Fellow quitters: My mind is beginning to clear, I'm seeing thing that I haven't seen for alooong time. I've been trying to decide how I want to track my quit. I've read a lot of others experiences, their logs, journal etc. like everything I read. I see several purpose, therapy for myself, help other and hell sometime it's just funny.
My reflection on the past 14 days: day before my quit was hell I really didn't want to quit (not true). I was afraid to quit, I didn't know how to live without tabacco, I really never have.
Day 1-11 of my quit yo-yo in the dark. Too many different emotions to express. Not alone though KTC friend have been great!
Day 12 yesterday the sun has begun to rise, it is like a beautiful morning watching the fog lift. I see how fresh everything looks and smells. I also see patches of fog lingering about, some still quite dense. I look forward to watching these patches lift. I feel wonderful today, but like my granddad always said when we left on a long day of horse back ride ( don't forget your slicker "raincoat") you never know when a storm will come up out of nowhere. I feel very good today but I have my slicker. KTC is One of my slickers.
Day 14 the 13th day of my quit. I just got through watching the sun rise in the east on a new day. It is beautiful, I feel confident in my quit. As I talk I'm keeping a eye on the western sky there are some suspicious clouds. Thanks to all of you I'm bracing myself if a storm forms today.