Author Topic: My good cave  (Read 36731 times)

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Offline Suck-It

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2012, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Suck-It
Quote from: Wt57
My cave is about to take a new twist. God has been part of my quit from the beginning and I will continue to give Him credit for leading me here to KTC.

I don't want to offend anyone and that isn't my intent. I have a very strong faith in God and in no way want to come across as sacrilegious. If you find the things I type offensive don't read them.
your right suck-it  no PC for me

Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

My thoughts:
God created the earth and it is really good. Man rapes the land and still this world can repair itself.
God creates every type of vegetation for the use of man. Man finds every conceivable way to abuse the gifts he is given.
God said don't use that plant or you will die. Man runs to it and cultivates this beautiful tobacco plant, and disobeys god by abusing it in every imaginable way.
God warned if you use it you'll die. Man can't stop using it once he starts, and man starts to slowly die.

I'm guilty of misusing the gifts of god. I quit 27 days ago and will no longer abuse this one plant that God placed here on the earth.
HA - that a boy. Loud and proud - glad to be quit with you. Keep posting - your words are inspirational.

When I was kicked from the garden of eden and commanded to eat bread by the sweat of my brow; I went forth and planted a garden and like a lot of boys I started planting WILD OATS!!!!

My story begins as a young boy of 12 or 13, as far as I can remember the 1st time I had a direct introduction to the bitch nicotine, I stole a pinch from a older cousins can that was setting around at my grandmothers house. This happened several time over the next year or two. There were more frequent opportunities as I hit 15 or 16. Party, smoke, little pot but the chew soon became my choice. FFA and hanging with a bunch of rough guys mostly older the habit addiction began. What a easy thing to hide from parents and non approving friends. College, more frequent use. Dating my girl I quit. We got married and stayed quit for about 3 yr. We had some stressful and disappointing things happen in our lives and I fell back on my "friend". Soon I was more addicted than ever using more and more. Sneaking around, had cans hid everywhere. Then I got caught!! Our 3 yr old daughter was the first person to ever catch me. She found a can behind the piano and drug it out in the middle of the room. That day actually sucked worse than quiting 4 weeks ago. Embarrassed I promised it was over. I don't think I missed a day.
I can't tell how many other times I got called out on my addiction, ALOT. I had many times that I paused for short periods of time but that was all they were is PAUSES I knew It wouldn't last.
This past 2 years several events have happened that lead me to this site and this decision:
1. 2 yrs ago I had a allergic reaction to NSAIDs, on the ambulance ride I never lose consciousness but my blood pressure dropped to the point the paramedics couldn't read it. I cheated death.
2. last year my wife of 32 yr was having serious health issues. Finally diagnosed with MS.
3. I have suffered from depression most of my life but somewhat under control with meds. Last summer everything quit working. I began thinking every waking moment about killing myself. Then a good friend my age who had real health issues took his life last November.
I did a lot of soul searching! I didn't want to leave my wife to deal with her health issues alone, I really wanted to stay around and watch my 2 grandkids (who along with their parents) had been living with us for 4 yrs. grow up. I realize how selfish I had been, I also suspected that a lot of my depression was brought on by guilt from my ninja dipping!!
I broke down one night and prayed to God like I have never prayed before to help me find a way out of this life of self hatred. I know with out a doubt that God answers prayers. It wasn't 2 hours later that I found KTC. I read everything I could for the next 2 nights, and at about 1:30 am April 1 I flushed my evil villain friend down the toilet where all shit belongs.

I am in the process of clearing my field of the debris left from my wild oat seeding 40 yrs ago. In this process I have found a lot of other things that I have neglected in my field of life or things that I have introduced that aren't conducive to living a good life. I recognized some of them recently with the help of a friend and fellow addict that I met here and I figuratively flushed them down the toilet also.

My path to freedom is just beginning only 27 days old. Today has been another of those blah days but setting and sharing these thought with you or at least reminding myself of them has helped.

My new friends here at KTC, my supportive family and my loving Father in Heaven will see me through this new adventure in my life. Thanks to all
WT57 - great post. Really glad you shared this and I am really glad I woke up this morning, posted roll, and decided to read a little. Woke up really craving. Very proud to be quit with you, you are strong and have battled through and I too believe that God answers prayers. With the big man on our side anything is possible - he will help us through and he will give us what we need for the day. My prayers our with you and all addicts wanting and trying to quit. Have a great weekend - glad you posted and shared, it has helped me - I quit with you today!!!

Offline Wt57

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2012, 01:08:00 AM »
Quote from: Suck-It
Quote from: Wt57
My cave is about to take a new twist. God has been part of my quit from the beginning and I will continue to give Him credit for leading me here to KTC.

I don't want to offend anyone and that isn't my intent. I have a very strong faith in God and in no way want to come across as sacrilegious. If you find the things I type offensive don't read them.
your right suck-it  no PC for me

Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

My thoughts:
God created the earth and it is really good. Man rapes the land and still this world can repair itself.
God creates every type of vegetation for the use of man. Man finds every conceivable way to abuse the gifts he is given.
God said don't use that plant or you will die. Man runs to it and cultivates this beautiful tobacco plant, and disobeys god by abusing it in every imaginable way.
God warned if you use it you'll die. Man can't stop using it once he starts, and man starts to slowly die.

I'm guilty of misusing the gifts of god. I quit 27 days ago and will no longer abuse this one plant that God placed here on the earth.
HA - that a boy. Loud and proud - glad to be quit with you. Keep posting - your words are inspirational.

When I was kicked from the garden of eden and commanded to eat bread by the sweat of my brow; I went forth and planted a garden and like a lot of boys I started planting WILD OATS!!!!

My story begins as a young boy of 12 or 13, as far as I can remember the 1st time I had a direct introduction to the bitch nicotine, I stole a pinch from a older cousins can that was setting around at my grandmothers house. This happened several time over the next year or two. There were more frequent opportunities as I hit 15 or 16. Party, smoke, little pot but the chew soon became my choice. FFA and hanging with a bunch of rough guys mostly older the habit addiction began. What a easy thing to hide from parents and non approving friends. College, more frequent use. Dating my girl I quit. We got married and stayed quit for about 3 yr. We had some stressful and disappointing things happen in our lives and I fell back on my "friend". Soon I was more addicted than ever using more and more. Sneaking around, had cans hid everywhere. Then I got caught!! Our 3 yr old daughter was the first person to ever catch me. She found a can behind the piano and drug it out in the middle of the room. That day actually sucked worse than quiting 4 weeks ago. Embarrassed I promised it was over. I don't think I missed a day.
I can't tell how many other times I got called out on my addiction, ALOT. I had many times that I paused for short periods of time but that was all they were is PAUSES I knew It wouldn't last.
This past 2 years several events have happened that lead me to this site and this decision:
1. 2 yrs ago I had a allergic reaction to NSAIDs, on the ambulance ride I never lose consciousness but my blood pressure dropped to the point the paramedics couldn't read it. I cheated death.
2. last year my wife of 32 yr was having serious health issues. Finally diagnosed with MS.
3. I have suffered from depression most of my life but somewhat under control with meds. Last summer everything quit working. I began thinking every waking moment about killing myself. Then a good friend my age who had real health issues took his life last November.
I did a lot of soul searching! I didn't want to leave my wife to deal with her health issues alone, I really wanted to stay around and watch my 2 grandkids (who along with their parents) had been living with us for 4 yrs. grow up. I realize how selfish I had been, I also suspected that a lot of my depression was brought on by guilt from my ninja dipping!!
I broke down one night and prayed to God like I have never prayed before to help me find a way out of this life of self hatred. I know with out a doubt that God answers prayers. It wasn't 2 hours later that I found KTC. I read everything I could for the next 2 nights, and at about 1:30 am April 1 I flushed my evil villain friend down the toilet where all shit belongs.

I am in the process of clearing my field of the debris left from my wild oat seeding 40 yrs ago. In this process I have found a lot of other things that I have neglected in my field of life or things that I have introduced that aren't conducive to living a good life. I recognized some of them recently with the help of a friend and fellow addict that I met here and I figuratively flushed them down the toilet also.

My path to freedom is just beginning only 27 days old. Today has been another of those blah days but setting and sharing these thought with you or at least reminding myself of them has helped.

My new friends here at KTC, my supportive family and my loving Father in Heaven will see me through this new adventure in my life. Thanks to all
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Suck-It

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #52 on: April 27, 2012, 11:53:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
My cave is about to take a new twist. God has been part of my quit from the beginning and I will continue to give Him credit for leading me here to KTC.

I don't want to offend anyone and that isn't my intent. I have a very strong faith in God and in no way want to come across as sacrilegious. If you find the things I type offensive don't read them.
your right suck-it no PC for me

Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

My thoughts:
God created the earth and it is really good. Man rapes the land and still this world can repair itself.
God creates every type of vegetation for the use of man. Man finds every conceivable way to abuse the gifts he is given.
God said don't use that plant or you will die. Man runs to it and cultivates this beautiful tabacco plant, and disobeys god by abusing it in every imaginable way.
God warned if you use it you'll die. Man can't stop using it once he starts, and man starts to slowly die.

I'm guilty of misusing the gifts of god. I quit 27 days ago and will no longer abuse this one plant that God placed here on the earth.
HA - that a boy. Loud and proud - glad to be quit with you. Keep posting - your words are inspirational.

Offline dabear1985

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #51 on: April 27, 2012, 01:13:00 PM »
Great Stuff WT - I am proud to be apart of this quit group. I would not have gotten through a tough time without you. Thanks.

Offline Suck-It

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2012, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Wt57
My cave is about to take a new twist. God has been part of my quit from the beginning and I will continue to give Him credit for leading me here to KTC.

I don't want to offend anyone and that isn't my intent. I have a very strong faith in God and in no way want to come across as sacrilegious. If you find the things I type offensive don't read them.

Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

My thoughts:
God created the earth and it is really good. Man rapes the land and still this world can repair itself.
God creates every type of vegetation for the use of man. Man finds every conceivable way to abuse the gifts he is given.
God said don't use that plant or you will die. Man runs to it and cultivates this beautiful tabacco plant, and disobeys god by abusing it in every imaginable way.
God warned if you use it you'll die. Man can't stop using it once he starts, and man starts to slowly die.

I'm guilty of misusing the gifts of god. I quit 27 days ago and will no longer abuse this one plant that God placed here on the earth.
'clap' 'clap'

I am honored to be quit with you!!!!

Good stuff Bro.
Great Read - Proud to be quit with you. AND, don't put a disclaimer on religious talk. If people don't like it they don't have to read it. That's the problem with our country right now - people are afraid to talk about God and Faith. Should be the other way around - people should be afraid to bash on those that do talk about God and Faith. I am by no means perfect, not even close. But I am a proud Catholic, believe in God and Jesus Christ, and have a strong Faith. Those who don't like it, those who don't feel I should be writing this, those who don't think we should talk about God in public - you all can Kiss My God Loving ASS!!! Told you I'm not perfect.

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2012, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: SWJ
He got a big hole in the side of his face and his wife would pick bone and teeth out daily.  His jaw quit working and couldn’t open his mouth no problem he had a hole in his face to pour soup into.  After feeding him his wife would clean the hole, pour ½ a can of Copenhagen in and cover it with a kotex, and then bandage his whole face back up.
Holy fuck.

Glad to be quit...
That is some scary shit !

WOW ! Thanks for sharing...

Shit like this should be shown in schools. Not quite so cool I would imagine.

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2012, 11:59:00 AM »
Quote from: SWJ
He got a big hole in the side of his face and his wife would pick bone and teeth out daily.  His jaw quit working and couldn’t open his mouth no problem he had a hole in his face to pour soup into.  After feeding him his wife would clean the hole, pour ½ a can of Copenhagen in and cover it with a kotex, and then bandage his whole face back up.
Holy fuck.

Glad to be quit...
No shit. But you always read/hear/know about the person with lung cancer or emphysema that is on an oxygen tank and still smoking in between hits on the oxygen.
But still, that is just incredible.

I hate going to the doctor too, but I think I would make an exception for a hole in my damn face.
Quit date 03/24/2012
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Re: My good cave
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2012, 11:52:00 AM »
He got a big hole in the side of his face and his wife would pick bone and teeth out daily.  His jaw quit working and couldn’t open his mouth no problem he had a hole in his face to pour soup into.  After feeding him his wife would clean the hole, pour ½ a can of Copenhagen in and cover it with a kotex, and then bandage his whole face back up.
Holy fuck.

Glad to be quit...
Quit Date: 03/13/12
"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
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Offline Grizzly25

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2012, 10:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
My cave is about to take a new twist. God has been part of my quit from the beginning and I will continue to give Him credit for leading me here to KTC.

I don't want to offend anyone and that isn't my intent. I have a very strong faith in God and in no way want to come across as sacrilegious. If you find the things I type offensive don't read them.

Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

My thoughts:
God created the earth and it is really good. Man rapes the land and still this world can repair itself.
God creates every type of vegetation for the use of man. Man finds every conceivable way to abuse the gifts he is given.
God said don't use that plant or you will die. Man runs to it and cultivates this beautiful tabacco plant, and disobeys god by abusing it in every imaginable way.
God warned if you use it you'll die. Man can't stop using it once he starts, and man starts to slowly die.

I'm guilty of misusing the gifts of god. I quit 27 days ago and will no longer abuse this one plant that God placed here on the earth.
'clap' 'clap'

I am honored to be quit with you!!!!

Good stuff Bro.
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Offline Wt57

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2012, 10:48:00 AM »
My cave is about to take a new twist. God has been part of my quit from the beginning and I will continue to give Him credit for leading me here to KTC.

I don't want to offend anyone and that isn't my intent. I have a very strong faith in God and in no way want to come across as sacrilegious. If you find the things I type offensive don't read them.
your right suck-it no PC for me

Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

My thoughts:
God created the earth and it is really good. Man rapes the land and still this world can repair itself.
God creates every type of vegetation for the use of man. Man finds every conceivable way to abuse the gifts he is given.
God said don't use that plant or you will die. Man runs to it and cultivates this beautiful tabacco plant, and disobeys god by abusing it in every imaginable way.
God warned if you use it you'll die. Man can't stop using it once he starts, and man starts to slowly die.

I'm guilty of misusing the gifts of god. I quit 27 days ago and will no longer abuse this one plant that God placed here on the earth.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2012, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Wt57
He got a big hole in the side of his face and his wife would pick bone and teeth out daily.  His jaw quit working and couldn’t open his mouth no problem he had a hole in his face to pour soup into.  After feeding him his wife would clean the hole, pour ½ a can of Copenhagen in and cover it with a kotex, and then bandage his whole face back up.
Un-freaking-real. This kind of shit shows the true power of addiction; both your friend going through that shit and still using, and you sitting beside that freakshow while using.

I will never put that crap into my body again. Yes, I don't mind saying that, with conviction. And I also quit a day at a time, starting today.

Stay strong.
That is some real emotion that I never had to experience. The thought of that being me lying in the bed and getting soup fed through a hole in my face. I never believed...I could be that guy...until today. Any of us could be that guy. My heart broke thinking about how hard it would be for the wife to care for a man that didn't have to suffer if he would have never touched the stuff.

Then to be at such a hopeless state. Probably they thought, "well there is nothing I can do now so I might as well die with it." How hard for the wife to have to put the poison in his mouth. The enemy owned her husband and she had to nurse him not to health but to his death.

Oh how hard. For him, for his wife, for you...The pain.

With all that anguish, I could only imagine those fine people in the Tobacco industry sitting in the board room and thinking up ways to recruit children to the product. They know the dangers of their product and they don't care. They promote it? If you sent them letters and pictures of your friend and suffering....It would get ignored. I am sure that they would trash it and try to sell more product.

WT Great posts. Real heart felt emotion. Thanks for trusting us to share this. I am so sorry for the pain and experience you had. However, feeling the emotions of this truth, I am Quit! This builds on my resolve that TOBACCO and anyone who sympathizes with that industry is a domestic terrorist and we should fight and expose the secrets they keep.

I've said it before. I am at war with big tobacco. This is a war and surrender isn't going to happen. This war I have declared on tobacco will be fought every day I live. My war with Tobacco ends when I die or that industry dies. Period. I don't want help from Government...they are part of the problem and can't fix it. It has to be educating people enough that the 6th -9th grade youth of America see the truth and run from the evil empire.
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Re: My good cave
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2012, 09:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
He got a big hole in the side of his face and his wife would pick bone and teeth out daily. His jaw quit working and couldn’t open his mouth no problem he had a hole in his face to pour soup into. After feeding him his wife would clean the hole, pour ½ a can of Copenhagen in and cover it with a kotex, and then bandage his whole face back up.
Un-freaking-real. This kind of shit shows the true power of addiction; both your friend going through that shit and still using, and you sitting beside that freakshow while using.

I will never put that crap into my body again. Yes, I don't mind saying that, with conviction. And I also quit a day at a time, starting today.

Stay strong.

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2012, 09:18:00 AM »
WT -you're writing is great - I think I can out stupid you from your previous post - sorry - I get that honor - will be in my HOF letter in around 60 days.

Hang tough - swimmerdave

Time to move on

My friend Mark has helped me see that I had much more than nicotine to give up! At a time when the nic bitch was placing those thoughts of doubt into my head and I had been dwelling on the past and feeling sorry for myself, my friend said "quit crying over spilled milk". Well last night I reevaluated my life, the things that I was using as excuses to chew, the thing that were hang-ups slowing my advancing in life and things that I have allowed to make me depressed. I took these people and thing that were holding me back and figuratively flushed them down the same toilet which I had flushed those last 3 cans of chew down 25 days ago. Now I can go forward and my weaknesses are going to become my strengths. I will rely on God, myself and you my quit friends, to move on. I'm here to give you a hand when you are weak, and will come to you when I'm weak. This is such a simple concept.

Offline Wt57

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2012, 09:05:00 AM »
Time to move on

My friend Mark has helped me see that I had much more than nicotine to give up! At a time when the nic bitch was placing those thoughts of doubt into my head and I had been dwelling on the past and feeling sorry for myself, my friend said "quit crying over spilled milk". Well last night I reevaluated my life, the things that I was using as excuses to chew, the thing that were hang-ups slowing my advancing in life and things that I have allowed to make me depressed. I took these people and thing that were holding me back and figuratively flushed them down the same toilet which I had flushed those last 3 cans of chew down 25 days ago. Now I can go forward and my weaknesses are going to become my strengths. I will rely on God, myself and you my quit friends, to move on. I'm here to give you a hand when you are weak, and will come to you when I'm weak. This is such a simple concept.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: My good cave
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2012, 02:34:00 AM »

Quit brothers and sisters, I have had something on my mind since day 1, actually I have thought about it for years. People quit for different reasons, something that bother one person dosenÂ’t bother another. I apologize in advance if this gets to lengthy. IÂ’ll try to condense it as much as possible.
Like most of you over the years IÂ’ve checked my mouth for sores especially when my mouth hurt. Afraid of getting cancer was always in the back of my mind but not a motivation to quit. Even after losing many teeth, still no motivation. Pictures of cancer victims didnÂ’t do it either. That brings me to my story that shows how stupid IÂ’ve been.
As an invincible 20 something I had a neighbor who was in his mid 80’s we had been hunting buddies, 'Remshot' Roe chewed A LOT and he got mouth cancer. I would go and set with him to give his wife a break. He wouldn’t go to the Dr. or take pain meds. He got a big hole in the side of his face and his wife would pick bone and teeth out daily. His jaw quit working and couldn’t open his mouth no problem he had a hole in his face to pour soup into. After feeding him his wife would clean the hole, pour ½ a can of Copenhagen in and cover it with a kotex, and then bandage his whole face back up. This whole f—king time I would set there with him and have a big fatty in my mouth. He lasted a little over a year after he first got the cancer and it was HELL!! Why would I continue?
My motivation to quit has been completely unrelated to the fear of cancer. IÂ’ve lived a life of very deep depression and used the chew as a way to cope with life, I thought. Not so: my addiction has proved to do just the opposite it has made me even more depressed because I always tried to hide it from my family and friends. Yes IÂ’ve been a ninja dipper for almost 40 yrs. Over the past 3 weeks I have found that I am finally free of my secret life and open to talk about my addiction with you and my family. My depression is leaving me each day a little at a time as I quit each day.
I feel a profound obligation to do anything that I can to help younger addicts quit while they are still young. I donÂ’t want to see anyone be as stupid as I have been! I donÂ’t care what your motivation is if you have quit stay quit with me!! If you are reading this and havenÂ’t quit, throw that shit away and run to post your quit NOW. There are always reasons to wait until tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes it just move on to the next tomorrow. I know this better than anyone I've had over 13,000 tomorrows. But now I've had 22 todays, I dont want to look back or ahead all that is important to me right now is TODAY and I QUIT AGAIN!!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda