Its been about18 hr into my quit and I wake up and wonder what I did last night I cave into KTC.
Im a jerk.  54 yr old grandpa been a slave to the bitch for 40yr.  thats right 40 years.  I have had a couple pauses for 2-3 yr dozen of other for 2-3 weeks but never quit.  Well that changed today I quit or I'll die!!  I've thought about today for the past few months and planned for it for a couple weeks been trying to get some sever depression under control. Came across KTC while planning and sounds like I'm in.  I've caved so many times that I've been afraid of failing again, rather than caving back to slow suicide I'll probably just find a faster way.  This isn't a try or attempt.  it is my quit!!!  I had a quit day planned out but it is too far away so I'm moving it up, not putting it off any more  because I'm ready NOW!!!  I ve been a slave for longer than some of you have been alive but we are all the same a bunch of stupid jerks controlled by the NIC bitch.  I know what the next few weeks are going to be like, I've been there we need too help each other.  If I can do it so can you!  This is probably the most I will ever have to say, believe it or not I'm a really quiet guy, kind of Introverted.  Also typing on my Itouch with big dippin fingers and old man eyes.  See you at roll call everyday Im ready.
I wanted to add something to this intro. I mentioned that I had a quit day planned but moved it up. Well my day was April 11 our 32nd wedding anniversary, I was going tell her I was doing it for us. Well starting my quit 11 days early is just that much better it is still for us.
more thoughts on my addiction!
I've been thinking of some really stupid things my addiction made me do. Couple weeks ago I had a colonoscopy ( remember I'm OLD, see what you have to look forward too.) 2 days before the hose job nothing but clear liquid, and always gutted my cope. Couldn't go 2 days so I got cope pouches. Swallowed that shit along with the gallon of radiator flush. Only went without my "friend" for about 3 hrs. Through all of this I was worried about spots in my gut that probably trapped tabacoo, fear of cancer everywhere, but still kept on stuffing that shit in my face. Luck gut was clean as a whistle. That flush and chew only takes about 5 min to make it from mouth to ass. 'arse'