sad thing that is I have twin boys and they're only 18 months and now grab small toys acting like they're packing a tin. Or put their  tongue in their lip trying to be like Dad.  I've got a very addictive personality not just with dip and I have to quit them all for my son's sake.
Welcome aboard brother. The first thing you have to do is realize that it isnt for your sons sake and that it is for your own sake. If you do it for anyone but yourself it will be easy to blame them when you are going through "the suck" and you will lash out at them them. Believe me, been there done that. This time around I am quit for myself and no one else. My 3 children and lovely life will benefit from my quit but I am not doing it for them......I quit with you today brother.

Offline Jack and Dominic

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Re: My two sons
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2013, 04:08:00 PM »
You're right brother. I'm flushing as we speak. The fu***** sad thing that is I have twin boys and they're only 18 months and now grab small toys acting like they're packing a tin. Or put their tongue in their lip trying to be like Dad. I've got a very addictive personality not just with dip and I have to quit them all for my son's sake.

Offline loot

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Re: My two sons
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2013, 03:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Jack
Hey Brothers,

My name is Sam Rocco. I've been chewing a can a day for 12 years now. I quit a few times but only made it a month. I can remember vividly the day I started. It was a fall day and opening week for the NFL was starting. I was at work Friday afternoon and decided to get a tin (I messed with it prior to this having a dip maybe 5 times). I went to a store near by and all they had was Cherry Skoal. I hate that S***. After that I've been dipping Kodiak/Copenhagen for 12 years straight. Today I bought a tin of Cherry Skoal to end it where I started. So tomorrow will be my first day. I'mgonna need your help....
Let's just hope the dip that eventually kills you isn't in that can bro...for your sons sake.

Hows about you do us both a favor and go flush that shit and let's get to quitting.

Holy hell...addicts can use some fuct up logic from time to time.

Think about it. Re-read your post and ask yourself..."Why wait until tomorrow?"

We both know tomorrow never comes and you'll come up with a million reasons not to quit the next time that big firey ball rises in the sky.

Welcome to the site Sam Rocco.

PS. You never quit. You stopped. Big difference.

Offline Jack and Dominic

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My two sons
« on: June 20, 2013, 03:51:00 PM »
Hey Brothers,

My name is Sam Rocco. I've been chewing a can a day for 12 years now. I quit a few times but only made it a month. I can remember vividly the day I started. It was a fall day and opening week for the NFL was starting. I was at work Friday afternoon and decided to get a tin (I messed with it prior to this having a dip maybe 5 times). I went to a store near by and all they had was Cherry Skoal. I hate that S***. After that I've been dipping Kodiak/Copenhagen for 12 years straight. Today I bought a tin of Cherry Skoal to end it where I started. So tomorrow will be my first day. I'mgonna need your help....