After 500 days I went to an addiction recovery meeting last night. It was a general addiction meeting based on AA 12 step. As I sat in the meeting surrounded by a drug dealing addict, alcoholics and those with eating disorders I caught myself comparing one addiction to another. Is my addiction less offensive because its legal? Is their addiction less understandable, because they are so foolish for not recognizing how stupid their actions are? Dammit, how can I be so damn stupid! Haven't I learned anything over the past year! I am exactly like every other addict out there, a slave to an action or substance. Are some addictions easier to gain control of? Well, hell yes! My addiction is nicotine and I'd find making myself puck really easy to overcome but the addict with a eating disorder has every bit as difficult time controlling their actions as I have had. We each have our own individual weaknesses and strengths. I still can't believe how I sat there and had those judgmental thoughts about another's addiction. After thinking about it all day I've come to the conclusion that my addicted mind that has been trying to drag me back towards slavery on a regular basis found a way to minimize my addiction by making those other addicts addiction seem so much worse than my own. That is complete bullshit, for me I am a recovering alcoholic of 33+ years and a recovering nicotine addict of 500+ days and my addictions are mine (they are MY weaknesses). Who am I to judge another.  I still can't believe I (a dumb ass that use to suck on ground up rotten stinking weeds with brown drool running out the corners of his mouth) judged my addiction less offensive than someone else's. 'bang head' 'bang head'
An addict is an addict!
I love you bro!
Amen WT57. I also must sonstantly remind myself.
Ditto ^^
(They are MY weaknesses)? NO my friend.. They are your strengths!
There is a very small group of people that could do what we're doing. Most folk have no clue as to the strength it takes to say enough is enough. To actually make it happen. You need to stop punishing yourself, you're not perfect, I'm not perfect, but at least we have the will, and determination to make a change. MOST people take the easy way out, admit defeat, and die unhappy..
One of my largest hurdles so far was excepting the fact that I'm not perfect, that I'm allowed to have faults. That addiction sucks, but life is too grand to waste one second thinking about that stupid shit. Put yourself above it, control it, accept it, and move on. I'm trying to tell you that you're much stronger than you think, and you're doing great.. Hold your head up high, you deserve it. peace